Saturday, August 23, 2008


Anticipated Mass for the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time
(Ordinary Form) - St. Rocco Church, Johnston, RI

This afternoon I attended the 5:00 Mass at St. Rocco's, a parish staffed by the Missionaries of St. Charles (aka the "Scalabrini Fathers" or "Scalabrinians"). The Scalabrinians staff three parishes in the Providence area, all founded originally for the Italian-speaking population. Two of the three parishes, Holy Ghost in Providence, and St. Rocco's in Johnston, still have an Italian Mass. All three (the third is St. Bartholomew's in Providence) also have a Spanish Mass and at least two Masses in English (St. Rocco's has four in English).

The organ is a 16-rank Wicks, recently augmented by Rodgers (I remember seeing a two-manual Wicks console about 20-some years ago). The hymn selections this afternoon were quite good. The accompaniment was played well, but (IMO) was dragged (from what I was told, the pastor likes it that way, I don't know why). The pew books were Seasonal Missalette and Breaking Bread. The latter was used at the offertory only. The entrance, communion, and recessional hymns came from the former.

The music for today:
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven..."Lauda Anima"
Lord, your love is eternal...Schaefer
- (Note: this was the setting in Seasonal Missalette. The antiphon was quite nice. However, the cantor spoke the verses. My preference would be to sing it all or say it all.)
I have no clue where the alleluia came from, but it wasn't bad.
A mighty fortress is our God..."Ein' feste berg"
Massive Cremation (OK - there had to be a catch, right? I'll give the organist credit for making some changes to the accompaniment, however. I think he did it some justice.)
Wisdom's Feast...Westendorf/Brubaker
The Church's One Foundation..."Aurelia"

Yes, the Luther work was the piece that was sung from Breaking Bread. See? Yes, you too can have a music program using Breaking Bread or the Music Issue without all those banal ditties that many parishes have to endure week after week. I've done it in several parishes (only one - Holy Name - appreciated it, though we switched to Worship III after I was there a year).

Now, if we can only get the publishers (OCP and GIA especially) to lose the banal ditties altogether. Out of sight, out of mind.


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