Saturday, May 9, 2009

Easter V at CTK, CC, TX

Organ: Voluntary on "Mit Freuden Zart" - Michael Burkhardt
Processional Hymn: Sing Praise to God, Who Reigns Above - Mit Freuden Zart
Psalm 22: musical setting - Stephen Ohmer
Offertory Hymn: Glory be to Jesus - Caswall
Communion Hymn: Eat This Bread - Berthier (Taize)
Post-Communion: Regina Coeli - Mode VI
Recessional: Let All Things Now Living - Ash Grove

Ordinary: Heritage Mass - Owen Alstott

Weekday Masses (M-W-R-F) we sing
1. Single stanza of an entrance hymn (proper antiphon will be sung beginning next school year).
2. Alleluia (either the "traditional" Gregorian, or O Filii et Filiae)
3. Sanctus, Memorial, Amen, Agnus Dei (this week: Heritage Mass)
4. Salve Regina during the oblation
5. Cantemos al Amor during the transfer of the Blessed Sacrament

(On Fridays, [school Mass] we sing the entire entrance hymn, and the entire closing hymn). Morning Mass at 8.05 is preceeded by Morning Prayer, beginning at 7.45)

Have a cool weekend, folks. (It's gonna be another scorcher here)
