Tuesday, August 8, 2006


Only the third blogger I've met personally - I had the great pleasure of meeting Fr. Jeff Keyes while he was vacationing New England. We met over at Holy Ghost, where I got to play a couple of pieces for him on the new (well, 12/2004) Rodgers, fill him in on a little bit of history - I'm sure there's more than what I know, but I gave him what I know.

Fr. Keyes also got a couple of good pics in the church, which you can find in his post (note: the church in the very last picture of his post is NOT Holy Ghost, but one of his other stops).

The picture of the lamb in Fr. Keyes' post is the stained glass above the door leading to the narthex at Holy Ghost. That same symbol is on Father's ring, from his order, the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. The picture with the "Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus" is the top of the recently hand-built Altar of Repose of the Blessed Sacrament. This is centrally located behind the Mass altar, could nearly pass for a high altar, and houses the Tabernacle.

BTW, just to prove that I'm as low key as they come, that's a McDonalds that Father and I are sitting at (I'm on the right). I don't know too many quickie lunch joints in the neighborhood, other than McD's and Burger Dirt. Remember, I live 25 miles from the church.

The other two bloggers I got to meet were (recently) Domini Sumus, who is music director and organist at a neighboring parish, and Brad at Earl Grey and Arsenic, who sang in the schola cantorum at Holy Name of Jesus Church, where I was music director from 1999-2003. Brad is now living (for now) in Germany.

Again, it was a pleasure meeting Fr. Keyes, and I hope he enjoyed his stay in New England. My prayers for his safe return to California. BTW, you don't need an iPod to listen to our podcasts. You can use iTunes on your computer, or play directly from the "play" link onto your computer's mp3 player. Christus Vincit / iPadre



DominiSumus said...

It was nice to meet you. I wish we had more time.

Jason Pennington said...

Ultra grooviness, Brian! As you know, Fr. Keyes was at the CMAA conference last June, where I met him.


Brian Michael Page said...

Fr. Keyes mentioned you as well Jason. We got talking about how us three CV snarks met (though not in person), and our shakeup of a certain message board.

Dad29 said...


About 20 years ago, I was responsible for the musical arrangements for the 25th Anniversary of Ordination of Fr. R. S. Ph.D and musicologist, of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.

The celebration was in Sheboygan, about 50 miles north of Milwaukee; so we "rented" the Sheboygan Symphony to accompany the choir in Mozart's Coronation Mass.

The guest conductor was Roger Wagner, who did a run-through of the work in Milwaukee; we went to Sheboygan for the dress rehearsal, which started at 7:00 PM.

On the way, we realized that no one had had dinner, and waiting until 10:30 might be challenging, so where did I take Roger Wagner, KCSG, Hollywood Star, Conductor of the Roger Wagner Chorale, the USC concert chorale, the world-traveler, invitee of QE2, and conductor of the L A Master Chorale for din-din?

Mickey D's. A good time was had by all.