Corpus Christi - 11:30 AM
St. Joan of Arc Church, Cumberland, Rhode Island
Most of the music was quite good. A couple of "blechs" along the way, however.
McAllister...This bread that we share (blech!)
Alstott...I will take the cup of salvation and Alleluia
Lambillotte...Panis angelicus
Rosania...The supper of the Lord (blech!)
Alstott...Sanctus, Memorial A, and Amen from "Heritage Mass"
Agnus Dei XVIII
In remembrance of me (I don't know who wrote this, but it sounded kind of goofy, IMO!)
Adoro te, O Panis caelice
- (Here's the text and melody. If anyone knows the composer, please combox me. Quite nice.)
"Finlandia"...Gather and remember (I'll be taking issue with this text shortly.)
"Old Hundredth"...Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
Buryl Red....betcha. blechya.....
Buryl Red....composer of the blechie piece "In Remembrance of Me..." not the other.
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