Wednesday, November 29, 2006
That's the best one I've heard since my son came up with Merry happy Christmahanukwanzaakkuh last year.
SolstiKwanzUkkahMas is the brainchild of the Catholic Caveman. He even has a song for the new universal holiday.
The 12 Days of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas
~On the first day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undetermined gender gave to me, a Snoop-Doggy double CD.
~On the second day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undetermined gender gave to me, two nebbish moms.
~On the third day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undetermined gender gave to me, three Wiccans.
~On the fourth day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undetermined gender gave to me, four malt liquors.
~On the fifth day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undetermined gender gave to me, five oy veys!
~On the sixth day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undetermined gender gave to me, six empty churches. Those were the folk that got sick of liturgical abuse.
~On the seventh day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undetermined gender gave to me, seven moyles snipping.
~On the eighth day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undeterminded gender gave to me, eight satan tattoos.
~On the ninth day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undeterminded gender gave to me, nine Soul Train dancers. OH MAN! I thought sure he'd have included LITURGICAL dancers LOL!
~On the tenth day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undeterminded gender gave to me, ten poncho ladies. Poncho ladies, ewwwwwwwwwwww!
~On the eleventh day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undeterminded gender gave to me, eleven Christ-less crèches.
~On the twelfth day of SolstiKwanzUkkahMas, my significant other of undeterminded gender gave to me, twelve packs of Newport's. My wife's brand before we quit!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I've boycotted three stations so far - WSNE-FM (aka "Coast 93.3", Providence), WWLI-FM (aka "Lite 105", Providence), and WODS (aka "Oldies 103.3", Boston) until December 26. Mind you - the first two are normally soft/lite rock stations, the third is normally 60's and 70's pop rock. All three started playing "Holiday favorites" (not even "Christmas favorites") 24/7 since November 13. Come on! How many times in one day can one possibly play "Rockin' around the Christmas Tree" and other such ilk?! At one time, you only heard this stuff 24/7 a day or two before Christmas, and before that, maybe one cut an hour. Now people get sick of Christmas by the time it gets here! Besides, if you're going to trash a Christmas song, for cripe sakes, at least be funny about it. If I want to hear that crap (especially in November), I'll walk the freakin' malls. (Oh well - there are still seven other stations out of the ten preset on my van radio - five of my wife's favorites, three soft rock and two country, five of mine, mainly classic rock and oldies.)
But even the malls (and other retail venues) aren't too polite, though some have improved. (Hat tip to Gerald, who got this from this)
Partial "Naughty List"
Lowe's - Employees cannot say "Merry Christmas" to customers. Lowe's corporate advised that only when customers initiate a "Merry Christmas" greeting can employees respond in kind. (I'll have to make sure I jump in first then.)
Toys 'R' Us - "Holidays" are in, "Merry Christmas" is out. (And Toys'R'Us is out!)
Banana Republic - Web site has "Holiday Gift Guide" with no mention of Christmas. (Why do you think they call themselves "Banana Republic"?)
Bed Bath & Beyond - No mention of any holidays. (We're going to have a sale like December 25 is just another day!)
Barnes & Noble - Web site says "Gift Guide," "Holiday gift baskets," "Holiday sled," "Holiday delivery," but no Christmas. Stores not allowed to put up Christmas trees, and employees are not allowed to say "Merry Christmas." (Luckily, Borders is closer to home for me.)
Best Buy - Web site says "Unique gifts for the season," "Holiday gift ideas." Spokesperson said the use of "Merry Christmas" is disrespectful. (I've yet to lose my respect for someone who says "Merry Christmas".)
Dick's Sporting Goods - Web site says "gifts" and has images, but no mention of Christmas. (But of course not. It's one less day they get to go golfing.... I'M BEING SARCASTIC HERE FOLKS!!!)
Eddie Bauer - Customer service would not recognize Christmas, they "don't want to offend Jews, those who celebrate Kwanza and those who have no religious preference." (Sure! So screw the majority instead, right?)
Gap - "Holiday Survival Guide" with no mention of Christmas. (But how in the sam hell can you survive the holidays without CHRISTMAS???)
Home Depot - Web site says "Holiday Store" and "Holiday Lighting" and only at bottom of site says "Make your Christmas decorations complete." Stores have "Holiday Home Accents." (It's amazing they even mention Christmas somewhere.)
K-Mart - Selling "Holiday trees" and "Holiday wreaths." (singing - O holiday tree, O holiday tree, I think you're so annoying!)
Partial "Nice List"
Dillard's - Advertises "Christmas Catalog."
JC Penney - Web site has "Christmas Shipping Countdown."
Joann Fabrics - Offers Christmas and Holiday fabrics.
Kohl's - Christmas is all over TV, print and radio ads.
L.L. Bean - Advertises and distributes "Christmas Catalog."
Linens 'N Things - Has a "Christmas Shop" and "Christmas Checklist."
Macy's - "Merry Christmas!" on its home page.
Michaels - Web site has a Christmas section.
M&M-Mars Candies - Will have red and green candies with pictures of Christmas trees and angels among other images.
Target - Web site says "Christmas Decor," although the physical store has "Holiday entertaining." TV ad says "Merry Christmas."
Wal-Mart - Has a "Christmas Shop," plays Christmas carols, and employees can say "Merry Christmas." (BIG IMPROVEMENT over previous years!!!)
Those store personnel who wish me "happy holidays" will be simply quizzed, "which one?" The chance of getting CHRISTMAS out of their mouths might just be 50/50. (There is one doctor in the same practice as our regular doctor who wears his yamika (sp) on duty. I make it a point to wish him "happy Hanukkah".)
Finally, here's some politically correct crud I made up:
Take rest, you merry human-folk, let nothing you dismay,
Remember, Christ our Savior was born this holiday,
(That's what the ACLU and similar ilk want it to come to, you know.)
Monday, November 27, 2006
One of Amy's readers at Open Book figured on this...
"Is it just possible that the mockery heaped on it through the hysterical Colbert YouTube video has laid that little number to rest?"
I can't speak for other parishes, but I can safely say that NONE of us here at Christus Vincit used it. I stopped using it long before the Colbert clip, to be honest with you all. The last time I heard it, it was accompanied on the piano, and I was thinking the Atlanta Braves Chop in hearing it.
Here's that lovely video (ha ha). BTW, don't let Cdl. Mahony or his crew get a hold of this video. They may just hire Colbert for the '07 Mahonyfest (or the Los Angeles Religious Education Conference).

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (44:24/30.4 MB)

Christus Vincit in three musical settings, from the 8th Century to the 20th Century.
Blogs mentioned: The New Liturgical Movement, Musica Sacra.
Intro: Shamus' snow machine malfunctions on Thanksgiving Day
Feasts for the Week: St. Andrew the Apostle
Music Lists: Thanksgiving and Christ the King
To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King (refrain / tune: Ich Glaub an Gott)
Three settings of Christus Vincit (Ambrosian Chant as found in The New St. Basil Hymnal; Roman Version as found in The St. Gregory Hymnal and Catholic Choir Book, 1941 Supplement; and a setting written by yours truly in 1999)
A brand spankin' new organ impromptu performed by yours truly, based on the Ambrosian Christus Vincit.
Commercials: Catholic Family Podcast; iPadre Podcast and iPadre Videocast; Disciples with Microphones
Christus Vincit Sports: Thanksgiving Day Scores.
Closing news: A Vancouver, BC, priest "strives for the ideal!"
Vote at Podcast Alley / Message Board / Subscribe at iTunes
Sunday, November 26, 2006
I Advent - December 3, 2006
Year C of the Lectionary begins on this day.
O come, O come, Emmanuel (Mode I)
To you, O Lord, I lift my soul (Peloquin)
Alleluia (Page; adapted from Conditor Alme Siderum)
Creator of the stars of night (Mode IV)
People's Mass (Sanctus, Agnus)
Dying you destroyed our death (Page; adapted from Conditor Alme Siderum)
Single Amen (with slurred last syllable)
Lord's Prayer (chant/Snow)
Lord, let us see your kindness (Page)
O come, divine Messiah (Venez, Divin Messie)
A couple of really cool tidbits I want to share:
1. On Friday, December 8 (Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception), our offertory anthem will be sung by an eight-year-old. The eight-year-old daughter of one of our choir members has Schubert's Ave Maria NAILED - in B-flat (yes, she hits those high F's clean).
2. On Sunday, December 10 (II Advent), the television Mass for the diocese of Fall River will feature yours truly at the organ console. This is the same television Mass I took part in last spring. I was invited once again by Fr. Thomas Kocik, noted author of The Reform of the Reform?, who is celebrating Mass that weekend. BTW, I don't miss Mass at Holy Ghost over this. This Mass is actually being recorded this Saturday, December 2. More as this develops.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Advent I at the Cathedral
Entrance: The Advent of Our King / ST. THOMAS (WILLIAMS)
Kyrie: from "Advent Wreath Service" -- John Schiavone
Psalm 25: Gelineau
Gospel Acclamation: Alleluia VII -- Jacques Berthier
Offertory: Creator of the Stars of Night / CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM
Anthem (9:30): E'en So, Lord Jesus, Quickly Come -- Paul Manz
Sanctus XVIII
Acclamation B: chant, adaped from "Iesu dulcis memoria"
Amen: simple
Anthem (9:30): Adam Lay Ybounden -- Boris Ord
Communion: My Soul in Stillness Waits
Hymn of Thanksgiving: O Come Divine Messiah / VENEZ DIVIN MESSIE
Organ Postlude/Recessional: Nun Komm der Heiden Heiland -- Johann Pachelbel
Yes, dear friends, beginning next weekend, we are eliminating the recessional hymn in favour of the Hymn of Thanksgiving after communion. This is a "pilot program" that the rector and I will evaluate before Lent to decide if this will be a permanent change. I brought the idea out of mental deep-freeze and posed it to him last week, as the Masses have been getting a bit longer since we had to implement the change regarding purification.
Friday, November 24, 2006

Some great news: St. William's Parish in Round Rock, TX builds new large ediface. Big improvement from the old revival tent.

Courtesy: The New Liturgical Movement

Courtesy: News 8 Austin

Courtesy: The New Liturgical Movement
Below are a couple of AFTER pics of the inside. The first comes from News 8 Austin. The second, a close-up of the sanctuary, courtesy of The New Liturgical Movement. BTW, the reredos is quite nice. Click on it for a better size.

Only one disappointment: on the video clip from News 8 Austin, one cannot help but ask, WHERE'S THE DANG ORGAN??? The hymn (We Gather Together) was fine, but it was on piano. If you're going to build a church like that, you think you'd at least have a fine pipe organ to support the singing in an otherwise very nice looking church!!!
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Here, the dog examines the cat's conscience - both catechetically and liturgically. Then the dog gives his recommendation to Canis (below) for final approval.

First three pictures courtesy of Ann Page (my beautiful loving wife).
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
What American accent do you have? Your Result: The Northeast Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak. | |
Philadelphia | |
The Inland North | |
The Midland | |
The South | |
Boston | |
The West | |
North Central | |
What American accent do you have? Take More Quizzes |
Pretty accurate description - even got my home state right. Just an hour north of me, you and your friend Bawb can shell out fawty bucks apiece for cheap seats at Fenway Pahk and watch the Red Sawx kick some butt. :)
Hat tip to Kasia at The Clam Rampant.
PS: In case I don't get to blog tomorrow (in Boston that's "blawg"), a happy and blessed Thanksgiving to all our readers!
Michael Lawrence gives us a really good idea here:
I think it's appropriate that we pause today to pray to her for the continued renewal of sacred music, a movement which seems to be gaining momentum with each passing day. We should also give thanks to God for all that has been accomplished through St. Cecilia's intercession. (I think another contributor to this blog could testify to the effects of her intercession.)
Happy St. Cecilia Day to all our readers.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Thanksgiving and Christ the King at the Cathedral
Prelude: Nun Danket Alle Gott -- Anton Wilihelm Leupold
Entrance: We Gather Together / KREMSER
Psalm 113: R & A
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Come, Ye Thankful People, Come / ST. GEORGE'S, WINDSOR
Sanctus: Vermulst
Acclamation: Englert
Danish Amen
Agnus Dei: Isele
Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat / BICENTENNIAL
Recessional: God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending / RUSTINGTON
Postlude: Nun Danket -- Karg-Elert
Prelude: Praeludium in G Major -- Buxtehude
Entrance: Rejoice! The Lord is King / DARWALL'S 148TH (desc. BMP)
Kyrie: chant
Gloria: Andrews (Peter Jones at 11)
Psalm 93: Gelineau
Salisbury Alleluia -- Walker
Offertory: All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name / CORONATION
Anthem (11): Praise the Lord (JUDAS MACCABAEUS) -- Handel/arr. Hopson
Sanctus/Acclamation/Amen: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: This is the Feast / FESTIVAL CANTICLE (with choral descants at 11)
Recessional: To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King / ICH GLAUB AN GOTT
Postlude: Toccata in Seven -- John Rutter
Monday, November 20, 2006
Orders from the Vatican (as declared by Francis Cardinal Arinze, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments: PRO MULTIS means FOR MANY, not FOR ALL! Alter your translations accordingly!
Source - Catholic World News
Hat Tip to NLM
Full Arinze Letter at Bettnet
Need I say more?
Thanksgiving Day - November 23, 2006
For the beauty of the earth (Dix)
Blessed be the name of the Lord for ever (Alstott)
Alleluia (Twynham)
Come, ye thankful people, come (St. George's Windsor)
Mass of the Bells (Peloquin) (Sanctus, Anamnesis, Amen, Agnus Dei)
Lord's Prayer (chant; adapt. Snow)
Faith, hope, and love (Peloquin)
Now thank we all our God (Nun Danket)
Christ the King - November 26, 2006
Dignus est Agnus (Tone 8G) (10:30)
This is the feast of victory for our God (Festival Canticle)
Mass of the Bells (Peloquin) (Gloria)
The Lord is King; he is robed in majesty (Alstott)
Alleluia (Twynham)
Hail, Redeemer, King divine (St. George's Windsor)
Jubilate Deo (1974 chant set) (Sanctus, Anamnesis, Amen, Agnus Dei)
Lord's Prayer (chant; adapt. Snow)
Sedebit Dominus Rex in aeternum (Mode VI) (10:30)
Christus Vincit (Page)
To Jesus Christ, our sov'reign King (Ich Glaub an Gott)

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (38:05/26.1 MB)
Also, we welcome The Free Sound Project to our list of effects sources, and Shamus gives thanks for his snow machine.

Bl. Miguel Agustin Pro; Thanksgiving Day;
St. Andrew Dung-Lac and his Companions;
St. Catherine of Alexandria
Now Thank We All Our God (tune: Nun Danket)
Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence (tune: Picardy, arr. by Gustav Holst)
O Worship the King (tune: Hanover); Ye Servants of God (tune: Lyons)
O Praise Ye the Lord (tune: Laudate Dominum)
True Knights Combat Training, iPadre Podcast/iPadre Videocast, Disciples with Microphones
News from the Blogosphere - Links mentioned:
The New Liturgical Movement, Roman Catholic Blog, Christus Vincit - The Blog,
RPInet Message Board (registration is mandatory to post, but is free),, Diocese of Salt Lake City, Free Music Staff Paper,
The Laughing Cat, Royal School of Church Music.
Vote at Podcast Alley / Message Board / Subscribe at iTunes
Saturday, November 18, 2006
John Reeves writes this for the New Liturgical Movement (hat tip to Gerald):
Last Thursday evening, Archbishop Burke celebrated a mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis for the Pueri Cantares, the Church's official program for children's choirs. There was a huge turnout. More or less every parish children's choir in Missouri and even in central Illinois filled the church's pews. They provided all the main singing. The Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei were all sung in Latin (the Kyrie being in Greek, obviously), Gregorian Chant, and it was done absolutely beautifully. The Introit, while not the psalm proper to the feast that day, was nevertheless a psalm with the traditional Antiphon, Gloria, etc.
Archbishop Burke gave a homily that could easily have been mistaken for Tra le Sollecitudini itself. He extolled the importance of Gregorian Chant and Sacred Polyphony, and warned that it would be a huge mistake and huge regret if we were to abandon the Church's musical tradition for what is considered "popular" by modern-day culture.
What I found most striking about this entire mass was that this was not something done in an obscure parish that everyone tries to ignore. Nor was it even something that the Archbishop "permitted" as a kind of "concession." This took place right in the Mother Church of St. Louis, under the guidance of the Archbishop itself. And perhaps more importantly, the main people who sang and who heard his homily were all children/young adults, ranging from grade school to high school. These young Catholics were all singing Gregorian Chant, and were being taught on the importance of the Church's musical tradition, and to be wary of attempts to "popularize" sacred music.
This was the Reform of the Reform in one of its strongest manifestations yet. And it was directed at young Catholics! This is the age group that has so often been lied to and deceived about the need to be "hip" and "cool." These choirs are being taught traditional music, and I know that this will have nothing but positive reprecussions in the years to come. The Reform of the Reform is in full swing in the Archdiocese of St. Louis.
This is well-put, and this does not surprise me about Archbishop Burke. He has done very well for his flock at St. Louis. He is really setting the standard for archdioceses (even those led by Cardinals) and dioceses throughout North America. The music at their Cathedral Basilica is quite good too. They used to post it on their website, but the link is broken as I write this. I did, however, discover this new link to the Cathedral Basilica's Music Program, which includes concerts and Sunday Mass music. One click on the Cathedral Music Programs link will lead you to all you need to know about the choirs and their music at Mass.
At Providence's Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul, the 10:00 Mass on Sunday includes the Mass Ordinary chants in Latin (Jubilate Deo). The last chance I had to attend there was in 2004. They were still getting started with the chant Mass then, so hymns were still being used at the Introit, Offertory, Communion, and Recessional (all traditional the day I went, except for the Offertory - Deiss' Priestly People). I haven't had the chance to see if anything new evolved since October 2004.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Hat tip to Jeffrey Tucker at NLM.
These cats didn't know they were in a progressive Catholic parish church.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Amy Wellborn has the goods over at Open Book. Some good conversation going on there as well (basically seconding what Michael Lawrence said at The New Liturgical Movement).
Now, Oakland's Bishop Vigneron, despite the forthcoming cathedral there being butt ugly (Bp. Vigneron didn't create that mess, btw; he inherited it from his predecessor), has some really good views on sacred music. His proposal was no exception. This from Open Book:
He proposed a process similar to the conformity guidelines for catechetical textbooks. His point was "what we sing at the liturgy is a liturgical text." He said the bishops should take a serious approach to these texts, and proposed a central conformity review process. If something like that didn't happen, he said, he feared that the music directory idea, as proposed, would be inadequate to meet the call of Liturgiam Authenticam.
But of course, Erie's Bishop Trautman and the majority of bishops rejected the idea. But worse is that the eerie Bishop of Erie and pals found it better to just pass the buck to those archbishops whose archdioceses are home to the hottest selling (read: popular, politically correct, not necessarily liturgically correct) publishers in American Catholic worship aids. Forget the St. Louis Archdiocese, home of Adoremus and the Adoremus Hymnal (and forget that Archbishop Burke is one of the best U.S. prelates in terms of liturgical savvy). Forget the St. Cloud Diocese, where the Liturgical Press resides. (OK - I paraphrased part of Todd's comment from Amy's article, but he's right.)
The sad truth is that this: the "core repertoire" that was to be developed was to consist of 200 hymns/songs/whatever. Note the word "core". No parish will be limited to this list. Even if the "core repertoire" consisted of 200 of the most theologically sound hymn texts set to solid tunes, people on the progressive front will interpret that as "it's ok to enter the insipid". My biggest fear at this pace is that the "core repertoire" will consist mainly of "greatest hits". Gerald at The Cafeteria Is Closed, a man fluent in German and of Austrian origin, translates "traut man" as "trust him". However, in the case of the eerie fish person, he rightly states, "Dem traut man nicht", meaning "one trusts him not".
Hat tip to my wife Ann.


Hat tip to my son Brian.
This new guitar has me thinking one of two things:
1. What Brian Robert (my son) was thinking: that the Wiggles have officially killed Rock and Roll, or
2. What Brian Michael (yours truly) was thinking: the new official instrument of the 2007 Los Angeles Religious Education Conference
OT 33 at the Cathedral
Entrance: Jesus Shall Reign / DUKE STREET
Gloria: Andrews (Peter Jones at 11)
Psalm 16: Guimont
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: Come, Ye Thankful People, Come / ST. GEORGE'S, WINDSOR
Anthem (11am): De profundis -- Christoph Willibald von Gluck
Sanctus: Vermulst
Acclamation: Englert
Danish Amen
Agnus Dei: Isele
Communion: Love Divine / HYFRYDOL
Recessional: Rejoice! The Lord is King / DARWALL'S 148TH (desc. BMP)
Postlude: Praeludium in D Minor -- Vincent Lubeck
Staff Paper Generator
Hat tip to Matt at Absolutely No Spin. BTW, welcome, Matt, to the Christus Vincit Definitive Blogroll! He actually had mentioned our blog on a couple of occasions back in March and I never knew it till now.
Monday, November 13, 2006

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (35:49/24.6 MB)

We also played catch-up on our Wish List, where we seek out the really good titles in the Oregon Catholic Press search engine that should be (but are not) in the Music Issue or Missal Programs. Today's list: 33 songs. Total running count after today: 235 songs.
Feasts for the Week:
St. Elizabeth of Hungary; Dedication of the Basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul (both in Rome);
St. Rose Philippine Duchesne
Music List for Holy Mass: Thirty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (tune: Lobe den Herren);
The Apostles' Creed, by Paul Lisney, brought to you by the Podsafe Music Network
Shamus wreckovates Louis Lambillotte's Panis Angelicus in Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin, brought to you by Orange County Mass Chopper-Uppers.
Links mentioned in Last Things:
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, The New Liturgical Movement
Vote at Podcast Alley / Message Board / Subscribe at iTunes
Find out in this article from the Diocese of Salt Lake City (who is still awaiting a bishop since now-Archbishop Niederauer took assignment in San Francisco last winter).
The other day, I was going through links and what not and stumbled onto this article on podcasting by Stuart Robinson, from the website of none other than the Royal School of Church Music. Now, to get an unsolicited review from a distinguished academy such as the RSCM, positive or negative, is a compliment in my eyes. But this is what Mr. Robinson wrote on July 13, 2006 (mind you: link shown is to the old feed, which was active at the time of print):
Perhaps the most off-the-wall is 'Christus Vincit Podcasting' ( described as 'Liturgy, Music and Fun' by Brian Michael Page, and fun it certainly is in places. The subject matter is wide ranging from music for funeral masses, and the exploration of the hymn catalogue of St Thomas Aquinas, to the plainsong used at Page's church on Rhode Island, and a home-made recording of the hymn 'Let all mortal flesh keep silence' sung to Picardy. It is also described as 'the diary and musings of some snarky madman music ministers' (sic). Brace yourself: Mr Page is not short of opinions, but neither does he seem to take himself too seriously!
The whole idea is to "keep it fun", you see. Oh, as for the recording of Let All Mortal Flesh - that wasn't my homemade recording, but that of multi-instrumentalist/vocalist Fugli, who is one of my regular artists I draw from at the Podsafe Music Network, a network where "podsafe", or "royalty-free" music, is used in podcasts - legally. I will admit to being a bit unique in choosing "podsafe" music. I do make it a point to program one "podsafe" song in about 80-90% of our shows. But, here's where the "unique" comes in: while many Catholic podcasters will choose a "podsafe" song of the acoustic genre (or what many call "contemporary Christian"), which is perfectly fine (remember, this is podcasting we're talking here, not Holy Mass), I tend to branch from that. For example, Fugli plays stringed instruments of the medeival period and often performs as a minstrel for medeival-themed faires. I've programmed some classical as well, including all four movements of a Telemann sonata as played by teen trombonist Josh Jacobson. Another recent favorite I've found is Johnny Proctor, whose style resembles that of Jan and Dean and the early Beach Boys.
This may or may not help Mr. Robinson in terms of the copyright issue. Another thing too is that there aren't too many people crazy enough to tackle a platform like this (Liturgy, Music, AND Fun). Many Catholic podcasters podcast on --- well, Catholicism. You don't find much on liturgy, let alone liturgical music. Nor do we get the audience that many of the more theologically-themed podcasters get (I work for one of them, remember), but that's ok. Being able to podcast "Liturgy, Music, and Fun" is FUN. And blogging on it is triple the fun, as I'm joined here by Nick and Jason (the latter is enjoying some dirty martinis and more as I write this).
Keep up the great work at RCSM in your work in sacred music.
1. From Lyn F., one of our regular readers here at CV:
Latest additions to the esteemed Harvard Dictionary of Music:
ALLREGRETTO: When you're 16 measures into the piece and realize you
took too fast a tempo
ANGUS DEI: To play with a divinely beefy tone
A PATELLA: Accompanied by knee-slapping
APPOLOGGIATURA: A composition that you regret playing
APPROXIMATURA: A series of notes not intended by the composer, yet
played with an "I meant to do that" attitude
APPROXIMENTO: A musical entrance that is somewhere in the vicinity of
the correct pitch
CACOUGHANY: A composition incorporating many people with chest colds
CORAL SYMPHONY: A large, multi-movement work from Beethoven's
Caribbean Period
DILL PICCOLINI: An exceedingly small wind instrument that plays only
sour notes
FERMANTRA: A note held over and over and over and over and . . .
FERMOOTA: A note of dubious value held for indefinite length
FIDDLER CRABS: Grumpy string players
FLUTE FLIES: Those tiny mosquitoes that bother musicians on outdoor gigs
FRUGALHORN: A sensible and inexpensive brass instrument
GAUL BLATTER: A French horn player
GREGORIAN CHAMP: The title bestowed upon the monk who can hold a note
the longest
GROUND HOG: Someone who takes control of the repeated bassline and
won't let anyone else play it
SCHMALZANDO: A sudden burst of music from the Guy Lombardo band
THE RIGHT OF STRINGS: Manifesto of the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Violists
SPRITZICATO: An indication to string instruments to produce a bright
and bubbly sound
TEMPO TANTRUM: What an elementary school orchestra is having when it's
not following the conductor (also common in municipal bands and
community orchestras)
TROUBLE CLEF: Any clef one can't read: e.g., alto clef for pianists
VESUVIOSO: An indication to build up to a fiery conclusion
VIBRATTO: Child prodigy son of the concertmaster
AN-DANTE: A tempo that's infernally slow
ANTIPHONAL: Referring to the prohibition of cell phones in the concert hall
BAR LINE: What musicians form after the concert
BASSO CONTINUO: When musicians are still fishing long after the legal
season has ended
BEN SOSTENUTO: First cousin of the second trombonist
CADENZA: Something that happens when you forget what the composer wrote
CANTABILE: To achieve a complaining sound, as if you have a sour
COL LEGNO: An indication to cellists to hold on tight with their lower extremities
CON SORDINO: An indication to string players to bow in a slashing,
rapier motion
ESPRESSIVO: Used to indicate permission to take a coffee break
L'ISTESSO TEMPO: An indication to play listlessly; e.g., as if you
don't care
MAESTRO: A person who, standing in front of the orchestra and/or
chorus, is able to follow them precisely
OPERA BUFFA: A musical stage production performed by nudists
PASTORALE: The beverage to drink in the country when listening to
Beethoven with a member of the clergy
PESANTE: An effect distinctly non-upper-class
PISSICATO: Too much coffee -- time to take a break
RUBATO: A cross between a rhubarb and a tomato
STRINGENDO: An unpleasant effect produced by the violin section when
it doesn't use vibrato
VIBRATO: A device to assist female performers who have trouble when
the music is marked "con espressivo"
2. From Jim (JScola):
This link to On the most part, it isn't bad at all. It's music by Robert Loretz, offered by the composer free of charge for non-commercial use (e.g., parish setting). Though I was a bit turned off by the "Gathering" category (and yes, all the music in the "gathering" category is "gathering-themed"), I particularly liked the Psalms. A good chunk of the music is chant-like (a very good thing). Overall, (less the "gathering") I find it very good. Check it out.
On a note from the Christus Vincit Health Department (we have one of those???), I took my stress test today. I must have done ok. I got home in one piece, and about two hours sooner than I expected. I'll know the outcome by next Monday the latest.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Hat tips to The New Liturgical Movement (via post by Jeffrey Tucker) and the iPadre (via conversation after Mass).
Excerpt (emphasis mine):
In an hourlong, often humorous, address that received several standing ovations, Arinze suggested that, in order to give Catholics options, large parishes offer the Mass in Latin at least once a week, and in smaller, rural parishes, at least once a month. (Homilies, he said, should always be in the faithful's native language.) Latin "suits a church that is universal. It has a stability modern languages don't have," he said.
Ya want the whole thang? Read Jeffrey's post.
This is an audio-only commercial and is featured on my latest podcast episode.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy Orange County Mass Chopper-Uppers!
Lord of all hopefulness (Slane)
Mass of the Bells (Peloquin) (Glo, Sanc, Mem, Amen, Agnus)
You are my inheritance, O Lord (Psalm Tone 8G)
Alleluia (Twynham)
Let all mortal flesh keep silence (Picardy) (at 10:30, arr. Holst)
Seek ye first the kingdom of God (Lafferty)
Rejoice! the Lord is King (Darwall's 148th)
Friday, November 10, 2006
Fall Vacation

After the week of joy: a vigil Mass, a holy day of obligation, a holy day, Benediction, a wedding, a Sunday vigil, Sunday Masses, a trumpet & organ recital (hosting, playing, and stage crew), a French Mass, a wedding, a hard-drive crash (lost all my files), a disturbingly needy boss (that's getting spooky..more later), a 2-bulletin crunch week (thanks to J.S. Paluch and their famous "holiday" schedule), and 4 worship leaflet re-do's (thanks to the hard-drive crash), Jason is going on a 7 night cruise aboard the Mariner of Seas with some organist friends from South Carolina and Atlanta. I intend to try at least 7 of each of the items pictured in the above left-hand corner. The plane leaves for Orlando on Saturday morning. Finally, Summer break is here.....
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Create Your Own SOUTH PARK Character

Create your own South Park kidsHERE. More ways to decrease productivity at work.
H/T toAlabama Improper.
NOTE: to get your creation to JPG/GIF format, you need to do a screen capture (Ctrl + Print Screen, or Shift + Print Screen), then you need to paste it into an image editor (i.e. PhotoShop, ThumbsPlus, maybe even Microsoft Paint) and crop it down to just your kid.
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
OT 32 at the Cathedral
Entrance: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven / LAUDA ANIMA
Gloria: Andrews (Peter Jones at 11 am)
Psalm 146: Gelineau
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: The Cry of the Poor
Anthem (11am): Offertory -- John Ness Beck
Sanctus: Vermulst
Acclamation: Englert
Danish Amen
Agnus Dei: Isele
Communion: The King of Love My Shepherd Is / ST. COLUMBA
Recessional: God Whose Giving Knows No Ending / RUSTINGTON
Postlude: P & F in F -- Vincent Lubeck
Wanna see something sick? Check out these videos as taped at Corpus Christi Church in Aliso Viejo, California:
Series 1 / Series 2 (with commentary at the Roman Catholic Blog)
Concerned Roman Catholics of America rightly decries such blatant abuse. Especially check out the quotes and captions in Series 2.
Hat tips go to The Cafeteria Is Closed and the Roman Catholic Blog. And remember...

Monday, November 6, 2006

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (36:53/25.3 MB)
My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-498376f5ba5b67048ddafb76ab9404a5}

Feasts for the Week:
St. Charles Borromeo (forgotten from last week);
Dedication of St. John Lateran Basilica;
St. Leo the Great; St. Martin of Tours
For All the Saints (tune: Sine Nomine); Remember, Lord, Thy Servants (written by yours truly)
I Love You, Lord, My Strength (written by yours truly, but the antiphon was adapted from Ein' Feste Berg)
Jesus, Son of Mary (tune: Adoro Te Devote)
Be Thou My Vision (tune: Slane), performed by Fugli, courtesy of Podsafe
Christus Vincit Sports: Undefeated and Winless Teams exposed (just wait till the Boston Celtics get mentioned, ho ho ho!)
Shamus wreckovates In Paradisum in Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin, brought to you by The Curt Jester Election Day Voticons.
Blogs mentioned in Last Things: Cantate Deo
Vote at Podcast Alley / Message Board / Subscribe at iTunes
Vatican City, Nov. 06, 2006 (CNA) - Sources close the Holy See are saying that during his upcoming visit to the St. Cecilia Music Academy Pope Benedict XVI may address the need to recover the quality of sacred music in the liturgical life of the Church.
The feast of St. Cecilia, patroness of music, will be celebrated on November 22, and the Pontiff has announced that during that week he intends to visit the academy of music in Rome that bears the saint’s name.
According to Vatican sources consulted by the Catholic News Agency, the Holy Father, who has expressed his concern over liturgical music, may address the need to recover the place of sacred music, “both Gregorian and polyphonic,” in the Catholic liturgy.
“This pronouncement could even take the form of a ‘Motu Propio,’ an official document issued on the Holy Father’s own initiative,” sources said.
Since the election of Pope Benedict XVI, sacred music has been given greater attention in the Roman liturgy.
On November 19, as part of the year of Mozart—one of Pope’s favorite composers—Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, Archbishop of Vienna, will preside at a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, in which the famous Philharmonic Orchestra of Vienna will present Mozart’s Mass of Coronation.
Although no time has been official allotted for remarks by the Holy Father, it is possible he will address the faithful at the conclusion of the liturgical celebration.
Hat tip to Jeffrey Tucker at the NLM.
November 12, 2006 - Sunday XXXII
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Lobe den Herren)
Mass of the Bells (Peloquin) (Glo, Sanc, Mem, Amen, Agnus)
Praise the Lord, my soul; praise the Lord (Proulx/Gelineau)
Alleluia (Twynham)
O God, beyond all praising (Thaxted)
My shepherd is the Lord (Gelineau)
Lord of all hopefulness (Slane)
Edward Schaefer compares Musicam Sacram (the Vatican Document) to Music in Catholic Worship (the American Document) in this Adoremus article.
31st Sunday at Fatima
Procession: Come Let us Join our Cheerful Songs (Graefenburg)
Gradual: Basilica Psalter
Credo III
Offertory: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling; Tu es Petrus, Jeanne Demessieux
Communion: Jesus, The Very Thought of Thee, Dale Wood; What Wondrous Love?
Postlude: Epilogue (Hommage a Frescobaldi), Jean Langlais
Friday, November 3, 2006
OT 31 at the Cathedral
Entrance: O God, beyond All Praising / THAXTED
Gloria: Andrews (Peter Jones at 11am)
Psalm 18: Respond and Acclaim
Celtic Alleluia
Anthem: Teach Me, O Lord -- Thomas Attwood
Offertory: Beautiful Savior / ST. ELIZABETH (SCHONSTER HERR JESU)
Sanctus: Vermulst
Acclamation: Englert
Amen: Danish
Agnus Dei: Isele
Communion: Where Charity and Love Prevail / CHRISTIAN LOVE
Recessional: Now Thank We All Our God / NUN DANKET
Postlude: Nun Danket Alle Gott -- Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Crazy Weather.....
In Harrisburg, it's 65 degrees (18 C), light breeze, and not a cloud in sight. Doesn't sound like November to me..........