Sunday, June 8, 2008


Sunday X in Ordinary Time - June 8, 2008

This morning I landed up going to an early low Mass (7:30 AM). It's a church I haven't been to in quite some time - I'll say a good 15+ years anyways.

The church was recently appointed with new chandeliers (nice ones). However, it also underwent a paint job (the trim remained white, however the sections between the trim are now yellow - which, according to a couple of people I once knew, is the color of Judas Iscariot) and has new carpeting down the aisles. Not to mention the Tabernacle is now relegated to the side altar. Talk about trying to make a once decent-looking church look warm and fuzzy.

The organ is a two-manual, 18-rank M.P. Möller built in the mid to late 1920's. The organ was not used at this Mass. The Mass ordinary was said, as was the Psalm and Alleluia. However, the pastor used a boom-box to play some really goofy tunes for the Entrance, Offertory, Communion, and Recessional. I don't know the origin of any of the tunes, nor did I bother to ask. I will say this - it reminded me of a 60's lovefest.

The homily wasn't bad - I'll give him credit where credit is due.

Now - in addition to the piped in goofy stuff in place of any hymnody, the pastor, after the post-Communion prayer, invited everyone to "pray for the soldiers in Iraq by singing Let there be peas and carrots on earth". More goofy stuff. Something in the Prayer of the Faithful would have been sufficient.

One other question - what the sam hell is up with these extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion lately? They seem insistent on putting the host in my hand. For the second time in three weeks, I had to bring my face to their hand so they can place Jesus on my tongue. It's as if receiving on the tongue isn't an option anymore.

And while on the topic of extraordinary ministers, I normally try to sit near the center aisle as the priest, the ordinary minister, normally distributes Holy Communion at the center aisle. Nope! This one goes off to the side aisle instead, so I had no choice to receive from an extraordinary minister.

This particular church, had two excellent organists between 1983 and the late 1990's. However, thanks to this pastor, that stopped. The last good organist to go got into a tiff with the current pastor (this organist was hired two pastors before him) after a Holy Thursday Mass, when the organist led the choir in Mozart's Ave Verum, only to get his butt chewed: I DON'T EVER WANT TO HEAR LATIN IN THIS CHURCH AGAIN! First opportunity arose, the organist handed his keys and left with no notice.

Since 1984, the parish had kept up on their We Celebrate subscription. However, they've since downgraded to Seasonal Missalette, and kept the 2004 edition We Celebrate hymnal (instead of keeping up by switching to the 2007 book). I took down the numbers that were on the board (for the Saturday 4:00 and Sunday 10:30). Here's what they led to:

Amazing Grace..."New Britain"
O Blessed Spring..."O Waly Waly"
We Remember...Haugen
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling..."Hyfrydol"



Richard Chonak said...

Tsk, tsk: wouldn't it be awful if the music publishers were to open up a can of license enforcement on that parish for using the old music issue after its expiry date?

Paula Bellman said...

I was thinking the same thing RC.

Actually, I rather like We Remember.

For our Communion, we had Peace Prayer of St. Francis. What that had to do with any of the readings, I'll never know.

Brian Michael Page said...

I won't mention the parish in the open fora, but if WLP asks me via e-mail, I'll gladly tip them off.