Monday, October 1, 2007


Anyone ever do this?

Jeffrey Tucker states in the NLM blog: The readings at Mass are rarely sung. It's a pity because singing the readings lends and incredible dignity to the text (and the English in the OF needs that!).

It would be extremely easy to assume that Jeff is referring to the Ordinary Form of the Mass. After all, in the Extraordinary Form, the Epistle and Gospel ARE chanted in High Mass as a rule.

Rare as it is, chanting the Gospel at the Ordinary Form was actually something we did on major feasts at Holy Name when I was there. Since I left in August 2003, the pastor was reassigned (and, just like at Holy Name, he's doing great things at his current parish, St. Leo the Great), as was the permanent deacon who did the chanting. And yes, the Gospel was chanted in English.

For anyone who wants to try a hand at chanting the readings, Jeff leaves us this guide as help.



Jeffrey Tucker said...

I originally discussed the differences between EF and OF but then I pulled it because I became a bit confused. Are readings chanted in the High Mass or only in Solemn High Mass? Then I couldn't remember how often I've heard this at the EF - whether it is conventional or not. So I just decided to bypass the question because I didn't want to divert the topic to rubrics.

Brian Michael Page said...

In the EF it's at High Mass. Well, at least that's how we did it, and the celebrant just chanted both the Epistle and Gospel.