Another song dedicated to that species of woman who continually subjects herself to excommunication, the Poncho Lady™. (Incidentally, I had to take the "™" off the word "Poncho Ladies" on the tag cloud. The new cloud doesn't support it for some reason.)
The Priestess Connection
Composed by Erin "Red Cardigan" Manning
(sung to the tune "Rainbow Connection", as performed by Kermit the Frog)
Why are there so many
Stoles made of rainbows
And vestments that are tie-dyed?
Rainbows are symbols
Of womyn's confusion
And yet represent gay-pride
Get on the boat and wrap sheets all around you
Mu-mus and trinkets and sea
Someday they'll find it, the Priestess Connection
Athena and Isis and me.
Who said that only men
Could stand at the altar?
(God did. But we just don't care)
Somebody told us that
And some may believe it
We say it just isn't fair
We've gone as far as we can with star-gazing
Tarot cards, crystals, and tea
We want to find it, the Priestess Connection
Demeter and Freya and me...
(...all of us can cast a spell
Though mostly we're just comi-tragic...)
Have you dozed off at lunch
And heard mystic voices?
Calls to the priesthood for dames,
Was it the voice of fate
Or maybe the pizza?
Where can we place the blame?
I think Dan Brown is the one who began it
Or people who think God is "She"
Someday we'll find it, that Priestess Connection,
Minerva and Lilith and me.......
la, excommunication...
la la la I cannot hear youuuuuu......!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Book Review: Excellent Biography of Blessed Francis Seelos
A few weeks ago I was loaned a little book outlining the life of Blessed Francis Seelos. Especially readers in South Louisiana will recognize the name as the 19th century Bavarian priest who served approximately one year in New Orleans before succumbing to yellow fever. Many healings are attributed to him. He was beatified in 2000 by the previous Pope.
I expected the book, A Life of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos by authors Carl W. Hoegerl, CSsR, and Alicia von Stamwitz (Liguori Press), to be a typical hagiographical account of a local holy man prepared for the benefit of his cause for canonization. In fact, the book is constructed exactly as the typical vita sancti: a childhood punctuated with unmistakable intervention of and interaction with the Divine, adulthood defined by still more intense religious experiences, a death with a religious cheerfulness, followed by an epilogue of attributed miracles and experiences by witnesses included to support the previous story. The first half of the short biography and well into the beginning description of Seelos’ life as a religious include material from every other vita ever written: visions of the BVM, dream interpretations, accounts of persons who claim to have witnessed the subject levitating in prayer. Nothing new under the sun. These bio’s are often very formulaic and predictable: instant hagiography, just insert name.
On the other hand, there is something very real and special about this particular vita. I’ve read my share of saints’ lives, and even prepared the first English translation, Latin analysis, and commentary of one (St. Emmeram of Poitiers – The work is in the Fulbright College Honors Thesis Library in Fayetteville, if you’re interested). Whereas the majority of saints’ lives leave me in the cold, closing the book with a “yeah, sure, whatever” attitude, this particular account carried with it a certain “realness”, despite its traditional construction. There was something more here than just the same old visions of Mary, the floating up off the floor, the reclining in extasy, I had a dream of orchards…etc., etc., etc. Humdrum, here we go again with the saint business. Topos. Pure topos. But wait. There’s something here besides all that. Brush all that aside as we find a real, flesh-and-blood man, a sincere, real worker for the kingdom that is usually omitted from most vitae. The super-human stylite-ascetic-visionary, sundance-witness, hermit-living-only-off-a-communion-host-in-a-cave-delivered-by-a-spotless-virgin he ain’t. Here is a man whose sainthood, official or not, is plain and simple, discernable from his own human action -- the care he showed to his fellow humans, parishioners, students, and confreres. I’m not impressed by visions of the Jungfrau, by mystical dreams, or even by accounts of levitation. Tell me some more news.
The authors made me think that they themselves knew that most readers of vitae find such literature predictable, trite, and cliché. Just add the name. As a child, Seelos’ mother read him the story of Francis Xavier who had a fervent desire to become a missionary. According to the account, Seelos forshadowed his own missionary career by exclaiming “I want to be a Francis Xavier”. The author is quick to observe that were this a typical hagiographical text, young Frank should have exclaimed “I want to be a Liguori!”. Catty comment, that, but dead on. Kudos to the authors for pointing a satirical finger at their own genre and promising something different. Well, they delivered.
After we sift through all the necessary ingredients (I’ve already outlined those), we see the man emerge. The real, human saint. He was a happy, playful person, known for his good sense of humor, effective and animated preaching, and intense concern for his fellow man. He was upset by injustice and sought to make it right. He failed to be shaken by rumors – that’s not to say he mystically lived “above rumors” – his having visited a dying prostitute at her bedside attests to that. “Just let the fellows gossip”, he said, by whom, I assume from the text, he meant his fellow priests – no big surprise: they “hear things”, you know. Seelos didn’t care. He saved a soul.
Seelos loved the Church, and he was deeply grieved when souls were forced away from the Church and the Sacraments by the actions of rogue priests. Seelos gave the Church a human face, a Christ-like face, a shepherd’s face. He did not stand as a stony brocade and lace draped authoritarian eager to exercise his ordination-given “right” to chide, to damn to hell. He was eager to hear confession and to grant absolution and show mercy. He did not find a gleeful enjoyment in casting a soul into hell and cutting him off from God. Christ did not do this. Seelos mentions the woman caught in adultery described in Holy Scripture. Mercy. The authors include Seelos’ scorn for such priests who find enjoyment in tormenting the faithful: “The priest who is rough with the people does injury to himself and to others. He sins, at least in ignorance…and he scandalizes all who see him and hear him…Thousands reject the Church and the sacraments and perish in eternity solely because they have been badly treated by a priest.”
A human saint for humans. A caretaker of souls. A shepherd. A little Christ. This is who is described to us here. Not some pompous cleric searching the “good life” in material ways from the Church. Seelos came from humble beginnings and remained a humble priest serving others, pushing himself to physical exhaustion. He often even slept in his clothes, on the ready, should a sick call come in. He was no queeny “Don’t bother me while I’m in my private chapel” dandy. Seelos saw Christ, yes, in the sacrament, but he saw Christ most clearly in others and showed Christ to others by his actions. Scripture reminds us “By their fruits shall ye know them”. So true. It doesn’t take a saint to see that. Seelos wasn’t looking for fame, not for glory, not for position. He strove to be holy. He didn’t seek to catch the attention of his superiors for his creative bookkeeping, his extravagant renovations, his self-indulgence in material gain. He worked, rather, for the kingdom of God, which isn’t of this world. The authors conclude this excellent biography with this important lesson for priests and faithful alike:
“The Church tells us that Blessed Francis practiced the Christian virtues in an heroic degree, but what are the heroics? There aren’t any. That’s the message of his life. Father Seelos tells us that you do not have to do the things that the world in general, or showtime, says are great and heroic. All you have to do is live your life, as God has ordained it for you, in the best way you know how and every day…The heroics consist in doing it all the time and to please God. That’s the way Father Seelos did it. He was just a simple priest who every day of his life tried to be holy, tried to do God’s will wherever that might lead him, tried to do what he could for others, especially the most needy. He tried to be like Jesus all the time. And because he did this, he was happy, very happy, always happy.”
Two thumbs up for this book. Pick up a copy at your local bookshop. On my next trip to the Crescent City, I plan a stop off at the Seelos sites. I know it will be worth the trip.
I expected the book, A Life of Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos by authors Carl W. Hoegerl, CSsR, and Alicia von Stamwitz (Liguori Press), to be a typical hagiographical account of a local holy man prepared for the benefit of his cause for canonization. In fact, the book is constructed exactly as the typical vita sancti: a childhood punctuated with unmistakable intervention of and interaction with the Divine, adulthood defined by still more intense religious experiences, a death with a religious cheerfulness, followed by an epilogue of attributed miracles and experiences by witnesses included to support the previous story. The first half of the short biography and well into the beginning description of Seelos’ life as a religious include material from every other vita ever written: visions of the BVM, dream interpretations, accounts of persons who claim to have witnessed the subject levitating in prayer. Nothing new under the sun. These bio’s are often very formulaic and predictable: instant hagiography, just insert name.
On the other hand, there is something very real and special about this particular vita. I’ve read my share of saints’ lives, and even prepared the first English translation, Latin analysis, and commentary of one (St. Emmeram of Poitiers – The work is in the Fulbright College Honors Thesis Library in Fayetteville, if you’re interested). Whereas the majority of saints’ lives leave me in the cold, closing the book with a “yeah, sure, whatever” attitude, this particular account carried with it a certain “realness”, despite its traditional construction. There was something more here than just the same old visions of Mary, the floating up off the floor, the reclining in extasy, I had a dream of orchards…etc., etc., etc. Humdrum, here we go again with the saint business. Topos. Pure topos. But wait. There’s something here besides all that. Brush all that aside as we find a real, flesh-and-blood man, a sincere, real worker for the kingdom that is usually omitted from most vitae. The super-human stylite-ascetic-visionary, sundance-witness, hermit-living-only-off-a-communion-host-in-a-cave-delivered-by-a-spotless-virgin he ain’t. Here is a man whose sainthood, official or not, is plain and simple, discernable from his own human action -- the care he showed to his fellow humans, parishioners, students, and confreres. I’m not impressed by visions of the Jungfrau, by mystical dreams, or even by accounts of levitation. Tell me some more news.
The authors made me think that they themselves knew that most readers of vitae find such literature predictable, trite, and cliché. Just add the name. As a child, Seelos’ mother read him the story of Francis Xavier who had a fervent desire to become a missionary. According to the account, Seelos forshadowed his own missionary career by exclaiming “I want to be a Francis Xavier”. The author is quick to observe that were this a typical hagiographical text, young Frank should have exclaimed “I want to be a Liguori!”. Catty comment, that, but dead on. Kudos to the authors for pointing a satirical finger at their own genre and promising something different. Well, they delivered.
After we sift through all the necessary ingredients (I’ve already outlined those), we see the man emerge. The real, human saint. He was a happy, playful person, known for his good sense of humor, effective and animated preaching, and intense concern for his fellow man. He was upset by injustice and sought to make it right. He failed to be shaken by rumors – that’s not to say he mystically lived “above rumors” – his having visited a dying prostitute at her bedside attests to that. “Just let the fellows gossip”, he said, by whom, I assume from the text, he meant his fellow priests – no big surprise: they “hear things”, you know. Seelos didn’t care. He saved a soul.
Seelos loved the Church, and he was deeply grieved when souls were forced away from the Church and the Sacraments by the actions of rogue priests. Seelos gave the Church a human face, a Christ-like face, a shepherd’s face. He did not stand as a stony brocade and lace draped authoritarian eager to exercise his ordination-given “right” to chide, to damn to hell. He was eager to hear confession and to grant absolution and show mercy. He did not find a gleeful enjoyment in casting a soul into hell and cutting him off from God. Christ did not do this. Seelos mentions the woman caught in adultery described in Holy Scripture. Mercy. The authors include Seelos’ scorn for such priests who find enjoyment in tormenting the faithful: “The priest who is rough with the people does injury to himself and to others. He sins, at least in ignorance…and he scandalizes all who see him and hear him…Thousands reject the Church and the sacraments and perish in eternity solely because they have been badly treated by a priest.”
A human saint for humans. A caretaker of souls. A shepherd. A little Christ. This is who is described to us here. Not some pompous cleric searching the “good life” in material ways from the Church. Seelos came from humble beginnings and remained a humble priest serving others, pushing himself to physical exhaustion. He often even slept in his clothes, on the ready, should a sick call come in. He was no queeny “Don’t bother me while I’m in my private chapel” dandy. Seelos saw Christ, yes, in the sacrament, but he saw Christ most clearly in others and showed Christ to others by his actions. Scripture reminds us “By their fruits shall ye know them”. So true. It doesn’t take a saint to see that. Seelos wasn’t looking for fame, not for glory, not for position. He strove to be holy. He didn’t seek to catch the attention of his superiors for his creative bookkeeping, his extravagant renovations, his self-indulgence in material gain. He worked, rather, for the kingdom of God, which isn’t of this world. The authors conclude this excellent biography with this important lesson for priests and faithful alike:
“The Church tells us that Blessed Francis practiced the Christian virtues in an heroic degree, but what are the heroics? There aren’t any. That’s the message of his life. Father Seelos tells us that you do not have to do the things that the world in general, or showtime, says are great and heroic. All you have to do is live your life, as God has ordained it for you, in the best way you know how and every day…The heroics consist in doing it all the time and to please God. That’s the way Father Seelos did it. He was just a simple priest who every day of his life tried to be holy, tried to do God’s will wherever that might lead him, tried to do what he could for others, especially the most needy. He tried to be like Jesus all the time. And because he did this, he was happy, very happy, always happy.”
Two thumbs up for this book. Pick up a copy at your local bookshop. On my next trip to the Crescent City, I plan a stop off at the Seelos sites. I know it will be worth the trip.
1. The most obvious: I gave the "E-Z Blog Navigation Device" at the top of the page a bit of a facelift. What this navigation device does is make it a little easier to surf the sidebar, since it's quite lenghty. I basically tried to make it a little "more attractive".
2. On the "E-Z Blog Navigation Device", one of the buttons you will see is marked "CV Tag Cloud". As of today, it's exactly that - a "tag cloud", just like those Technorati tag clouds you often see. This makes our list of "categories/tags/labels/whatever you want to call them" a bit smaller by fitting two or more tags to a line in many cases.
For those using Blogger and would like a "tag cloud", I got the code here. It's in three parts. Once all three codes are in, you can make alterations as desired (for example, I changed the "text align" tag from "center" to "left", and the "font family" tag from "arial, sans serif" to "Tahoma").
Anyone else wanna put their heads in a cloud?
2. On the "E-Z Blog Navigation Device", one of the buttons you will see is marked "CV Tag Cloud". As of today, it's exactly that - a "tag cloud", just like those Technorati tag clouds you often see. This makes our list of "categories/tags/labels/whatever you want to call them" a bit smaller by fitting two or more tags to a line in many cases.
For those using Blogger and would like a "tag cloud", I got the code here. It's in three parts. Once all three codes are in, you can make alterations as desired (for example, I changed the "text align" tag from "center" to "left", and the "font family" tag from "arial, sans serif" to "Tahoma").
Anyone else wanna put their heads in a cloud?

What a striking resemblance! Isn't the guy on the left the long-lost father to the guy on the right? Both of these guys are madmen in their own right, though the one on the right is a longtime hero of mine. ("Me Animal! Me Eat Drums!" - from The Muppet Movie)
I had to cut through a chain to get the sources right. I first found this on Dr. Phil's blog, which sourced Damian Thompson's blog (I asked the above question in his combox, btw), which sourced Fr. Z's blog. I guess I'll tip my Red Sox cap to all three.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Finally Finished!
Blogger has a cool new feature that allows one to sort a blogroll by the last time it was updated, based on feed information. I can safely say that most, if not all, of the blogs on our blogroll here have a feed. I found this while browing the Holy Cookie blog this morning.
UPDATE 7/30/08: All of the blogs on the old rolls are now on the new rolls. The old roll is now gone. The blogs on the new roll are sorted by when the blog was updated, with the most recent on the top. Such a feature requires a feed. There were a small number of blogs on the roll where a feed was not detected. Those blogs are on the bottom of the list (that's Blogger's doing). The only blogs that were deleted were those that have not been updated in a year or more.
This feature not only makes it easier for blogroll maintainance, but also for ease in catching up on the most current of blogs. I'm sure you'll like the end result. In the meantime, as those lovely construction signs say: DON'T MIND THE MESS! WE'RE REMODELING!
And yes, I know - we have a lengthy sidebar. I'm working on something new to fix that too. Stay tuned!
(PS: All this stuff about "rolls" has me thinking: If we don't get no tolls, then we don't eat no rolls.! - from Robin Hood: Men in Tights)
Blogger has a cool new feature that allows one to sort a blogroll by the last time it was updated, based on feed information. I can safely say that most, if not all, of the blogs on our blogroll here have a feed. I found this while browing the Holy Cookie blog this morning.
UPDATE 7/30/08: All of the blogs on the old rolls are now on the new rolls. The old roll is now gone. The blogs on the new roll are sorted by when the blog was updated, with the most recent on the top. Such a feature requires a feed. There were a small number of blogs on the roll where a feed was not detected. Those blogs are on the bottom of the list (that's Blogger's doing). The only blogs that were deleted were those that have not been updated in a year or more.
This feature not only makes it easier for blogroll maintainance, but also for ease in catching up on the most current of blogs. I'm sure you'll like the end result. In the meantime, as those lovely construction signs say: DON'T MIND THE MESS! WE'RE REMODELING!
And yes, I know - we have a lengthy sidebar. I'm working on something new to fix that too. Stay tuned!
(PS: All this stuff about "rolls" has me thinking: If we don't get no tolls, then we don't eat no rolls.! - from Robin Hood: Men in Tights)

Nunu’s Grocery in Youngsville sells König Ludwig Weizen, the official beer of Christus Vincit In Louisiana for the EM-2008!
I finally got around to finding the logo and I'm going to find a place somewhere on our sidebar to stick it.
You see, just because I don't drink doesn't mean that we can't have an official beer. After all, CVA/CVTV has an official deli meat (Krakowska Kielbasa).
Please drink König Ludwig Weizen wisely (read: responsibly)!
And after an hour of liturgical dance, Father comic talk-show host, and banal ditties a-plenty, this is what two of our muppets had to say:
Holy Whapping reports that our beloved Francis Cardinal Arinze has stepped down and Pope Benedict XVI has named his replacement...

Holy Whapping correspondant Matthew had this to say:
" recent Vatican news, Pope Benedict XVI ended speculation about Cardinal Arinze's replacement, announcing the new head of the Congregation for Divine Worship was an invincible Dalek warrior from the planet Skaro. Benedict explained this move would mark the beginning of a new era of decisiveness. When asked his opinion on the future of ICEL, the extraterrestrial prelate responded, 'Exterminate! Exterminate!' Commentators cautioned at reading too much into this statement, considering that is about the only thing Daleks say, until, when questioned about the USCCB, the new prefect responded 'Ineffable! Infeffable!'
Now, if "Exterminate! Exterminate!" would be his response to liturgical dance, and hippie/hootenanny music at Mass, he'd be the perfect prefect!
RSCT to Meredith at For Keats' Sake.

Holy Whapping correspondant Matthew had this to say:
" recent Vatican news, Pope Benedict XVI ended speculation about Cardinal Arinze's replacement, announcing the new head of the Congregation for Divine Worship was an invincible Dalek warrior from the planet Skaro. Benedict explained this move would mark the beginning of a new era of decisiveness. When asked his opinion on the future of ICEL, the extraterrestrial prelate responded, 'Exterminate! Exterminate!' Commentators cautioned at reading too much into this statement, considering that is about the only thing Daleks say, until, when questioned about the USCCB, the new prefect responded 'Ineffable! Infeffable!'
Now, if "Exterminate! Exterminate!" would be his response to liturgical dance, and hippie/hootenanny music at Mass, he'd be the perfect prefect!
RSCT to Meredith at For Keats' Sake.
by the NLM's own Jeffrey Tucker
Now that I'm back, I can post more. For some, that may be good news. For others, that may be bad.
Anyhoo, while playing catch-up, I caught an excellent Wanderer article which Jeffrey Tucker wrote and posted in the NLM blog. Check out especially the last paragraph - a youth Mass the way it SHOULD happen.
I for one have always said that today's junior choir is tomorrow's senior choir. Today's youth Mass is tomorrow's adult Mass. After all, the kids need to learn how to worship so that when (and even before) they're adults they'll "get it". Teach them right.
I made my first Communion in first grade, in a class that had first and second graders mixed together, in a Catholic school that closed for good after my first grade year. The Ordinary Form, as we know it today, was still very young (the year was 1971). We were expected to learn ALL the people's prayers and responses of the Mass. Where there are options, we had to learn the "A" option (i.e., the Confiteor of the Penitential Rite, Christ Has Died). Watching my kids through CCD over the years - none of that is taught. In lieu of the Rosary, they learned this "Fiat" rosary, which truncates much of the real Rosary. The only things they were expected to know was how to process, where to sit, and a few crappy songs. Incidentally, we had to learn crappy songs for our first Communion Mass too (Sons of God, Take Our Bread, We Are Your Flesh Now, and get this - Turn, Turn, Turn - I liked it on the radio, but at Mass? Even a six-year-old knew better!).
At our Confirmation rehearsals (yeah, we're fast forwarding to 1979), guess what we had to learn: Abba Father, Peace is Flowing Like a River, and similar Carey Landry dreck. Not many sang, and the CCD powers that be were getting pissed. Thankfully, at Mass, they also at least programmed Come, Holy Ghost and Faith of Our Fathers, two standard well-known hymns. We didn't get to do these at the rehearsals, of course. Guess which ones the congregation boldly sang at Mass...
Then we get to a parish in Warwick (not the parish I normally dub "The Roundhouse", but about seven years before that - this parish church was more of a "Squarehouse" or "Boxhouse" with similar style seating as "The Roundhouse"). This is the 1997-1998 choir season we're talking about here. Anyhoo, while I directed the senior choir, the junior choir had their own director (about my age - I was in my early-mid 30's then), which happened to also be an alto in the senior choir. So, while trying to get good solid Catholic music into the throats of our senior choir, guess what got forced down the throats of the junior choir: Not so much Carey Landry. But let's see... Marty Haugen, Amy Grant, Christopher Walker ("We are the Church, happy to be God's children in one family" is a perfect example of the liturgical terrorist intelligence I had to experience), and whatever the director could get from Integrity Music. What the hell are these kids going to sing when they've grown some? I can imagine!
May the Australian youth Mass that Jeffrey Tucker mentioned be an example of what a youth Mass is supposed to be, and not just a suggestion!
Now that I'm back, I can post more. For some, that may be good news. For others, that may be bad.
Anyhoo, while playing catch-up, I caught an excellent Wanderer article which Jeffrey Tucker wrote and posted in the NLM blog. Check out especially the last paragraph - a youth Mass the way it SHOULD happen.
I for one have always said that today's junior choir is tomorrow's senior choir. Today's youth Mass is tomorrow's adult Mass. After all, the kids need to learn how to worship so that when (and even before) they're adults they'll "get it". Teach them right.
I made my first Communion in first grade, in a class that had first and second graders mixed together, in a Catholic school that closed for good after my first grade year. The Ordinary Form, as we know it today, was still very young (the year was 1971). We were expected to learn ALL the people's prayers and responses of the Mass. Where there are options, we had to learn the "A" option (i.e., the Confiteor of the Penitential Rite, Christ Has Died). Watching my kids through CCD over the years - none of that is taught. In lieu of the Rosary, they learned this "Fiat" rosary, which truncates much of the real Rosary. The only things they were expected to know was how to process, where to sit, and a few crappy songs. Incidentally, we had to learn crappy songs for our first Communion Mass too (Sons of God, Take Our Bread, We Are Your Flesh Now, and get this - Turn, Turn, Turn - I liked it on the radio, but at Mass? Even a six-year-old knew better!).
At our Confirmation rehearsals (yeah, we're fast forwarding to 1979), guess what we had to learn: Abba Father, Peace is Flowing Like a River, and similar Carey Landry dreck. Not many sang, and the CCD powers that be were getting pissed. Thankfully, at Mass, they also at least programmed Come, Holy Ghost and Faith of Our Fathers, two standard well-known hymns. We didn't get to do these at the rehearsals, of course. Guess which ones the congregation boldly sang at Mass...
Then we get to a parish in Warwick (not the parish I normally dub "The Roundhouse", but about seven years before that - this parish church was more of a "Squarehouse" or "Boxhouse" with similar style seating as "The Roundhouse"). This is the 1997-1998 choir season we're talking about here. Anyhoo, while I directed the senior choir, the junior choir had their own director (about my age - I was in my early-mid 30's then), which happened to also be an alto in the senior choir. So, while trying to get good solid Catholic music into the throats of our senior choir, guess what got forced down the throats of the junior choir: Not so much Carey Landry. But let's see... Marty Haugen, Amy Grant, Christopher Walker ("We are the Church, happy to be God's children in one family" is a perfect example of the liturgical terrorist intelligence I had to experience), and whatever the director could get from Integrity Music. What the hell are these kids going to sing when they've grown some? I can imagine!
May the Australian youth Mass that Jeffrey Tucker mentioned be an example of what a youth Mass is supposed to be, and not just a suggestion!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My wife sent me the first one (I had to censor one word to make it user-friendly). After all, we have do something about these damn people who can't walk and chew gum at the same time, yet they're chatting away on the phone behind the wheel and think it's nothing, while screwing up five states of traffic on one roadway.

Now, before one starts accusing my wife, the person who made the sign, the person sending the sign to my wife, or myself of using Jesus' name in vain, the actual implication I see here is If you love Christ, hang up your phone!
Now, here's one for the church door:

This should drill some common sense, eh?
Now, before one starts accusing my wife, the person who made the sign, the person sending the sign to my wife, or myself of using Jesus' name in vain, the actual implication I see here is If you love Christ, hang up your phone!
Now, here's one for the church door:
This should drill some common sense, eh?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Rainy Day Edition
This past weekend was another all-star softball tournament for Brittany, albeit a rain-shortened one. Her team played one game Friday night, and two games yesterday to determine the seed of the championship games that were supposed to be held today. However, rain and thunderboomers put an end to that.
Friday's game was a 16-1 smokeout win over Smithfield, RI. Britt went 1 for 3 plus a walk. She reached on a fielder's choice in the first inning, grounded out to the pitcher her next time up, followed by a walk, then a sharply hit single to right field.
On Saturday, we played a 9:30 game against the Appanoag Pride (Warwick, RI) and got our butts whooped by the same score that we smoked Smithfield by (16-1). Brittany (0 for 2) hit a sharp liner that had the misfortune of landing in the first basegirl's glove, then grounded out to third.
We then played a 12:30 game against the Long Island Sharks (NY), and because of a time limit, we landed up finishing in a rare 4-4 tie. Since this game counted in standings to determine seed, it was basically a 1/2 win. Had this been a championship game, then yes, someone would have to win. Britt came to bat in the 4th and grounded out to second.
Now, Sunday's debacle. The forecast Saturday had mentioned rain for today, but not until evening. Well, as I always say: Have faith in God, not your New England weatherman. It was raining when I got up this morning. The game that was scheduled for 10:00 this morning didn't start until after 1:00 this afternoon. At that point the rain had appeared to stop. But going into the top of the third, it came back, and so did the thunderboomers. The tourney had to be stopped, and after enough waiting around, it was determined that whatever seed was achieved after Saturday was the position we finished in for the entire tourney. In our case, third place in a field of six teams in Britt's division. Not bad.
Next tourney: this coming weekend in North Attleboro, MA. Unlike the Lowell, MA tourney, we won't need to camp out for this one.
This past weekend was another all-star softball tournament for Brittany, albeit a rain-shortened one. Her team played one game Friday night, and two games yesterday to determine the seed of the championship games that were supposed to be held today. However, rain and thunderboomers put an end to that.
Friday's game was a 16-1 smokeout win over Smithfield, RI. Britt went 1 for 3 plus a walk. She reached on a fielder's choice in the first inning, grounded out to the pitcher her next time up, followed by a walk, then a sharply hit single to right field.
On Saturday, we played a 9:30 game against the Appanoag Pride (Warwick, RI) and got our butts whooped by the same score that we smoked Smithfield by (16-1). Brittany (0 for 2) hit a sharp liner that had the misfortune of landing in the first basegirl's glove, then grounded out to third.
We then played a 12:30 game against the Long Island Sharks (NY), and because of a time limit, we landed up finishing in a rare 4-4 tie. Since this game counted in standings to determine seed, it was basically a 1/2 win. Had this been a championship game, then yes, someone would have to win. Britt came to bat in the 4th and grounded out to second.
Now, Sunday's debacle. The forecast Saturday had mentioned rain for today, but not until evening. Well, as I always say: Have faith in God, not your New England weatherman. It was raining when I got up this morning. The game that was scheduled for 10:00 this morning didn't start until after 1:00 this afternoon. At that point the rain had appeared to stop. But going into the top of the third, it came back, and so did the thunderboomers. The tourney had to be stopped, and after enough waiting around, it was determined that whatever seed was achieved after Saturday was the position we finished in for the entire tourney. In our case, third place in a field of six teams in Britt's division. Not bad.
Next tourney: this coming weekend in North Attleboro, MA. Unlike the Lowell, MA tourney, we won't need to camp out for this one.
Eighteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Ordinary Form)
August 3, 2008 - St. Anthony Church, Providence, RI
This coming weekend is the second of two that I'm filling in for their music director. Once again, the selections were left up to me.
I heard the voice of Jesus say..."Kingsfold"
The hand of the Lord feeds us...Alstott
Alleluia...Mode VI (verse to tone 6F)
Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless..."St. Agnes"
Eucharist music same as last week
You satisfy the hungry heart..."Bicentennial"
Now thank we all our God..."Nun Danket"
August 3, 2008 - St. Anthony Church, Providence, RI
This coming weekend is the second of two that I'm filling in for their music director. Once again, the selections were left up to me.
I heard the voice of Jesus say..."Kingsfold"
The hand of the Lord feeds us...Alstott
Alleluia...Mode VI (verse to tone 6F)
Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless..."St. Agnes"
Eucharist music same as last week
You satisfy the hungry heart..."Bicentennial"
Now thank we all our God..."Nun Danket"
Some good freakin' news!
Everything (the podcast host, my internet connection) is back up and running! The Internet was restored at about 8:30 this morning, just before leaving for 9:30 Mass. The podcast hosting services were restored at about suppertime tonight.
Tomorrow I start work on our 140th episode of

On this show, we will continue our series on the lost treasure, Worship I, GIA's pioneer hymnal. Also, my son Brian has been working on a couple of top ten lists of his own. I doubt these will make it to CVA #140, as he is out with my daughter Jessica and won't be back till sometime tomorrow. Possibly for CVA #141?
So, what have you been doing in the interim?
In my spare time, reading and writing.
Reading: Well, while in the library using the Internet there every chance I get, I figured "why not pull out a couple of books?" So I picked up Thomas Day's Why Catholics Can't Sing, which I haven't read in about 15 years, to refresh myself on it. I also grabbed (for the first time) Where Have You Gone, Michelangelo? Professor Day's writing, I just recently realized, reminds me a lot of Jason's style of writing (that's a good thing, btw!). BTW, for those who already read the book, I just finished the sub-chapter on the "horse's ass".
Writing: I just finished re-working Psalm settings for the Advent and Christmas season. In fact, I have completed settings for the Sundays of Advent and all of the Christmas season.
Let us go rejoicing - 6/8 refrain with an original chant-style Psalm tone, written in the F-sharp Phrygian mode. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 1A and Christ the King C)
Lord, make us turn to you - 4/4 refrain with an original chant-style Psalm tone, written in E major. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 1B and 4C)
To you, O Lord - 4/4 refrain with an original chant-style Psalm tone. The refrain is in A minor, while the verses are in A major, yet offer a smooth transition back to the minor-key refrain. Congregation, cantor, SATB, organ. (Advent 1C)
Justice shall flourish in his time - 4/4 refrain with an original chant-style Psalm tone, written in A major. Congregation, cantor, unison, organ. (Advent 2A)
Lord, let us see your kindness - 3/2 refrain with an original chant-style Psalm tone, written in G major. In fact, for those who have heard my own Rejoice in the Lord Always on earlier CVA podcasts, the tone is exactly the same. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 2B, Ordinary Time 15B and 19A)
The Lord has done great things for us - 4/4 refrain with the same Psalm tone as the one for Let Us Go Rejoicing. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 2C, Lent 5C, and Ordinary Time 30B)
Lord, come and save us - An arrangement of Psalm Tone 8G that utilizes a choral refrain. Congregation, cantor, SATB, organ. (Advent 3A)
My soul rejoices/Magnificat - An original musical setting completely in a chant style. The refrain is in English (My soul rejoices in my God) and in Latin (Magnificat anima mea Dominum). Congregation, cantor, unison, organ. (Advent 3B)
Cry out with joy and gladness - An original setting that is completely metrical (4/4), written in a style that resembles a cross between Richard Proulx and John Rutter. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 3C)
Let the Lord enter - A festive arrangement of Psalm Tone 8G. The verses can be rendered by a cantor, or a choir (especially in verse 2). Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 4A)
For ever I will sing - 4/4 refrain with the same Psalm tone as the one used for Justice Shall Flourish in His Time. Congregation, cantor, SATB, organ. (Advent 4B and Christmas Vigil - seperate verse sets. Chrism Mass and Ordinary Time 13A verses will follow.)
Today is born our Savior - 6/8 refrain with a chant-style Psalm tone. This tone is the same as another piece that I've played on podcasts before, Laetentur Caeli, which is partly original (the refrain music in Laetentur Caeli is from In Der Ist Freude - you may recognize the English title, In Thee Is Gladness - by Giovanni Gastoli). Congregation, cantor, descant, 2 trumpets, timpani, handbells, organ. Individual instrumental parts included. (Christmas Midnight Mass)
A light will shine on us this day - 4/4 refrain with a Gelineau-style Psalm tone. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Christmas Mass at Dawn)
All the ends of the earth - 6/8 refrain with a chant-style Psalm tone. Congregation, cantor, descant, handbells, organ. Individual instrumental parts included. (Christmas Mass during the Day)
Blessed are those who fear the Lord - 6/8 refrain with a chant-style Psalm tone. Congregation, cantor, descant, handbells, organ. (Holy Family ABC)
The Lord remembers his covenant - A completely chant-style piece, with a chant melody in unison for the refrain, and verses that can be rendered by a cantor or in SATB. The second half of the verse is a faux-bourdon of the first half. (Holy Family Optional B)
Blessed are they who dwell - 6/8 refrain with the verses sung to Psalm Tone 8G. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Holy Family Optional C)
May God bless us in his mercy - 4/4 refrain with verses sung to Psalm Tone 7a. Congregation, cantor, unison, organ. (Mary, Mother of God)
Lord, every nation on earth - 3/4 refrain with the verses sung to the Justice shall flourish Psalm Tone (after all, they're both Psalm 72). Congregation, cantor, unison, organ. (Epiphany)
The Lord will bless his people with peace - Another modern (yet suitable for Mass) setting, completely in 4/4. Congregation, cantor, descant, glockenspiel or handbells, organ. Individual instrumental parts included. (Baptism of the Lord ABC)
You will draw water joyfully - The only difference between this and Cry out with joy and gladness is the refrain. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Baptism of the Lord Optional B, Easter Vigil following Reading 5, Sacred Heart B)
O bless the Lord, my soul - Psalm tone 8G, with my own organ arrangement. Congregation, cantor, unison, organ. (Baptism of the Lord Optional C)
I have set a price for most of these titles at $7.95 and $8.95. The price includes a pew edition (melody and text, refrain only), a cantor edition (melody and text, with the verses), and a score edition (organ, any and all instrumental and choral parts), as well as a license to make as many copies needed for your parish. I'm simply dubbing this The Lectionary Project. I'll also soon be working on The Graduale Project. ;)
Everything (the podcast host, my internet connection) is back up and running! The Internet was restored at about 8:30 this morning, just before leaving for 9:30 Mass. The podcast hosting services were restored at about suppertime tonight.
Tomorrow I start work on our 140th episode of

On this show, we will continue our series on the lost treasure, Worship I, GIA's pioneer hymnal. Also, my son Brian has been working on a couple of top ten lists of his own. I doubt these will make it to CVA #140, as he is out with my daughter Jessica and won't be back till sometime tomorrow. Possibly for CVA #141?
So, what have you been doing in the interim?
In my spare time, reading and writing.
Reading: Well, while in the library using the Internet there every chance I get, I figured "why not pull out a couple of books?" So I picked up Thomas Day's Why Catholics Can't Sing, which I haven't read in about 15 years, to refresh myself on it. I also grabbed (for the first time) Where Have You Gone, Michelangelo? Professor Day's writing, I just recently realized, reminds me a lot of Jason's style of writing (that's a good thing, btw!). BTW, for those who already read the book, I just finished the sub-chapter on the "horse's ass".
Writing: I just finished re-working Psalm settings for the Advent and Christmas season. In fact, I have completed settings for the Sundays of Advent and all of the Christmas season.
Let us go rejoicing - 6/8 refrain with an original chant-style Psalm tone, written in the F-sharp Phrygian mode. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 1A and Christ the King C)
Lord, make us turn to you - 4/4 refrain with an original chant-style Psalm tone, written in E major. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 1B and 4C)
To you, O Lord - 4/4 refrain with an original chant-style Psalm tone. The refrain is in A minor, while the verses are in A major, yet offer a smooth transition back to the minor-key refrain. Congregation, cantor, SATB, organ. (Advent 1C)
Justice shall flourish in his time - 4/4 refrain with an original chant-style Psalm tone, written in A major. Congregation, cantor, unison, organ. (Advent 2A)
Lord, let us see your kindness - 3/2 refrain with an original chant-style Psalm tone, written in G major. In fact, for those who have heard my own Rejoice in the Lord Always on earlier CVA podcasts, the tone is exactly the same. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 2B, Ordinary Time 15B and 19A)
The Lord has done great things for us - 4/4 refrain with the same Psalm tone as the one for Let Us Go Rejoicing. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 2C, Lent 5C, and Ordinary Time 30B)
Lord, come and save us - An arrangement of Psalm Tone 8G that utilizes a choral refrain. Congregation, cantor, SATB, organ. (Advent 3A)
My soul rejoices/Magnificat - An original musical setting completely in a chant style. The refrain is in English (My soul rejoices in my God) and in Latin (Magnificat anima mea Dominum). Congregation, cantor, unison, organ. (Advent 3B)
Cry out with joy and gladness - An original setting that is completely metrical (4/4), written in a style that resembles a cross between Richard Proulx and John Rutter. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 3C)
Let the Lord enter - A festive arrangement of Psalm Tone 8G. The verses can be rendered by a cantor, or a choir (especially in verse 2). Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Advent 4A)
For ever I will sing - 4/4 refrain with the same Psalm tone as the one used for Justice Shall Flourish in His Time. Congregation, cantor, SATB, organ. (Advent 4B and Christmas Vigil - seperate verse sets. Chrism Mass and Ordinary Time 13A verses will follow.)
Today is born our Savior - 6/8 refrain with a chant-style Psalm tone. This tone is the same as another piece that I've played on podcasts before, Laetentur Caeli, which is partly original (the refrain music in Laetentur Caeli is from In Der Ist Freude - you may recognize the English title, In Thee Is Gladness - by Giovanni Gastoli). Congregation, cantor, descant, 2 trumpets, timpani, handbells, organ. Individual instrumental parts included. (Christmas Midnight Mass)
A light will shine on us this day - 4/4 refrain with a Gelineau-style Psalm tone. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Christmas Mass at Dawn)
All the ends of the earth - 6/8 refrain with a chant-style Psalm tone. Congregation, cantor, descant, handbells, organ. Individual instrumental parts included. (Christmas Mass during the Day)
Blessed are those who fear the Lord - 6/8 refrain with a chant-style Psalm tone. Congregation, cantor, descant, handbells, organ. (Holy Family ABC)
The Lord remembers his covenant - A completely chant-style piece, with a chant melody in unison for the refrain, and verses that can be rendered by a cantor or in SATB. The second half of the verse is a faux-bourdon of the first half. (Holy Family Optional B)
Blessed are they who dwell - 6/8 refrain with the verses sung to Psalm Tone 8G. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Holy Family Optional C)
May God bless us in his mercy - 4/4 refrain with verses sung to Psalm Tone 7a. Congregation, cantor, unison, organ. (Mary, Mother of God)
Lord, every nation on earth - 3/4 refrain with the verses sung to the Justice shall flourish Psalm Tone (after all, they're both Psalm 72). Congregation, cantor, unison, organ. (Epiphany)
The Lord will bless his people with peace - Another modern (yet suitable for Mass) setting, completely in 4/4. Congregation, cantor, descant, glockenspiel or handbells, organ. Individual instrumental parts included. (Baptism of the Lord ABC)
You will draw water joyfully - The only difference between this and Cry out with joy and gladness is the refrain. Congregation, cantor, descant, organ. (Baptism of the Lord Optional B, Easter Vigil following Reading 5, Sacred Heart B)
O bless the Lord, my soul - Psalm tone 8G, with my own organ arrangement. Congregation, cantor, unison, organ. (Baptism of the Lord Optional C)
I have set a price for most of these titles at $7.95 and $8.95. The price includes a pew edition (melody and text, refrain only), a cantor edition (melody and text, with the verses), and a score edition (organ, any and all instrumental and choral parts), as well as a license to make as many copies needed for your parish. I'm simply dubbing this The Lectionary Project. I'll also soon be working on The Graduale Project. ;)
Friday, July 25, 2008
I passed my DOT physical yesterday as part of the hiring requirements for the driver/sales job I mentioned earlier. This is the first time I've ever had to take a DOT physical and I now have my first ever DOT medical card (good for two years).
The company is still doing background and license checks as I write this. I do have to take one more test in Connecticut (in a town about 50 minutes from me) to test my lifting ability and a couple of other things.
I'm not out of the woods yet, but if I pass these (which I should, but the way my luck has run these days, you'll never know), the job is mine.
In other good news, I could have my own internet restored as early as mid-week next week. The podcast site ( is down, but will be back up soon after the weekend, once I collect my pay for subbing at St. Anthony's.
I passed my DOT physical yesterday as part of the hiring requirements for the driver/sales job I mentioned earlier. This is the first time I've ever had to take a DOT physical and I now have my first ever DOT medical card (good for two years).
The company is still doing background and license checks as I write this. I do have to take one more test in Connecticut (in a town about 50 minutes from me) to test my lifting ability and a couple of other things.
I'm not out of the woods yet, but if I pass these (which I should, but the way my luck has run these days, you'll never know), the job is mine.
In other good news, I could have my own internet restored as early as mid-week next week. The podcast site ( is down, but will be back up soon after the weekend, once I collect my pay for subbing at St. Anthony's.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
If you see (the podcast site) go down over the weekend, it's because I owe the hosting service some $$. Nothing to fret, as it's going to be paid this Monday and service should be restored by then. Further, we may have our internet back in the upcoming week if all goes right. I will then begin work on CVA #140.
Thank you in advance for bearing with me.
Thank you in advance for bearing with me.
Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Ordinary Form)
St. Anthony's Church, Providence, RI
July 26/27, 2008 - 4:00 PM (Saturday) and 9:30 AM
For the next two weekends I'll be subbing at St. Anthony's Church in Providence for two Masses. The music director left all the music selections up to me (WOOHOO!).
The organ is an old two-manual analog Rodgers. The pastor is new there and, from what I was told by the music director, he has a far better appreciation for traditional than his predecessor.
That said, here are my selections for this weekend. The pew book is OCP's bilingual Unidos en Christo/United in Christ.
The Church's one foundation..."Aurelia"
Lord, I love your commands...Alstott
Alleluia...Mode VI (verse of the day to tone 6F)
All creatures of our God and King..."Lasst uns erfreuen"
People's Mass (Sanctus/Agnus)...Vermulst
- (WOOHOO! No Massive Cremation!)
Danish tone Memorial and Amen
Be thou my vision..."Slane"
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty..."Lobe den Herren"
St. Anthony's Church, Providence, RI
July 26/27, 2008 - 4:00 PM (Saturday) and 9:30 AM
For the next two weekends I'll be subbing at St. Anthony's Church in Providence for two Masses. The music director left all the music selections up to me (WOOHOO!).
The organ is an old two-manual analog Rodgers. The pastor is new there and, from what I was told by the music director, he has a far better appreciation for traditional than his predecessor.
That said, here are my selections for this weekend. The pew book is OCP's bilingual Unidos en Christo/United in Christ.
The Church's one foundation..."Aurelia"
Lord, I love your commands...Alstott
Alleluia...Mode VI (verse of the day to tone 6F)
All creatures of our God and King..."Lasst uns erfreuen"
People's Mass (Sanctus/Agnus)...Vermulst
- (WOOHOO! No Massive Cremation!)
Danish tone Memorial and Amen
Be thou my vision..."Slane"
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty..."Lobe den Herren"
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost - July 20, 2008
Low Mass (Extraordinary Form) - St. Leo the Great Church
I heard the voice of Jesus say..."Kingsfold"
Veni, Creator Spiritus...Mode VIII
Adoro Te Devote...Mode V
O Christ, the great foundation..."Aurelia"
I would have much rather done The Church's One Foundation instead, but unfortunately the alternative title is what's given in the Gather Comp. II debacle that GIA passed for a hymnal.
Low Mass (Extraordinary Form) - St. Leo the Great Church
I heard the voice of Jesus say..."Kingsfold"
Veni, Creator Spiritus...Mode VIII
Adoro Te Devote...Mode V
O Christ, the great foundation..."Aurelia"
I would have much rather done The Church's One Foundation instead, but unfortunately the alternative title is what's given in the Gather Comp. II debacle that GIA passed for a hymnal.
Monday, July 14, 2008
...due to the fact that I'm on a library computer and it looks like it will remain that way until I can get my cable bill paid (internet/tv/phone is one bundle).
Please bear with me. (BTW, if anyone wants to help, you don't have to, but if you want, well....)
As for podcasting, I can pretty much assemble the stuff offline and upload it here if all goes right. I will very likely have #140 done in about a week or so.
Please bear with me. (BTW, if anyone wants to help, you don't have to, but if you want, well....)
As for podcasting, I can pretty much assemble the stuff offline and upload it here if all goes right. I will very likely have #140 done in about a week or so.
Redneck Regionals Edition
Well, the Regionals didn't go as well as we were hoping. Our girls lost all three games...
11-3 to the "Capital Manie-acs" of Maine
4-1 to North Kingstown, RI
9-3 to Hudson, NH
Defense was on the most part good, but hitting was a weakness for just about everyone.
Two tourneys left, both open tourneys. I'll have more once it's available.
Well, the Regionals didn't go as well as we were hoping. Our girls lost all three games...
11-3 to the "Capital Manie-acs" of Maine
4-1 to North Kingstown, RI
9-3 to Hudson, NH
Defense was on the most part good, but hitting was a weakness for just about everyone.
Two tourneys left, both open tourneys. I'll have more once it's available.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Off to Lowell, MA, for Brittany's regional tourney. I'll be back Monday.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Right now, the chances are pretty good in landing a full-time job (finally) in the next couple of weeks or so. That's the good news.
The bad news is that it is not as a church musician. Yup - I could be going blue collar quite soon. I have to meet with the company again on 7/22. The company is a nationwide premium food distribution firm that has a branch here in RI. Residential customers may call in an order, or order online, or place an order directly with the driver. It is the driver/sales job that I will likely be doing. The salary/bennie package is very attractive, and unless some parish steps up and matches this salary, I can almost safely say that I'll be delivering premium food for a living.
Will you give up the Extraordinary Form Mass at St. Leo the Great?
Absolutely not. In fact, the company mentioned above doesn't do Sundays. My commitment with St. Leo's is one Sunday per month.
What about substitute work?
Yes, I will be available to fill in on weekends for anyone who needs a substitute organist in Rhode Island or nearby cities/towns in Massachusetts.
What about the Christus Vincit Network?
Anyone who thinks I'm giving up Christus Vincit - the BLOG!, Christus Vincit ANYWHERE!, or Christus Vincit TV is smoking some serious freakin' crack! I have absolutely no intentions of giving up blogging, podcasting, or anything that keeps me connected in the liturgy/music world. You can bet I want to stay on top of things so when the right job does arise, I'll be there!
In the meantime, I also plan on continuing my musical composition endeavors. After all, I want to keep promoting SACRED music for Holy Mass, and demoting the happy-clappy stuff.
My job title may be different, but my connections and aspirations are not.
PS: For my last two former pastors who are probably reading this, I hope you're happy. But be warned - this is only temporary if I can help it!
The bad news is that it is not as a church musician. Yup - I could be going blue collar quite soon. I have to meet with the company again on 7/22. The company is a nationwide premium food distribution firm that has a branch here in RI. Residential customers may call in an order, or order online, or place an order directly with the driver. It is the driver/sales job that I will likely be doing. The salary/bennie package is very attractive, and unless some parish steps up and matches this salary, I can almost safely say that I'll be delivering premium food for a living.
Will you give up the Extraordinary Form Mass at St. Leo the Great?
Absolutely not. In fact, the company mentioned above doesn't do Sundays. My commitment with St. Leo's is one Sunday per month.
What about substitute work?
Yes, I will be available to fill in on weekends for anyone who needs a substitute organist in Rhode Island or nearby cities/towns in Massachusetts.
What about the Christus Vincit Network?
Anyone who thinks I'm giving up Christus Vincit - the BLOG!, Christus Vincit ANYWHERE!, or Christus Vincit TV is smoking some serious freakin' crack! I have absolutely no intentions of giving up blogging, podcasting, or anything that keeps me connected in the liturgy/music world. You can bet I want to stay on top of things so when the right job does arise, I'll be there!
In the meantime, I also plan on continuing my musical composition endeavors. After all, I want to keep promoting SACRED music for Holy Mass, and demoting the happy-clappy stuff.
My job title may be different, but my connections and aspirations are not.
PS: For my last two former pastors who are probably reading this, I hope you're happy. But be warned - this is only temporary if I can help it!

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Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Jack Kevorkian
Now, just when you think you've seen it all, right? Look at some of the names of people that held or are still holding political office? Clint Eastwood, Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sonny Bono, Jesse "the Body" Ventura. You think you've seen it all?
You know you're in a bat shit crazy world when even Jack Kevorkian (the infamous "Dr. Death", named for his notoriety for doctor-assisted suicides) runs for U.S. Congress. Yes - Dr. Death is running for Congress, representing his home state of Michigan. What will this guy do when he gets in? Sponsor every bill possible to make suicide legal?
He actually managed 3200 signatures - 200 over the required 3000 needed for the Oakland County Board of Elections to give him the green light to run. And according to this story, he may have a good shot. (RSCT to the Creative Minority Report - btw, we welcome CMR to the CV Definitive Blogroll!)
What is this world coming to?
Now, just when you think you've seen it all, right? Look at some of the names of people that held or are still holding political office? Clint Eastwood, Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sonny Bono, Jesse "the Body" Ventura. You think you've seen it all?
You know you're in a bat shit crazy world when even Jack Kevorkian (the infamous "Dr. Death", named for his notoriety for doctor-assisted suicides) runs for U.S. Congress. Yes - Dr. Death is running for Congress, representing his home state of Michigan. What will this guy do when he gets in? Sponsor every bill possible to make suicide legal?
He actually managed 3200 signatures - 200 over the required 3000 needed for the Oakland County Board of Elections to give him the green light to run. And according to this story, he may have a good shot. (RSCT to the Creative Minority Report - btw, we welcome CMR to the CV Definitive Blogroll!)
What is this world coming to?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
As many (if not all) of you probably know, Pope Benedict XVI has declared the Year of Saint Paul to run from June 28, 2008 to June 29, 2009. In light of that, Gary Penkala at CanticaNOVA comes through for us once again with an excellent list of music suggestions (hymns AND chorales) based on passages from Saint Paul's epistles.
Keep up the great work, Gary.
Keep up the great work, Gary.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Anticipated Mass for Sunday XIV of Ordinary Time
5 PM - Saint Joseph Church, Providence, RI
This, btw, was the second of the two Providence churches I applied at back in May (this one is the one built by Patrick Keely). Unfortunately I found out my fate here was about the same as every other place I've applied since November 15, 2007. The two bright spots are 1) they hired someone REALLY good, and 2) I know where he left and I plan on applying there first thing Monday morning. In fact, that parish where I'll be applying is one where I filled in for about six weeks last winter when the now-outgoing organist was on the injured reserved list.
The organist/music director at St. Joe's left two weeks ago, relocating to California. The assistant organist is officially retired after the 11:15 Mass tomorrow. The new music director will be on his own.
Anyhoo, here's the music list:
Glory and praise to our God...Schutte (blech, but I've heard much worse)
Gloria and Psalm was SAID, not sung (I'm not surprised that the Gloria was said - that seems to be common in this diocese, but the Psalm said?)
Alleluia...Mode VI
Alleluia! sing to Jesus..."Hyfrydol"
Sanctus...Vermulst/"People's Mass"
Christ has died and Amen...Danish
Agnus...Olawski (the only other really low point)
He shall feed his flock/Come unto me...Handel/"Messiah" (the cantor sang these beautifully)
Mine eyes have seen the glory..."Battle Hymn"
Postlude was something I've only heard Jason do until tonight - Rutter's Toccata in Seven. Kick azz tune!
I don't mind the Battle Hymn musically, but liturgically I can't see it. The Fourth was yesterday. It does, however, remind me of something a high school friend once made up about two teachers at our alma mater - the first being the band director at the time we went there, the second was the head of the science department...
My name is Mr. Chrabaszcz, but my students call me "Ted";
There always making fun of me 'cause I have a big fat bald round head.
I give some of my students first parts even though they're not the best.
I wish I knew how to dress.
We love Mr. Nashawarty. We love Mr. Nashawarty.
We love Mr. Nashawarty. He's the hero for you and me!
(PS: The first teacher's name is pronounced "Shray-behs".)
5 PM - Saint Joseph Church, Providence, RI
This, btw, was the second of the two Providence churches I applied at back in May (this one is the one built by Patrick Keely). Unfortunately I found out my fate here was about the same as every other place I've applied since November 15, 2007. The two bright spots are 1) they hired someone REALLY good, and 2) I know where he left and I plan on applying there first thing Monday morning. In fact, that parish where I'll be applying is one where I filled in for about six weeks last winter when the now-outgoing organist was on the injured reserved list.
The organist/music director at St. Joe's left two weeks ago, relocating to California. The assistant organist is officially retired after the 11:15 Mass tomorrow. The new music director will be on his own.
Anyhoo, here's the music list:
Glory and praise to our God...Schutte (blech, but I've heard much worse)
Gloria and Psalm was SAID, not sung (I'm not surprised that the Gloria was said - that seems to be common in this diocese, but the Psalm said?)
Alleluia...Mode VI
Alleluia! sing to Jesus..."Hyfrydol"
Sanctus...Vermulst/"People's Mass"
Christ has died and Amen...Danish
Agnus...Olawski (the only other really low point)
He shall feed his flock/Come unto me...Handel/"Messiah" (the cantor sang these beautifully)
Mine eyes have seen the glory..."Battle Hymn"
Postlude was something I've only heard Jason do until tonight - Rutter's Toccata in Seven. Kick azz tune!
I don't mind the Battle Hymn musically, but liturgically I can't see it. The Fourth was yesterday. It does, however, remind me of something a high school friend once made up about two teachers at our alma mater - the first being the band director at the time we went there, the second was the head of the science department...
My name is Mr. Chrabaszcz, but my students call me "Ted";
There always making fun of me 'cause I have a big fat bald round head.
I give some of my students first parts even though they're not the best.
I wish I knew how to dress.
We love Mr. Nashawarty. We love Mr. Nashawarty.
We love Mr. Nashawarty. He's the hero for you and me!
(PS: The first teacher's name is pronounced "Shray-behs".)
Friday, July 4, 2008
...but I had to re-install winders.
Yeah, some virus popped in disguised as, get this, Microsoft Security Center - that's the one that monitors Windows Firewall and Automatic Updates. Until just last Wednesday, the real MS Security Center treated my computer really well. However, just out of the blue, this bogus "MS Security Center" decided to wreak havoc on my Internet, throwing ads all over the place and redirecting search engine hits.
If I had my way, I'd go Mac. A couple of teachers I ran into at a training course I've been recently taking for digital print media swear by a Mac, as does my son Chris, as well as my ex-boss. In fact, Chris had said to me at one point, "Once you go Mac, you'll never go back". I've heard the Mac has hardly any bugs/viruses, if any at all.
Only two things are holding me back from going Mac:
1. Finances or lack thereof
2. My wife, who still swears by Windows.
I have a couple of things left to do before I'm back to full strength. I should have a new podcast episode up in about a week or so.
Gotta love Microshaft!
Yeah, some virus popped in disguised as, get this, Microsoft Security Center - that's the one that monitors Windows Firewall and Automatic Updates. Until just last Wednesday, the real MS Security Center treated my computer really well. However, just out of the blue, this bogus "MS Security Center" decided to wreak havoc on my Internet, throwing ads all over the place and redirecting search engine hits.
If I had my way, I'd go Mac. A couple of teachers I ran into at a training course I've been recently taking for digital print media swear by a Mac, as does my son Chris, as well as my ex-boss. In fact, Chris had said to me at one point, "Once you go Mac, you'll never go back". I've heard the Mac has hardly any bugs/viruses, if any at all.
Only two things are holding me back from going Mac:
1. Finances or lack thereof
2. My wife, who still swears by Windows.
I have a couple of things left to do before I'm back to full strength. I should have a new podcast episode up in about a week or so.
Gotta love Microshaft!
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