Thursday, January 18, 2007


As a joke, I received from my pastor the registration book for the NPM convention scheduled for Indianapolis in July. I have yet to fashion an appropriate response memo, but I will, you can be assured. At any rate, as I thumbed through the booklet this morning, trying my hardest to keep a straight face while reading over many of the offerings, I noticed one particularly strange and abnormal thing, considering this is billed as a convention for Roman Catholic musicians. NOT ONCE AT ANY TIME DURING THE CONVENTION did I read that there would be HOLY MASS celebrated. What? A convention of Catholic musicians who play at Mass, yet not once between July 9 and 13 is there a single Mass scheduled? Morning Prayer yes, but not Mass.

But then, considering this is the NPM convention, the "liturgical space crawl" is perhaps of greater importance than the celebration of the Eucharist......

What a sham!


DominiSumus said...

I found the Mass. At least I think it's a Mass. It's titled "Convention Eucharist". It's on July 11th at 8 p.m.

Here is the link and the description.

"We gather as one around Word and Sacrament on the Memorial of Saint Benedict, which, like every celebration of the Mass, reminds us that Jesus came to invite all to be one!"

I am speechless. A whole week, and there is only one Mass.'s on a Wednesday night.

Dad29 said...

Umnnnhhh...posted a note about your post and got a snotty "Anonymous" comment referencing that "Convention Eucharist."

Not surprised that it was snotty; that seems to be the modus operandi of a certain genre...

Brian Michael Page said...

But isn't that what an NPM-style Mass is all about - just one big GATHERING??? Note those words, "we GATHER as one". Man, I would LOVE to hear the words "Bloody Sacrifice" used just once at one of their Masses, in their great big "worship space".

Dad29 - that's why I don't allow anonymous responses. My take is this - if you're gonna get snotty, at least have the decency to identify yourself, even if it ain't your real name. Tell 'em - use "Ferd Farkle" for all I care - but use a name! :)


Jason Pennington said...

Ah ha! I did go back to the convention book/price list and checked out Wednesday's antics, and I did see the "Kunvenshun Yookriss" listed...I had missed it on the first read. But, as Domini rightly stated, ONE Mass and that mid-way through on the Wednesday. I suppose they don't have any daily communicants in the NPM, and God forbid the NPM wanting to begin and end (at the very very least) their doughnut hole gathering with Holy Mass. Then again, perhaps if there were more Roman Catholics in the NPM, Mass would be of greater importance.

How 'bout that "worship space crawl" think they'll do the hokey-pokey in each worship space, or pee on the wall and sign their names? BWAAAAHHHH The "P" IS their middle name, after all...