Wednesday, August 27, 2008


WTF Awards Edition

Today I have a WTF award to give out, and it's in the field of sports. The recipient: the New Haven (Connecticut) Little League. Here's why.

What kind of league bans a nine-year-old kid from pitching just because he's good? Yeah, so he throws 40 MPH. SO FREAKIN' WHAT?! He hasn't hit a batter all year, and he's accurate! Yeah, so he's struck out your kid who can normally park a ball against most other pitchers. Instead of being wusses, toughen your players up and teach them to swing at faster pitches. Give them a good practice session at a batting cage. My daughter plays in a girls softball league where many of the girls, even at nine years old, can hit pitches that fast and more.

Teams have been forfeiting games anytime he pitches. WHY?! The kid himself feels it's his fault that others don't want to play. It's NOT his fault. You can't be faulted for excelling at your craft. That's just plain wrong.

Now - check out this political bull shit...

Jericho's coach and parents say the boy is being unfairly targeted because he turned down an invitation to join the defending league champion, which is sponsored by an employer of one of the league's administrators.

So, that's why? Is the "defending league chump" that afraid that this kid's going to upstage them with his pitching? Well boo-freakin'-hoo! Real champions will step up to the challenge.

So, congratulations to the New Haven Little League (not the kids, but the officials), recipients of the August 2008 WTF Award. Jerks!


(PS: for those who aren't used to seeing me this harsh, I'm sorry, but being a father whose daughter is in sports, this really pisses me off!)


DominiSumus said...

I agree. Excellence shouldn't be punished. These officials are sending the message that excellence is to be avoided and the status quo is to be maintained.

Quite a life lesson. Do we really want to teach our kids to be aim for mediocrity or to only be as good as those around you?

Paula Bellman said...

This has got to be the most ridiculous rule I've heard for sports, and believe me, I've heard a lot. My 10 yr old pitches harder than this kid, he pitched harder than this kid when he was 9.

I was so aggravated. What is this telling our kids? Don't do your best, not everyone is as good as you, so we don't want them to feel bad. WTF is right!

Brian Michael Page said...

My father was a little league president in our hometown when I was a little guy and I can guarantee that he would not stand for such crap.

A couple of guys I work with suggested moving him up to a higher age group, which is ok if he wants a real challenge. On the other hand, he should have every right to compete with kids his age.

DS, your comment has me firmly believing that this story can easily be related to liturgy and music - despite what the Church teaches, the fad seems to be "mediocrity: good / quality: bad".