Friday, March 16, 2007


The Installation of the Most Rev. John C. Wester,
Ninth Bishop of Salt Lake City

The installation took place last Wednesday, and I was only able to catch the closing hymn and postlude. Today Intermountain Catholic has the installation Mass available in its entirety. There is so much that differs between MahonyFest and WesterFest, all in favor of WesterFest. For all that, I offer my kudos:

* for NOT having a slew of liturgical dancers (actually, there were none at all in Salt Lake City)
* for lining up a slew of CHALICES - yes, metal chalices - on the altar and not cheap restaurant or KoolAid quality glass jugs
* to Gregory Glenn and the choirs and orchestra for EXCELLENT sacred music throughout. Even the Psalm in Spanish had class. The offertory anthem by Nestor was beautiful, and fitting, given the new Bishop's coat of arms. The Ave Verum setting they did by Colin Mawby is downright gorgeous.
* Although Bishop Wester did have a share of "thank yous" after the Post-Communion prayer (which would be the proper place, btw, for any such announcements), he ensured that Holy Mass was Holy Mass, about the Holy Sacrifice, and not about himself despite that being his big day.

The only downside is that there are no Sanctus bells at the Eucharistic Prayer. There is, however, a starting bell, that signals the congregation to stand for the entrance hymn.

Kudos all around to the folks at the Madeleine! They really set an example for their diocese, and a standard of excellence in liturgy and music in the United States.


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