Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pentecost at CTK, CC, TX

Just a quick listing of our music for Pentecost. I'm not sure exactly which readings are going to be used for the Vigil. We're really not doing the Vigil so much as the anticipated liturgy for Pentecost, with alternate readings. Maybe in a few years.

Prelude - Versets sur Veni, Creator, Spiritus - Jean Titelouze
Procession - Come, Holy Ghost - Lambillotte
Kyrie - Jubilate Deo
Gloria - Heritage Mass - Owen Alstott
Psalm - Tone V
Veni, Creator, Spiritus - Mode
Variations sur Veni, Creator, Spiritus - Marcel Dupre
(sung ad alternatim)
Offertory - Come, Down, O Love Divine - Down Ampney
(version with four stanzas - from Lutheran Worship --
amazingly, the stanza omitted from Catholic hymnals is one which speaks of a trait we RC's tout the most: O let holy charity...)
Sanctus/Memorial/Agnus Dei - Jubilate Deo chants
Communion - Panis Angelicus - Lambillotte tune
(at two of the Masses, this will be sung as a duet)
Recessional - On This Day the First of Days - Lubeck
Postlude - Salmo XIX - Benedetto Marcello

Complete with incense, etc.
At the recessional of the Sunday 6pm Mass, the Paschal Candle will be carried out of the nave in the procession. Although the Easter Season concludes with the Vespers (3rd?), we don't do that office, yet. (We do read Morning Prayer prior to the weekday Masses, however. Complete with a sung hymn after the opening sentence and Gloria Patri.)


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