Monday, February 27, 2006

Music in Lent at Fatima Church, Lafayette

For the first Sunday of Lent, I usually write a blurb for the parish bulletin which explains to the faithful the various minor changes to the liturgy during this holy season. Here is the brief article:

Faithful Mass-goers will observe a number of traditional modifications to the daily and Sunday liturgies during Lent which reflect the penitential nature of the season. No altar flowers are present during the season, with the exception of the fourth Sunday, Laetare, which offers a slight respite from the rigors of fast, abstinence, penitence, and alms-giving. Also, there are neither organ preludes nor postludes played, or any other instrumental music offered at Holy Mass during the season. Instruments are used solely for the introduction to and accompaniment of singing. In Lent, the faithful will notice during the distribution our practice of singing several communion hymns. The canticle of the angels, the Gloria in Excelsis, common to the Mass after the Kyrie at other times, is omitted throughout Lent. Also, the Alleluia is absent from all hymns and chants, and especially before the versicle preceding the reading of the Holy Gospel. In place of the Alleluia and versicle at the Gospel Procession of Solemn High Mass, the prescribed Lenten Tract is intoned. The Tracts are lengthy scriptural texts appointed by Holy Mother Church especially for use at this point in the Mass on each of the Lenten Sundays. At other Masses and at daily Mass, a simple Lenten acclamation is used. At Solemn High Mass, the ordinary will be the Kyrie Eleison from Missa XVII in conjunction with the chants of the Iubilate Deo. In Holy Week, it is the tradition of the Church that no musical instruments whatsoever be used to accompany singing. We will continue to observe this worthy and pious tradition. For complete listing of the Tracts in Latin with English translation, please visit the Sacred Music page of the parish website:

1 comment:

Jason Pennington said...

You are right. This is what we do. After the sounding of the organ, the instrument is silent until the Great Vigil.