Kinda like the Florida chads in 2000, eh?
My prayers are with the Corning Curmudgeon. The poor guy joins a liturgy committee but becomes the odd man out as the liturgy committee in question is more the "stereotypical" liturgy committee. They can't even do polls right.
To say the least it has been an aggravating time on the "Liturgical Committee." I've come to the conclusion that it hasn't been worth it other than to fully define how bad things are in the parish and our diocese. It is clear that Diversity (and I know, I should have known this already) in Liturgy does not mean what it should. Instead, it means that Progressives get to run things and all the "wrong kind" of Catholics get to shut up, except of course, they need us when they want money. What are the "wrong kind" of Catholics. Anyone who doesn't agree with the progressive agenda of course. So that means trads, neo-con, conservative, or just Catholics who want Mass to be sacred, God Centered, and the Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Christ like Mass is supposed to be. Instead we get "me centered" and "Jesus is my buddy" music, and an army of Eucharistic Ministers.
The best example of how things are going:
We did a poll at our parish, and the way it was worded was: Do you prefer:
A) Ancient Traditional (Gregorian Chant, Latin, etc.)
B) Traditional (Be not Afraid, Sing to the Mountains, etc.)
C) Contemporary Music
About as twisted as the Florida election chads of 2000, I think. How these polls should have been categorized (and I commented thus on the Corning Curmudgeon's post) is this:
A) Real Catholic Music (Gregorian Chant, Latin, etc.)
B) Greatest Hits (Be Not Afraid, Sing to the Mountains, etc.)
C) LifeTeen Music (self-explanatory)
Just because politicians misrepresent..... Sheesh!
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Although I didn't submit anything this week, I took the liberty of joining the Catholic Carnival just a few days ago. Watch for future issues.
This week's Catholic Carnival is over at the Living Catholicism Blog. Enjoy!
This week's Catholic Carnival is over at the Living Catholicism Blog. Enjoy!
March 20 is Stephen Colbert Day....
After losing a bet with Colbert over a hockey game, the mayor of Oshawa, Ont., John Gray, has declared his own birthday to be Stephen Colbert Day.
Full story here.
Full story here.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Even Funeral Masses free from "Greatest Hits" torture!
A follow-up from this post about going two funerals in a row without requests for the "greatest hits" fare. In fact, yesterday I had another funeral and got lucky again - so now three in a row!
But now tomorrow it's back to reality, but not at Holy Ghost. This one is at a church in one of Providence's "hoods", and I cover there when needed more for the sake of a few extra bucks than anything else. But I still like to try to do things right when possible. So, they raided the request line with the following:
- Ave Maria (they didn't specify the setting, and I don't "default" to the Schubert)
- Let there be peas and carrots on earth
- How great thou art
The amazing thing: no Be Not Afraid or Beagle's Things. I did manage to talk these folk out of Hail Mary/Gentle Woman. After all, they're already asked for Ave Maria. Why sing the same text twice? At least that was the reasoning I used. So, it'll be some Ave at the Offertory, the other two at Communion (How great during, and peas and carrots after Father's done doing the dishes).
I guess three out of four ain't bad - with the three being at my regular parish where I have a lot more pull (as well as support).
A follow-up from this post about going two funerals in a row without requests for the "greatest hits" fare. In fact, yesterday I had another funeral and got lucky again - so now three in a row!
But now tomorrow it's back to reality, but not at Holy Ghost. This one is at a church in one of Providence's "hoods", and I cover there when needed more for the sake of a few extra bucks than anything else. But I still like to try to do things right when possible. So, they raided the request line with the following:
- Ave Maria (they didn't specify the setting, and I don't "default" to the Schubert)
- Let there be peas and carrots on earth
- How great thou art
The amazing thing: no Be Not Afraid or Beagle's Things. I did manage to talk these folk out of Hail Mary/Gentle Woman. After all, they're already asked for Ave Maria. Why sing the same text twice? At least that was the reasoning I used. So, it'll be some Ave at the Offertory, the other two at Communion (How great during, and peas and carrots after Father's done doing the dishes).
I guess three out of four ain't bad - with the three being at my regular parish where I have a lot more pull (as well as support).
Not bad...
Red Sox cap tip to the Curt Jester, who got an A (96%)!
You know the Bible 88%!
Wow! You are awesome! You are a true Biblical scholar, not just a hearer but a personal reader! The books, the characters, the events, the verses - you know it all! You are fantastic!
Ultimate Bible Quiz
Create MySpace Quizzes
Red Sox cap tip to the Curt Jester, who got an A (96%)!
The iPadre is looking for someone who's really good with video graphics (I can doctor stills pretty good, but not videos). The task: to create an improved intro for his Videocast.
WATCH his Videocast #5 for details.
WATCH his Videocast #5 for details.
OT 5 at the Cathedral
Prelude: Aria -- Paul Manz
Entrance: Holy, Holy, Holy / NICAEA
Gloria: John Lee
Psalm 138: R & A
Alleluia: Steven Janco
Offertory: The Summons / KELVINGROVE
Anthem (9:30): Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence -- Holst
Sanctus: Vermulst
Acclamation C: Englert
Danish Amen
Agnus Dei: Isele
Communion: Lord, You Have Come to the Seashore / PESCADOR DE HOMBRES
Hymn: Go Make of All Disciples / ELLACOMBE
Postlude: Voluntary on ELLACOMBE -- Ann Slowins
Entrance: Holy, Holy, Holy / NICAEA
Gloria: John Lee
Psalm 138: R & A
Alleluia: Steven Janco
Offertory: The Summons / KELVINGROVE
Anthem (9:30): Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence -- Holst
Sanctus: Vermulst
Acclamation C: Englert
Danish Amen
Agnus Dei: Isele
Communion: Lord, You Have Come to the Seashore / PESCADOR DE HOMBRES
Hymn: Go Make of All Disciples / ELLACOMBE
Postlude: Voluntary on ELLACOMBE -- Ann Slowins
Monday, January 29, 2007

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (35:58/32.9 MB)
We discuss Alexander Peloquin (pictured), the man and his music.
Feasts for the Week:
St. John Bosco; Presentation of the Lord; St. Blase; St. Ansgar.
For more info: New Advent Website
Christus Vincit Semi-Live on I-195: Premiere segment, recorded primarily while on Interstate 195, with Shamus standing by in the studio with a couple of forgotten pieces. Here we cover the music we played for the Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time.
Ecce Dominus Noster (Mode III); Lumen Revelationem Gentium (Mode VIII)
Sanctus, Mortem Tuam Annuntiamus, Amen, and Agnus Dei (Jubilate Deo chant set)
The Lord's Prayer (chant in English; intoned by the iPadre himself)
Now Thank We All Our God (tune: Nun Danket); Illumina Faciem Tuam (Mode I)
Sonata X, written by Andreas Oswald, performed by Chelycus, courtesy of Podsafe
Catholic: Under the Hood (Congrats, Fr. Seraphim, on 100 episodes!!!),
iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
Liturgy 911: Papa Joe Ratzi and Frank A. Rinze hunt down eulogies at funeral Masses.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Eulogies Edition, courtesy of Catholic Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Go to our message forum and take the poll in the Episode #66 category.
Closing notes: February 1 is a milestone for my wife and me!
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Eulogies Edition, courtesy of Catholic Weapons of Mass Destruction.
Go to our message forum and take the poll in the Episode #66 category.
Closing notes: February 1 is a milestone for my wife and me!
CVA Interactive Corner
Sunday V - February 4, 2007
Penitential Rite: parrot Father
Gloria VIII
Psalm: In the sight of the angels, I will sing your praises, Lord (Carroll/Gelineau)
Alleluia: Twynham
Sanctus and Agnus Dei: People's Mass (Vermulst)
Memorial Acclamation A and Amen: Danish
Lord's Prayer: chant, in English
Hymns, etc.:
All people that on earth do dwell - OLD 100TH
Jesus, the very thought of you - ST. AGNES
I will go to the altar of God - Gelineau
Lift high the cross - CRUCIFER
Penitential Rite: parrot Father
Gloria VIII
Psalm: In the sight of the angels, I will sing your praises, Lord (Carroll/Gelineau)
Alleluia: Twynham
Sanctus and Agnus Dei: People's Mass (Vermulst)
Memorial Acclamation A and Amen: Danish
Lord's Prayer: chant, in English
Hymns, etc.:
All people that on earth do dwell - OLD 100TH
Jesus, the very thought of you - ST. AGNES
I will go to the altar of God - Gelineau
Lift high the cross - CRUCIFER
Friday, January 26, 2007
The accompanist is the late Victor Borge, which explains things here. The soprano (and straight gal for Mr. Borge's shenanigans) is Marylyn Mulvey. This is hilarious! Enjoy!
and not one request for the "Greatest Hits".
I have to interject, because this doesn't happen often...
My hymn list for the past two funerals (Wed. and Thurs.) went like this as a result:
Introit hymn: For all the saints (Sine Nomine)
- Note: my boss often cites it in his funeral homily, so I program it often, but never during Lent, because of the "alleluias".
Psalm: My Shepherd is the Lord (Gelineau)
Alleluia: Twynham (F F F c c/d Bflat A Bflat c/Bflat A G F F)
Offertory: Jesus, Son of Mary (Adoro Te/Mode V)
- Note: We Celebrate and Journeysongs 2 have Jesus, Lord, Have Mercy, which is the last three verses, altered. I use Jesus, Son of Mary from Hymnal 1940/1982.
Mass: People's/Danish
- Wednesday: Keep in Mind (Deiss)
- Thursday: The Lord is Kind (Peloquin/from Songs of Israel, Volume 2)
Final Commendation: Saints of God (Proulx)
Recessional: In Paradisum (Mode VII)
I have to interject, because this doesn't happen often...
My hymn list for the past two funerals (Wed. and Thurs.) went like this as a result:
Introit hymn: For all the saints (Sine Nomine)
- Note: my boss often cites it in his funeral homily, so I program it often, but never during Lent, because of the "alleluias".
Psalm: My Shepherd is the Lord (Gelineau)
Alleluia: Twynham (F F F c c/d Bflat A Bflat c/Bflat A G F F)
Offertory: Jesus, Son of Mary (Adoro Te/Mode V)
- Note: We Celebrate and Journeysongs 2 have Jesus, Lord, Have Mercy, which is the last three verses, altered. I use Jesus, Son of Mary from Hymnal 1940/1982.
Mass: People's/Danish
- Wednesday: Keep in Mind (Deiss)
- Thursday: The Lord is Kind (Peloquin/from Songs of Israel, Volume 2)
Final Commendation: Saints of God (Proulx)
Recessional: In Paradisum (Mode VII)
What's the excuse for them?
Jeffrey Tucker at NLM has an excellent article, exposing excuses for the "dumbed down liturgy", and how those excuses can (and should) be eliminated.
Let me add this. Jeffrey writes:
Third, we must build for the long term by forming children's choirs, no parish excepted.
Correct! And in doing so, they need to keep away from the trite, dumbed down, banal ditties found primarily in Glory and Praise (all editions, including Young People's Glory and Praise), Gather, Rise Up and Sing, Spirit and Song, Hi God!, and other similar ilk. That's been a big problem for nearly forty years.
Jeffrey Tucker at NLM has an excellent article, exposing excuses for the "dumbed down liturgy", and how those excuses can (and should) be eliminated.
Let me add this. Jeffrey writes:
Third, we must build for the long term by forming children's choirs, no parish excepted.
Correct! And in doing so, they need to keep away from the trite, dumbed down, banal ditties found primarily in Glory and Praise (all editions, including Young People's Glory and Praise), Gather, Rise Up and Sing, Spirit and Song, Hi God!, and other similar ilk. That's been a big problem for nearly forty years.
by John Rutter
Now, here's a gorgeous piece if I ever heard one. Argent has videos of that, and a Gaelic Blessing, also by Rutter. At the same time, she reminds her readers of my funeral music request list from 2/06.
Here's The Lord Bless You and Keep You, as performed by the St. Paul's Cathedral Choir, one of the great English choirs, for the 100th birthday of the Queen Mother (she made it to 101, passing on 3/30/2002).
Now, here's a gorgeous piece if I ever heard one. Argent has videos of that, and a Gaelic Blessing, also by Rutter. At the same time, she reminds her readers of my funeral music request list from 2/06.
Here's The Lord Bless You and Keep You, as performed by the St. Paul's Cathedral Choir, one of the great English choirs, for the 100th birthday of the Queen Mother (she made it to 101, passing on 3/30/2002).
Hat tip ad multis...
Franciscan University of Steubenville is pleased to announce the creation of a Bachelor of Arts in Sacred Music to begin in the fall of 2007. The degree may be pursued in either the program in voice or the program in organ. Pianists may audition for the program in organ on the piano. Courses will include private instruction on the major instrument, music theory, music history, conducting and a year-long course in Gregorian Chant. In addition, students will participate in the Schola Cantorum Franciscana, which concentrates on polyphony and chant and sings for occasional services on and off campus.
Interested students may apply for admission to the university at:
Franciscan University of Steubenville
1235 University Blvd.
Steubenville, OH 43953
Very surprising, but very welcome news considering when I hear the name "Steubenville", I think Jim Cowan and similar folk/rock style tuneage (so-called "geared for youth"). In fact, up here in Southern New England, there is a group called "Steubenville East" that meets - mainly teens. Teens can now go up to Steubenville and see good things happening there. Very encouraging, if you ask me.
Franciscan University of Steubenville is pleased to announce the creation of a Bachelor of Arts in Sacred Music to begin in the fall of 2007. The degree may be pursued in either the program in voice or the program in organ. Pianists may audition for the program in organ on the piano. Courses will include private instruction on the major instrument, music theory, music history, conducting and a year-long course in Gregorian Chant. In addition, students will participate in the Schola Cantorum Franciscana, which concentrates on polyphony and chant and sings for occasional services on and off campus.
Interested students may apply for admission to the university at:
Franciscan University of Steubenville
1235 University Blvd.
Steubenville, OH 43953
Very surprising, but very welcome news considering when I hear the name "Steubenville", I think Jim Cowan and similar folk/rock style tuneage (so-called "geared for youth"). In fact, up here in Southern New England, there is a group called "Steubenville East" that meets - mainly teens. Teens can now go up to Steubenville and see good things happening there. Very encouraging, if you ask me.
Welcome Paul Nichols' Catholic Cartoon Blog to the CVDB.
Isn't that the Barney Blessing priest? Oh, here he is...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Gary Penkala at CanticaNOVA Publications clarifies quite nicely the issue of the "voice of God" in hymn texts - that is, when the congregation sings a hymn text with God or Christ speaking in the first person. Check it out!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
As interpreted on stained glass
Don't ask me who designed this stained glass window, but I won't be going to that church anytime soon. Red Sox cap tip to Fr. Erik, who interpreted it thus:
The artist must have been singing "A Touching Place" while assembling this!
While LMAO at Fr. Erik's quip, I knew there was a reason I never have (nor ever will, even on a triple dog dare) programmed A Touching Place for ANY given liturgy, public or private. Of course, that didn't stop its being published in Gather Apprehensive and RitualSong.
Living proof of what was going on in people's heads at the time. (Note: reference was to the 1994 Gather App. The song was dropped for the 2004 edition - the one with the new softie cover.)

The artist must have been singing "A Touching Place" while assembling this!
While LMAO at Fr. Erik's quip, I knew there was a reason I never have (nor ever will, even on a triple dog dare) programmed A Touching Place for ANY given liturgy, public or private. Of course, that didn't stop its being published in Gather Apprehensive and RitualSong.
Living proof of what was going on in people's heads at the time. (Note: reference was to the 1994 Gather App. The song was dropped for the 2004 edition - the one with the new softie cover.)
OT 4 at the Cathedral
Prelude: Pastorale -- Charles Wesley
Entrance: O God, beyond All Praising / THAXTED (desc. Hobby)
Gloria: John Lee
Psalm 71: Gelineau
Alleluia: Steven Janco in D
Anthem (9:30): The Gift of Love -- Hal Hopson
Offertory Hymn: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling / HYFRYDOL
Sanctus: Vermulst
Acclamation C: Eugene Englert
Danish Amen
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: Ubi Caritas -- Bob Hurd
Hymn: Father, We Thank Thee / RENDEZ A DIEU
Postlude: Prelude on HYFRYDOL -- Healey Willan
Entrance: O God, beyond All Praising / THAXTED (desc. Hobby)
Gloria: John Lee
Psalm 71: Gelineau
Alleluia: Steven Janco in D
Anthem (9:30): The Gift of Love -- Hal Hopson
Offertory Hymn: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling / HYFRYDOL
Sanctus: Vermulst
Acclamation C: Eugene Englert
Danish Amen
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: Ubi Caritas -- Bob Hurd
Hymn: Father, We Thank Thee / RENDEZ A DIEU
Postlude: Prelude on HYFRYDOL -- Healey Willan
Monday, January 22, 2007
The Re-definition thereof
As Fr. Gonzales correctly states, liturgy committees are weapons of Mass destruction (note the capital "M").
Let's not forget the following also fit the WMD category:
- Liturgeists (those liturgists who insist that "say the black and do the red" just isn't enough)
- Guitars
- Glory and Praise and Gather hymnals (and about 90% of the contents therein)
- Two bishops and a cardinal (Trautman, Brown, and Mahony)
- Liturgical dance
- Barney blessings
- Lay homilists (including eulogists at funeral Masses)
Side note on liturgy committees:
At one parish I worked, we had this one liturgy committee where it was two ladies, the pastor and myself. The two ladies would pretty much do all the talking. I couldn't get much in edgewise. The pastor would fall asleep on his recliner.
Holy Name in Providence was an exception to the liturgy committee rule - every department head basically reported their work to the pastor. We all had our own jobs - no one stepped on toes. Something new came up, we'd report our progress. It was great! Again, there were no "buttinskis". Everyone (including myself) left the meeting happy. Definitely an exception for a liturgy committee.
Holy Ghost, thankfully, has no liturgy committee. Anything special gets communicated directly with the pastor. Perfect! First Communion gets communicated with the grade 1-5 CCD coordinator. Confirmation gets communicated with the grade 6-10 CCD coordinator. We have no multiple liturgeists here, and only Mass is celebrated at Mass (no foolish pageants or little kiddies singing Hi God! style songs up front - oh gitchy gitchy goo!).
Say the black and do the red! Works every time!
As Fr. Gonzales correctly states, liturgy committees are weapons of Mass destruction (note the capital "M").
Let's not forget the following also fit the WMD category:
- Liturgeists (those liturgists who insist that "say the black and do the red" just isn't enough)
- Guitars
- Glory and Praise and Gather hymnals (and about 90% of the contents therein)
- Two bishops and a cardinal (Trautman, Brown, and Mahony)
- Liturgical dance
- Barney blessings
- Lay homilists (including eulogists at funeral Masses)
Side note on liturgy committees:
At one parish I worked, we had this one liturgy committee where it was two ladies, the pastor and myself. The two ladies would pretty much do all the talking. I couldn't get much in edgewise. The pastor would fall asleep on his recliner.
Holy Name in Providence was an exception to the liturgy committee rule - every department head basically reported their work to the pastor. We all had our own jobs - no one stepped on toes. Something new came up, we'd report our progress. It was great! Again, there were no "buttinskis". Everyone (including myself) left the meeting happy. Definitely an exception for a liturgy committee.
Holy Ghost, thankfully, has no liturgy committee. Anything special gets communicated directly with the pastor. Perfect! First Communion gets communicated with the grade 1-5 CCD coordinator. Confirmation gets communicated with the grade 6-10 CCD coordinator. We have no multiple liturgeists here, and only Mass is celebrated at Mass (no foolish pageants or little kiddies singing Hi God! style songs up front - oh gitchy gitchy goo!).
Say the black and do the red! Works every time!
And My Snarky Answers
Cantor at Cantate Deo asks the blogsphere five questions (um, THREE questions):
1. Why must people insist on replacing Latin terms for the liturgical texts (“Gloria”, “Agnus Dei”, et al.) with English equivalents, like “Glory to God”? Maybe because I’ve spent so much time, as a choral musician, with the Latin texts, that people referring to them in a vernacular tongue just sounds strange. Anyone else feel like this is just goofy?
I was questioned in the opposite way when I was on the NaPalM message boards. The question was something to the tune of Why are you using Latin and old terms for music you're singing in English? For example, when I wrote my hymn lists, I used "Introit", "Gloria", "Offertory", "Sanctus", "Mysterium Fidei", "Per Ipsum", "Agnus Dei". Surprising, I didn't think of using "Pater Noster", I don't know why? But I knew I wasn't committing any liturgical crime. Besides, the GIRM (funkified for U.S. tastes) STILL uses many of those very terms I speak of here.
2. Am I correct in thinking that the time since V2 is unique in that the Church is expected to worship not only in Latin, but also in vernacular tongues? The examples I see Mitchell cite of the history of liturgical/Scriptural translation seem more to do with translations that replace, rather than complement, the original texts. (note: "Mitchell" is Nathan Mitchell, who has a column in Worship magazine called The Amen Corner.)
Yes, you are, good friend. In fact, I can recall a page in the old Liturgical Press gem of the '60's, Our Parish Prays and Sings, which had laid out which parts of the Mass should be said/sung in Latin and which should be in English. I don't have the book anymore, as it got lost in the infamous Pawtucket Mill Fire of 2003 (which burned my house to the ground and destroyed many others). It seems since the Paul VI Mass that Latin got dropped, thanks to progressive misdirection, despite Pope Paul VI's handing the Jubilate Deo booklet to every parish in the world in hopes that the average Joe in the pew would have access to the simplest of Mass chants in Latin.
3. Why do Bp. Trautman & Co. assume that active participation in the liturgy is inimical to the use of Latin or “more Latinistic” English? And, are those who think that way favoring “participation” to such an extent that participation in the liturgy is hampered? I mean, if it’s just about participation, let’s get rid of anything liturgical - clearly, it is important to recall that V2 emphasized not just participation, but participation in the liturgy.
That was a big stink we argued about on the RPInet boards a few months back - there was one particular person who insisted that full, conscious, and active participation (FCAP to the snark population) means that every single sung moment just HAS to involve the people. GOD FORBID the choir sings a motet version of the Communion proper (read: polyphonic and in Latin) at Communion, where said text is assigned in the first place. Ah yes, the Trautman/Mahony/Brown-istic misconceptions of FCAP (sounds like a bad drug, doesn't it?). After all, listening is participation, too.
Cantor at Cantate Deo asks the blogsphere five questions (um, THREE questions):
1. Why must people insist on replacing Latin terms for the liturgical texts (“Gloria”, “Agnus Dei”, et al.) with English equivalents, like “Glory to God”? Maybe because I’ve spent so much time, as a choral musician, with the Latin texts, that people referring to them in a vernacular tongue just sounds strange. Anyone else feel like this is just goofy?
I was questioned in the opposite way when I was on the NaPalM message boards. The question was something to the tune of Why are you using Latin and old terms for music you're singing in English? For example, when I wrote my hymn lists, I used "Introit", "Gloria", "Offertory", "Sanctus", "Mysterium Fidei", "Per Ipsum", "Agnus Dei". Surprising, I didn't think of using "Pater Noster", I don't know why? But I knew I wasn't committing any liturgical crime. Besides, the GIRM (funkified for U.S. tastes) STILL uses many of those very terms I speak of here.
2. Am I correct in thinking that the time since V2 is unique in that the Church is expected to worship not only in Latin, but also in vernacular tongues? The examples I see Mitchell cite of the history of liturgical/Scriptural translation seem more to do with translations that replace, rather than complement, the original texts. (note: "Mitchell" is Nathan Mitchell, who has a column in Worship magazine called The Amen Corner.)
Yes, you are, good friend. In fact, I can recall a page in the old Liturgical Press gem of the '60's, Our Parish Prays and Sings, which had laid out which parts of the Mass should be said/sung in Latin and which should be in English. I don't have the book anymore, as it got lost in the infamous Pawtucket Mill Fire of 2003 (which burned my house to the ground and destroyed many others). It seems since the Paul VI Mass that Latin got dropped, thanks to progressive misdirection, despite Pope Paul VI's handing the Jubilate Deo booklet to every parish in the world in hopes that the average Joe in the pew would have access to the simplest of Mass chants in Latin.
3. Why do Bp. Trautman & Co. assume that active participation in the liturgy is inimical to the use of Latin or “more Latinistic” English? And, are those who think that way favoring “participation” to such an extent that participation in the liturgy is hampered? I mean, if it’s just about participation, let’s get rid of anything liturgical - clearly, it is important to recall that V2 emphasized not just participation, but participation in the liturgy.
That was a big stink we argued about on the RPInet boards a few months back - there was one particular person who insisted that full, conscious, and active participation (FCAP to the snark population) means that every single sung moment just HAS to involve the people. GOD FORBID the choir sings a motet version of the Communion proper (read: polyphonic and in Latin) at Communion, where said text is assigned in the first place. Ah yes, the Trautman/Mahony/Brown-istic misconceptions of FCAP (sounds like a bad drug, doesn't it?). After all, listening is participation, too.
Sunday IV - January 28, 2007
Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton, RI
Missa Jubilate Deo (Gl, Sa, Mem, Am, AD)
Lord's Prayer (chant, English)
Laetetur cor quaerentium - Tone 8G (10:30)
To Jesus Christ, Our Sov'reign King - Ich Glaub an Gott
I will sing of your salvation - Englert/Gelineau
Alleluia - Twynham
Church of God, elect and glorious - Hyfrydol
Illumina faciem - Mode I (10:30)
Faith, hope, and love - Peloquin
Now thank we all our God - Nun Danket
Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton, RI
Missa Jubilate Deo (Gl, Sa, Mem, Am, AD)
Lord's Prayer (chant, English)
Laetetur cor quaerentium - Tone 8G (10:30)
To Jesus Christ, Our Sov'reign King - Ich Glaub an Gott
I will sing of your salvation - Englert/Gelineau
Alleluia - Twynham
Church of God, elect and glorious - Hyfrydol
Illumina faciem - Mode I (10:30)
Faith, hope, and love - Peloquin
Now thank we all our God - Nun Danket

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (37:18/25.6 MB)
Here are the last 37 selections that we found from the search engines of the OCP website that we wish to see in Today's Missal and matching music issue.
Previous segments of the series: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8
Feasts for the Week:
St. Vincent, Day of Penance for an End to Abortion (Read my blog rant about Planned Parenthood here), St. Francis de Sales,
Conversion of St. Paul, SS. Timothy and Titus, St. Angela Merici
Conversion of St. Paul, SS. Timothy and Titus, St. Angela Merici
Music Lists for Holy Mass: Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (tune: Hymn to Joy)
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (tune: Lobe den Herren)
The Call, written and performed by Jayme Raine, courtesy of Podsafe.
Commercials: Catholic Geek Podcast, iPadre Podcasting Network,
Christus Vincit Sports: The Road to Emmaus, er, the Super Bowl!
Hymnody in Inflationary Language (inspired by the late Victor Borge), brought to you by Mentos. Featured hymn text: Praise to (three) the Lord, the Almighty
Closing notes: I live in the dark ages. Did you know that?
CVA Interactive Corner
Saturday, January 20, 2007
The Good Cardinal addresses the Institut Supérieur de Liturgie. Below is the article from Zenit. Hat tip to Shawn Tribe at NLM. Enjoy!
VATICAN CITY, JAN. 20, 2007 ( Here is an address given by Cardinal Francis Arinze at a colloquium to celebrate the golden jubilee of the Institut Supérieur de Liturgie of the Institut Catholique de Paris. The prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments gave the address Oct. 26.
* * *At the Service of the Mysteries of Christ
1. Fitting Celebration. Time of Grace
God be praised that the Institut Supérieur de Liturgie is celebrating a half-century of its life and service. In these 50 years this institute has made a significant contribution to liturgical reflection, life and allied formation in the Church. We pray the Lord Jesus to bless and reward all who in the past, or at the present time, have contributed to the work of this important section of the Institut Catholique de Paris. The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments offers its warm congratulations to the institute.
A jubilee celebration such as this is a time not only for thanksgiving but also for reflection, for re-examination of orientations, for clarification of the road map, and for resolutions for the future. Let us touch on some of the areas which a higher liturgical institute such as this one could seek to serve. It is important to show the light in matters liturgical. The "ars celebrandi" and the homily deserve special mention. An ecclesiology of communion includes clarity on the roles of the priest and of the diocesan bishop. A consideration of these elements will help us to conclude with a listing of the major services expected of a liturgical institute.
2. Show the light in matters liturgical
Primary among the duties of a higher liturgical institute is to be a beacon of light in matters liturgical. It informs and forms leaders who appreciate the riches to be found in the public worship of the Church and who will be ready to share them with others. It throws light on the close link between theology and liturgy, between the faith of the Church and the celebration of the mysteries of Christ, between the "lex credendi" and the "lex orandi."
While, therefore, a higher liturgical institute should promote research, it above all bases its strong and durable foundations on the faith, on the Tradition of the Church and on the heritage enshrined in liturgical texts, gestures and postures. Such an institute appreciates that the sacred liturgy is a gift we receive from Christ through the Church. It is not something that we invent. It has therefore unchangeable elements which come from our Savior Jesus Christ, as in the essential forms of the sacraments, and changeable elements which have been carefully handed on and guarded by the Church.
Many abuses in matters liturgical are based, not on bad will but on ignorance, because they "involve a rejection of those elements whose deeper meaning is not understood and whose antiquity is not recognized" ("Redemptionis Sacramentum," No. 9). Thus some abuses are due to an undue place given to spontaneity, or creativity, or to a wrong idea of freedom, or to the error of horizontalism which places man at the center of a liturgical celebration instead of vertically focusing on Christ and his mysteries.
Darkness is chased away by light, not by verbal condemnation. A higher liturgical institute trains experts in the best and authentic [theological]-liturgical tradition of the Church. It forms them to love the Church and her public worship and to follow the norms and indications given by the magisterium. It also provides appropriate courses for those who will promote ongoing liturgical formation for clerics, consecrated people and the lay faithful.
As Pope John Paul II wrote the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments a month before his death: "It is urgent that in parish communities, in associations and in ecclesial movements there be assured adequate courses of formation, so that the liturgy be better known in the richness of its language and that it be lived in fullness. To the measure to which this is done, the result will be benefits showing themselves in personal and community life" (Letter of John Paul II to Cardinal Arinze, March 3, 2005, No. 5).
3. Promotion of "ars celebrandi"
A consequence of sound [theological]-liturgical grounding and proper formation in faith and reverence is that the "ars celebrandi" will be promoted not only on the part of the celebrating priest, but also as regards all others who take part in liturgical functions, above all, the deacon, but also altar servers, readers, those who direct the singing and all the faithful who participate.
"Ars celebrandi" is based on the theological truth articulated by the Second Vatican Council, namely that "the liturgy is considered as an exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ. In the liturgy the sanctification of man is manifested by signs perceptible to the senses, and is effected in a way which is proper to each of these signs; in the liturgy full public worship is performed by the Mystical Body of Christ, that is by the Head and his members" ("Sacrosanctum Concilium," No. 7).
A liturgical institute should help everyone concerned in a liturgical celebration to appreciate this truth. The first place goes to the celebrating priest or bishop. If they are sufficiently inserted into the meaning of liturgical celebrations which have Christ as their Head, if they respect the Scripture, Tradition, historical roots of the sacred texts and the theological riches of liturgical expressions, then the results will be a happy manifestation of the "ars celebrandi."
Liturgical celebrations will beautifully manifest the faith of the Church, nourish this faith in the participants, awaken this faith in the dormant and the indifferent, and send the people home on fire to live the Christian life and spread the Gospel. This is very far from the cold, man-centered and sometimes openly idiosyncratic mannerism which our Sunday congregations are sometimes forced to endure. Both the Letter of Pope John Paul II already mentioned (No. 3) and the October 2005 Synod of Bishops (Proposition 25) emphasize the importance of "ars celebrandi."
4. The homily
"The homily," says the Second Vatican Council, "is to be highly esteemed as part of the liturgy itself" ("Sacrosanctum Concilium," No. 52). In it the Word of God is bread broken for the people. The sacred readings are related to the realities of life in the world of today. The homily, well delivered, should make the people's hearts burn within them (cf. Luke 24:32).
Unfortunately, many homilies as delivered by priests or deacons are not up to what is desirable. Some homilies seem to be mere sociological, psychological or, worse still, political comments. They are not sufficiently grounded in Holy Scripture, liturgical texts, Church tradition and solid theology. In some countries there are people who do not appreciate that the delivery of the homily at the Eucharistic Sacrifice is a pastoral ministry assigned only to ordained ministers: deacon, priest or bishop. Lay people laudably conduct catechesis outside Mass, but not the homily which demands ordination.
A higher liturgical institute can help spread the right convictions regarding the homily. It can help create a climate of opinion which will lead to more substantial pastures for the people of God, considering that for many Catholics the homily is probably the only ongoing religious and catechetical formation that they receive in the week (cf. Letter of Pope John Paul II, No. 4; October 2005 Synod: Proposition 19).
5. The liturgical role of the priest
It is crucial that a higher liturgical institute delineate clearly the role of the priest in the sacred liturgy. The Second Vatican Council says that "the wished-for renewal of the whole Church depends in large measure on a ministry of priests which is vitalized by the spirit of Christ" ("Optatam Totius," No. 1).
The common priesthood of all the baptized and the ministerial priesthood of the ordained priest come from Christ himself. Confusion of roles in the hierarchical constitution of the Church does damage. It does not promote witness to Christ nor holiness for clergy and laity. Neither attempts at the clericalization of the laity, nor efforts toward the laicization of the clergy, will bring down divine graces. "In liturgical celebrations," says Vatican II, "whether as a minister or as one of the faithful, each person should perform his role by doing solely and totally what the nature of things and liturgical norms require of him" ("Sacrosanctum Concilium," No. 28). It is false humility and an inadmissible idea of democracy or fraternity, for the priest to try to share his strictly priestly liturgical roles with the lay faithful.
It is not therefore superfluous to state that a higher liturgical institute, just as any theological faculty, should help people to see that the priesthood is an integral and constitutive part of the structure of the Church and that therefore we absolutely need ordained priests to celebrate Holy Mass, to absolve people from their sins in the sacrament of penance and to anoint the sick (cf. James 5:14-15).
Moreover, if fuller spiritual benefits are to come to people at weddings and funerals, then we need priests to celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice, preach spiritually enriching homilies to the people, some of whom would otherwise rarely come to Mass, give them blessing and be a sign that the Church is near them at such a milestone in their lives. No doubt, it is necessary that the priest does not merely perform liturgical functions, but that his ministerial activities come from the heart and that his pastoral presence be a spiritual nourishment for the people.
If the role of the priest is weakened or is not appreciated, a local Catholic community may be dangerously lapsing into the idea of a priestless community. This is not in line with the genuine concept of the Church instituted by Christ.
If a diocese does not have enough priests, initiatives should be taken to seek them from elsewhere now, to encourage local vocations and to keep fresh in the people a genuine "hunger" for a priest (cf. John Paul II, "Ecclesia de Eucharistia," No. 32). Non-ordained members of the faithful who are assigned some roles in the absence of a priest have to make a special effort to keep up this "hunger." And they should resist the temptation of trying to get the people accustomed to them as substitutes for priests (cf. op. cit., No. 33). There is no place in the Catholic Church for the creation of a sort of parallel "lay clergy" (cf. "Redemptionis Sacramentum," Nos. 149-153,165).
Priests on their part should show themselves transparently happy in their vocation with a clear identity of their liturgical role. If they celebrate the sacred mysteries with faith and devotion and according to the approved books, they will unconsciously be preaching priestly vocations. On the other hand, young people will not desire to join a band of clerics who seem uncertain of their mission, who criticize and disobey their Church and who celebrate their own "liturgies" according to their personal choices and theories.
A higher liturgical institute and a theological faculty are precious instruments in the hands of the Church for the sharing of the correct theology on the priest as Christ's instrument in the sacred liturgy.
6. The role of the bishop
Obviously ecclesial communion has to mean "communion" with the diocesan bishop and between bishops and the Pope. In the diocese, the bishop is the first steward of the mysteries of Christ. He is the moderator, promoter and guardian of the entire liturgical life of the diocesan Church (cf. "Christus Dominus," No. 15; Code of Canon Law, Canon 387; "Redemptionis Sacramentum," No. 19). The bishop directs the administration of the sacraments and especially of the holy Eucharist. When he concelebrates in his cathedral church with his priests, with the assistance of deacons and minor assistants, and with the participation of the holy people of God, "the Church reveals herself most clearly" ("Sacrosanctum Concilium," No. 41).
Catholic theological faculties, liturgical institutes and pastoral centers are there to help the bishop, the chief pastor in the diocese. They also in appropriate ways cooperate with the bishops' conference and the Apostolic See and help to explain and spread their documents and instructions. They are obvious treasured advisers to the diocesan bishop, bishops' conferences and the Holy See. They appreciate and help people to understand that the sacred liturgy is not a free-for-all research area, but rather the public and official prayer of the Church for which the Pope and the bishops are chiefly responsible. A Catholic institute or theological faculty thus sees that it is not right for it to run parallel to the bishop or the Holy See, or to regard itself as an independent observer or critic.
Here we must thank the Institut Supérieur de Liturgie for the positive role it has played for half a century in the Church, in promotion of the sacred liturgy and of ecclesial communion. This leads us to conclude with a listing of some of the services expected from a higher liturgical institute.
7. Services expected from a higher liturgical institute
It follows from the foregoing considerations that a higher institute for the liturgy should be a house of light and love. It should prepare, inform and form experts on the sacred liturgy. It is its role to inspire people with faith and with love for the Church so that they appreciate that liturgical "norms are a concrete expression of the authentically ecclesial nature of the Eucharist; this is their deepest meaning. Liturgy is never anyone's private property, be it of the celebrant or of the community in which the mysteries are celebrated" ("Ecclesia de Eucharistia," No. 52).
This means that liturgical institutes should arm people to reject banalization, desacralization and secularization in matters liturgical. Horizontalism which makes people tend to celebrate themselves instead of the mysteries of Christ does damage to Catholic faith and worship and deserves to be avoided.
An institute such as yours exercises great influence because of the orientation and spirit which it imparts to its students, because of its publications and because of its moral authority in giving ideas to diocesan liturgical and pastoral centers and to publishing houses. This influence goes beyond France and reaches villages in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
A higher liturgical institute can be a powerful help to the bishop, to the bishops' conference and to the Holy See, in the formulation of liturgical directives and in the articulation of the theology which underpins liturgical rites. Since "the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the fountain from which all her power flows" ("Sacrosanctum Concilium," No. 10), no one can fail to see the importance of the apostolate of a liturgical institute.
Institut Supérieur de Liturgie, I greet you as you complete your 50th year! May the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Savior whose mysteries we celebrate in the liturgy, obtain for this institute and all its sisters throughout the world joy, efficiency and ecclesial growth in the discharge of this high vocation and mission.
VATICAN CITY, JAN. 20, 2007 ( Here is an address given by Cardinal Francis Arinze at a colloquium to celebrate the golden jubilee of the Institut Supérieur de Liturgie of the Institut Catholique de Paris. The prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments gave the address Oct. 26.
* * *At the Service of the Mysteries of Christ
1. Fitting Celebration. Time of Grace
God be praised that the Institut Supérieur de Liturgie is celebrating a half-century of its life and service. In these 50 years this institute has made a significant contribution to liturgical reflection, life and allied formation in the Church. We pray the Lord Jesus to bless and reward all who in the past, or at the present time, have contributed to the work of this important section of the Institut Catholique de Paris. The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments offers its warm congratulations to the institute.
A jubilee celebration such as this is a time not only for thanksgiving but also for reflection, for re-examination of orientations, for clarification of the road map, and for resolutions for the future. Let us touch on some of the areas which a higher liturgical institute such as this one could seek to serve. It is important to show the light in matters liturgical. The "ars celebrandi" and the homily deserve special mention. An ecclesiology of communion includes clarity on the roles of the priest and of the diocesan bishop. A consideration of these elements will help us to conclude with a listing of the major services expected of a liturgical institute.
2. Show the light in matters liturgical
Primary among the duties of a higher liturgical institute is to be a beacon of light in matters liturgical. It informs and forms leaders who appreciate the riches to be found in the public worship of the Church and who will be ready to share them with others. It throws light on the close link between theology and liturgy, between the faith of the Church and the celebration of the mysteries of Christ, between the "lex credendi" and the "lex orandi."
While, therefore, a higher liturgical institute should promote research, it above all bases its strong and durable foundations on the faith, on the Tradition of the Church and on the heritage enshrined in liturgical texts, gestures and postures. Such an institute appreciates that the sacred liturgy is a gift we receive from Christ through the Church. It is not something that we invent. It has therefore unchangeable elements which come from our Savior Jesus Christ, as in the essential forms of the sacraments, and changeable elements which have been carefully handed on and guarded by the Church.
Many abuses in matters liturgical are based, not on bad will but on ignorance, because they "involve a rejection of those elements whose deeper meaning is not understood and whose antiquity is not recognized" ("Redemptionis Sacramentum," No. 9). Thus some abuses are due to an undue place given to spontaneity, or creativity, or to a wrong idea of freedom, or to the error of horizontalism which places man at the center of a liturgical celebration instead of vertically focusing on Christ and his mysteries.
Darkness is chased away by light, not by verbal condemnation. A higher liturgical institute trains experts in the best and authentic [theological]-liturgical tradition of the Church. It forms them to love the Church and her public worship and to follow the norms and indications given by the magisterium. It also provides appropriate courses for those who will promote ongoing liturgical formation for clerics, consecrated people and the lay faithful.
As Pope John Paul II wrote the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments a month before his death: "It is urgent that in parish communities, in associations and in ecclesial movements there be assured adequate courses of formation, so that the liturgy be better known in the richness of its language and that it be lived in fullness. To the measure to which this is done, the result will be benefits showing themselves in personal and community life" (Letter of John Paul II to Cardinal Arinze, March 3, 2005, No. 5).
3. Promotion of "ars celebrandi"
A consequence of sound [theological]-liturgical grounding and proper formation in faith and reverence is that the "ars celebrandi" will be promoted not only on the part of the celebrating priest, but also as regards all others who take part in liturgical functions, above all, the deacon, but also altar servers, readers, those who direct the singing and all the faithful who participate.
"Ars celebrandi" is based on the theological truth articulated by the Second Vatican Council, namely that "the liturgy is considered as an exercise of the priestly office of Jesus Christ. In the liturgy the sanctification of man is manifested by signs perceptible to the senses, and is effected in a way which is proper to each of these signs; in the liturgy full public worship is performed by the Mystical Body of Christ, that is by the Head and his members" ("Sacrosanctum Concilium," No. 7).
A liturgical institute should help everyone concerned in a liturgical celebration to appreciate this truth. The first place goes to the celebrating priest or bishop. If they are sufficiently inserted into the meaning of liturgical celebrations which have Christ as their Head, if they respect the Scripture, Tradition, historical roots of the sacred texts and the theological riches of liturgical expressions, then the results will be a happy manifestation of the "ars celebrandi."
Liturgical celebrations will beautifully manifest the faith of the Church, nourish this faith in the participants, awaken this faith in the dormant and the indifferent, and send the people home on fire to live the Christian life and spread the Gospel. This is very far from the cold, man-centered and sometimes openly idiosyncratic mannerism which our Sunday congregations are sometimes forced to endure. Both the Letter of Pope John Paul II already mentioned (No. 3) and the October 2005 Synod of Bishops (Proposition 25) emphasize the importance of "ars celebrandi."
4. The homily
"The homily," says the Second Vatican Council, "is to be highly esteemed as part of the liturgy itself" ("Sacrosanctum Concilium," No. 52). In it the Word of God is bread broken for the people. The sacred readings are related to the realities of life in the world of today. The homily, well delivered, should make the people's hearts burn within them (cf. Luke 24:32).
Unfortunately, many homilies as delivered by priests or deacons are not up to what is desirable. Some homilies seem to be mere sociological, psychological or, worse still, political comments. They are not sufficiently grounded in Holy Scripture, liturgical texts, Church tradition and solid theology. In some countries there are people who do not appreciate that the delivery of the homily at the Eucharistic Sacrifice is a pastoral ministry assigned only to ordained ministers: deacon, priest or bishop. Lay people laudably conduct catechesis outside Mass, but not the homily which demands ordination.
A higher liturgical institute can help spread the right convictions regarding the homily. It can help create a climate of opinion which will lead to more substantial pastures for the people of God, considering that for many Catholics the homily is probably the only ongoing religious and catechetical formation that they receive in the week (cf. Letter of Pope John Paul II, No. 4; October 2005 Synod: Proposition 19).
5. The liturgical role of the priest
It is crucial that a higher liturgical institute delineate clearly the role of the priest in the sacred liturgy. The Second Vatican Council says that "the wished-for renewal of the whole Church depends in large measure on a ministry of priests which is vitalized by the spirit of Christ" ("Optatam Totius," No. 1).
The common priesthood of all the baptized and the ministerial priesthood of the ordained priest come from Christ himself. Confusion of roles in the hierarchical constitution of the Church does damage. It does not promote witness to Christ nor holiness for clergy and laity. Neither attempts at the clericalization of the laity, nor efforts toward the laicization of the clergy, will bring down divine graces. "In liturgical celebrations," says Vatican II, "whether as a minister or as one of the faithful, each person should perform his role by doing solely and totally what the nature of things and liturgical norms require of him" ("Sacrosanctum Concilium," No. 28). It is false humility and an inadmissible idea of democracy or fraternity, for the priest to try to share his strictly priestly liturgical roles with the lay faithful.
It is not therefore superfluous to state that a higher liturgical institute, just as any theological faculty, should help people to see that the priesthood is an integral and constitutive part of the structure of the Church and that therefore we absolutely need ordained priests to celebrate Holy Mass, to absolve people from their sins in the sacrament of penance and to anoint the sick (cf. James 5:14-15).
Moreover, if fuller spiritual benefits are to come to people at weddings and funerals, then we need priests to celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice, preach spiritually enriching homilies to the people, some of whom would otherwise rarely come to Mass, give them blessing and be a sign that the Church is near them at such a milestone in their lives. No doubt, it is necessary that the priest does not merely perform liturgical functions, but that his ministerial activities come from the heart and that his pastoral presence be a spiritual nourishment for the people.
If the role of the priest is weakened or is not appreciated, a local Catholic community may be dangerously lapsing into the idea of a priestless community. This is not in line with the genuine concept of the Church instituted by Christ.
If a diocese does not have enough priests, initiatives should be taken to seek them from elsewhere now, to encourage local vocations and to keep fresh in the people a genuine "hunger" for a priest (cf. John Paul II, "Ecclesia de Eucharistia," No. 32). Non-ordained members of the faithful who are assigned some roles in the absence of a priest have to make a special effort to keep up this "hunger." And they should resist the temptation of trying to get the people accustomed to them as substitutes for priests (cf. op. cit., No. 33). There is no place in the Catholic Church for the creation of a sort of parallel "lay clergy" (cf. "Redemptionis Sacramentum," Nos. 149-153,165).
Priests on their part should show themselves transparently happy in their vocation with a clear identity of their liturgical role. If they celebrate the sacred mysteries with faith and devotion and according to the approved books, they will unconsciously be preaching priestly vocations. On the other hand, young people will not desire to join a band of clerics who seem uncertain of their mission, who criticize and disobey their Church and who celebrate their own "liturgies" according to their personal choices and theories.
A higher liturgical institute and a theological faculty are precious instruments in the hands of the Church for the sharing of the correct theology on the priest as Christ's instrument in the sacred liturgy.
6. The role of the bishop
Obviously ecclesial communion has to mean "communion" with the diocesan bishop and between bishops and the Pope. In the diocese, the bishop is the first steward of the mysteries of Christ. He is the moderator, promoter and guardian of the entire liturgical life of the diocesan Church (cf. "Christus Dominus," No. 15; Code of Canon Law, Canon 387; "Redemptionis Sacramentum," No. 19). The bishop directs the administration of the sacraments and especially of the holy Eucharist. When he concelebrates in his cathedral church with his priests, with the assistance of deacons and minor assistants, and with the participation of the holy people of God, "the Church reveals herself most clearly" ("Sacrosanctum Concilium," No. 41).
Catholic theological faculties, liturgical institutes and pastoral centers are there to help the bishop, the chief pastor in the diocese. They also in appropriate ways cooperate with the bishops' conference and the Apostolic See and help to explain and spread their documents and instructions. They are obvious treasured advisers to the diocesan bishop, bishops' conferences and the Holy See. They appreciate and help people to understand that the sacred liturgy is not a free-for-all research area, but rather the public and official prayer of the Church for which the Pope and the bishops are chiefly responsible. A Catholic institute or theological faculty thus sees that it is not right for it to run parallel to the bishop or the Holy See, or to regard itself as an independent observer or critic.
Here we must thank the Institut Supérieur de Liturgie for the positive role it has played for half a century in the Church, in promotion of the sacred liturgy and of ecclesial communion. This leads us to conclude with a listing of some of the services expected from a higher liturgical institute.
7. Services expected from a higher liturgical institute
It follows from the foregoing considerations that a higher institute for the liturgy should be a house of light and love. It should prepare, inform and form experts on the sacred liturgy. It is its role to inspire people with faith and with love for the Church so that they appreciate that liturgical "norms are a concrete expression of the authentically ecclesial nature of the Eucharist; this is their deepest meaning. Liturgy is never anyone's private property, be it of the celebrant or of the community in which the mysteries are celebrated" ("Ecclesia de Eucharistia," No. 52).
This means that liturgical institutes should arm people to reject banalization, desacralization and secularization in matters liturgical. Horizontalism which makes people tend to celebrate themselves instead of the mysteries of Christ does damage to Catholic faith and worship and deserves to be avoided.
An institute such as yours exercises great influence because of the orientation and spirit which it imparts to its students, because of its publications and because of its moral authority in giving ideas to diocesan liturgical and pastoral centers and to publishing houses. This influence goes beyond France and reaches villages in Africa, Asia and the Pacific.
A higher liturgical institute can be a powerful help to the bishop, to the bishops' conference and to the Holy See, in the formulation of liturgical directives and in the articulation of the theology which underpins liturgical rites. Since "the liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time it is the fountain from which all her power flows" ("Sacrosanctum Concilium," No. 10), no one can fail to see the importance of the apostolate of a liturgical institute.
Institut Supérieur de Liturgie, I greet you as you complete your 50th year! May the most Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of our Savior whose mysteries we celebrate in the liturgy, obtain for this institute and all its sisters throughout the world joy, efficiency and ecclesial growth in the discharge of this high vocation and mission.
In the Winter 2007 edition of GIA Quarterly, there is a brief "Nunc Dimittis" article on page 8 for Nancy Bannister, who died of cancer last October at the age of 64. With that article was a 1976 picture of Daniel Reuning handing Ms. Bannister an autographed copy of Worship II.
Yes - Worship II! Those were the days! Now THAT was a book with very few flaws - lose some of the Sydney Carter/Shaker stuff and BAM! In 1975 that was the best Catholic hymnal in the United States in print at that time. Almost every hymn (stress on "Almost") was useful. There was no dumbing down of texts, none of that inclusive language crap to contend with. The hymnal's preface clearly stated that the so-called translation from English to English is a regrettable practice and hymn texts are poetry and not conversational English.
Now, IF in the event GIA should come up with a Worship IV (Worship III is still quite good, but they went totally against what they had stated in the preface of its predecessor about language), I'd love to see them use those principles from 1975 once again. God only knows if a Worship IV would happen, since they seem to be too engrossed in pushing their Gather products (especially the new softcover version of their newest hymnal - Gather Reprehensive Second Edition).
Yes - Worship II! Those were the days! Now THAT was a book with very few flaws - lose some of the Sydney Carter/Shaker stuff and BAM! In 1975 that was the best Catholic hymnal in the United States in print at that time. Almost every hymn (stress on "Almost") was useful. There was no dumbing down of texts, none of that inclusive language crap to contend with. The hymnal's preface clearly stated that the so-called translation from English to English is a regrettable practice and hymn texts are poetry and not conversational English.
Now, IF in the event GIA should come up with a Worship IV (Worship III is still quite good, but they went totally against what they had stated in the preface of its predecessor about language), I'd love to see them use those principles from 1975 once again. God only knows if a Worship IV would happen, since they seem to be too engrossed in pushing their Gather products (especially the new softcover version of their newest hymnal - Gather Reprehensive Second Edition).
Friday, January 19, 2007
Sorry so late!
I finally decided to make use of my own YouTube membership. Here are some video excerpts from the Christmas Season concert we did at Holy Ghost on 1/3/07.
Video clip #1 - an excerpt from Rejoice in the Lord Always (written by yours truly). Accompanist is longtime friend and mentor Reuel Gifford. Cantors are Jude Nagle and yours truly.
Video clip #2 - an excerpt from Cantique de Noel. Violinist is Conrad Briere, 85 years old and he can still go, go, go! :-)
Video clip #3 - an excerpt from Angels We Heard on High. Joining us on trumpet is Nick Fleming, and on vocals, the audience. This was from the carol sing segment with the audience.
Video clip #4 - an exceprt from The Worship of God in Nature by Beethoven. Don't mind the extra flapping at the beginning. From where the organ sits down back, it's not always easy for the accompanist to see the "big beat" flapping from the front.
I finally decided to make use of my own YouTube membership. Here are some video excerpts from the Christmas Season concert we did at Holy Ghost on 1/3/07.
Video clip #1 - an excerpt from Rejoice in the Lord Always (written by yours truly). Accompanist is longtime friend and mentor Reuel Gifford. Cantors are Jude Nagle and yours truly.
Video clip #2 - an excerpt from Cantique de Noel. Violinist is Conrad Briere, 85 years old and he can still go, go, go! :-)
Video clip #3 - an excerpt from Angels We Heard on High. Joining us on trumpet is Nick Fleming, and on vocals, the audience. This was from the carol sing segment with the audience.
Video clip #4 - an exceprt from The Worship of God in Nature by Beethoven. Don't mind the extra flapping at the beginning. From where the organ sits down back, it's not always easy for the accompanist to see the "big beat" flapping from the front.
Thursday, January 18, 2007

can now be found at It's a new place to cast your vote, or "digg". You can comment there too!
Click here to digg Christus Vincit ANYWHERE!
As a joke, I received from my pastor the registration book for the NPM convention scheduled for Indianapolis in July. I have yet to fashion an appropriate response memo, but I will, you can be assured. At any rate, as I thumbed through the booklet this morning, trying my hardest to keep a straight face while reading over many of the offerings, I noticed one particularly strange and abnormal thing, considering this is billed as a convention for Roman Catholic musicians. NOT ONCE AT ANY TIME DURING THE CONVENTION did I read that there would be HOLY MASS celebrated. What? A convention of Catholic musicians who play at Mass, yet not once between July 9 and 13 is there a single Mass scheduled? Morning Prayer yes, but not Mass.
But then, considering this is the NPM convention, the "liturgical space crawl" is perhaps of greater importance than the celebration of the Eucharist......
What a sham!
But then, considering this is the NPM convention, the "liturgical space crawl" is perhaps of greater importance than the celebration of the Eucharist......
What a sham!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
OK, one more YouTube clippie before I hit the rack!
John Scott Whiteley plays the Prelude and "Wedge" Fugue in E minor (BWV 548) by Johann Sebastian Bach. Some cameras inside the case show the moving tracker levers inside. I'm assuming this three-manual instrument is somewhere in Germany, but I could be wrong.
Hat tip to Argent.
John Scott Whiteley plays the Prelude and "Wedge" Fugue in E minor (BWV 548) by Johann Sebastian Bach. Some cameras inside the case show the moving tracker levers inside. I'm assuming this three-manual instrument is somewhere in Germany, but I could be wrong.
Hat tip to Argent.
While a chorus behind him does Gounod
Bobby McFerrin, yes the Bobby McFerrin of Don't Worry, Be Happy fame, knows his classical music well, as he introduces, then sings with "voicestra" behind him, the Bach/Gounod Ave Maria. Hat tip to Puff the Magic Dragon, who got it from Mark Shea.
Bobby McFerrin, yes the Bobby McFerrin of Don't Worry, Be Happy fame, knows his classical music well, as he introduces, then sings with "voicestra" behind him, the Bach/Gounod Ave Maria. Hat tip to Puff the Magic Dragon, who got it from Mark Shea.
JAMES L'HEUREUX (1952-2007)
James L'Heureux, my wife's uncle, died this 8:30 AM EST this morning, just two days shy of his 55th birthday. His death follows a 24-year battle with cancer. Prayers requested for the repose of his soul. His suffering is now ended.
Thank you.
In Paradisum deducant te angeli: in tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres,
et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Jerusalem.
Chorus angelorum te suscipiat, et cum Lazaro quondam paupere,
aeternam habeas requiem.
May the angels lead you into Paradise; may the martyrs come to welcome you,
and take you unto the holy city, Jerusalem.
May the choirs of angels welcome you, where Lazarus is no longer poor,
may you have eternal rest.
Remember the promise of Christ:
Ego sum resurrectio et vita: qui credit in me, etiam si mortuus fuerit, vivet:
et omnis qui vivit et credit in me, non morietur in aeternum.
I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he is dead, shall live,
and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
Thank you.
In Paradisum deducant te angeli: in tuo adventu suscipiant te martyres,
et perducant te in civitatem sanctam Jerusalem.
Chorus angelorum te suscipiat, et cum Lazaro quondam paupere,
aeternam habeas requiem.
May the angels lead you into Paradise; may the martyrs come to welcome you,
and take you unto the holy city, Jerusalem.
May the choirs of angels welcome you, where Lazarus is no longer poor,
may you have eternal rest.
Remember the promise of Christ:
Ego sum resurrectio et vita: qui credit in me, etiam si mortuus fuerit, vivet:
et omnis qui vivit et credit in me, non morietur in aeternum.
I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he is dead, shall live,
and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
Well, not so much the cantors themselves, but their roles.
In one of the best articles yet since I've started blogging a couple of years ago, Michael Lawrence over at the NLM proposes a reformed role for cantors.
In this writer's experience, the cantor is usually responsible for the following: a) leading the hymns--which typically replace the Propers--and the Ordinary, much of which, if in a responsorial format (particularly contemporary hymns and settings of the Gloria), requires a great deal of solo singing on the part of the cantor; b) singing the Responsorial Psalm and the Alleluia; c) encouraging the congregation to sing via bodily gestures; and d) announcing the hymns. In many places, the cantor must do all of this from a podium or an "ambo" (sic)* which is located in the sanctuary, or in some area in the front of the church that is rarely conducive to working with the organist. In addition, the cantor usually makes use of a microphone for every word that is sung.
At Holy Ghost, C and D are omitted from a cantor's duties, thankfully. C has never happened, and I stopped the practice of D last Spring. My practice for A and B is to play the people's parts fairly loud (with a few exceptions, namely something that might not be meant to be played all that loud to begin with), toning down only for those parts that were meant strictly for a cantor (namely intonation and verses to the Psalm and the Alleluia). Most of the hymnody we use is through-composed, with the exception of Communion, where I often program something a little more on the responsorial side.
At one time, it was common for lectors to double as "commentators" and and take on the role of announcing (until the misconceived role of cantor came to practice, at least). Some of the announcements you'd hear are often hilariously dumb, about as dumb as one would put the average congregant out to be. Here's an example of a variety show host at work (this actually happened at the parish I grew up in as a teen):
(Before Mass begins):
Good morning. I'm Bill L., my partner is my wife Clara.
Our Ministers of the Eucharist (note wrong term) are Bob L. and Jim T.
Our Acolytes are Chris and Jim T.
Our Minister of music is Jerry A., assisted by our soloist, Pauline M.
Our Celebrant is Father Joe. Let us stand and greet him as we sing "Hail, Holy Queen", number 307 in your song books.
(At the Offertory):
As our ushers collect our thank-offerings and present them to the altar, let us sing "Kumbaya", number 42 in your small missalettes.
I've seen parishes where cantors are trained to pull something similar. Michael states in his post: It seems plausible, too, that many of them are only following orders from someone in authority over them.
He's absolutely right. In some cases, that authority is the music director. In a good amount of cases, that authority is the pastor, or a curate that the pastor has put in charge of liturgy, or that highly paid "liturgist", hired to "custom create" the liturgy. I've said it before: hire me as your liturgist and I'll do two things - 1) train all involved to "do the red and say the black", and 2) subsequently eliminate my own position. Because once you've successfully done step 1, there is no need for a lay liturgist. (OK, so I added some liturgist reform too!)
Back to cantoring. Michael proposes this idea (which is a very good one, I might add):
There are instances, however, in which cantors might lead the hymns or the Ordinary profitably. Generally this would be in the absence of the organ. Even still, the cantor should not dominate the whole piece, but should rather get the music started by singing the first few notes or the first line of the song. The same applies in much of the Gregorian chant repertoire, where, traditionally, the music is begun by a cantor or a smaller group of singers. For our convenience, let us file both of these situations under the category of "incipits."
BAM! Speaking of which? How many parishes have music directors who know what the Graduale Romanum or Gregorian Missal is for? Ever see that little asterisk (*) after the first word or two in a proper, or after the first bar of the alleluia? That's when the "cantor" part of it ends. We should do the same with hymn singing, and even the Ordinary.
Since I'm leaving in a little bit to take my daughter to her regularly scheduled eye doc's appointment, I'll let you read the entire post by Michael Lawrence. Excellent reading!
In one of the best articles yet since I've started blogging a couple of years ago, Michael Lawrence over at the NLM proposes a reformed role for cantors.
In this writer's experience, the cantor is usually responsible for the following: a) leading the hymns--which typically replace the Propers--and the Ordinary, much of which, if in a responsorial format (particularly contemporary hymns and settings of the Gloria), requires a great deal of solo singing on the part of the cantor; b) singing the Responsorial Psalm and the Alleluia; c) encouraging the congregation to sing via bodily gestures; and d) announcing the hymns. In many places, the cantor must do all of this from a podium or an "ambo" (sic)* which is located in the sanctuary, or in some area in the front of the church that is rarely conducive to working with the organist. In addition, the cantor usually makes use of a microphone for every word that is sung.
At Holy Ghost, C and D are omitted from a cantor's duties, thankfully. C has never happened, and I stopped the practice of D last Spring. My practice for A and B is to play the people's parts fairly loud (with a few exceptions, namely something that might not be meant to be played all that loud to begin with), toning down only for those parts that were meant strictly for a cantor (namely intonation and verses to the Psalm and the Alleluia). Most of the hymnody we use is through-composed, with the exception of Communion, where I often program something a little more on the responsorial side.
At one time, it was common for lectors to double as "commentators" and and take on the role of announcing (until the misconceived role of cantor came to practice, at least). Some of the announcements you'd hear are often hilariously dumb, about as dumb as one would put the average congregant out to be. Here's an example of a variety show host at work (this actually happened at the parish I grew up in as a teen):
(Before Mass begins):
Good morning. I'm Bill L., my partner is my wife Clara.
Our Ministers of the Eucharist (note wrong term) are Bob L. and Jim T.
Our Acolytes are Chris and Jim T.
Our Minister of music is Jerry A., assisted by our soloist, Pauline M.
Our Celebrant is Father Joe. Let us stand and greet him as we sing "Hail, Holy Queen", number 307 in your song books.
(At the Offertory):
As our ushers collect our thank-offerings and present them to the altar, let us sing "Kumbaya", number 42 in your small missalettes.
I've seen parishes where cantors are trained to pull something similar. Michael states in his post: It seems plausible, too, that many of them are only following orders from someone in authority over them.
He's absolutely right. In some cases, that authority is the music director. In a good amount of cases, that authority is the pastor, or a curate that the pastor has put in charge of liturgy, or that highly paid "liturgist", hired to "custom create" the liturgy. I've said it before: hire me as your liturgist and I'll do two things - 1) train all involved to "do the red and say the black", and 2) subsequently eliminate my own position. Because once you've successfully done step 1, there is no need for a lay liturgist. (OK, so I added some liturgist reform too!)
Back to cantoring. Michael proposes this idea (which is a very good one, I might add):
There are instances, however, in which cantors might lead the hymns or the Ordinary profitably. Generally this would be in the absence of the organ. Even still, the cantor should not dominate the whole piece, but should rather get the music started by singing the first few notes or the first line of the song. The same applies in much of the Gregorian chant repertoire, where, traditionally, the music is begun by a cantor or a smaller group of singers. For our convenience, let us file both of these situations under the category of "incipits."
BAM! Speaking of which? How many parishes have music directors who know what the Graduale Romanum or Gregorian Missal is for? Ever see that little asterisk (*) after the first word or two in a proper, or after the first bar of the alleluia? That's when the "cantor" part of it ends. We should do the same with hymn singing, and even the Ordinary.
Since I'm leaving in a little bit to take my daughter to her regularly scheduled eye doc's appointment, I'll let you read the entire post by Michael Lawrence. Excellent reading!
Monday, January 15, 2007

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (35:28/24.3 MB)

Intro: MiLK Day, and Three Drunken Leprechauns (one of them is at left).
Feasts for the Week: St. Anthony the Abbot; St. Fabian; St. Sebastian
Music Lists : Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (tune: Grosser Gott)
The King of Love My Shepherd Is (tune: St. Columba)
Now Thank We All Our God (tune: Nun Danket)
Sinfonia from Cantata #29, (written by J. S. Bach), performed by Jeffrey Hall, brought to you by Soundclick.
Deus Caritas Est Podcast, iPadre Podcasting Network,
Disciples with Microphones
Liturgy 911: Papa Joe Ratzi and Frank A. Rinze continue the "Teen Mass" investigation.
Closing notes: Reminder of possible new segment.
CVA Interactive Corner
St. Raymond of Penyafort Church, Springfield, Virginia
Hat tip to Fr. Gonzales.
Features in this really nice new ediface include a high altar with a really nice reredos, a choir loft with a three-manual Rodgers organ (pipes from Fratelli Ruffati are due to follow in a month or two, but the organ is in use now as it is), and many other features that have often been removed in the so-called "spirit of Vatican II".
Check out the St. Raymond Parish Website for plenty more pictures of this modern traditional ediface.

Features in this really nice new ediface include a high altar with a really nice reredos, a choir loft with a three-manual Rodgers organ (pipes from Fratelli Ruffati are due to follow in a month or two, but the organ is in use now as it is), and many other features that have often been removed in the so-called "spirit of Vatican II".
Check out the St. Raymond Parish Website for plenty more pictures of this modern traditional ediface.
I haven't seen this commercial in a long time. Fr. Loren Gonzales, in his blog Overheard in the Sacristy, brings it back.
BTW, I found Fr. Gonzales' blog during my daily read of the Crescat. We welcome Fr. G. to the Christus Vincit Definitive Blogroll.
BTW, I found Fr. Gonzales' blog during my daily read of the Crescat. We welcome Fr. G. to the Christus Vincit Definitive Blogroll.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
January 21, 2007 - Sunday III
HYMN: Joyful, joyful, we adore thee (Hymn to Joy)
Gloria VIII
Psalm 19/Your words, Lord, are spirit and life (Psalm Tone 8G)
Alleluia by Robert Twynham (verse sung to Psalm Tone 6F)
HYMN: Church of God, elect and glorious (Hyfrydol)
Sanctus and Agnus from People's Mass (Vermulst)
Memorial and Amen (Danish)
English Lord's Prayer (chant/Snow)
RESPONSORY: The Spirit of God rests upon me (Deiss)
HYMN: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Lobe den Herren)
HYMN: Joyful, joyful, we adore thee (Hymn to Joy)
Gloria VIII
Psalm 19/Your words, Lord, are spirit and life (Psalm Tone 8G)
Alleluia by Robert Twynham (verse sung to Psalm Tone 6F)
HYMN: Church of God, elect and glorious (Hyfrydol)
Sanctus and Agnus from People's Mass (Vermulst)
Memorial and Amen (Danish)
English Lord's Prayer (chant/Snow)
RESPONSORY: The Spirit of God rests upon me (Deiss)
HYMN: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Lobe den Herren)
...get everything you need to take home at
Today's specials:
Red Hats $29.95
Replicas of the Pope's iPod $299.95 (music not included)
Sandals $49.95
Don't forget to check out the latest games at Davidis et Busteris:
Papa's Revenge
Dance Busters (starring Cardinal Arinze)
The Terminator (of any and all liturgical abuses)
Get your parking validated at the Cardinals' Kiosk.
Domini Sumus is advertising one of their after-Christmas sales there, and has this story from the Guardian.
Don't forget to use your Vatican Express Card for such perks such as frequent-flyer miles and indulgences!

Red Hats $29.95
Replicas of the Pope's iPod $299.95 (music not included)
Sandals $49.95
Don't forget to check out the latest games at Davidis et Busteris:
Papa's Revenge
Dance Busters (starring Cardinal Arinze)
The Terminator (of any and all liturgical abuses)
Get your parking validated at the Cardinals' Kiosk.
Domini Sumus is advertising one of their after-Christmas sales there, and has this story from the Guardian.
Don't forget to use your Vatican Express Card for such perks such as frequent-flyer miles and indulgences!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Brought to you by LITURGY 911
In the world of Catholic comedy today we bring you three hot funny items:
Un-muted Mumblings cites the top signs that a Catholic knows it's cold:
- Your lips freeze to the metal crucifix as you kiss your Rosary for the morning commute.
- You bless yourself with holy ice instead of holy water from the font by the front door.
- You experience an apparition walking by the front yard statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary; she isn't crying, but she appears to be shivering.
- The Rosary swinging from the rear view mirror chips ice off the windshield as you slam on the brakes.
and the number one way to know it is cold (not exclusive to Catholics)
- The environmentalists stop talking about global warming.
The Curt Jester counters with the top signs that a Catholic knows it's hot:
A Catholic knows it's hot when.
You fill up your Holy Water font five times a day because it keeps evaporating.
You have a cross shaped burn mark on your lip from kissing your crucifix.
You squeeze to rinse your scapular daily because of the all the sweat it has absorbed.
You never buy a Rosary with black beads because they retain too much heat.
The plastic Jesus on your dashboard melted.
There are no miraculous statues of Mary since her tears evaporate before anybody notices anything.
You burned your fingers blessing yourself at Mass from a Holy Water font warmed by sunlight through the stained glass windows.
Your church bulleting is printed on asbestos.
And the number one way Catholics know that it is hot
You start to wonder just how bad Purgatorial flames can be in the first place.
The Ironic Catholic explains how cars with catalytic converters are responsible for the increase in conversions.
In the world of Catholic comedy today we bring you three hot funny items:
Un-muted Mumblings cites the top signs that a Catholic knows it's cold:
- Your lips freeze to the metal crucifix as you kiss your Rosary for the morning commute.
- You bless yourself with holy ice instead of holy water from the font by the front door.
- You experience an apparition walking by the front yard statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary; she isn't crying, but she appears to be shivering.
- The Rosary swinging from the rear view mirror chips ice off the windshield as you slam on the brakes.
and the number one way to know it is cold (not exclusive to Catholics)
- The environmentalists stop talking about global warming.
The Curt Jester counters with the top signs that a Catholic knows it's hot:
A Catholic knows it's hot when.
You fill up your Holy Water font five times a day because it keeps evaporating.
You have a cross shaped burn mark on your lip from kissing your crucifix.
You squeeze to rinse your scapular daily because of the all the sweat it has absorbed.
You never buy a Rosary with black beads because they retain too much heat.
The plastic Jesus on your dashboard melted.
There are no miraculous statues of Mary since her tears evaporate before anybody notices anything.
You burned your fingers blessing yourself at Mass from a Holy Water font warmed by sunlight through the stained glass windows.
Your church bulleting is printed on asbestos.
And the number one way Catholics know that it is hot
You start to wonder just how bad Purgatorial flames can be in the first place.
The Ironic Catholic explains how cars with catalytic converters are responsible for the increase in conversions.
Friday, January 12, 2007
in response to one of my posts
I just got a really cool e-mail from Fr. Joel McNeil, in response to a post I wrote back in November reviewing his new parish church, St. William Church in Round Rock, TX, where, like I said before, everything's big (including that 80 MPH daytime speed limit out in the western part of the state). I'm going to take the liberty of sharing this with y'all.
Dear Brian,
Thank you for your kind words about our new church.
It was a project 7 years in the making.
We want it to evangelize those outside the church and inspire those inside the church.
Just a note: we are working on getting a really nice organ !!
The company that will build the organ is a very respected company.
The organ is being specially designed for the space.
And we are working on raising the $$$.
When will it be in?
Maybe Easter...maybe...
We have other pieces of art that are going to be installed in the next few months:
restored stations of the cross 5 feet tall,
more large statues carved in Italy,
some stained glass pieces,
maybe a mural showing Jesus bestowing the keys upon Peter.
It is a beautiful church.
But as I told the parishioners, we are not building a museum.
May its beauty remind of God who is the source of all beauty.
May it grandeur remind of God who is all great.
May the glory of this building inspire us to glorify God in all we do.
At every committee meeting we prayed that God would lead us to build a structure
that would serve to build up His kingdom and save souls.
I think God has helped us to do that.
Wishing you God's Blessings,
Fr. Joel
Yeah, I did mention the lack of an organ. I'm ecstatic that one is in the works. This really is a church building with class. Fr. McNeil's catechesis on the church's beauty is impeccable.
Best of luck with your new church, and thanks for your kind letter.
I just got a really cool e-mail from Fr. Joel McNeil, in response to a post I wrote back in November reviewing his new parish church, St. William Church in Round Rock, TX, where, like I said before, everything's big (including that 80 MPH daytime speed limit out in the western part of the state). I'm going to take the liberty of sharing this with y'all.
Dear Brian,
Thank you for your kind words about our new church.
It was a project 7 years in the making.
We want it to evangelize those outside the church and inspire those inside the church.
Just a note: we are working on getting a really nice organ !!
The company that will build the organ is a very respected company.
The organ is being specially designed for the space.
And we are working on raising the $$$.
When will it be in?
Maybe Easter...maybe...
We have other pieces of art that are going to be installed in the next few months:
restored stations of the cross 5 feet tall,
more large statues carved in Italy,
some stained glass pieces,
maybe a mural showing Jesus bestowing the keys upon Peter.
It is a beautiful church.
But as I told the parishioners, we are not building a museum.
May its beauty remind of God who is the source of all beauty.
May it grandeur remind of God who is all great.
May the glory of this building inspire us to glorify God in all we do.
At every committee meeting we prayed that God would lead us to build a structure
that would serve to build up His kingdom and save souls.
I think God has helped us to do that.
Wishing you God's Blessings,
Fr. Joel
Yeah, I did mention the lack of an organ. I'm ecstatic that one is in the works. This really is a church building with class. Fr. McNeil's catechesis on the church's beauty is impeccable.
Best of luck with your new church, and thanks for your kind letter.
Well, someone just did! All sorts of maps of the United States, all sorts of analyses. Where does your religion fit in your region?
Hat tip to the Curt Jester.
Hat tip to the Curt Jester.
OT 3 at the Cathedral
Prelude: "Prelude", from Ten Pieces -- Jean Langlais
Entrance: All People That on Earth Do Dwell / OLD HUNDREDTH
Gloria: John Lee
Psalm 19: Michel Guimont
Alleluia: Steven Janco in D
Offertory: The Church's One Foundation / AURELIA
Sanctus: Vermulst Peoples Mass
Acclamation C: Englert
Amen: Danish
Agnus Dei: David Clark Isele in D
Communion: Where Charity and Love Prevail / CHRISTIAN LOVE
Hymn: God Has Spoken by His Prophets / RUSTINGTON
Postlude: Voluntary on OLD HUNDREDTH -- Johann Pachelbel
Entrance: All People That on Earth Do Dwell / OLD HUNDREDTH
Gloria: John Lee
Psalm 19: Michel Guimont
Alleluia: Steven Janco in D
Offertory: The Church's One Foundation / AURELIA
Sanctus: Vermulst Peoples Mass
Acclamation C: Englert
Amen: Danish
Agnus Dei: David Clark Isele in D
Communion: Where Charity and Love Prevail / CHRISTIAN LOVE
Hymn: God Has Spoken by His Prophets / RUSTINGTON
Postlude: Voluntary on OLD HUNDREDTH -- Johann Pachelbel
What Should Have Been...
...was this!

This is a model of what the original Catholic Cathedral in Liverpool, UK, was to look like. It is now preserved in a conservation studio. The inside would have looked like this:

and this:

These and other pics of what should have been will soon be on display at the Walker Gallery in Liverpool. I'm sure people will be scratching their heads saying, "We could have had this lovely cathedral in our city, but instead they built a power plant to worship in! Why?!" Instead, they got this:

Bright spot: the music there is very good!
Hat tip to Matthew at NLM. (BTW, Kudos on your blog's new look, Shawn!)
...was this!

This is a model of what the original Catholic Cathedral in Liverpool, UK, was to look like. It is now preserved in a conservation studio. The inside would have looked like this:

and this:

These and other pics of what should have been will soon be on display at the Walker Gallery in Liverpool. I'm sure people will be scratching their heads saying, "We could have had this lovely cathedral in our city, but instead they built a power plant to worship in! Why?!" Instead, they got this:

Bright spot: the music there is very good!
Hat tip to Matthew at NLM. (BTW, Kudos on your blog's new look, Shawn!)
Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Umpteenth Sequel
Tip of the Red Sox cap to Gerald, who got it from the Roman Catholic Blog. Bishop Tod Brown (yeah, the one who loathes kneeling) and his merry band of sick cohorts are at it again, destroying the daylights out of Holy Mass. Watch for the part where the priest tries to get people to "gather around the table of God". Very few left their seats (those who stayed in their places knew better).
Tip of the Red Sox cap to Gerald, who got it from the Roman Catholic Blog. Bishop Tod Brown (yeah, the one who loathes kneeling) and his merry band of sick cohorts are at it again, destroying the daylights out of Holy Mass. Watch for the part where the priest tries to get people to "gather around the table of God". Very few left their seats (those who stayed in their places knew better).
A hymn dedicated to "ad Orientem"
A commenter under the name Hebdomedary, in Fr. Zuhlsdorf's post about priests who want tradition but remain versus populum, wrote a really cool parody hymn text dedicated to the desire for Mass to be said ad Orientem.
Hat tip to Fr. Richtsteig, the "orthometrist".
1. People look East! A man sits there. Tabernacles were located where
Tables were made, gradines were blunted, Christ our Lord off to the side was shunted.
People look East at mass today; See the fashions of the day.
2. When you pray, reach your hands aloft! Seems God’s arms aren’t long e-noff!!
Pop music’s nice in any weather; Chant is good, but our sound-system is better.
Liturgies change each day or two, That’s the fruit of Vatican II.
3. Father turn East, you’ll miss the spate Of the faithful who come to mass late.
Send a mes-sage to those who back-slide, Dir-rec-tion-al-ly show to them your back-side.
Turn to the East, as if to say “Sixties’ laxity’s passing away!”
4. Turn to the East! The time has come; Put “Lay Ministers” under your thumb!
Prayerful intents beat fascination With so-called active participation!
Father turn East at mass today. Versus Populum’s clearly passe!!
Tune: Besançon Carol, Traditional French.
BTW, Fr. Z's post itself is an excellent explanation as to why those priests who really want to go ad orientem won't (yet).
A commenter under the name Hebdomedary, in Fr. Zuhlsdorf's post about priests who want tradition but remain versus populum, wrote a really cool parody hymn text dedicated to the desire for Mass to be said ad Orientem.
Hat tip to Fr. Richtsteig, the "orthometrist".
1. People look East! A man sits there. Tabernacles were located where
Tables were made, gradines were blunted, Christ our Lord off to the side was shunted.
People look East at mass today; See the fashions of the day.
2. When you pray, reach your hands aloft! Seems God’s arms aren’t long e-noff!!
Pop music’s nice in any weather; Chant is good, but our sound-system is better.
Liturgies change each day or two, That’s the fruit of Vatican II.
3. Father turn East, you’ll miss the spate Of the faithful who come to mass late.
Send a mes-sage to those who back-slide, Dir-rec-tion-al-ly show to them your back-side.
Turn to the East, as if to say “Sixties’ laxity’s passing away!”
4. Turn to the East! The time has come; Put “Lay Ministers” under your thumb!
Prayerful intents beat fascination With so-called active participation!
Father turn East at mass today. Versus Populum’s clearly passe!!
Tune: Besançon Carol, Traditional French.
BTW, Fr. Z's post itself is an excellent explanation as to why those priests who really want to go ad orientem won't (yet).
Hat tip to Jack Shall Have Jill.
Austin - wow! Good ole Texas, where everything's big, even their speed limits (especially in the western part of the state). Pictured to the right is proof!
(Photo courtesy of AARoads)
Well, that's for cars anyways. Trucks get a 70 MPH speed limit (65 at night). 80 MPH is the highest speed limit allowed anywhere in the good old U.S. of A., and Texas is the only state that offers it (though many wide open states out west, except Oregon, allow 75).
Here's how my wife fared:
American Cities That Best Fit You:: |
70% Austin |
65% Denver |
65% Miami |
60% Honolulu |
60% Las Vegas |

(Photo courtesy of AARoads)
Well, that's for cars anyways. Trucks get a 70 MPH speed limit (65 at night). 80 MPH is the highest speed limit allowed anywhere in the good old U.S. of A., and Texas is the only state that offers it (though many wide open states out west, except Oregon, allow 75).
Here's how my wife fared:
American Cities That Best Fit You:: |
70% Austin |
65% Miami |
65% Seattle |
55% Atlanta |
55% Denver |
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Shawn at the NLM got this from the Catholic World News blog:
Vox Clara, the Roman commission assisting in the preparation of a new English translation of the Mass in conformity with the instruction Liturgiam authenticam, received two crushing body-blows this week, delivered by internationally recognized experts in the field of pastoral liturgy, both of whom were scathingly critical of the return to "sacral" language. The first blast was dealt by Bishop Donald Trautman (for an "internationally recognized expert" he really misuses his "expertise"), Bishop of Erie and chair of the U.S. Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, in the course of an address to the Catholic Academy of Liturgy in Toronto. The NCR's John Allen gives the gist (tip to Bill Cork):
According to a press release issued by a member of the academy's Executive Committee, Jesuit Fr. Keith Pecklers of Rome's Gregorian University, Trautman "contended that the new translations do not adequately meet the liturgical needs of the average Catholic," and he "expressed fears that the significant changes in the texts no longer reflect understandable English usage." (Was Bp. Trautman expecting the average congregant IQ to be below 50 or something? I don't believe for one minute that the average congregant is completely stupid!)
"Trautman argued that the proposed changes of the people's parts during the Mass will confuse the faithful, and predicted that the new texts will contribute to a greater number of departures from the Catholic Church," the release stated. (I don't know about that. I think we pissed off enough people by driving them away with dumbed-down love-fests and folk music and liturgical prancing.)
Trautman also challenged a recent ruling from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments that the Latin phrase pro multis in the formula for the consecration of the Precious Blood should be rendered as "for many" rather than the current English phrase "for all." (Look! Rome said "for many!" Now get over it!)
Nothing like challenging the Vatican, eh? Sheesh! Trautman is so determined to get his progressive little way now, isn't he?!
UPDATE: The Diogenes interview with Annette Funicello that follows is quite funny.
Vox Clara, the Roman commission assisting in the preparation of a new English translation of the Mass in conformity with the instruction Liturgiam authenticam, received two crushing body-blows this week, delivered by internationally recognized experts in the field of pastoral liturgy, both of whom were scathingly critical of the return to "sacral" language. The first blast was dealt by Bishop Donald Trautman (for an "internationally recognized expert" he really misuses his "expertise"), Bishop of Erie and chair of the U.S. Bishops' Committee on the Liturgy, in the course of an address to the Catholic Academy of Liturgy in Toronto. The NCR's John Allen gives the gist (tip to Bill Cork):
According to a press release issued by a member of the academy's Executive Committee, Jesuit Fr. Keith Pecklers of Rome's Gregorian University, Trautman "contended that the new translations do not adequately meet the liturgical needs of the average Catholic," and he "expressed fears that the significant changes in the texts no longer reflect understandable English usage." (Was Bp. Trautman expecting the average congregant IQ to be below 50 or something? I don't believe for one minute that the average congregant is completely stupid!)
"Trautman argued that the proposed changes of the people's parts during the Mass will confuse the faithful, and predicted that the new texts will contribute to a greater number of departures from the Catholic Church," the release stated. (I don't know about that. I think we pissed off enough people by driving them away with dumbed-down love-fests and folk music and liturgical prancing.)
Trautman also challenged a recent ruling from the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments that the Latin phrase pro multis in the formula for the consecration of the Precious Blood should be rendered as "for many" rather than the current English phrase "for all." (Look! Rome said "for many!" Now get over it!)
Nothing like challenging the Vatican, eh? Sheesh! Trautman is so determined to get his progressive little way now, isn't he?!
UPDATE: The Diogenes interview with Annette Funicello that follows is quite funny.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
The Alphabet Meme
Accepted tag by Dymnpha's Well.
[A is for age]: 42
[B is for beer of choice]: None. Never did get into drinking toilet water.
[C is for career]: Musician.
[D is for favorite Drink]: Coke, by the two-liter bottle.
[E is for Essential item you use everyday]: Computer, Van, toiletries, refrigerator and other appliances.
[F is for Favorite song at the moment]: Go All the Way by Raspberries (when I'm not in church, that is).
[G is for favorite Game]: Meal or No Meal, from
[H is for Home town]: Pawtucket, RI
[I is for Instruments you play]: In church, the organ and voice, as well as a hand to conduct the choir. Outside of church, I also play piano, guitar, some bass, and a little bit of drums.
[J is for favorite Juice]: Apple.
[K is for Kids]: two boys (Christopher, 21, and Brian Robert, 13) and two girls (Jessica, 19, and Brittany, 9)
[L is for last kiss]: from my wife, just a few minutes ago.
[M is for marriage]: Very happily married to Ann.
[N is for full Name]: Brian Michael Page
[O is for Overnight hospital stays]: Two this decade already - April 2005 (the weekend Pope John Paul II died) to have my gall bladder removed (the news of JP2's death came while I was en route to the OR), and October 2006 for chest pains that I thought was a heart attack, but thankfully it wasn't.
[P is for phobias]: You name it. I've often been a firm believer in Murphy's Law.
[Q is for quote] You know not the day or the hour!
[R is for biggest Regret]: Quitting smoking, but I'm finally starting to get used to it, after almost a year now.
[S is for sports]: Spectator: baseball / Actually doing: bowling (I'm doing a doubles tourney with my son Chris, who is almost ready to join the PBA, this Saturday morning).
[T is for Time you wake up]: Monday through Friday: 7 AM (6:30 if I have a 9:00 funeral to play) / Saturday: unless I have something going, e.g. funeral, or in this Saturday's case, the bowling tourney with my son, I sometimes sleep in. Otherwise, I let the time of the event regulate when I set the alarm. / Sunday: 5:30 AM (my first Mass is at 7:30, so I'm out the door by 6:10 - I'm 25 miles from work one way, and less than half of it is highway.)
[U is for color underwear]: lately it's been printed boxers.
[V is for Vegetable you love]: Corn, especially frozen corn cooked in plenty of butter.
[W is for Worst Habit]: being my own worst critic. (I've been known to say that something I did at the organ really sucked, while others say it was fine)
[X is for X-rays you've had]: lately: stomach, chest
[Y is for Yummy food you make]: Hamburger helper, cheddar cheese melt species.
[Z is for zodiac sign]: Cancer (three of us - wife, son Chris, and self - are all Cancers).
Tag, your it! - anyone who reads this and has a few minutes to kill, hehehe!
Accepted tag by Dymnpha's Well.
[A is for age]: 42
[B is for beer of choice]: None. Never did get into drinking toilet water.
[C is for career]: Musician.
[D is for favorite Drink]: Coke, by the two-liter bottle.
[E is for Essential item you use everyday]: Computer, Van, toiletries, refrigerator and other appliances.
[F is for Favorite song at the moment]: Go All the Way by Raspberries (when I'm not in church, that is).
[G is for favorite Game]: Meal or No Meal, from
[H is for Home town]: Pawtucket, RI
[I is for Instruments you play]: In church, the organ and voice, as well as a hand to conduct the choir. Outside of church, I also play piano, guitar, some bass, and a little bit of drums.
[J is for favorite Juice]: Apple.
[K is for Kids]: two boys (Christopher, 21, and Brian Robert, 13) and two girls (Jessica, 19, and Brittany, 9)
[L is for last kiss]: from my wife, just a few minutes ago.
[M is for marriage]: Very happily married to Ann.
[N is for full Name]: Brian Michael Page
[O is for Overnight hospital stays]: Two this decade already - April 2005 (the weekend Pope John Paul II died) to have my gall bladder removed (the news of JP2's death came while I was en route to the OR), and October 2006 for chest pains that I thought was a heart attack, but thankfully it wasn't.
[P is for phobias]: You name it. I've often been a firm believer in Murphy's Law.
[Q is for quote] You know not the day or the hour!
[R is for biggest Regret]: Quitting smoking, but I'm finally starting to get used to it, after almost a year now.
[S is for sports]: Spectator: baseball / Actually doing: bowling (I'm doing a doubles tourney with my son Chris, who is almost ready to join the PBA, this Saturday morning).
[T is for Time you wake up]: Monday through Friday: 7 AM (6:30 if I have a 9:00 funeral to play) / Saturday: unless I have something going, e.g. funeral, or in this Saturday's case, the bowling tourney with my son, I sometimes sleep in. Otherwise, I let the time of the event regulate when I set the alarm. / Sunday: 5:30 AM (my first Mass is at 7:30, so I'm out the door by 6:10 - I'm 25 miles from work one way, and less than half of it is highway.)
[U is for color underwear]: lately it's been printed boxers.
[V is for Vegetable you love]: Corn, especially frozen corn cooked in plenty of butter.
[W is for Worst Habit]: being my own worst critic. (I've been known to say that something I did at the organ really sucked, while others say it was fine)
[X is for X-rays you've had]: lately: stomach, chest
[Y is for Yummy food you make]: Hamburger helper, cheddar cheese melt species.
[Z is for zodiac sign]: Cancer (three of us - wife, son Chris, and self - are all Cancers).
Tag, your it! - anyone who reads this and has a few minutes to kill, hehehe!
Monday, January 8, 2007
Thanks to one of the message boards I frequent, I followed a link posted by Rob Ridgell, the assistant organist at Trinity Church (Episcopal) on Wall Street, New York City. Whether or not he would have gotten away with this in a Catholic parish is yet to be seen, but this organ improv, a tribute to the late James Brown and the late Gerald Ford requested by Mr. Ridgell's clergy, is very impressive.
The organ is the Epiphany Opus 1 by Marshall and Ogletree. Their sister company, Marshall Ogletree and Associates is the New England regional dealer for both Rodgers and Fratelli Ruffati organs.
Here's another impressive video on the Opus 1 - Cameron Carpenter gives probably THE most animated rendition of Tocatta and Fugue in D minor by Johann Sebastian Bach that I have ever heard. This is definitely a must-listen (and a must-watch)!
UPDATE: I had just learned by going deeper into the Trinity web site that the "virtual pipe organ" (the Epiphany Organ) is the interim replacement for a pipe organ that was damaged by the ashes of the infamous 9/11/01 attacks.
The organ is the Epiphany Opus 1 by Marshall and Ogletree. Their sister company, Marshall Ogletree and Associates is the New England regional dealer for both Rodgers and Fratelli Ruffati organs.
Here's another impressive video on the Opus 1 - Cameron Carpenter gives probably THE most animated rendition of Tocatta and Fugue in D minor by Johann Sebastian Bach that I have ever heard. This is definitely a must-listen (and a must-watch)!
UPDATE: I had just learned by going deeper into the Trinity web site that the "virtual pipe organ" (the Epiphany Organ) is the interim replacement for a pipe organ that was damaged by the ashes of the infamous 9/11/01 attacks.

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (33:46/23.1 MB)

Intro: Mis-dating documents, and Shamus O'Reilly goes to a "belated Epiphany party" with pals Fergus O'Malley and Sean McShea.
Feasts for the Week: Baptism of the Lord; St. Hilary
Music List: Epiphany (now with IMPROVED sound quality!)
Feasts for the Week: Baptism of the Lord; St. Hilary
Music List: Epiphany (now with IMPROVED sound quality!)
Songs of Thankfulness and Praise (tune: Salzburg)
Gloria from Missa de Angelis (Chant, Mode V)
Lord, Every Nation on Earth (written by yours truly)
Alleluia of the day (adapted from the Mode V chant tune Divinum Mysterium)
MIDI's of We Three Kings of Orient Are (written by John Henry Hopkins, Jr.), and The First Nowell (traditional English)
The Lord Reigns, written and sung by Johnny Proctor, courtesy of Podsafe.
Intermountain Catholic Broadcasting,
iPadre Podcasting Network (a special thank you included here),
Disciples with Microphones
Liturgy 911: Today, our distinguished liturgy cops "Papa Joe" Ratzi and Frank A. Rinze walk into one of those misconceived "Teen Masses".
Top Ten List: Top Ten Things Overheard at the "Belated Epiphany Party", brought to you courtesy of The Pope's Cologne.
Additional Links: The Curt Jester, Pondering the Word
Closing notes: Concert thanks!
Top Ten List: Top Ten Things Overheard at the "Belated Epiphany Party", brought to you courtesy of The Pope's Cologne.
Additional Links: The Curt Jester, Pondering the Word
Closing notes: Concert thanks!
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