Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tragedy on the road

The aunt of the young woman who is teaching music this year, was killed in a terrible auto accident Thursday evening. She was on her way to Kingville from Corpus, and a college prof was headed to Corpus. The prof fell asleep at the wheel, his car jumped the median and the crash happened. There is no way, looking at the car, that the woman could have survived. The family is very upset, as you can imagine.

Because the deceased woman was the aunt of our teacher, we're probably going to have the school kids present at the funeral.

More on the funeral liturgy later..... "unfortunately" one of the music requests was Be Not Afraid. Sometimes ya gotta bite the bullet. This is one I'd rather not taste.

I'll be doing my best to make sure that we sing at least one resurrection hymn.

Please keep the family in your prayers.



Brian Michael Page said...

I would probably bite the bullet, but at the offertory only.
Also, if they ask for Beagle's Things, how much do you wanna bet they'll try to ask for it as the Psalm?

Anonymous said...

Fortunately, that won't happen here. We will chant the psalm and the Alleluia/verse. We want to make the liturgy comforting - but still full of home in the resurrection.

Not sure of the other music yet, though - probably I'll do one or two organ pieces at the prelude.

Natalia (the niece) will sing the first portion of the In Paradisum at the end, and I'll just follow that with an improvisation on that chant.