Hat tip to Disciples with Microphones.
It seems like Apple may be "cracking down" on use of their trademark words "pod" and "iPod". (Actually, they already own the rights to the proper noun "iPod", but they have applied for the common noun "pod".)
From Mac News World:
When Terry Wilson filed for trademark protection for her "Tightpod" laptop protectors, she received a cease-and-desist order. The order from Apple reads in part: "The Tightpod mark will inevitably cause consumer confusion as to the source of the products, and dilute Apple's famous iPod mark."
From The Listening Post at Wired Blogs:
Apple Computer has slapped Podcast Ready with a "cease and desist" letter, claiming that the terms "Podcast Ready" and "myPodder" infringe Apple's trademarks, and that they cause confusion among consumers.
What about us podcasters? Will we become simply "webcasters?" After all, many of us, myself included, have our podcasts on multiple "podcatchers" and/or "podreaders", including Apple's own iTunes. Oh well, until I hear otherwise from Apple, Christus Vincit still has a podcast.
Webcasting is diffent, imo. Webcasting is the livestreaming online "radio" stations, like those found on Live365.com (to which I am listening at the moment). To me, Podcasting implies the use of iPods or similar equipment to record oneself.
One of the terms proposed is netcasting.
Podcasting was always an inaccurate term that unfortunately was catchy. Too many associate it with requiring an iPod, instead of just needing a computer and a web connection, or a device with web connection.
If Apple does go after podcasting they are total idiots. The term as it is totally is in there favor.
Ok- well then, let me know if I should change my title for that subject- if they "own the word" then I'm not giving them any free publicity!
"Netcasting" is what I have heard as well, Jeff. I think Nick is right about the "Webcasting" term. "Ump3-casting" would be a little too limiting, since there is also "videocasting" and even "video blogging". I could probably make a videocast and upload it via YouTube. (I just don't have the time to do twice the splicing I do now each week.)
Anyone think "netcasting" might "seem to leave" a few more possibilities than "podcasting"? I'm thinking this because one person, upon my mentioning (read: shameless plugging of) the CV Podcast, said to me, "I don't have an iPod." "You don't need one," I had to tell him, "Anything that plays mp3's is good."
All I know is I'll be keeping my ears open, as will our DwM buddies and many other podcasters as well.
How about "Christus Vincit On Demand"? Maybe?
No, then you'd have to deal with Comcast. :-)
Or Cox (RI's cable monopoly), who also uses the "On Demand" line. Intermountain Catholic Broadcasting (which broadcasts Mass at the Madeleine in SLC) has an "on demand" section in their website as well.
I've been trying to line up a few different ones - pros and cons to all of them...
* Christus Vincit to Go
* Christus Vincit on the Run
* Christus Vincit with Legs
* Christus Vincit for your Desktop, Laptop, or Wristtop (con: too long)
* Christus Vincit Travel Size
* Christus Vincit for the Road
* Christus Vincit Strapped On (con: something about that one just doesn't sound kosher)
* Christus Vincit Portable (con: Sony might attack)
I had a few more in an earlier comment but blogger froze up and lost my post.
I got it! I got it! I got it!
"Christus Vincit Anywhere!"
Better than what I was thinking- "Instant CV"...
a little too 'Bosco'.
"Instant CV" isn't bad either.
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