Tuesday, January 31, 2006


My son Chris, who is 20, has been an avid bowler for years. When he was only 14 (maybe even younger than that), he was able to smoke me in bowling. He's carried roughly a 200+ average for a few years now. I've told him he can be PBA material. But he's playing it smart. He wants to finish college first.

Anyhoo, he bowls in a league called the Providence Senate Juniors. He recently bowled the first perfect 300 game in the history of the league (and his first ever). And if that isn't enough, he threw a 746 three-game series (averaging 249). Way to go Chris!

BTW, I've never even broken 200 (193 was my closest - twice, once in high school, and once about two years ago). Chris' league average is 226.



Thanks to Shawn Tribe at The New Liturgical Movement:

Latin Returning to Mass (Washington Post article)
Yes! some GOOD reading about the Catholic Church from secular media! FINALLY!


Updated Personal Profile

Hi everyone.

I finally figured out how to post pictures to this site with "Hello" or whatever the program is.(Brian, it's a pain in the butt, is there an easier way?). So I've uploaded a picture of myself into my profile, and have done some updates to my profile. More editing is on the way. The picture is of me fully vested and seated at the console of the cathedral organ. You can see some of the cathedral windows over my shoulder. I will post more cathedral pictures if and when I get more.

Peace to all,



Thanks to Gerald at The Cafeteria is Closed:

The Holy Father writes in A New Song to the Lord:
"...Catholicism must have been imprisoned in a truly dreadful situation until 1965."

Gerald rightly summarizes:
"This is really the evil aspect of it all: People claiming Vatican II ordered all the stupidity and junk found in many Catholic churches - when it clearly mandated quite the opposite."


Monday, January 30, 2006

Following Brian into Off Topic Land......I'm a Corvette

You're a classic - powerful, athletic, and competitive. You're all about winning the race and getting the job done. While you have a practical everyday side, you get wild when anyone pushes your pedal. You hate to lose, but you hardly ever do.


Sunday, January 29, 2006


I'm a Dodge Viper!

You're all about raw power. You're tough, you're loud, and you don't take crap from anyone. Leave finesse to the other cars, the ones eating your dust.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Wow - I turned out to be this big American modern-day 10-cylinder muscle car! COOL!

Gerald, our new friend at the Closed Cafeteria turned out to be a Lamborghini (I hope I spelled it right).



From the blog For Lack of a Better Term:

Get your leather jacket today!



Fr. Philip N. Powell, OP, of Irving, Texas, has a good idea on what to do with a missalette:
"Put down the missalette, or as I prefer to call them Those Paper Destroyers of the Liturgy, or Those Menaces to the Word Proclaimed. Put them down. No, tear them in half, stick them in your pocket, and bury them near a soggy marsh."

He's right. Use a hymnal instead. Preferably one that doesn't change every year! Preferably one with music that is fit for use at Holy Mass.

Actually, the article is on how to listen to a homily. It's really good.

Still - yeah - tear the missalettes up and get a hymnal. (Sorry, had to! It's the musician in me! hehehehe)




All numbers are in the Music Issue
Introit: HYMN TO JOY - Praise the Lord, ye heav'ns, adore him (#553)
Penitential Rite: Parrot Father
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Psalm: Alstott - Praise the Lord who heals the brokenhearted (missalette, page 56)
Alleluia: Murray
Offertory: NEW BRITAIN - Amazing Grace! how sweet the sound (#451)
Sanctus: Vermulst - People's Mass
Anamnesis: Jubilate Deo, 1974 - Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine
Amen: Danish
Lord's Prayer: Sacramentary - chant in English
Agnus: Vermulst - People's Mass
Communion: BICENTENNIAL - You satisfy the hungry heart (#337)
Recessional: ST. AGNES - Jesus, the very thought of you (#717)

The Communion hymn choice was based on the first option of the Communion Proper in the Roman Missal - excerpt: He has filled the hungry with good things, and satisfied the thirsty.
The "driving out demons" theme in the day's Gospel led to my opting for Amazing Grace at the Offertory.
The recessional hymn, Jesus, the very thought of you (which really should be Jesus, the very thought of thee), is based on the Latin Jesu, Dulcis Memoria. The tune (ST. AGNES) is the same as that used in many hymnals for Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless. When I first learned the text, I was that 11-year-old tenor singing in Reuel Gifford's choir of men and boys at Holy Trinity Church (now closed) in Central Falls, RI. Of course, that goes back a good thirty years. The tune we sang with it was ST. BOTOLPH - a gorgeous hymn tune if you ask me.

+In Christ,

Saturday, January 28, 2006

AND CARDINAL ARINZE AGREES! (Addendum to previous post)

This from Jeffrey Tucker at Musica Sacra. This is an actual insight by none other than Francis Cardinal Arinze, in an interview with Inside the Vatican.

Here's a quote from the good Cardinal on guitar:
"I will not now pronounce and say never guitar. That would be rather severe. But much of guitar music may not be suitable at all for the Mass. Yet, it is possible to think of some guitar music that would be suitable, not as the ordinary one we get every time, the visit of a special group, etc."

Of course, that "ordinary one we get every time" is referring to the pop and folk and even rock styles of guitar used.

Here's the affirmation:
"But not individuals just composing anything and singing it in church. This is not right at all."

Still awaiting the results of a good crackdown from Rome, I remain peacefully,

Friday, January 27, 2006


It's true, when you think about it. I posted a comment on this article by Shawn at The New Liturgical Movement.

First, this comment, by "Un Seminariste":
Strumming immediately calls to mind more secular forms of music -- folk, for example. Classical guitar, on the other hand, where the musician is playing melodies embellished with chords and arppeggios, etc., is quite beautiful and, I think thereby, more suited to liturgy.

To which I replied:
Bingo! A classical guitar can work, almost as well as a harp, IMO. I can see it in some of the more mystical works, especially where a harpist cannot be secured, or a harp cannot be transported.A folk guitar, OTOH, leads to strumming in most cases. And even finger-picking a set of steel strings can lead to the "folk ballad" effect, as opposed to that mystical effect when plucking the nylon strings of a classical guitar.I personally don't believe in the hum-strum guitar at Mass, but I would have absolutely no problem with the adding of a classical guitar (e.g., supplementing a piece that has, let's say, a soft organ accompaniment like the 8' string celeste), at least where it could serve a particular piece well, and played with proficiency.

I could picture the Grail/Gelineau setting of Psalm 40 ("Here am I, Lord, I come to do your will") accompanied with perhaps 8' and 4' flutes only on the antiphon and an 8' string celeste stop on the verses, supplemented by a classical guitar, and it would probably sound pretty dang good. Same with the Peloquin "If today you hear his voice", from his "Lord of Life" Mass and his "Songs of Israel, Volume 2" collection. It would have to be nylon strings, however, to serve the proper effect in these two examples.

Can we say: nylon strings - good, steel strings - bad?



For quite some time the National Pastoral Musicians have been running this survey asking to name a "song that made a difference".

Gerald at The Cafeteria is Closed had this to say:
"One has to look at the Eucharist, else things are just too discouraging."

This may seem true in many parishes, but there IS hope, Gerald. We have the right man on the Apostolic See. So, that's a help. There is talk of "crackdown". One only has to check out the PowerPoint presentation at the US Bishops Secretariat on Liturgy site to see that. How far it goes remains to be seen, of course. Our own Jason left a really good comment on Gerald's article.

Shawn at The New Liturgical Movement had this to say:
"At any rate, let's always remember as well that mere popularity is not the criteria for liturgical music. Its also about its formative power and appropriate character as regards the sacred liturgy, and not simply one's emotional attachment."

So right, Shawn! And think of this - one person once told me (on the NPM boards, too, believe it or not) that just because a song is in a hymnal doesn't necessarily mean it's fit for Holy Mass. Of course, this person was referring to Benediction/Adoration hymns. The same could be said for half of the top 25 on the "survey" - namely the banal little ditties got mentioned - like the top four, or, as Gerald mentioned, six of the top nine.

Fr. Kocik, at the diocese next door to me, had this to say in his comment on Shawn's article:
"On Eagle's Wings" so overused, one would think the Requiem Mass is more aptly called the "You Who" Mass (in keeping with the tradition of naming Masses according to the first words of the Introit)."

I also took the liberty of being the first to comment on Shawn's article:
"Your last comment is RIGHT ON THE MONEY! Funny the amount of calls I get for this one for funerals, especially considering I flatly refuse to use this (or any other of that Glory and Praise-like muzak) on Sundays - not even on the First Sunday of Lent, when every single proper in the Gregorian Missal - introit, gradual, tract, alleluia, offertory, and communion, is based on that Psalm."

On Eagle's Wings (to which a local organist friend of mine is familiar with a parody called "Beagle's Things") IS based on Psalm 91. It's too bad it sounds more like a "love ballad" than a hymn. Some good Psalm 91-based chants are right in your fingertips for just a little over thirty bucks. The source in question: The Gregorian Missal for Sundays! Look up the First Sunday of Lent - EVERY Proper for the day is Psalm 91-based. In fact, the Tract is the entire Psalm! Even better, you could sing the entire tract to a Psalm Tone for the sake of simplicity. Psalm Tone 2 is usually really good for that tract.

Even J. Michael McMahon, the NPM President, had this to say:
"Currently filling in as a parish choir director, McMahon said, "I'm always surprised how many young people ask for 'Ave Maria' or 'Panis Angelicus' at weddings and funerals."

Younger people are developing that "sense of the sacred", can you say? Younger priests are also promoting the sacred. My own pastor is not much older than me (hint: one of my mentors once told me when I told him my age, jokingly, of course, "you're still a punk!"). There are exceptions to this statement, but I can't say there are many. Restoration of the sacred is becoming far more vocal, thanks to the wonderful technological means we have called the Internet.

Over here at my parish, when it comes to eagle's wings, the "bird flew".
In this parish, we have the cure for the "bird flu" of eagle's wings.


Thursday, January 26, 2006


Both of these posts compliments from Gerald at The Cafeteria Is Closed:

The Idiot of the Day - the woman pictured IS a full-blown idiot if you ask me!

Also, a straight-from-the-hip approach On Liturgical Music. This quote from Gerald is soooooooo true:

Of course the organ, when used to accompany ditties, is much like the
proverbial lipstick on a pig.

Since I live in the city, and I don't see any barnyards nearby, I won't be lipsticking any pigs anytime soon! ;)



Over the past few days, I've added some blogs to the link list on the sidebar. While blogging on BlogShares, I had discovered that a few more sites had us on their link list, so, in turn, I added them to ours:

From the Anchor Hold by Karen Marie Knapp
Idle Mendacity by Jack Bennett
Recta Ratio by G. Thomas Fitzpatrick

Today I added two more blogs. The first, The Cafeteria is Closed, by Gerald Augustinus, is one I stumbled on via The Curt Jester. I posted a comment on one of his articles, he commented on mine, and we linked each other. The other I ran into via another comment from the "Closed Cafeteria", Hymnography Unbound, written by Kathleen Pluth, a hymn author whose works appear in CanticaNOVA Publications.

Welcome all of you to the sidebar!



This story from Clayton at The Weight of Glory.

Now - the GIRM specifically states:

66. The Homily should ordinarily be given by the priest celebrant himself. He
may entrust it to a concelebrating priest or occasionally, according to
circumstances, to the deacon, but never to a lay person. In particular cases and
for a just cause, the homily may even be given by a Bishop or a priest who is
present at the celebration but cannot concelebrate.

St. Joan of Arc has a different lay "speaker" nearly every week.

UPDATE: Gerald Augustinus over at The Cafeteria is Closed goes even further.


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

O.T. 4 at the Cathedral

Prelude: How Brightly Shines the Morning Star -- Paul Manz

Entrance: Songs of Thankfulness and Praise / SALZBURG

Gloria: Carroll Andrews (Peter Jones at 9:30)

Psalm 95: Michel Guimont

Alleluia: Janco in D

Offertory Hymn: Christ, Be Our Light

Offertory Anthem (9:30): Laudate Dominum -- Gordon Young

Sanctus: Peoples Mass

Acclamation C: Englert in C

Amen: Danish

Agnus Dei: Proulx in F

Communion Hymn: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light / HOUSTON
After Hymn at 9:30: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence -- Gustav Holst

Recessional: Rejoice! The Lord is King / DARWALLS 148th

Postlude: Sortie -- Noel Rawsthorne

Monday, January 23, 2006


I am pleased to announce that Jason's article for CHRISTUS VINCIT, The Pastoral Musician: A True Shepherd, or a Thief at the Gate is now at the CanticaNova website in their "Musical Musings" pages.

It was already tracked back by Musica Sacra.

This is BIG! The man who was snubbed by one "prestgious" organization (they know who they are) is becoming a hit in many others. Living proof that "one man's junk is another man's treasure!" Congrats, Jason!

+In Christ,

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Via the Google search engine, you'll be amazed what you can come up with!

I did a search on "Christus Vincit Podcasting", and stumbled into a site called BlogShares - a "fantasy stock market".

It turns out that the blog you are reading right now has a "valuation" of B$3547.62. I'd have to share with Nick and Jason.
The CHRISTUS VINCIT Podcasting blog (not the christusvincit.net site) is "valued" at an even B$1000.00.
Matthew over at The Dusty Choir Loft is just kicking my butt profusely at B$7851.87! (Incidentally, the search led me to the page pertaining to Matthew's blog)
And Jeff, The Curt Jester, hit six figures - B$131039.58! Do you share, Jeff? (just kidding) And so is Amy Welborn at her Open Book blog - a whopping B$180843.87!
Even Fr. Keyes at The New Gasparian is at the five figure mark - B$18289.46!
And so is Mary Jane at Sacred Miscellany - B$10859.93!
And Aristotle, the Recovering Choir Director, as well - B$33952.58!
And the folks at Musica Sacra - B$10944.84!
The folks at The New Liturgical Movement are doing quite well too at B$24060.28!
Those Ignatius Insight Scoop people have a slight edge on me at B$4402.91.
Plato's Stepchild is at B$6019.22.
I do have somewhat of a slight edge on Adam at The Traditional Roman Mass - B$2823.40.
Fellow podcaster Clayton at The Weight of Glory is ahead of me by a nose at B$3878.96.
In the running also is Ma Beck at the Ward Wide Web at B$2828.16.

Man, if this was real, most of us bloggers wouldn't have to work!


One of the best composers of Catholic music since Vatican II (in my opinion at least) is Dr. C. Alexander Peloquin. Those who appreciate his music owe it to themselves to grab the latest CD of his music: Radiating Christ.

The music was performed by the Gregorian Concert Choir and Orchestra, conducted by Peloquin's successor, Fr. Anthony Mancini, at the Cathedral of SS. Peter and Paul in Providence, RI. Since Peloquin retired in 1991, Fr. Mancini was hand-picked by Peloquin himself to be the heir to the baton. In 2004, Fr. Mancini was also appointed as Cathedral rector.

There are 18 well-performed tracks on this CD.
A Prayer for Us - an epic piece based on the passage from St. Paul's letter to the Romans, O the depths of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God, with two narrations in between. The piece ends with a rousing rendition of America, the Beautiful.
Gloria of the Bells - the timeless classic. We still use it regularly at Holy Ghost.
Faith, Hope, and Love - the beautifully-written Communion Hymn from his Lyric Liturgy. The verses, taken from the Grail, are from Psalm 136.
Lord Jesus, Come - the Introit Hymn, also from his Lyric Liturgy. The verses are from Psalm 100.
The Good Shepherd - the tune set for the Fred Kaan-penned text Jesus, Shepherd of Our Souls. This version is arranged with harp. The hymn itself can be found in Worship - Third Edition (hymn #649).
If Today You Hear His Voice - This is the setting I use most when I need Psalm 95. Another gem!
People Matter - a rather jazzy (in a Peloquin sort of way) setting to another Fred Kaan text, Sing We of the Modern City.
Communion Rite from Unless You Become - consists of the Lord's Prayer and Agnus Dei
For Your Love's Sake
I Cieli Immensi - a well-crafted choral arrangement of the masterpiece by Benedetto Marcello
Prayer of Self-Offering - based on a prayer by St. Ignatius (Lord, I freely give all my liberty to you), and incorporates a mysterious rendition of the Mode VI Ubi Caritas.
Joy - a rather syncopated organ piece showing Alex's true colors
Now in the Name of Him
Today is Born Our Savior - a lovely setting, not heavy at all, of the Psalm appointed for Midnight Mass at Christmas.
Wedding Song
I Believe that My Redeemer Lives - the Committal Hymn for the Funeral Mass. Nicely done in four parts, though also great as a soprano or tenor solo.
Ave Verum Corpus - an unpublished piece once commissioned for an Anniversary Mass at Blessed Sacrament Church in Providence. Lovely antiphon which incorporates the chant Ave Verum as its verses.
Radiating Christ - the title song; a mystical piece based on a prayer by John Henry Cardinal Newman.

This CD is available at GIA Publications. Get'em while they're hot!

+In Christ,


Saturday 4:30 / Sunday 7:30, 9, 10:30 (10:30 is choral)

Introit: DARWALL'S 148TH - Rejoice! the Lord is King (Music Issue, #732)
Penitential Rite: parrot Father
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Responsorial Psalm: Peloquin - If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts (From Songs of Israel, Volume 2)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse sung to Tone 6F)
Offertory: ELLACOMBE - I sing the mighty pow'r of God (Music Issue, #438)
Sanctus: Mass XVI
Anamnesis: 1974 chant - Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine...
Amen: chant - single Amen
Lord's Prayer: Sacramentary chant in English
Agnus Dei: Mass XVI
Communion: Page - Remember, Lord, thy servants
Recessional: GROSSER GOTT - Holy God, we praise thy name (Missalette, #131)

The second option in the Roman Missal for the Communion chant is from the Beatitudes, thus the selection of my own Remember, Lord, your servants. The antiphon is Remember, Lord, thy servants, when thou dost take thy throne. The five verses are based on the Beatitudes, written in a one-beat-per-bar style similar to that of the Psalms of Joseph Gelineau.
The Responsorial Psalm as set by Alexander Peloquin is just absolutely gorgeous in four parts. This is our first time actually singing it in parts. It's in his collection Songs of Israel, Volume 2, and in the CD Radiating Christ: The Music of C. Alexander Peloquin. The CD itself is a treat. It's the most recent collection of Dr. Peloquin's music. I'll blog more on that shortly.
The recessional, Holy God, we praise thy name, was Gregorian Missal-induced - at least by the Offertory, which translates, It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing in honor of your name, O Most High.

+ In Christ,

Saturday, January 21, 2006


(Not to be confused with Former Spanish Premier General Altissimo Francisco Franco is still dead)

Thanks to Clayton Emmer at The Weight of Glory for the link to the story!

Many Americans are frustrated and "disillusioned" that Pope Benedict XVI is still Catholic. Well, la de da! Isn't that what the Pope is supposed to be? Yeah, Catholic, that's it! It's his duty as Pope, and as a Catholic, to uphold the teachings of the Church he proudly serves, not dismantle them according to popular wishes. Sheesh!

By the way, Clayton, welcome to Disciples with Microphones!

BMP (fellow podcaster)


...it would be in every parish musician's best interest to check this presentation out.

Finally, something that at least resembles action is being taken on sacred music, within the circuits of the USCCB. Now, which way this will result is yet to be seen.

If you don't have a PowerPoint reader, or can't get it, let me know, and I'll post the link to the file as converted to .pdf by a friend on one of the message boards.

+In Christ,

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

SHOW OF HANDS - Marcia? Greg? Peter? Jan? Bobby? Cindy?

Jeff Miller at The Curt Jester and Amy Wellborn at Open Book are asking for a show of hands - How many either played, sung, or heard the Schutte "Here I Am, Lord" this past weekend (II Ordinary Time)?

My hands are down. However, I did use the "Here AM I, Lord" Psalm setting that appears in the readings section of Worship III (Proulx antiphon, Gelineau verses) for the Responsorial Psalm.

Any hands up or down?


Tuesday, January 17, 2006

O.T. 3 at the Cathedral

The Cathedral Parish of Saint Patrick
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Prelude: Aria -- Flor Peeters

Entrance: Praise My Soul the King of Heaven / LAUDA ANIMA

Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews (Peter Jones at 9:30)

Psalm 25: Michel Guimont

Alleluia: Janco in D

Anthem (9:30): Prayer -- Robert Lau

Offertory Hymn: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light / HOUSTON

Sanctus: Vermulst Peoples Mass

Acclamation C: Englert in C

Amen: Danish

Agnus Dei: Proulx in F

Communion Hymn: Amazing Grace / NEW BRITAIN

Recessional: City of God

Postlude: God of Grace -- Paul Manz

Monday, January 16, 2006


Yeah, somehow the Christus Vincit Leprechaun got monkeying with my recording machines and started recording this crazy jingle! Come to find out, it was for a good cause. He's asking us all to vote for the Christus Vincit Podcast over at Podcast Alley.

Go hear the jingle!

Oh, and, btw - Fr. Seraphim Beshoner has a blog out called Catholic Podcasts. I'm happy to announce that the Christus Vincit Podcast was featured in his blog as the Catholic Podcast of the Day for Sunday, January 15, 2006. Thanks much, Father, for the feature. Catholic Podcast of the Day features podcasts that are not featured in the the blog's Top Ten or listed in iTunes. You will find me in iTunes via search, but I'm not listed under the category yet. To boot, Podcast Alley has me under the wrong category. We're working on that.

BMP (and the Christus Vincit Leprechaun)

Sunday, January 15, 2006


JANUARY 22, 2006

All numbers in parentheses are in the Music Issue (OCP).
Introit: OLD HUNDREDTH - All people that on earth do dwell (#312)
Penitential Rite: parrot Father
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Responsorial Psalm: Proulx/Gelineau - Teach me your ways, O Lord, teach me your ways.
Alleluia: Murray
Offertory at 10:30: Beethoven - The Worship of God in Nature
Offertory at all other Masses: ABBOT'S LEIGH - Lord, you give the great commission (#362)
Sanctus: Vermulst - People's Mass
Anamnesis: Jubilate Deo, 1974 - Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine
Amen: Danish
Lord's Prayer: chant in English from the Sacramentary
Agnus Dei: Vermulst - People's Mass
Communion: HYFRYDOL - Church of God, elect and glorious (#397)
Recessional: HYMN TO JOY - Joyful, joyful, we adore thee (#557)

The Introit verse to this Mass once again is the beginning of Psalm 19. This results in once again having the choir repeat Beethoven's The Worship of God in Nature.
One of the better additions to the OCP repertoire is the hymn Church of God, elect and glorious. I found this to be a viable alternative to the conceited refrain of We are the light of the world (that they may see the good that we do...). The text is cleverly set to a familiar hymntune, HYFRYDOL (most familiar with Alleluia! Sing to Jesus!).
Other hymn suggestions appear courtesy of CanticaNOVA's liturgical planning pages.

+In Christ,

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

OT 2 at the Cathedral

Choir holiday today!

Prelude: Alle menschen muessen sterben -- Pachelbel

Entrance: Songs of Thankfulness and Praise / SALZBURG

Gloria: Carroll T. Andrews

Psalm 40: Michel Guimont

Gospel Acclamation: Janco in D (req'd by pastor)

Offertory: Go Make of All Disciples / ELLACOMBE

Sanctus: Vermulst Peoples Mass

Mem. Acc.: "When we eat this bread" -- Englert

Amen: Danish

Agnus Dei: Proulx in F

Communion: Here I Am

Recessional: The Church's One Foundation / AURELIA

Postlude: Allegro Maestoso from Sonata No. 2 -- Mendelssohn

Monday, January 9, 2006


Well, it's about time EWTN had a reality show (LOL)!

The Curt Jester presents Extreme Makeover: Church Edition, hosted by Cardinal Arinze. Watch the promo here!


Sunday, January 8, 2006


From CHRISTUS VINCIT PODCASTING, Podcast #5 (just uploaded today):

Dedicated to organs (in a liturgical setting) this time, instead of hymns:
The Good: any well-maintained, well-played, pipe organ
The Bad: any old electronic toaster organ (Hammond comes to mind)
The Ugly: a Hammond so fried you can cook a full-course breakfast on it for you and your choir

Happy Epiphany!


Back to Ordinary Time for the next couple of months. Ash Wednesday isn't till March 1 this year.

All numbers are found in the Music Issue for 2006 (OCP)
Introit: OLD HUNDREDTH - All people that on earth do dwell (#312)
Penitential Rite: parrot Father
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Psalm: Proulx/Gelineau - Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.
Alleluia: Murray
Offertory: UNDE ET MEMORES - Lord, who at thy first Eucharist didst pray (#356)
Sanctus: Vermulst - People's Mass
Anamnesis: Jubilate Deo - Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine...
Amen: Danish
Lord's Prayer: Sacramentary chant in English
Agnus Dei: Vermulst - People's Mass
Communion: Gelineau - My Shepherd is the Lord (#750)
Recessional: AURELIA - The Church's one foundation (#400)

Psalm 65:4 (May all the earth give you worship and praise...) , the Introit for the day could serve as a paraphrase to the beginning of Psalm 100, thus the Introit hymn selected (All people that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord with cheerful voice...).
Psalm 22:5 (The Lord has prepared a feast for me...) is the first of two options for the Communion antiphon in the Roman Missal. Thus, My Shepherd is the Lord.

+In Christ,


Epiphany Sunday, Fatima Church, Lafayette

Prelude: "Lovely", Vaughan-Williams
Introit Hymn: The First Nowell
Kyrie: de Angelis
Gloria: de Angelis
Credo: III
Off: Tollite Hostias, Saint-Saens
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (Salzburg)
Sanctus: de Angelis
Mysterium: Danish
Amen: de Angelis
Pater: Mode 4
Agnus: de Angelis
Com: Bell choir: Carol of the Bells, Adeste Fideles
We Three Kings (Kings of Orient)
A Solis ortus cardine, Scheidt, versus 1
Final: Hark, the Herald (with improvised postlude)

The choir received raving reviews this Sunday from a obviously disturbed man who wandered into the church during the Holy Gospel. He was snatching at invisible butterflies throughout the Saint-Saens, after which he loudly proclaimed "THAT WAS AWESOME". Before Mass, he had been spotted by one of my sopranos whom he asked how he might be directed to the bishop immediately, as he had just witnessed tears streaming from the eyes of the statue of the Blessed Virgin of Fatima, just outside the side entrance. It was a great and miraculous Epiphany for everyone.

Friday, January 6, 2006

Epiphany at the Cathedral

The Cathedral Parish of St. Patrick
Harrisburg, PA

Prelude: Prelude sur l'Introit de l'Epiphanie -- Maurice Durufle

Entrance: The First Nowell / THE FIRST NOWELL

Gloria: Gloria for Christmastime -- Proulx

Psalm 72: Michel Guimont

Alleluia: Schiavone in D

Offertory Hymn (5:30, 7:30, 12:15): As with Gladness Men of Old / DIX

Offertory Anthem (9:30): There Shall a Star from Jacob Come Forth -- Felix Mendelssohn

Ordinary: Community Mass

Agnus Dei: Proulx in F

Communion: We Three Kings / KINGS OF ORIENT

Recessional: Songs of Thankfulness and Praise / SALZBURG

Postlude: Three Variations on "Noel Nouvelet" -- Robert Lau

Music Notes
(this is something I provide at the end of each week's bulletin, and I have received so
many positive comments on what I thought was just a little thing)

Maurice Durufle was a member of the modern French School of organ composition. A student of Charles Tournemire, Durufle served as the director of the Gregorian Institute at the Paris Conservatoire. All of his works are based on chants from the liturgy. Today’s prelude, translated “Prelude on the Introit for Epiphany”, was written in 1960, and uses the Gregorian melody for the Proper Antiphon (Introit) for this day. You will hear the chant melody played in the lower register of a trumpet.

The choral anthem today, There Shall a Star from Jacob Come Forth, is taken from Mendelssohn’s oratorio CHRISTUS, and is a musical setting of prophecies of Christ. Toward the end of the work, the famous German Epiphany hymn “How Brightly Shines the Morning Star” is quoted.

The organ postlude is a set of variations on the French tune “Noel Nouvelet”, arranged by local composer Robert C. Lau. Dr. Lau is the organist/choirmaster at Zion Lutheran Church in Penbrook, and holds degrees from Lebanon Valley College, the Eastman School of Music, and the Catholic University of America. Dr. Lau is a former chairman of the music department at Lebanon Valley College, and is an adjunct professor at Penn State-Harrisburg.

Thursday, January 5, 2006


Compliments of the Ignatius Insight Scoop, the Preface of The Organic Development of the Liturgy, book by Alcuin Reid, OSB, preface by Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI).

Read on! and enjoy!

Wednesday, January 4, 2006

Special Christmas Season Edition

With Christmas season still here for a few more days, here's the "Good, Bad, and Ugly" scenario that will be in our forthcoming podcast:

The Good: While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night
The Bad: Children, Run Joyfully
The Ugly: "Children, Run Joyfully" sung by Barney and Pals (even worse: being medleyed in with the "I Love You" song)

Happy remainder of Christmas Season!

Monday, January 2, 2006


The Curt Jester is now promoting a new pocket device so that you may never miss a Novena again! Loads of features! Comes in handy for the busy worshipper.

See for yourself!



I've been "memed" by the Ward Wide Web! I'm being asked my "five weird habits". I hope I got this right. I've never been memed before.

1. I've been known to eat all portions of a multi-course meal separately.
2. I never consume an alcoholic beverage, though anyone who knows me will tell you how I love to drink Coca-cola by the two liter bottle.
3. Though all my church music has to be reverent in style, my main musical taste at home and on the road is classic rock and power pop from the '60's and '70's (I was laughed at for being a Raspberries fan - and I stand my ground even today)
4. If I'm direly sick on a weekend, I blow off the ER (they're terrible here) and wait till Monday when my regular doctor is in.
5. I do much of my podcasting in my living room, using (of all things) "Sound Recorder", thus having to hit the "record" button every 60 seconds or so.

I pass this meme on to Sacred Miscellany, The Recovering Choir Director, The Weight of Glory, The Dusty Choir Loft, and Plato's Stepchild.


Sunday, January 1, 2006


The new Christus Vincit Network domain is up and running. Member sites are:
1. Christus Vincit Music (my own compositions showcased - COMING SOON)
2. Holy Ghost Music Ministry
3. This blog

The URL is http://www.christusvincit.net.



A bit under the weather still as I write this post. My sinus infection got me really good this morning, this missing all three of my morning Masses (I did do the Saturday Mass). Rarely am I sick, and I hate calling out, but it got me to the point where I couldn't even drive. The entire right side of my head felt like it was going to explode. I do not take missing Mass lightly (I'm sure I can say that about most ANY church musician).

JANUARY 8, 2006

All numbers refer to the Missalette
Introit: DIX - As with gladness, men of old (#90)
Kyrie: Parrot Father
Gloria: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Responsorial Psalm: Page - Lord, every nation on earth will adore you
Alleluia: DIVINUM MYSTERIUM, adapted by Page
Offertory: KINGS OF ORIENT - We three kings of Orient are (#86)
Sanctus: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Anamnesis: Jubilate Deo - Mortem tuam annuntiamus, Domine
Amen: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Lord's Prayer: Sacramentary chant, in English
Agnus Dei: Peloquin - Mass of the Bells
Communion: English - The First Nowell (#85)
Recessional: ANTIOCH - Joy to the World (#58)

Happy and Blessed New Year to all you readers and fellow bloggers out there!
+In Christ,