Saturday, October 7, 2006

Evensong and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, OT 27

Prelude: Evensong -- Healey Willan

Office Hymn: The Day You Gave Us, Lord, Has Ended / ST. CLEMENT

Psalm 110: LBW Tone I
Psalm 111: LBW Tone II
Revelation Canticle: Howard Hughes

Responsory: NFB

Magnificat: LBW Tone IX

Lord's Prayer: chant

Benediction Hymn: Tantum Ergo / ST. THOMAS

Hymn of Praise: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name / GROSSER GOTT

Postlude: Fugue in F -- attr. to Bach

We have a Redemptorist priest visiting us this weekend, who will preach at all Masses this weekend, and lead an afternoon of Eucharistic Adoration/reflection Sunday from 3p to 6p. At 6p, we will celebrate the above. This Eucharistic Day replaces this year's parish mission and/or 40 Hours, because of scheduling conflicts. This same Redemptorist will lead next year's parish mission.



Gavin said...

LBW is Lutheran Book of Worship, the hymnal for the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). It's generally not used among Lutherans because of its association with ELCA. Actually, the LCMS just released their new hymnal - Lutheran Service Book. It's really spectacular, although the 4-note chants of "Lutheran Worship" are gone I think. Anyway, if you're at all familiar with Lutheran hymnody you'll know that most American Lutheran hymnals have terrible harmonizations for the chorales. The ones in LSB are MUCH better. I'd like to buy one so my choir can sing chorales.

And I want to say I'm jealous you get to do evensong.

PhiMuAlpha2681 said...


What I do is take the psalms right out of the Liturgy of the Hours and point them for psalm tone singing. The LBW psalm tones work nicely. As an ex-Lutheran, I grew up singing them, and our congregation here picked them up quite easily on Sunday. You will not find published settings of most of them, although some of the non-psalm canticles have been published. St. Meinrad's Archabbey also publishes psalm tones (known as the St. Meinrad Tones).

Gavin, I never saw a Lutheran church WITHOUT the LBW in the pews until I was in the midwest and discovered the Missouri Synod. All the Lutheran churches in central PA are/were members of the churches that merged to form the ELCA. (OK, I lie. There was one church near here that still used the Service Book and Hymnal until about 5 years ago).

We are next scheduled for Evensong on Epiphany Sunday, and I'm thinking about adding Candlemas as well.