Here are the catalog numbers for the Psalms that will be in use soon:
This weekend coming - the 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time:
Lord, let us see your kindness - #4556 (link to Year A page)
The Psalms for the Sundays of Advent 2008 can be found at #4553, #4556, #4559, and #4562 respectively. (link to Year B page)
ALL THREE YEARS in the liturgical cycle are uploaded for the Sundays of Advent (Immaculate Conception will come when I get to the Proper of the Saints section - right now I'm kind of working in order of the Lectionary) and Christmas Season. The first Sunday of Lent is also finished (all three years, and note: Lent 1A's Psalm is also used on Ash Wednesday). Oh, and for good measure, here's the link to the Year C page, too! Additionally, all of the texts are from the Lectionary for Mass; there are no paraphrases!
Here are some of the remarks that came into my e-mail over the past couple of days from Jeff Ostrowski, the project's founder:
Your pieces are magnificent!
I'm here with the director, and we cannot wait to post them on the site!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Yes, the highlighting and large font was included in the message as I received it!)Your compositions are so lovely
I am posting them right now
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and finally, this morning, on this beautiful Feast of the Transfiguration,
I have posted your psalms, and they are AMAZING
I cannot describe to you how wonderful they are!!!!
I am so honored you sent them to me
They are truly magnificent in every way
(Again, the large font and highlighting provided by the sender)
I think you'll like these settings, as well as those of other great contributors such as Jeff Ostrowski, Fr. Jeffrey Keyes, Sam Schmitt, Arlene Oost Zinner, and more. I am honored (yet humbled) to be in the company of these fine people.
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