Monday, June 15, 2009

Thus Endeth the Trinity Weekend....and I'm right poop-ed out...

Well, the marathon, as you all know, began with Pentecost, followed by Trinity, followed by VBS and its closing solemn Mass, followed by Corpus Christi, including First Holy Communion and the great Eucharistic Procession. Of the 80 kids at VBS, 20 or so received their FHC. There were an additional 20 or so who attended the 8am Mass in support of their friends, and to participate in the procession.

As you know, the kids learned the 10th Century chant (ref.) for All Glory, Laud and Honor. Dr. J. Michael Thompson wrote three new stanzas for us to use here at the parish - as we have three outdoor processions each year (Palm Sunday, Corpus Christi and Christ the King). To add a bit of flavoure to the processional, we added finger cymbals (bought two new sets of Zildjian!), tambour and tambourine. The procession was to make five stations, where a decade of the Rosary would be prayed. Two things happened. The first was the time schedule; things were running late, but that was the only bad thing. The second thing that happened was that the kids, God-bless-'em, you just gotta love 'em, NEVER EVEN ONCE stopped singing the refrain!!!!!!!! By the time the procession was ready to enter the nave for Benediction, EVERYONE was singing that little piece quite nicely!

Music for Corpus Christi: Latin, Novus Ordo

With all the Powers my poor soul Hath - Rockingham
(the text by St. Thomas Aquinas)

Kyrie and Gloria were chanted.
Psalm: a bit messed with at Noon and Sun. pm
Tone III for the refrain (and verses except the two mentioned above,
which were sung to Tone VIII by the young woman who has been teaching
music the past year)
Mode V, with verse to Tone VIII
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus - Hyfrydol (with mod. following stanza 3)
Communion: (solo at all Masses)
Panis Angelicus - Cesar Franck
Communion at 10am Spanish: (in addition)
Panis Angelicus - Louis Lambillotte
[sung by the two women who have been leading the music at that Mass]
All Glory, Laud and Honor - 10th C. Chant

The duet at 10am was stunning. These two women are close friends and have sung together for years. The solo increased in beauty and dignity (and confidence!) at each Mass. At the Sunday pm liturgy, she really opened up, especially on the final page. Wooohoooo!!!!!!!

Next post: The Sunday after......

God's blessings.
Keep on snarkin'!!!!!


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