Sunday, August 31, 2008


9:30 AM - St. John the Baptist Church, Pawtucket, RI
Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time

I found out after Mass that I almost had to bail out Paul, the organist. By the offertory, he was undergoing a nasty sweat; his sugar level dropped big time. His cantor almost ran downstairs to come get me. I told Paul, "you should have". Anyhoo, my prayers to Paul for his improved health.

Here's today's music list...

Lift high the cross..."Crucifer"
Psalm was said (probably the pastor's version of "summer mode")
Alleluia...Alstott (Respond and Acclaim setting for the day)
For the fruits of this creation..."Ar hyd y nos"
- (I haven't heard this tune in eons. Nice tune.)
Sanctus and Agnus...Vermulst (People's Mass)
Memorial and Amen...Danish
- (Oh happy thought!!! NO MASSIVE CREMATION!!! BTW, this People's/Danish combo is what I normally use when I'm in summer mode.)
Stewards of Earth..."Finlandia"
- (The text is a Westendorf hit from the 80's.)
America the Beautiful..."Materna"
- (I'm not a fan of programming a "patriotic hymn" just because a secular holiday comes up the following day, but I have to say it - I love the modulation Paul did between verses!)


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