Saturday, June 30, 2007

OT 13, Harrisburger Dom

Prelude: Meditation No. 2 - David Barton

Entrance: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (reharmonization, Rawsthorne)

Gloria: John Lee

Psalm: R and A

Celtic Alleluia

Offertory: Summons / KELVINGROVE

Sanctus, etc: Creation

Communion: Ubi Caritas - Hurd (love this more each time I use it)

Hymn: Sent Forth by God's Blessing / THE ASH GROVE

Postlude: Trumpet Tune in B-flat - Michael McCabe

1 comment:

Brian Michael Page said...

Bob Hurd's Ubi is definitely one of his better works, IMO. His Missa Ubi Caritas is quite nice too.

BTW, I take it everyone's home now, which would be great news.