Tuesday, February 13, 2007


I got a phone call from the brother of a deceased woman whose funeral I'm playing this Saturday 2/17/07 (the brother is our CCD coordinator for grades 6-10). Now, this CCD coordinator, in my 25.7 years experience, is an exception to the "typical CCD boss" rule. Music selections overall for Confirmation Masses over the last couple of years have been the best I've experienced. His sister's funeral this Saturday is no exception to his good taste in liturgy and music (although it's a big exception compared to your typical funeral request line).

UPDATE: Final listing as of 2/16/07
Entrance: For all the saints (SINE NOMINE)
Psalm: My Shepherd is the Lord (Gelineau)
Offertory: Pie Jesu (Faure)
Sanctus/Agnus Dei: People's
Memorial/Amen: Danish
Communion: Keep in Mind (Deiss)
Final Commendation: Come to her aid, O saints of God (Smolarski/OLD 100TH)
Recessional: In Paradisum (Mode VII)

No Beagle's Things. No Be Very Afraid. No Here I Is, Lard. No Gentle Woman. No greatest hits. Just true Catholic music. Makes me damn proud to be on the Holy Ghost parish staff. Kudos Peter, and my condolensces.



Gavin said...

For funerals, I started using only the chant Mass. It really adds a lot to the whole Mass, and there's always the spare person or two who absolutely loves it. My next step is ideally to start having the Requiem introit from By Flowing Waters sung at the entrance.

Also, I put a near stop to the "request line". In general, I just have a list of hymns, call the contact and say "is there anything in particular you want?", get a few hymns, and add in some of my own. No one really complains, and of course if someone has 4 I accomodate.

Anthony said...

Prayers for him and his family, Peace and prayers for his sister. Thank God also that we didn't hear, Ditty of God.