Twenty-Second Sunday of Ordinary Time - August 30, 2009
St. Joan of Arc Church, Cumberland, RI
I had this weekend off at St. John the Baptist for reasons that will be explained later (rest assured, nothing negative). So I took my mom Mass at St. Joan's, where I haven't been since I started filling in for Paul Martin, who died after my first Mass at St. John's. The young curate at St. Joan's, Fr. Giacomo Capoverdi, was just transferred over to St. Leo's, where Fr. Kevin Fisette was removed due to an allegation from 27 years ago. You'll never convince me that someone who makes an allegation against a good man like Fr. Fisette and waits 27 years to tell the tale isn't full of shit. Now, when I say this, I have no intentions of taking away from Fr. Capoverdi, who, like Fr. Fisette, is a very good and holy priest of God who says Holy Mass like it's Holy Mass and not some game show, and has a very high appreciation for things traditional to the Church.
The pastor at St. Joan's, Fr. Norman Bourdon also says Mass with class. Unfortunately, we didn't get him for a celebrant either. Instead, we got the retired monsignor in residence, who ad libbed and added words to the Mass like it was a talk show.
Anyhoo, here's the music:
"Bunessan"...Morning has broken
Alstott...The one who does justice / Alleluia
"Heismann"...All good gifts
- (This is the hymn We plow the fields and scatter, set to a tune by Kevin Keil. The music for the verses isn't too bad - maybe a little too simple for my liking, but not bad. The music for the refrain isn't so hot, IMHO. Too sing-songy. For a much better tune, I recommend "Wir Pflugen".)
Alstott...Sanctus / Christ has died / Amen ("Heritage Mass")
Agnus Dei XVIII
Haas...Blest are they (blech!)
"Grosser Gott"...Holy God, we praise thy Name
- (Always a favorite, but a bit rushed, almost as rushed as you'll hear at the 3-minute mark in this clip of Ted Kennedy's funeral Mass. I was hoping for a little more stately tempo, which can still be achieved without dragging.)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Ya Gotta have the youknowwhateses, sometimes
So I just called the Catholic Schools office, regarding the music at the catholic school Mass each year. Since my kids were not part of the choir, I wanted to investigate. Now that I know how the omission happened, I'm grateful. My big mouth, I think. Early on, I'd mentioned to the principal and pastor that our kids are better off not having to sing the trashy music that's evidently presented at this yearly event.
When I asked if the organ was ever used, I got, "Oh, my, no!"
"Why not?" I queried.
"The directors at the schools don't use the organ" was the reply.
I started to get a bit terse, and then the shoe hit..... I should have seen it coming like the black plague that it is:
"The Bishop approved it. That's what he wants."
Such a short, short discussion. She only had to mention that last sentence early on and she'd been off the phone with me much earlier.
Please pray that someday, bishops and clergy alike, will recognize that children are far from stupid, and far from demanding trash for music in God's holy house.
I want to utter all sorts of expletives - oh, wait. I just did. I just don't know how to write them out. There aren't enough symbols on the keyboard of my computer for that sort of thing.
Glossalalia for cussers?
When I asked if the organ was ever used, I got, "Oh, my, no!"
"Why not?" I queried.
"The directors at the schools don't use the organ" was the reply.
I started to get a bit terse, and then the shoe hit..... I should have seen it coming like the black plague that it is:
"The Bishop approved it. That's what he wants."
Such a short, short discussion. She only had to mention that last sentence early on and she'd been off the phone with me much earlier.
Please pray that someday, bishops and clergy alike, will recognize that children are far from stupid, and far from demanding trash for music in God's holy house.
I want to utter all sorts of expletives - oh, wait. I just did. I just don't know how to write them out. There aren't enough symbols on the keyboard of my computer for that sort of thing.
Glossalalia for cussers?
Weekly School Mass at CTK, CC, TX
I wrote a note to Paula, who had responded to my last post. Our Cathedral hosted its annual Catholic school Mass yesterday (Wednesday). It was a pathetic venture into the banal, and my kids knew it. - Read the response/beef to see the entire diatribe.....
Tomorrow, we celebrate the memorial of St. Augustine. The kids are excited, because today was the memorial of St. Monica. It's rare - if ever, that we have Mom-son memorial masses!
Our music lineup is similar to Sunday, sans the singing of the psalm, gloria and credo. (Oops, we don't sing the creed...)
Kyrie, Sanctus, Mortem tuam, Agnus Dei - Jubilate Deo collection (Masses 16, 3, 18)
Entrance: O God, Beyond All Praising - Thaxted (three stanzas, St. Michael Hymnal)
Introit: Tone 8
Alleluia: Exultate Jubilate/Alleluia - Mozart
Communion: O God, You Search Me - Bernadette Farrell (the only one by her that I do)
Communion - Tone 8
After the Blessing: Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament -
Cantemos al Amor
Recessional: The Eternal Gifts of Christ the King - Deo Gracias (Agincourt Carol, sans alleluias)
Next Friday, the kids will have their first music exam from me - it's part of my instituting the RSCM scheme on a RC level. Much of the exam will deal with hymns, the tunes we've sung, the composers, authors, metre, tune names, and the centuries involved in those tunes and texts.
I've come up with a quick discipline tactic: At the beginning of every class, I write the words Bel Canto on the board. The goal is to keep all the letters up there. If there's misbehavior, lack of attention, unruliness, etc., a letter is erased....if there's bellyaching about a letter being erased, another one gets erased. That gets things quieted down right forth. Now, if all the letters were to disappear, it means that the entire class would have a 500 word essay due by the following week. If this happens on Friday, God help them, because it's due on Monday. They know that I will rarely, if ever, give out a homework assignment, other than to listen to a piece of music (heck, I don't want to spend my evenings grading papers!), so behavior is not a huge issue with me.
More later. Tally ho, everyone. Tomorrow's the end of the week.... for some people. I still have five Masses to get ready for!
Tomorrow, we celebrate the memorial of St. Augustine. The kids are excited, because today was the memorial of St. Monica. It's rare - if ever, that we have Mom-son memorial masses!
Our music lineup is similar to Sunday, sans the singing of the psalm, gloria and credo. (Oops, we don't sing the creed...)
Kyrie, Sanctus, Mortem tuam, Agnus Dei - Jubilate Deo collection (Masses 16, 3, 18)
Entrance: O God, Beyond All Praising - Thaxted (three stanzas, St. Michael Hymnal)
Introit: Tone 8
Alleluia: Exultate Jubilate/Alleluia - Mozart
Communion: O God, You Search Me - Bernadette Farrell (the only one by her that I do)
Communion - Tone 8
After the Blessing: Reposition of the Blessed Sacrament -
Cantemos al Amor
Recessional: The Eternal Gifts of Christ the King - Deo Gracias (Agincourt Carol, sans alleluias)
Next Friday, the kids will have their first music exam from me - it's part of my instituting the RSCM scheme on a RC level. Much of the exam will deal with hymns, the tunes we've sung, the composers, authors, metre, tune names, and the centuries involved in those tunes and texts.
I've come up with a quick discipline tactic: At the beginning of every class, I write the words Bel Canto on the board. The goal is to keep all the letters up there. If there's misbehavior, lack of attention, unruliness, etc., a letter is erased....if there's bellyaching about a letter being erased, another one gets erased. That gets things quieted down right forth. Now, if all the letters were to disappear, it means that the entire class would have a 500 word essay due by the following week. If this happens on Friday, God help them, because it's due on Monday. They know that I will rarely, if ever, give out a homework assignment, other than to listen to a piece of music (heck, I don't want to spend my evenings grading papers!), so behavior is not a huge issue with me.
More later. Tally ho, everyone. Tomorrow's the end of the week.... for some people. I still have five Masses to get ready for!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
A GOOD PRIEST'S REPUTATION - HURT... someone who waits over a quarter of a century
to claim he was abused!
Fr. Kevin Fisette, who I had the pleasure of serving as his organist/music director at Holy Name of Jesus Church for four years, and as his organist for the monthly Extraordinary Form Mass at St. Leo the Great Church for another year, has been accused of sexual abuse.
State police investigated the allegations that date to 1981-82 in April and found that “they were credible,” said Capt. David Neill, state police detective commander.
OK - now I'm going to ask a lovely question here? If Fr. Fisette really did such a thing, why wasn't this investigated in 1981-82 instead of 27 years later, in 2009? Why would someone wait so freakin' long to file a complaint, except for one of two reasons: either a personal vendetta on Fr. Fisette, or the vision of dollar signs from the Diocese of Providence? Or perhaps both? One may argue that many dioceses (including our diocese) were hiding things back then. However, if the diocese truly was hiding such a fact as a sexual allegation, shouldn't the parent(s) of the alleged victim, or the alleged victim himself if old enough, have had the state meddle in at that time??? Sounds like a scam to me!
In my experience working with Fr. Fisette, I cannot picture him doing this. I just can't. He has always been a good holy priest as long as I've known him. Suddenly some creep is going to file a molestation complaint 27 FREAKIN' YEARS AGO???!!! And the state finds it "credible"? If I was that investigator from the State of Rhode Island, I would be the first to say the following:
"I hate to say this, but you're full of shit. Where were you 27 years ago, or even 20 years ago, to say something then? Why didn't you tell your parents? You're hurting a good holy man who's busted his butt to get where he's been. Instead you've decided to ruin his reputation."
My whole family knows Fr. Fisette. Myself, my wife, all four of my kids, my mom. To see his reputation go to the shitter because of some money/vengence-hungry creep just makes me completely sick. How the hell do people like this sleep at night? Even if Father IS cleared, will any pastorate for him be safe from those who look at him as the freak? Sadly, I must say "doubtful".
Now, here's another blurb that's enough to make the most immune living thing puke:
The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) issued a statement criticizing Bishop Thomas J. Tobin for not notifying the public sooner.
“For almost six months, Bishop Tobin and his staff recklessly and callously chose silence over warning and opted to alert no one about a credible allegation of child sexual abuse against a Catholic priest,” Barbara Dorris, director of SNAP, said.
She added, “Tobin had a moral and civic duty to promptly warn the public and his parishioners about this serious allegation.”
How quick these people from SNAP are in making a "SNAP judgement". Before Bishop Tobin could do anything, he had to make sure said allegations were legitimate. He's not going to just "out-of-the-blue" blab "FATHER SO-AND-SO IS A PEDOPHILE!" the minute someone says "boo!" The Bishop was by no means reckless in his actions. He too had to go through the proper channels. It sounds to me like some arrogant species trying to make an arrogant statement in an ill-fated attempt to screw the Church once again.
Father Fisette, if you are reading this from wherever you are right now, please rest assured that you have the support of the good people of St. Leo's, as well as my family and myself. You are in our prayers. Justice will be served via Almighty God.
to claim he was abused!
Fr. Kevin Fisette, who I had the pleasure of serving as his organist/music director at Holy Name of Jesus Church for four years, and as his organist for the monthly Extraordinary Form Mass at St. Leo the Great Church for another year, has been accused of sexual abuse.
State police investigated the allegations that date to 1981-82 in April and found that “they were credible,” said Capt. David Neill, state police detective commander.
OK - now I'm going to ask a lovely question here? If Fr. Fisette really did such a thing, why wasn't this investigated in 1981-82 instead of 27 years later, in 2009? Why would someone wait so freakin' long to file a complaint, except for one of two reasons: either a personal vendetta on Fr. Fisette, or the vision of dollar signs from the Diocese of Providence? Or perhaps both? One may argue that many dioceses (including our diocese) were hiding things back then. However, if the diocese truly was hiding such a fact as a sexual allegation, shouldn't the parent(s) of the alleged victim, or the alleged victim himself if old enough, have had the state meddle in at that time??? Sounds like a scam to me!
In my experience working with Fr. Fisette, I cannot picture him doing this. I just can't. He has always been a good holy priest as long as I've known him. Suddenly some creep is going to file a molestation complaint 27 FREAKIN' YEARS AGO???!!! And the state finds it "credible"? If I was that investigator from the State of Rhode Island, I would be the first to say the following:
"I hate to say this, but you're full of shit. Where were you 27 years ago, or even 20 years ago, to say something then? Why didn't you tell your parents? You're hurting a good holy man who's busted his butt to get where he's been. Instead you've decided to ruin his reputation."
My whole family knows Fr. Fisette. Myself, my wife, all four of my kids, my mom. To see his reputation go to the shitter because of some money/vengence-hungry creep just makes me completely sick. How the hell do people like this sleep at night? Even if Father IS cleared, will any pastorate for him be safe from those who look at him as the freak? Sadly, I must say "doubtful".
Now, here's another blurb that's enough to make the most immune living thing puke:
The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) issued a statement criticizing Bishop Thomas J. Tobin for not notifying the public sooner.
“For almost six months, Bishop Tobin and his staff recklessly and callously chose silence over warning and opted to alert no one about a credible allegation of child sexual abuse against a Catholic priest,” Barbara Dorris, director of SNAP, said.
She added, “Tobin had a moral and civic duty to promptly warn the public and his parishioners about this serious allegation.”
How quick these people from SNAP are in making a "SNAP judgement". Before Bishop Tobin could do anything, he had to make sure said allegations were legitimate. He's not going to just "out-of-the-blue" blab "FATHER SO-AND-SO IS A PEDOPHILE!" the minute someone says "boo!" The Bishop was by no means reckless in his actions. He too had to go through the proper channels. It sounds to me like some arrogant species trying to make an arrogant statement in an ill-fated attempt to screw the Church once again.
Father Fisette, if you are reading this from wherever you are right now, please rest assured that you have the support of the good people of St. Leo's, as well as my family and myself. You are in our prayers. Justice will be served via Almighty God.
Monday, August 24, 2009
This week in CC TX
Thought I'd share with you what we do at our 8am weekday Mass. It's the only Mass offered, and is always preceded by Morning Prayer. The hymn chosen for the office is not necessarily the best choice - I don't spend time pouring through the psalmody and the lection of the day to choose the hymn. Although for specific days, I manage to choose a hymn that fits really well. For example, this morning, the feast of St. Bartholomew, warranted a newer hymn text and tune, which the people really seem to enjoy singing: The Eternal Gifts of Christ the King, sung to Deo Gracias (Agincourt Hymns, sans the Alleluia section). The school kids were "sort of" miffed with me after Mass, when they discovered that they had missed the singing of this hymn - it's turned out to be their favorite thus far!!!! And I'm happy about that. They are anxiously awaiting the time when I tell them we will use the tambour and finger cymbals (All Saints).
We have the St. Michael Hymnal in our pews. While it's a very nice hymnal, it has what every hymnal has when it's being put together and published and sold: AN AGENDA. The agenda of the SMH is not political, however. It is, however, a personal pietistic sort, though, and that has a tendency to rankle my feathers a bit. It wouldn't have done that, except that "they" changed the final stanza, and, in my most humility-laced opinion, NOT FOR THE BETTER!!!!! Just what were they thinking, man? Anyway....
The Hymn which was sung was The Martyrs, Saints of God, authored by Becket G. Senchur, who must be a monk at St. Vincent Archabbey. The tune is very singable, if not predictable, but not bad at all. Of course, the kids love this one, too. We sang both of them Friday 8/14, the memorial of St. Maximilian Kolbe at the school Mass.
What we've been doing for the hymn at Mass, is singing stanza one as the priest and servers enter the sanctuary. Then Father Bossman wants the introit, so we chant it, usually to Tone VIII. It's really kind of a downer, singing two entrance hymns, both of which are truncated to the point of high ridiculousity. Be that as it may.... on Feast days, we chant the Gloria (III). The psalm is read, although we'll begin chanting the refrain in a few weeks, and second semester, the students will chant the psalm entirely. The rest of the music for the ordinary is the same as Sunday.
At Holy Communion, after the older kids are back in their pews, we sing the concluding stanzas of the first hymn. At least the poetry isn't totally marred, and the response is very good from the kids as well as the adults.
We have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every day from 9am to approx 9pm. After the final blessing, the priest and servers move to the front of the altar and the bell rings for the Angelus. At the conclusion of the Angelus, the priest moves to the tabernacle. That's when we begin singing this really pretty Spanish/Mexican hymn, Cantemos al Amor de los Amores. The sing it very well. This gives the procession time to reposition the Blessed Sacrament and return to the sanctuary. A brief organ improvisation follows - or if prepared or fitting, a composed piece.
I'm happy with most of what is happening with the kids, musically speaking. But there is just not enough class time to get everything done. So I need to plan more carefully.
Like last Tuesday when one of the boys sneezed all over me.... yep, it went flying. That kid is going to have to carry a Kleenex box with him everywhere..... my immune system is still very susceptible to such quickly airborne my day off and the following were spent in isolation.....
Tomorrow's lineup:
Hymn: O God, You Search Me and You know Me. It's the only Bernadette Farrell piece that I will do - unless she comes up with something nice again, without interweaving her music with noxious anti Roman Catholic theological stances..... (I chose this, because tomorrow's Psalm at Mass is Psalm 139.)
Have a great week.
living in Corpus Christi TX where we've well passed 90 days of 90+ degree temperatures!
We have the St. Michael Hymnal in our pews. While it's a very nice hymnal, it has what every hymnal has when it's being put together and published and sold: AN AGENDA. The agenda of the SMH is not political, however. It is, however, a personal pietistic sort, though, and that has a tendency to rankle my feathers a bit. It wouldn't have done that, except that "they" changed the final stanza, and, in my most humility-laced opinion, NOT FOR THE BETTER!!!!! Just what were they thinking, man? Anyway....
The Hymn which was sung was The Martyrs, Saints of God, authored by Becket G. Senchur, who must be a monk at St. Vincent Archabbey. The tune is very singable, if not predictable, but not bad at all. Of course, the kids love this one, too. We sang both of them Friday 8/14, the memorial of St. Maximilian Kolbe at the school Mass.
What we've been doing for the hymn at Mass, is singing stanza one as the priest and servers enter the sanctuary. Then Father Bossman wants the introit, so we chant it, usually to Tone VIII. It's really kind of a downer, singing two entrance hymns, both of which are truncated to the point of high ridiculousity. Be that as it may.... on Feast days, we chant the Gloria (III). The psalm is read, although we'll begin chanting the refrain in a few weeks, and second semester, the students will chant the psalm entirely. The rest of the music for the ordinary is the same as Sunday.
At Holy Communion, after the older kids are back in their pews, we sing the concluding stanzas of the first hymn. At least the poetry isn't totally marred, and the response is very good from the kids as well as the adults.
We have adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every day from 9am to approx 9pm. After the final blessing, the priest and servers move to the front of the altar and the bell rings for the Angelus. At the conclusion of the Angelus, the priest moves to the tabernacle. That's when we begin singing this really pretty Spanish/Mexican hymn, Cantemos al Amor de los Amores. The sing it very well. This gives the procession time to reposition the Blessed Sacrament and return to the sanctuary. A brief organ improvisation follows - or if prepared or fitting, a composed piece.
I'm happy with most of what is happening with the kids, musically speaking. But there is just not enough class time to get everything done. So I need to plan more carefully.
Like last Tuesday when one of the boys sneezed all over me.... yep, it went flying. That kid is going to have to carry a Kleenex box with him everywhere..... my immune system is still very susceptible to such quickly airborne my day off and the following were spent in isolation.....
Tomorrow's lineup:
Hymn: O God, You Search Me and You know Me. It's the only Bernadette Farrell piece that I will do - unless she comes up with something nice again, without interweaving her music with noxious anti Roman Catholic theological stances..... (I chose this, because tomorrow's Psalm at Mass is Psalm 139.)
Have a great week.
living in Corpus Christi TX where we've well passed 90 days of 90+ degree temperatures!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
CanticaNOVA Publications, home of my own Around the Throne, a Glorious Band setting, presents this great article by Kevin Orlin Johnson - The Ten Most Common Liturgical Abuses and Why They're Wrong.
One of the things that drew me to the Church of St. John the Baptist is that these things just don't happen there. Thank God!
(Note: I skipped a couple of sections so I can stress what I've seen in my own experience. Go read the article itself to see what you've seen.)
1. Disregarding the prescribed text of the Order of Mass
One very common example the author cites is the parish (or at least the priest) who deliberately omits the word "men" in the line "for us men and for our salvation" in the Creed. Normally (in my observations) it's the priest who omits "men" (probably because he isn't man enough to say it), simply creating a dead spot for that split second, rejoining the people for "and for our salvation".
Another example the author cites here is one that I used to hear in another Pawtucket parish I once served, the priest who would "wing it through the Eucharistic Prayer". TWO of the three priests there (the pastor and a resident priest from the Columban Fathers) at the time used to do this. In fact, one of them tried it, and as a consequence, lost his place, thus saying the second EP up to the Mysterium Fidei, and saying the third EP from there on. Thankfully, these two priests are now retired. Ironically, it was the curate that drove me out of that parish. He was just plain miserable - he bitched about EVERYTHING! He's now a pastor himself (I pray for the parish he's in).
2. Interrupting the Mass
In the same parish that I've heard the two thankfully-now-retired priests wing the Eucharistic Prayer, the pastor got a nice rude interruption in the middle of a homily he once preached. I didn't pay attention to the homily itself, but it started with a mention of the "School of the Americas" or something like that. And a few minutes within, I suddenly hear from the pew stand up and holler, "EXCUSE ME! THAT'S A POLITICAL STATEMENT! WHY DON'T YOU STICK TO THE BIBLE!" A couple of minutes later, another outburst came from the same jerk, prompting many from the pew to tell him "sit down and shut up!" Eventually, he walked out, and the remainder of the people gave him a "standing O".
Mr. Johnson rightfully points out that "The priest has no more right to interrupt the Mass from the sanctuary than you have to interrupt it from the pews". One fine example comes from a church in Attleboro, MA, where I once attended Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday 2008 -
The offertory was Amazing Grace (played with a hacked gospel revival feel), but not before the pastor's big announcement calling for more "eucharistic ministers" (you mean, "extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion", Father) and that there was a class for them at a church a couple of towns north, followed by his other big announcement that he recently acquired a "new pet" - a "robot puppy".
Further: No one may stop the Mass for extra homilies (CSDW, Liturgicae Instaurationes 2(a)) and certainly not for other activities that are themselves unlawful, like skits or "liturgical dance. That means NO freakin' eulogies at Funeral Masses. Save them for the wake or the burial. There is ample time at either. I might have mentioned at one time the eulogy I had to put up with where this one dame babbled on about how the deceased told her that she had too much to drink. As for liturgical dance - this article might just piss off some MahonyFest (that is, the Los Angheleeze Religious Misedumacation Congress) liturgical coordinators.
3. Omitting the Penitential Rite
The second paragraph in this section pertains to the optional "sign of peace". If the priest does include the "sign of peace", "the priest is not allowed to leave the sanctuary to exchange it with the congregation" (GIRM 136). I've been to many a parish where one would go up half the center aisle. In the case of the above mentioned Attleboro parish, the pastor went ALL THE WAY up the center aisle, and back, like a Las Vegas showman.
4. Replacing or omitting the homily
No guest speakers, unless they're bishops, priests, or deacons. And again, no eulogies!
5. Dictating posture
This section directs basically to the anti-kneeling kooks, as well as the kooks who like to make the Tabernacle "it" in a game of hide and seek.
6. Dictating the manner of reception of the Eucharist
This is for the anti-tongue kooks, namely this Cumberland parish I went to, where the only good thing going was the organist. From my post:
The worst of it all was during Communion, when I went to receive. As I got to the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, with my hands tightly folded, the EMHC said to me, "I'm sorry, I can only give it in the hand." WTF???!!! SINCE FREAKIN' WHEN???!!! Since freakin' when can one not receive our Lord Jesus Christ in the way that the Holy Father has clearly expressed his preference to receive Him? I didn't bother to make a scene. I received and consumed, and decided to save my rant for here. I don't know if this is the pastor's policy, or the EMHC's own little pet peeve, but it's definitely WRONG WRONG WRONG!
Mr. Johnson affirms my last sentence:
Still, universal Church law does not permit reception of the Sacrament in the hand, and John Paul II disapproves of the practice. (Note: the article was originally written in 1999, still in the time of Pope John Paul's pontificate). The indult that allowed it specified that reception in the hand "must not be imposed" (CSDW, En réponse, 1969). Absolutely no priest or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion may refuse to administer the Eucharist on the tongue.
(emphasis mine).
8. Holding hands during the Our Father
Ah yes, the old custom that originated from AA meetings. The sad thing is that I know some people who cling to Catholic teachings for dear life, yet still perform this practice. Yes, I've had some of these in my former choirs. If someone tries to hold your hand, give him/her this fine item.
9. Performing liturgical dance
Another BAM! See the last paragraph of my take on section 2.
10. Closing the holy water fonts at some seasons
...or filling it with rocks. Big time wrong!
One of the things that drew me to the Church of St. John the Baptist is that these things just don't happen there. Thank God!
(Note: I skipped a couple of sections so I can stress what I've seen in my own experience. Go read the article itself to see what you've seen.)
1. Disregarding the prescribed text of the Order of Mass
One very common example the author cites is the parish (or at least the priest) who deliberately omits the word "men" in the line "for us men and for our salvation" in the Creed. Normally (in my observations) it's the priest who omits "men" (probably because he isn't man enough to say it), simply creating a dead spot for that split second, rejoining the people for "and for our salvation".
Another example the author cites here is one that I used to hear in another Pawtucket parish I once served, the priest who would "wing it through the Eucharistic Prayer". TWO of the three priests there (the pastor and a resident priest from the Columban Fathers) at the time used to do this. In fact, one of them tried it, and as a consequence, lost his place, thus saying the second EP up to the Mysterium Fidei, and saying the third EP from there on. Thankfully, these two priests are now retired. Ironically, it was the curate that drove me out of that parish. He was just plain miserable - he bitched about EVERYTHING! He's now a pastor himself (I pray for the parish he's in).
2. Interrupting the Mass
In the same parish that I've heard the two thankfully-now-retired priests wing the Eucharistic Prayer, the pastor got a nice rude interruption in the middle of a homily he once preached. I didn't pay attention to the homily itself, but it started with a mention of the "School of the Americas" or something like that. And a few minutes within, I suddenly hear from the pew stand up and holler, "EXCUSE ME! THAT'S A POLITICAL STATEMENT! WHY DON'T YOU STICK TO THE BIBLE!" A couple of minutes later, another outburst came from the same jerk, prompting many from the pew to tell him "sit down and shut up!" Eventually, he walked out, and the remainder of the people gave him a "standing O".
Mr. Johnson rightfully points out that "The priest has no more right to interrupt the Mass from the sanctuary than you have to interrupt it from the pews". One fine example comes from a church in Attleboro, MA, where I once attended Mass on Divine Mercy Sunday 2008 -
The offertory was Amazing Grace (played with a hacked gospel revival feel), but not before the pastor's big announcement calling for more "eucharistic ministers" (you mean, "extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion", Father) and that there was a class for them at a church a couple of towns north, followed by his other big announcement that he recently acquired a "new pet" - a "robot puppy".
Further: No one may stop the Mass for extra homilies (CSDW, Liturgicae Instaurationes 2(a)) and certainly not for other activities that are themselves unlawful, like skits or "liturgical dance. That means NO freakin' eulogies at Funeral Masses. Save them for the wake or the burial. There is ample time at either. I might have mentioned at one time the eulogy I had to put up with where this one dame babbled on about how the deceased told her that she had too much to drink. As for liturgical dance - this article might just piss off some MahonyFest (that is, the Los Angheleeze Religious Misedumacation Congress) liturgical coordinators.
3. Omitting the Penitential Rite
The second paragraph in this section pertains to the optional "sign of peace". If the priest does include the "sign of peace", "the priest is not allowed to leave the sanctuary to exchange it with the congregation" (GIRM 136). I've been to many a parish where one would go up half the center aisle. In the case of the above mentioned Attleboro parish, the pastor went ALL THE WAY up the center aisle, and back, like a Las Vegas showman.
4. Replacing or omitting the homily
No guest speakers, unless they're bishops, priests, or deacons. And again, no eulogies!
5. Dictating posture
This section directs basically to the anti-kneeling kooks, as well as the kooks who like to make the Tabernacle "it" in a game of hide and seek.
6. Dictating the manner of reception of the Eucharist
This is for the anti-tongue kooks, namely this Cumberland parish I went to, where the only good thing going was the organist. From my post:
The worst of it all was during Communion, when I went to receive. As I got to the Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, with my hands tightly folded, the EMHC said to me, "I'm sorry, I can only give it in the hand." WTF???!!! SINCE FREAKIN' WHEN???!!! Since freakin' when can one not receive our Lord Jesus Christ in the way that the Holy Father has clearly expressed his preference to receive Him? I didn't bother to make a scene. I received and consumed, and decided to save my rant for here. I don't know if this is the pastor's policy, or the EMHC's own little pet peeve, but it's definitely WRONG WRONG WRONG!
Mr. Johnson affirms my last sentence:
Still, universal Church law does not permit reception of the Sacrament in the hand, and John Paul II disapproves of the practice. (Note: the article was originally written in 1999, still in the time of Pope John Paul's pontificate). The indult that allowed it specified that reception in the hand "must not be imposed" (CSDW, En réponse, 1969). Absolutely no priest or extraordinary minister of Holy Communion may refuse to administer the Eucharist on the tongue.
(emphasis mine).
8. Holding hands during the Our Father
Ah yes, the old custom that originated from AA meetings. The sad thing is that I know some people who cling to Catholic teachings for dear life, yet still perform this practice. Yes, I've had some of these in my former choirs. If someone tries to hold your hand, give him/her this fine item.
9. Performing liturgical dance
Another BAM! See the last paragraph of my take on section 2.
10. Closing the holy water fonts at some seasons
...or filling it with rocks. Big time wrong!
Friday, August 21, 2009
On the Queenship of Mary
Normally, I'm totally opposed (honest!) to adding special events to the Holy Mass. Every liturgical and musical bone in my body says that this is wrong. Except for events sanctioned by Holy Mother the Church: baptisms, for instance.
Our parish school is dedicated to the queenship of Mary. That date, August 22, falls on a Saturday. Normally, this day would be celebrated at the school Mass. This year, Fr. Glen Mullan, pastor, petitioned the Bishop's office for permission to move the celebration to Sunday. The permission came through - and pleasant surprise. After all that work and prayer, however, Father decided that we would still do the regular lections for OT 21. Why? Because we have been involved in a series of homilies by both priests, on the Bread of Life narrative from John 6.
If we were not involved with that, the liturgy would flow seamlessly from music to spoken word. However, this week presents a mish-mash of two exceptionally wonderful liturgies. It will be what it will be.
The school students have crowns which they have "made" and decorated. The crowns were worn at the weekly school Mass this morning (Friday, 8/21), and will be worn at the Sunday Mass. I am happy to report that there is very little fussing around with these diadems, and they are not being cast down at times when they shouldn't oughta-be....
Mariology presents serious challenges when added to the liturgy this weekend. Especially when it comes to the choice of music. The opportunity is definitely available for teaching, to be sure. I'd rather not have to do this sort of thing, but, as Jackie Gleason used to say with such verve, "....awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy we go!"
Here's the run down:
Organ, Prelude in C - J. S. Bach (yeah, the one in which Gounod's improvisation on a theme by his future father-in-law is superimposed).
Entrance: Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above - Salve Regina Coelitum
Introit: from the Queenship of Mary, Tone VIII
Kyrie - Mass XVI
Gloria - Mass VIII
Psalm 34 - will be chanted antiphonally by the students at the noon Mass (no congregational involvement). At other Masses, the people will chant responsorially to Tone II
Offertory - Holy, Holy, Holy - Nicaea (pay note to stanza 2)
Sanctus - Mass XVIII
Mortem tuam - Sacramentary
Pater Noster - Robert Snow
Agnus Dei - Mass XVIII
Communion Antiphon for Queenship of Mary, Tone VIII
Communion Hymn, Cantemos al Amor de los Amores
(this is a lovely, albeit pietistic, piece which the students sing each day at the conclusion of Mass, while the Blessed Sacrament is transferred to the Adoration Chapel.)
During the Ablutions - Ave Maria - Mode I chant sung mostly by the children
(there will be very few adults who know this, but they'll learn it quickly enough, as it is going to replace the Salve Regina at the weekend Masses).
Recessional - Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary - Alle Tage Sing und Sage
Organ - Fanfare - Ronald Arnatt
Fortunately, we don't do things like the protest ants do - - - you know, Girl Scout Sunday, Boy Scout Sunday, Grandparents Sunday, Fourth of July Sunday, Christmas Eve Day Sunday, Second Coming of Christ Sunday, Let's Bash Catholic Theology that we don't know or understand Sunday..... etc., ad nauseum.
And to all, a good weekend.
Our parish school is dedicated to the queenship of Mary. That date, August 22, falls on a Saturday. Normally, this day would be celebrated at the school Mass. This year, Fr. Glen Mullan, pastor, petitioned the Bishop's office for permission to move the celebration to Sunday. The permission came through - and pleasant surprise. After all that work and prayer, however, Father decided that we would still do the regular lections for OT 21. Why? Because we have been involved in a series of homilies by both priests, on the Bread of Life narrative from John 6.
If we were not involved with that, the liturgy would flow seamlessly from music to spoken word. However, this week presents a mish-mash of two exceptionally wonderful liturgies. It will be what it will be.
The school students have crowns which they have "made" and decorated. The crowns were worn at the weekly school Mass this morning (Friday, 8/21), and will be worn at the Sunday Mass. I am happy to report that there is very little fussing around with these diadems, and they are not being cast down at times when they shouldn't oughta-be....
Mariology presents serious challenges when added to the liturgy this weekend. Especially when it comes to the choice of music. The opportunity is definitely available for teaching, to be sure. I'd rather not have to do this sort of thing, but, as Jackie Gleason used to say with such verve, "....awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy we go!"
Here's the run down:
Organ, Prelude in C - J. S. Bach (yeah, the one in which Gounod's improvisation on a theme by his future father-in-law is superimposed).
Entrance: Hail, Holy Queen Enthroned Above - Salve Regina Coelitum
Introit: from the Queenship of Mary, Tone VIII
Kyrie - Mass XVI
Gloria - Mass VIII
Psalm 34 - will be chanted antiphonally by the students at the noon Mass (no congregational involvement). At other Masses, the people will chant responsorially to Tone II
Offertory - Holy, Holy, Holy - Nicaea (pay note to stanza 2)
Sanctus - Mass XVIII
Mortem tuam - Sacramentary
Pater Noster - Robert Snow
Agnus Dei - Mass XVIII
Communion Antiphon for Queenship of Mary, Tone VIII
Communion Hymn, Cantemos al Amor de los Amores
(this is a lovely, albeit pietistic, piece which the students sing each day at the conclusion of Mass, while the Blessed Sacrament is transferred to the Adoration Chapel.)
During the Ablutions - Ave Maria - Mode I chant sung mostly by the children
(there will be very few adults who know this, but they'll learn it quickly enough, as it is going to replace the Salve Regina at the weekend Masses).
Recessional - Daily, Daily, Sing to Mary - Alle Tage Sing und Sage
Organ - Fanfare - Ronald Arnatt
Fortunately, we don't do things like the protest ants do - - - you know, Girl Scout Sunday, Boy Scout Sunday, Grandparents Sunday, Fourth of July Sunday, Christmas Eve Day Sunday, Second Coming of Christ Sunday, Let's Bash Catholic Theology that we don't know or understand Sunday..... etc., ad nauseum.
And to all, a good weekend.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Sunday XXI - Ordinary Form of the Mass - 23 August 2009
St. John the Baptist Church, Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Morning has broken..."Bunessan"
- (I'll be steering away from the Cat Stevens-like one-chord-per-bar accompaniments that most modern hymnals seem to use and go with the David Evans accompaniment from Worship II, #179. I don't mind the Cat Stevens version on the radio, but at church David Evans rocks!)
Taste and see / Alleluia...Alstott, from Respond and Acclaim
Make me a channel of your peace...Temple (the only Sebastian Temple piece I'll ever use)
Sanctus / Agnus...Vermulst, from People's Mass
Christ has died / Amen...Danish
I am the bread of life...Toolan (aka "Toolanbread")
Let all things now living..."Ash Grove"
St. John the Baptist Church, Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Morning has broken..."Bunessan"
- (I'll be steering away from the Cat Stevens-like one-chord-per-bar accompaniments that most modern hymnals seem to use and go with the David Evans accompaniment from Worship II, #179. I don't mind the Cat Stevens version on the radio, but at church David Evans rocks!)
Taste and see / Alleluia...Alstott, from Respond and Acclaim
Make me a channel of your peace...Temple (the only Sebastian Temple piece I'll ever use)
Sanctus / Agnus...Vermulst, from People's Mass
Christ has died / Amen...Danish
I am the bread of life...Toolan (aka "Toolanbread")
Let all things now living..."Ash Grove"
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The stoplist of the organ at Saint John the Baptist, Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
En Cied Orgues Canadiennes (Canadian Organ Company)
St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada
The date of the organ is arguable at this point. Daniel Lemieux, on his website, says 1924. Fr. Jerry Harbour, the pastor, says 1927. Fr. Jerry may have the more accurate statement here, since the cornerstone of the church says 1925. So, I'll say mid to late 1920's and be safe on all ends. :)
The other error on the Lemieux website is that it also listed stops for a solo division. The organ at St. John's does not have a solo division. However, another organ on his portfolio, the Casavant at St. Anthony of Padua in New Bedford, Massachusetts, does, and the stops in that division may be from that organ.
One interesting note is that this the first three-manual organ I've ever played that has absolutely NO mixtures, and absolutely NO mutation stops, definitely something rather unbecoming of a French-Canadian built pipe organ.
So, without further ado, here is the stoplist for the organ at St. John's...

Bourdon 16' / Principal 8' / Bourdon 8' / Viole Orchestre 8' / Cor de Nuit 8'
Aeoline 8' / Voix Celeste 8' / Violes Celeste 8' / Flute de Concert 4' / Piccolo 2'
Tromba Royale 8' / Hautbois l'evres 8' / Tremolo / Harpe
Grand Orgue:
Montre I 8' / Montre II 8' / Flute Double 8' / Clarabelle 8' / Dolce 8' / Principal Violon 4'
Flute Harmonic 4' / Doublette 2' / Trompette l'evres 8' / Tremolo / Harpe
(Note: Part of the Grand Orgue division is under expression. I'd have to go back and double-check which ones. I'm almost positive)
Flute Double Ouverte 8' / Violoncelle 8' / Viole Sourdine 8' / Violes Celestes 8'
Flute d'Amour 4' / Tuba 8' / Hautbois Orchestral 8' / Voix Humaine 8'
Tremolo / Harpe Celeste
(Note: I found the "Orchestral" naming rather interesting, in place of "Choeur" or "Positif". But then, I served a Woonsocket church back in the early to mid 1980's with an late 1920's Estey organ that labeled the pedal division "Universal".)
Resultant 32' / Flute 16' / Bourdon 16' / Gedeckt 16' / Bourdon Echo 16' (lieblich action)
Flute 8' (ext. of Bourdon) / Bourdon Echo 8' (ext.) / Bombarde 16'
(Note: I love the thickness of the 32' Resultant on this organ. It's very reminiscent of the resultant I often hear on the 1972 IV/125 Casavant tracker at the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul in Providence. I often use this resultant for final verses of the entrance and recessional hymns, as well as postludes.)
Another note: the two "anches l'evres" (the Hautbois on the Recit and the Trompette on the Grand Orgue) are excellent chorus reeds.
The late Paul Martin, who served St. John's as Organist and Choirmaster for 19 years, had counted 31 ranks. I'm counting 34 ranks, but it's possible that the Pedal 16' flute could have been borrowed from the Grand Orgue or Orchestral, the Pedal 16' Bourdon could have been borrowed from the Recit, and the 8' Violes Celeste could be the same rank on both the Recit and Orchestral, thus the count of 31.
At any rate, the organ at St. John's is currently the largest working pipe organ in any Pawtucket Catholic church. Close calls are St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception (Austin, III/25) and the former Our Lady of Consolation (Casavant, III/24). St. Cecilia's is a III/40 Kimball, but that organ hasn't functioned in nearly three decades, though there has been talks of restoring it.
The other Pawtucket Catholic churches:
St. Leo the Great: an old two-manual Allen from 1962 (yeah, in electronic organ years, an organ built in 1962 is a dinosaur, while a pipe organ of the same age is still fairly new)
St. Edward: a two-manual Lane
St. Joseph (now Holy Family): a three-manual Rodgers analog electronic
St. Anthony: has no organ, from what I've heard
the former Sacred Heart: a two-manual Austin, I believe, of about 16 ranks
St. Teresa of the Child Jesus: a two-manual Allen of a vintage similar to St. Leo's
Immaculate Heart of Mary: I've never been in that church, but it's not a big church at all, so I can imagine the organ (if any) is not so big either. This is a parish that was established in 1979 for Cape Verdean Catholics, using a building that used to be a Jewish synagogue.
St. Maria Goretti: a two-manual Allen, I believe.
BTW, after a very strong impromptu improv on Hymn to Joy as a postlude this morning, I looked up and said, "Paul, this one's for you, buddy!"
En Cied Orgues Canadiennes (Canadian Organ Company)
St. Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada
The date of the organ is arguable at this point. Daniel Lemieux, on his website, says 1924. Fr. Jerry Harbour, the pastor, says 1927. Fr. Jerry may have the more accurate statement here, since the cornerstone of the church says 1925. So, I'll say mid to late 1920's and be safe on all ends. :)
The other error on the Lemieux website is that it also listed stops for a solo division. The organ at St. John's does not have a solo division. However, another organ on his portfolio, the Casavant at St. Anthony of Padua in New Bedford, Massachusetts, does, and the stops in that division may be from that organ.
One interesting note is that this the first three-manual organ I've ever played that has absolutely NO mixtures, and absolutely NO mutation stops, definitely something rather unbecoming of a French-Canadian built pipe organ.
So, without further ado, here is the stoplist for the organ at St. John's...

Bourdon 16' / Principal 8' / Bourdon 8' / Viole Orchestre 8' / Cor de Nuit 8'
Aeoline 8' / Voix Celeste 8' / Violes Celeste 8' / Flute de Concert 4' / Piccolo 2'
Tromba Royale 8' / Hautbois l'evres 8' / Tremolo / Harpe
Grand Orgue:
Montre I 8' / Montre II 8' / Flute Double 8' / Clarabelle 8' / Dolce 8' / Principal Violon 4'
Flute Harmonic 4' / Doublette 2' / Trompette l'evres 8' / Tremolo / Harpe
(Note: Part of the Grand Orgue division is under expression. I'd have to go back and double-check which ones. I'm almost positive)
Flute Double Ouverte 8' / Violoncelle 8' / Viole Sourdine 8' / Violes Celestes 8'
Flute d'Amour 4' / Tuba 8' / Hautbois Orchestral 8' / Voix Humaine 8'
Tremolo / Harpe Celeste
(Note: I found the "Orchestral" naming rather interesting, in place of "Choeur" or "Positif". But then, I served a Woonsocket church back in the early to mid 1980's with an late 1920's Estey organ that labeled the pedal division "Universal".)
Resultant 32' / Flute 16' / Bourdon 16' / Gedeckt 16' / Bourdon Echo 16' (lieblich action)
Flute 8' (ext. of Bourdon) / Bourdon Echo 8' (ext.) / Bombarde 16'
(Note: I love the thickness of the 32' Resultant on this organ. It's very reminiscent of the resultant I often hear on the 1972 IV/125 Casavant tracker at the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul in Providence. I often use this resultant for final verses of the entrance and recessional hymns, as well as postludes.)
Another note: the two "anches l'evres" (the Hautbois on the Recit and the Trompette on the Grand Orgue) are excellent chorus reeds.
The late Paul Martin, who served St. John's as Organist and Choirmaster for 19 years, had counted 31 ranks. I'm counting 34 ranks, but it's possible that the Pedal 16' flute could have been borrowed from the Grand Orgue or Orchestral, the Pedal 16' Bourdon could have been borrowed from the Recit, and the 8' Violes Celeste could be the same rank on both the Recit and Orchestral, thus the count of 31.
At any rate, the organ at St. John's is currently the largest working pipe organ in any Pawtucket Catholic church. Close calls are St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception (Austin, III/25) and the former Our Lady of Consolation (Casavant, III/24). St. Cecilia's is a III/40 Kimball, but that organ hasn't functioned in nearly three decades, though there has been talks of restoring it.
The other Pawtucket Catholic churches:
St. Leo the Great: an old two-manual Allen from 1962 (yeah, in electronic organ years, an organ built in 1962 is a dinosaur, while a pipe organ of the same age is still fairly new)
St. Edward: a two-manual Lane
St. Joseph (now Holy Family): a three-manual Rodgers analog electronic
St. Anthony: has no organ, from what I've heard
the former Sacred Heart: a two-manual Austin, I believe, of about 16 ranks
St. Teresa of the Child Jesus: a two-manual Allen of a vintage similar to St. Leo's
Immaculate Heart of Mary: I've never been in that church, but it's not a big church at all, so I can imagine the organ (if any) is not so big either. This is a parish that was established in 1979 for Cape Verdean Catholics, using a building that used to be a Jewish synagogue.
St. Maria Goretti: a two-manual Allen, I believe.
BTW, after a very strong impromptu improv on Hymn to Joy as a postlude this morning, I looked up and said, "Paul, this one's for you, buddy!"
August 16, 2009 - Sunday XX (Ordinary Form of the Mass in English)
St. John the Baptist Church, Pawtucket, RI
A mighty fortress is our God..."Ein' feste berg"
Taste and see / Alleluia...Alstott, both from "Respond and Acclaim"
My God and my all...Zaragoza
Sanctus / Agnus...Vermulst, both from "People's Mass"
Christ has died / Amen...Danish
Eat this bread...Batastini/Berthier
Sent forth by God's blessing..."Ash Grove"
St. John the Baptist Church, Pawtucket, RI
A mighty fortress is our God..."Ein' feste berg"
Taste and see / Alleluia...Alstott, both from "Respond and Acclaim"
My God and my all...Zaragoza
Sanctus / Agnus...Vermulst, both from "People's Mass"
Christ has died / Amen...Danish
Eat this bread...Batastini/Berthier
Sent forth by God's blessing..."Ash Grove"
Saturday, August 8, 2009
And So, IT begins!!!!!
This week:
Entrance: Crown Him With Many Crowns - Diademata
Introit: Tone 8
Kyrie: Mass 16
Gloria: Mass 8
Psalm 34 - setting by our FEARLESS LEADER,
The Right Most Holy and Irreverant Father of Several,
Brian Michael Page. You may now all continue with your regularly
scheduled breathing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Offertory: Come, My Way, My Truth - The Call
Sanctus, etc.: Mass 18
Communion Antiphon: Tone 8
Communion Hymn (a rare thing here): Gift of Finest Wheat - Bicentennial
Hymn: You Are the Way, To You Alone - Dundee
Organ: Toccata in e minor - Walther (I think...Biggs' Treasury collection)
Wednesdays will be my day off this year...barring funerals and Feast Days.
Katie will leave for TN to tend to her parents (her dad will be 93 on 8/31), which means that I'm bachelor-ing it up again. Pray for me. And Dooley.
School begins Monday morning....with Mass. This should be fun.
Except that I've been told I must be in dress code....which will be interesting since I have no money to purchase several pairs of nice pants and shirts..... oi vey.
Have a great, cool week.
I hear rumors that in Corpus Christi this year, WINTER will occur on December 4 from 8am until 3pm.
Entrance: Crown Him With Many Crowns - Diademata
Introit: Tone 8
Kyrie: Mass 16
Gloria: Mass 8
Psalm 34 - setting by our FEARLESS LEADER,
The Right Most Holy and Irreverant Father of Several,
Brian Michael Page. You may now all continue with your regularly
scheduled breathing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Offertory: Come, My Way, My Truth - The Call
Sanctus, etc.: Mass 18
Communion Antiphon: Tone 8
Communion Hymn (a rare thing here): Gift of Finest Wheat - Bicentennial
Hymn: You Are the Way, To You Alone - Dundee
Organ: Toccata in e minor - Walther (I think...Biggs' Treasury collection)
Wednesdays will be my day off this year...barring funerals and Feast Days.
Katie will leave for TN to tend to her parents (her dad will be 93 on 8/31), which means that I'm bachelor-ing it up again. Pray for me. And Dooley.
School begins Monday morning....with Mass. This should be fun.
Except that I've been told I must be in dress code....which will be interesting since I have no money to purchase several pairs of nice pants and shirts..... oi vey.
Have a great, cool week.
I hear rumors that in Corpus Christi this year, WINTER will occur on December 4 from 8am until 3pm.
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Creative Minority Report reports the Vatican's introduction of this great new program:

Patrick Archbold at CMR reports:
Thanks to an exciting new Vatican Program you can trade in your tired, old, progressive Priest, Liturgist, or Music Director for a brand new - certified orthodox - model.
The Vatican has begun a a new program officially called "Faith and Tradition Recovery Act" but otherwise known as "Mass for Clunkers." Under this program you can trade in your harmful old "Community Faith Director in the Catholic faith tradition" for a brand new Priest in the Order of Melchizedek! This exciting program also applies to progressive liturgists and music directors.
A brand new orthodox model comes with many benefits! First and foremost, a new model is guaranteed to save more souls! These antiquated and out of date models have wrecked our churches for too long! Save our environment and trade in your old progressive clunker now and as a bonus you will receive a 4500 days indulgence absolutely free!

Patrick Archbold at CMR reports:
Thanks to an exciting new Vatican Program you can trade in your tired, old, progressive Priest, Liturgist, or Music Director for a brand new - certified orthodox - model.
The Vatican has begun a a new program officially called "Faith and Tradition Recovery Act" but otherwise known as "Mass for Clunkers." Under this program you can trade in your harmful old "Community Faith Director in the Catholic faith tradition" for a brand new Priest in the Order of Melchizedek! This exciting program also applies to progressive liturgists and music directors.
A brand new orthodox model comes with many benefits! First and foremost, a new model is guaranteed to save more souls! These antiquated and out of date models have wrecked our churches for too long! Save our environment and trade in your old progressive clunker now and as a bonus you will receive a 4500 days indulgence absolutely free!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
RSCT to Father Z - Milwaukee chapter of Voice of the Faithful folds!
Voice Affiliate Folds
The Milwaukee affiliate of Voice of the Faithful is calling it quits. They correctly diagnosed the problem: they lost their way, ticked off conservatives and became a clone of Call to Action. Their last event will be September 26—Father Richard McBrien of Notre Dame has been tapped to preside over the funeral. We expect it won’t be long before the parent group packs it in as well.
The above came to Father Z via e-mail. The good Father continues:
Awwwwww…. what a shame.
Do you suppose McBrien will use black vestments?
Nah! I suppose he'll keep the same old tie-dye vestments complete with peace signs and felt cutouts. The "funeral" will consist of Kumbaya, with emphasis on the verse "Someone's crying, Lord, Kumbayaaaaaaaaaa!"
By all means, a victory for the Catholic Church in Milwaukee!
Voice Affiliate Folds
The Milwaukee affiliate of Voice of the Faithful is calling it quits. They correctly diagnosed the problem: they lost their way, ticked off conservatives and became a clone of Call to Action. Their last event will be September 26—Father Richard McBrien of Notre Dame has been tapped to preside over the funeral. We expect it won’t be long before the parent group packs it in as well.
The above came to Father Z via e-mail. The good Father continues:
Awwwwww…. what a shame.
Do you suppose McBrien will use black vestments?
Nah! I suppose he'll keep the same old tie-dye vestments complete with peace signs and felt cutouts. The "funeral" will consist of Kumbaya, with emphasis on the verse "Someone's crying, Lord, Kumbayaaaaaaaaaa!"
By all means, a victory for the Catholic Church in Milwaukee!
Monday, August 3, 2009
as they say in German, "ein Arschloch"!
First the SOB screwed me out of taking time off so I could be with my daughter as she and her travel team was able to play in a softball tournament in Hershey, PA. All I asked for was three lousy days, and it was one excuse after another. My response: "Try telling that to an 11-year-old!" She was heartbroken!
Now he's trying to toy with my forthcoming vacation time, which had been approved as early as last January by the previous boss (who left the company in May). I respected the previous boss' request of not taking two weeks in a row by taking the week beginning 8/17 and the week beginning 8/31. Because we CSM's (customer service managers) have 10 routes, one each day, it's a two-week cycle. So now, my current boss is trying to tell me my second week is no good because the same customers will be missed two cycles in a row. When I told him that wasn't what was told to me when I got my time approved by the previous boss, his response was "the LGM who approved your vacation no longer works for the company." SO WHAT?! For some reason this young "boy wonder" seems to think that his principal role as an LGM (local general manager) is to undo the alleged damage of the previous LGM. All he's done so far is piss off every CSM, CSMT, and warehouse personnel in our depot.
I'm in dialog with the regional human resources manager regarding the vacation matter. As my late father-in-law would say: "There are two things you don't *%$# with. You don't *%$# with my family, and you don't *%$# with my money!" By *%$#ing with my vacation time, he's *%$#ing with my family. Not happening, amigo!
This kid is way too young to run a depot, not to mention overzealous, and way too much a micromanager, and a "shit-stirrer". And like I said, he's pissed off our entire crew in some way, shape, or form.
First the SOB screwed me out of taking time off so I could be with my daughter as she and her travel team was able to play in a softball tournament in Hershey, PA. All I asked for was three lousy days, and it was one excuse after another. My response: "Try telling that to an 11-year-old!" She was heartbroken!
Now he's trying to toy with my forthcoming vacation time, which had been approved as early as last January by the previous boss (who left the company in May). I respected the previous boss' request of not taking two weeks in a row by taking the week beginning 8/17 and the week beginning 8/31. Because we CSM's (customer service managers) have 10 routes, one each day, it's a two-week cycle. So now, my current boss is trying to tell me my second week is no good because the same customers will be missed two cycles in a row. When I told him that wasn't what was told to me when I got my time approved by the previous boss, his response was "the LGM who approved your vacation no longer works for the company." SO WHAT?! For some reason this young "boy wonder" seems to think that his principal role as an LGM (local general manager) is to undo the alleged damage of the previous LGM. All he's done so far is piss off every CSM, CSMT, and warehouse personnel in our depot.
I'm in dialog with the regional human resources manager regarding the vacation matter. As my late father-in-law would say: "There are two things you don't *%$# with. You don't *%$# with my family, and you don't *%$# with my money!" By *%$#ing with my vacation time, he's *%$#ing with my family. Not happening, amigo!
This kid is way too young to run a depot, not to mention overzealous, and way too much a micromanager, and a "shit-stirrer". And like I said, he's pissed off our entire crew in some way, shape, or form.
I hereby join our English friends Damian Thompson and Fr. Tim Finigan in urging all orthodox Catholics in joining the latest Facebook craze, the Tablet Appreciation Society. Enough support from REAL Catholics might just help restore the Tablet (often referred to as the "Bitter Pill") to its original beauty - kind of like having Duncan Stroik restore a Dick Vosko wreckovation to its original beauty.
BMP (the 125th member of the Tablet Appreciation Society)
BMP (the 125th member of the Tablet Appreciation Society)
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Ordinary Form - Sunday XIX - August 9, 2009
St. John the Baptist Church - Pawtucket, RI
"Hyfrydol" - Church of God, elect and glorious
B. M. Page - Taste and see (from Chabanel)
O. Alstott - Alleluia (from Respond and Acclaim)
"St. Elizabeth" - Beautiful Savior
J. Vermulst - Sanctus and Agnus (from People's Mass)
Danish - Christ Has Died and Amen
J. Moore - Taste and See
"Hymn to Joy" - Praise the Lord, ye heav'ns adore him
- (If I had my way the tune would be "Austria".)
St. John the Baptist Church - Pawtucket, RI
"Hyfrydol" - Church of God, elect and glorious
B. M. Page - Taste and see (from Chabanel)
O. Alstott - Alleluia (from Respond and Acclaim)
"St. Elizabeth" - Beautiful Savior
J. Vermulst - Sanctus and Agnus (from People's Mass)
Danish - Christ Has Died and Amen
J. Moore - Taste and See
"Hymn to Joy" - Praise the Lord, ye heav'ns adore him
- (If I had my way the tune would be "Austria".)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
This Week in Corpus Christi
While I have time to write.... this week and next are going to be killers. (In-service, etc.... should be prohibited by law!)
Entrance Hymn - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence - Picardy
Introit - Tone VIII
Kyrie, Gloria - Jubilate Deo collection
Psalm - my tune for refrain, verses tone II
Alleluia - Murray, verse arr. from the tune
Offertory - Shepherd of Souls - St. Agnes
Sanctus, Mortem, Agnus Dei - JD
Communion Antiphon - Tone VIII
Communion Hymn - Panis Angelicus - Lambillotte
Marian - Salve, Mode V
Recessional - The Head That Once Was Crowned - St. Magnus
Hot as hell here....then I read that in northern Ohio it was only in the 60's. I want to move!
Blessed Week, y'allunz. Yeeeeeehaw
Entrance Hymn - Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence - Picardy
Introit - Tone VIII
Kyrie, Gloria - Jubilate Deo collection
Psalm - my tune for refrain, verses tone II
Alleluia - Murray, verse arr. from the tune
Offertory - Shepherd of Souls - St. Agnes
Sanctus, Mortem, Agnus Dei - JD
Communion Antiphon - Tone VIII
Communion Hymn - Panis Angelicus - Lambillotte
Marian - Salve, Mode V
Recessional - The Head That Once Was Crowned - St. Magnus
Hot as hell here....then I read that in northern Ohio it was only in the 60's. I want to move!
Blessed Week, y'allunz. Yeeeeeehaw
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