Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Eulogies Down Under
Full Story Here

Picture at left courtesy of the Crescat.
Hey, if you're gonna take the Holy Water out of the fonts for Lent (Holy Mother Church, btw, forbids such practice), and replace it with cacti, twigs, and even kitty litter, why not just use a litter box?! Oh, and don't forget to rip out those pages of bad music from Glory and Praise and Gather to line that box with.
That said, even in the modern liturgy, the Gospel for Lent III/Year A (that is, the RCIA Gospel reading for that day) tells of the living water that Christ offers to us, "so that we may never thirst again". (John 4:15)
It's the annual fiasco that every real Catholic dreads: the 2007 Los Angeles Religious Education Conference, affectionately dubbed MahonyFest 2007!
See plenty of liturgically abusive entertainment, such as:

And let's not forget such speakers as Bryan Massingale and Jim Wallis, and much much more! Click here and here and here and here for more extensive coverage, like why all of this is a BAD thing!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
I submitted Nick's I'm Tired post. However, they misattributed it to me though I did mention in my submission e-mail that it was Nick's. Note that I'm not passing blame, just giving credit where it's due. :-)
UPDATE 2/27/07 11:15 PM: The error has been corrected. Thank you Catholic Mom.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Lent II - March 4, 2007
TM-120 'Tis good, Lord to be here (Swabia)
Kyrie: parrot Father
The Lord is my light and my salvation (Proulx/Gelineau)
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ... (Psalm Tone 2D)
TM-103 The glory of these forty days (Erhalt uns, Herr)
Sanctus, Memorial, Amen, and Agnus from Jubilate Deo
Chant Lord's Prayer (in English)
Tell no one of the vision... (from By Flowing Waters)
TM-136 Beautiful Savior (St. Elizabeth)

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (42:40/39.0 MB)
Above is the T-shirt I'll be donning very soon!
Today we'll be covering two key chant books: The Liber Usualis (Tridentine Mass) and the Graduale Romanum (Missa Normativa).
Also, we've scattered some more miscellaneous outbursts within the podcast, and a flock of sheep put a stop to a liturgical abuse.
Feasts for the week: St. Katherine Drexel. For more info: New Advent Website.
Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm Tone 2D);
Parce Domine (Chant, Mode I); Attende Domine (Chant, Mode V)
Qui Meditabitur (Chant, Mode III, from the Gregorian Missal)
Lord, Who throughout these Forty Days (tune: St. Flavian)
Invocabit Me (Psalm Tone 2D); O God, Our Help in Ages Past (tune: St. Anne)
Scapulis Suis (Chant, Mode III, from the Gregorian Missal)
Magnificat (Antiphon from Taize, with verses set to Psalm Tone 6F)
In Your Name, written and performed by Sweet Crystal, brought to you by Podsafe.
Hymnody in Inflationary Language: Lord, Who throughout these Forty(-one) Days, brought to you by Hillary Clinton.
CVA Interactive Corner
In various places, the liturgiNazis have removed holy water from church and chapel fonts. It has been replaced with rocks, twigs, cat litter, used motor oil. (OK, the last two are guesses, but I would be willing to bet it has been tried somewhere.)
I wouldn't be surprised myself. At my neighborhood church (not the one I work for, thank God - that's 25 miles away from me), people used to confuse the holy water dipping bowls for ash trays. Yes, I did say "ash trays"! Someone finally had to put a sign up - THESE ARE NOT ASH TRAYS! PUT YOUR CIGARETTE BUTTS OUTSIDE! Even for the 28 years that I smoked, I knew enough that there is no smoking in church, not even in the narthex.
Anyhoo, The Curt Jester has the perfect solution to Fr. Erik's complaint, and it's available at:
Yes! NOW ON SALE!!! ONLY $7.99 - a Portable Font! Many more items to help you through Lent at DEEP DEEP DISCOUNTS for the distinguishing Catholic!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Pope Leo XIII in 1884 prescribed that three Hail Marys, a Hail Holy Queen followed by a versicle and response with the prayer for the conversion of sinners and the freedom and exaltation of holy Mother the Church (changed in 1886) followed by the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. All of these prayers are said kneeling. Pope St. Pius X in 1904 added as optional the triple invocation in honor of the Sacred Heart. Pope Pius XI ordered in 1930 that these prayers be said that Christ “permit tranquility and freedom to profess the faith to be restored to the afflicted people of Russia.” They were never printed in the Roman Missal and were normally recited in the vernacular language.
Although the Leonine prayers are no longer obligatory since 1962, they are still commonly recited out of devotion at many Masses celebrated in the Classical Roman Rite. His Excellency Bishop Tobin has graciously given permission for the restoration of the Leonine Prayers after low Mass here at Holy Name. Please pray for our Bishop as he continues to show great good will towards our parish.
Bishop Thomas J. Tobin - definitely one of our better bishops over the last couple of decades. Youngstown's loss is our gain! :-)
Also at Holy Name - the parish recently received a donation of fifty 150-year-old choir stalls from the Sisters of Mercy. Woohoo! Nice!
Side note: Holy Name has Mass in English on Saturday at 4 PM and Sunday at 9 AM, and a Tridentine Latin Mass at 11 AM. There is also an African Community Mass at 12:30 PM. Unless it's changed since I left in August 2003, the Latin Mass was Low Mass on Sundays during the summer and Holy Days of Obligation, and High Mass on Sundays the rest of the year.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
I'm Tired
Two weeks ago, as I was starting my sixth month of duty in Iraq, I was
forced to return to the USA for surgery for an injury I sustained prior
to my deployment. With luck, I'll return to Iraq to finish my tour.
I left Baghdad and a war that has every indication that we are winning,
to return to a demoralized country much like the one I returned to in
1971 after my tour in Vietnam. Maybe it's because I'll turn 60 years
old in just four months, but I'm tired:
I'm tired of spineless politicians, both Democrat and Republican who
lack the courage, fortitude, and character to see these difficult tasks
I'm tired of the hypocrisy of politicians who want to rewrite history
when the going gets tough.
I'm tired of the disingenuous clamor from those that claim they
'Support the Troops' by wanting them to 'Cut and Run' before victory is
I'm tired of a mainstream media that can only focus on car bombs and
casualty reports because they are too afraid to leave the safety of
their hotels to report on the courage and success our brave men and
women are having on the battlefield.
I'm tired that so many Americans think you can rebuild a dictatorship
into a democracy over night.
I'm tired that so many ignore the bravery of the Iraqi people to go to
the voting booth and freely elect a Constitution and soon a permanent
I'm tired of the so called 'Elite Left' that prolongs this war by
giving aid and comfort to our enemy, just as they did during the
Vietnam War.
I'm tired of antiwar protesters showing up at the funerals of our
fallen soldiers. A family who's loved ones gave their life in a just
and noble cause, only to be cruelly tormented on the funeral day by
cowardly protesters is beyond shameful.
I'm tired that my generation, the Baby Boom -- Vietnam generation, who
have such a weak backbone that they can't stomach seeing the difficult
tasks through to victory.
I'm tired that some are more concerned about the treatment of captives
than they are the slaughter and beheading of our citizens and allies.
I'm tired that when we find mass graves it is seldom reported by the
press, but mistreat a prisoner and it is front page news.
Mostly, I'm tired that the people of this great nation didn't learn
from history that there is no substitute for Victory.
Joe Repya,
Lieutenant Colonel, U. S. Army
101st Airborne
Friday, February 23, 2007
Hat tip to Gerald, who referenced this article.
CD decks, duct taped to the bottoms of pews in the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi in Santa Fe, New Mexico, went off with blares of cuss words and sex talk in the middle of the noon Mass on Ash Wednesday. The bomb squads detonated two of the decks and kept the third to check for DNA and what not. These of course were declared not dangerous.
First there was Beagle's Things. Then porn-infested CD's. What next? DVD's of porno scenes with Beagle's Things playing in the background?
Meanwhile, on a side note...
An attempt at another Barney Blessing was foiled last Wednesday in Orange County when a flock of what appeared to be lost sheep opened fire on the purple primate. Click here for audio footage. (The so-called lost sheep had gathered in a remote field and conspired!)

Paul mentions the titles Gather Us In, Eagle's Wings, and Whatsoever You Do. The middle title reminds me of a funeral from last Wednesday at my parish (the family requested another organist, but, thankfully, I received my bench fee), while the organist was singing Beagle's Things, one lady was in the pew singing out loud, And he will raise ME up on eagle's wings.
Paul (as well as I) encourage those who have had it with bad music at Holy Mass to join the Society for a Moratorium on the Music of Marty Haugen and David Haas. The Society does not limit "bad music" to Haugen or Haas, btw, but to all of those "greatest hits" songwriters (as opposed to "composers") that have made their niche in so many a hymnal since 1970.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Here are some quotes by the Vatican Liturgist in the New Liturgical Movement.
"...the post-conciliar reform of the liturgy has not been able to achieve the expected goals of spiritual and missionary renewal in the Church so that today we could be truly happy about it."
"Undoubtedly there have been positive results too; but the negative effects seem to have been greater, causing much disorientation in our ranks."
"The churches have become empty, liturgical free-wheeling has become the order of the day, and the true meaning and significance of that which is celebrated has been obscured."
On the liberation of the Traditional Latin Mass:
"Well, there is this rising call for a restoration of the Tridentine Mass. And even certain leading figures of the elite have made public appeals for this Mass in some newspapers recently."
"The Holy Father will, I am sure, take note of this and decide what is best for the Church."
"It is not so much a matter of the Tridentine Mass or of the Novus Ordo. It is just a question of pastoral responsibility and sensitivity."
"Thus, if the Tridentine Mass is the way to achieve an even better level of spiritual enrichment for the faithful, then the shepherds should allow it."
"Thus, we need to recover a true sense of the sacred and mystical in worship."
"And if the faithful feel that the Tridentine Mass offers them that sense of the sacred and mystical more than anything else, then we should have the courage to accept their request."
"With regard to the timing and nature of the motu proprio, nothing yet is known. It is the Holy Father who will decide."
"And when he does, we should in all obedience accept what he indicates to us and with a genuine love for the Church strive to help him. Any counter attitude would only harm the spiritual mission of the Church and thwart the Lord’s own will."
The good Archbishop goes on in length about the Novus Ordo Mass and the way it is misconceived by many. Click here to read the whole thing.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
- From the Ox Files: the Discreet Catholic Wig to cover up that unsidely blemish on your forehead
- From the Orthometer: something to make your Lenten fasting much easier!
- And the Curt Jester has renewed his vow to give up giving up things for Lent, and even has a really cool Lenten smiley.
Stay tuned as we bring you updates from our Entertainment Department!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (33:46/30.9 MB)
WOOHOO! For the first time in three weeks, we were finally able to get an episode up on the FIRST TRY!

Today we discuss the most important of liturgical books: The Roman Missal (and its components - the Sacramentary and the Lectionary for Mass).
Feasts for the week: Ash Wednesday; The Chair of Peter; St. Polycarp.
See the New Advent Website for more information.
Christus Vincit Semi-Live on I-195: We're back on the road with the music list for the Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time.
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven (tune: Lauda Anima);
There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (tune: In Babilone);
In God We Trust, by Sweet Crystal, brought to you by Podsafe.
Hymnody in Inflationary Language: (inspired by the late Victor Borge), brought to you by Mammon. Featured text: Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
Don't forget to vote for the Christus Vincit BLOG at the Catholic Blog Awards.
CVA Interactive Corner
Ash Wednesday - February 21, 2007 (7 PM)
MI-421 There's a wideness in God's mercy - In Babilone
Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned - Peloquin (Songs of Israel, Vol. 1)
TM-117 Parce, Domine - Mode I (refrain text in Latin; verses by Alstott)
TM-97 Attende, Domine - Mode V (in Latin)
Blessed are they who delight in the law of the Lord - Peacock/Gelineau
TM-98 Lord, who throughout these forty days - St. Flavian
First Sunday of Lent - February 25, 2007
(regularly scheduled Masses, plus 7 PM)
Invocabit me - Psalm Tone 2 (10:30 AM/7 PM)
MI-446 O God, our help in ages past - St. Anne (all Masses)
Be with me, Lord, when I am in trouble - Peloquin/Gelineau
TM-108 Again we keep this solemn fast - Erhalt uns, Herr (except 7 PM)
Ave Maria/As I kneel before you (7 PM)
Scapulis suis - Mode III (10:30 AM/7 PM)
TM-97 Attende, Domine - Mode V (in Latin)
TM-98 Lord, who throughout these forty days - St. Flavian (except 7 PM)
Magnificat - Croatian source (7 PM)
Common for all of the above Masses:
Penitential Rite: parrot Father
Gospel Acclamation and verse: Psalm Tone 2
Sanctus, Memorial, Amen, Agnus Dei: Jubilate Deo (all a cappella)
Lord's Prayer: chant in English
On Sunday, February 25, there will be a special Mass at 7 PM. Preceeding that Mass will be a Rosary at 6 PM. Following the Mass will be a testimony by Arthur Boyle, and a talk by Ivan Dragisevic from Medugorje. More info here.
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Best Designed Catholic Blog: we got one vote.
Winner: The New Liturgical Movement
Best Group Blog: our best showing - eight votes.
Winner: The Shrine of the Holy Whapping
Best Insider News Catholic Blog: two votes for us.
Winner: Whispers in the Loggia
Best Overall Catholic Blog: we got three votes.
Winner: Open Book
Best Political/Social Commentary Catholic Blog: surprisingly, we managed three.
Winner: The Anchoress
Best Written Catholic Blog: another three
Winner: Open Book
Funniest Catholic Blog: surprise - a half dozen!
Winner, and still champeen: The Curt Jester
Most Spiritual Blog: a quarter dozen here. I'm surprised we even got one!
Winner: Pontifications
Smartest Catholic Blog: two votes here.
Winner: Jimmy Akin
Thank you very much for the votes. In addition, thank you for at least helping us live up to that "Most Likely to Run in 2007" badge I made this time last year.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Ash Wednesday at the Cathedral
Psalm 51: Michel Guimont
Verse before the Gospel: Chant, adapted by yours truly
Imposition of Ashes: "By Flowing Waters" #55 (Chant, Mode IV)
Imposition Anthem at 7pm: Create in Me a Clean Heart -- Carl Mueller
Offertory: The Glory of These Forty Days / ERHALT UNS HERR
Anthem at 7pm: Lacrimosa (REQUIEM) -- W. A. Mozart
Sanctus XVIII
Pater Noster
Agnus Dei XVIII
Communion: Attende Domine -- Chant, Mode V
Anthem at 7pm: Prayer -- Robert Lau
Antiphon during Recessional: Grant to Us, O Lord -- Lucien Deiss (refrain only)
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Groovy Quiz.
Congratulations! You are more knowlegeable than most modern theologians! You have achieved mastery over the most important doctrines of the Catholic Faith! You should share your incredible understanding with others!
Do You Know Your Baltimore Catechism?
Make Your Own Quiz
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (34:22/31.4 MB)
My apologies once again. This time, the problem was finally found! Thanks much for bearing with me.
Buried Treasure: The 1922 Black List - discovered on the Musica Sacra sidebar.
Intro starts with a Barney Rubble impersonator.
Feasts for the Week:
St. Valentine; SS. Cyril and Methodius; Seven Founders of the Order of Servites.
For information on saints, visit the New Advent Website.
O God, Our Help in Ages Past (tune: St. Anne)
Remember, Lord, Thy Servants (written by yours truly)
Power to Believe, written and performed by Johnny Proctor, courtesy of Podsafe.
Hymnody in Inflationary Language: (inspired by the late Victor Borge), brought to you by The Our Father Holding Hand. Featured text: The Beatitudes (or is it The Beatithreeds?)
Don't forget to vote for the Christus Vincit BLOG at the Catholic Blog Awards.
CVA Interactive Corner
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
OT 7 at the Cathedral
Entrance: There's a Wideness in God's Mercy / IN BABILONE
Gloria: John Lee
Psalm 103: Guimont (altered refrain)
Alleluia: Janco in D
Offertory: Love Divine / HYFRYDOL
Anthem (9:30): Lord, for Thy Tender Mercy's Sake -- Richard Farrant
Sanctus: Vermulst
Acclamation C: Englert
Danish Amen
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: Where Charity in Love Prevail / CHRISTIAN LOVE
Hymn: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty / LOBE DEN HERREN
UPDATE: Final listing as of 2/16/07
Entrance: For all the saints (SINE NOMINE)
Psalm: My Shepherd is the Lord (Gelineau)
Offertory: Pie Jesu (Faure)
Sanctus/Agnus Dei: People's
Memorial/Amen: Danish
Communion: Keep in Mind (Deiss)
Final Commendation: Come to her aid, O saints of God (Smolarski/OLD 100TH)
Recessional: In Paradisum (Mode VII)
No Beagle's Things. No Be Very Afraid. No Here I Is, Lard. No Gentle Woman. No greatest hits. Just true Catholic music. Makes me damn proud to be on the Holy Ghost parish staff. Kudos Peter, and my condolensces.
Monday, February 12, 2007
Amongst them is the famous Black List of 1922 and the White List of 1947 (with supplement from 1954). The 1922 Black List is also included on pages 60-61 of the 1947 White List. The 1954 supplement also has Lead Kindly Light on its black list.
Some of the blacklisted items I saw did not surprise me, though some of the composers surprised me.
- The black list denounces all Masses of Lambillotte, as well as his Ave Maria. I for one never saw his Masses or his Ave, so I cannot judge. Three items of his that did not make the black list (for two of them, thank God! - and for the third, oh God!) are of his most well known works by the average Catholic organist (read: not just any musician - an organist) and probably bring back memories for many - Come, Holy Ghost (I did say Come, Holy Ghost, and not One Spirit, One Church), Panis Angelicus, and On this Day, O Beautiful Mother. Can you guess which one I gave the "oh God" to?
- The St. Basil Hymnal (all editions as of 1946) got the axe as well. I used to use the Alma Redemptoris Mater setting by Samuel Webbe, which appeared in the tail end of the 1916(?) edition of said hymnal. The tune was actually a slightly altered from the hymn Come Ye Disconsolate. The 1958 edition is a big improvement (IMO) which I can speculate would have been whitelisted had a white list been established at that time.
- The four titles listed under "Hymns" that got the axe (thank God!) were four of the largest bits of evidence that there was bad music before Vatican II as well as after. They are Mother Dearest, Mother Fairest (#697 in this year's OCP Music Issue, and from the Wreath of Mary, a hymn book which also got axed), Mother Dear, O Pray for Me (#706 in same Music Issue), Mother, at Thy Feet is Kneeling (referred to by one of my old permenant deacon friends as MotherRat), and one of the biggest thorns in my side from my Holy Name days, Good Night, Sweet Jesus (one certain elderly lady used to lead it at the end of Benediction).
- The two wedding marches that I have discouraged (at a 90+% success rate, I might add) for years at many a wedding consultation are the Bridal Chorus (aka Here comes the bride, big, fat, and wide) from Wagner's Lohengrin and the Wedding March from Mendelssohn's Midsummer Night's Dream.
- Several Ave Maria settings got axed, including Bach/Gounod, Schubert, and RoSewig. When I was at St. Timothy's (a church I refer to simply as "The Roundhouse"), we had a soprano who went ga-ga over the RoSewig when she was asked to sing for weddings. Man, if I only knew then! At funerals, when asked for "the Ave Maria", one should note that I DO NOT default to Schubert if a particular setting is not specified (which is 90% of the time, and I very seldom bother to ask). If someone does specify Schubert, I'll usually give in. If not specified, I'll more likely do the Arcadelt or the Victoria.
Apparently, false advertising was eminent in 1922 as well. Check out this exposing paragraph:
The attempt of certain publishers to "hoodwink" a gullible public by using in an indiscriminate manner the caption "In accordance with the MOTU PROPRIO" deserves the condemnation of every friend of liturgical art. A flagrant attempt to pull wool over the eyes of the innocent is found in the publication of the popular song "Silver Threads among the Gold" as an "Ave Maris Stella" under the caption "In accordance with the MOTU PROPRIO".
I wonder --- what would a black list look like if assembled in 2007? Worse --- what would a black list look like if assembled in 1982? 1975? Anyone wanna triple dog dare to compare what a present day black list would look like as presented by the CMAA? Adoremus Society? USCCB? NPM?
Sunday, February 11, 2007

I'm still putting my files back into my computer (nine CD's - and only one went south - woohoo ha ha!), but we'll have a CVA#68 for you soon - most likely later on this week.
Thanks much for bearing with me.
MI-578 Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (Lauda Anima)
MI-421 There's a wideness in God's mercy (In Babilone)
MI-338 I am the Bread of life (Toolan)
MI-570 Joyful, joyful, we adore thee (Hymn to Joy)
Gloria VIII
Psalm: The Lord is kind and merciful (Psalm Tone 8G)
Alleluia by Twynham (verse to Psalm Tone 6F)
Sanctus/Agnus: People's Mass (Vermulst)
Memorial/Amen: Danish
Lord's Prayer: chant in English
Saturday, February 10, 2007
OT 6 at the Cathedral
Entrance: O God, Our Help in Ages Past / ST. ANNE
Gloria: John Lee
Psalm 1: Guimont
Alleluia: Janco in D
Offertory: How Firm a Foundation / FOUNDATION
Anthem (9:30): Blessed Are the Pure in Heart -- H. Walford Davies
Sanctus: Vermulst
Acclamation C: Englert
Danish Amen
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat / BICENTENNIAL
Hymn: The Church's One Foundation / AURELIA
Postlude: Fughetta on ST. ANNE -- C. S. Lang
Back from the islands safe and sound. Photos will be posted at a later date!
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Liturgical orientation worth the discussion
By George Weigel
As discussion of deepening the church's liturgical reform unfolds, a lively conversation will likely revolve around be the question of orientation during Mass: might priest and people face in the same direction, toward the Holy Trinity, during the celebration of the eucharistic liturgy? Father U. M. Lang of the London Oratory has done that conversation a good service with his book, "Turning Towards the Lord: Orientation in Liturgical Prayer" (Ignatius Press). Among Father Lang's interesting points:
- The question at issue is not so much the celebration of Mass facing the people as the orientation of liturgical prayer. Thus attempts to derail this discussion by dismissing it as a project of anti-Vatican II reactionaries eager for the priest to turn his back to the people should be resisted. As Father Lang writes, "this cheesy sound-bite is a classic example of confounding theology and topography, for the crucial point is that the Mass is a common act of worship where priest and people together, representing the pilgrim church, reach out for the transcendent God."
- This, in fact, is one of the primary purposes of the eucharistic liturgy: it is meant to point Christian existence toward Christ coming in glory. This goal can be lost in what sometimes seems the closed circle of our present orientation. "That loss can lead, in turn, to what Father Lang calls "an eschatological deficit in the liturgy"
- a deficient sense of liturgical prayer as our privileged participation in the heavenly liturgy, which anticipates Christ's coming in glory.
- This common orientation of priest and people toward Christ, returning in glory, is deeply rooted in the origins of Christianity. Then, it was a matter of course for Christians to turn in prayer toward the rising sun
- an orientation that was a symbol of Christ, the light of the world, and of the church's hope for the Lord's return and the inauguration of the Kingdom of God in its fullness. (Interestingly enough, Islamic polemicists criticized Christians for this, claiming it was a return to pagan sun-worship.)
- In addition to this Kingdom-meaning of priest-and-people looking together toward the returning Lord, common orientation during the eucharistic liturgy also symbolized, once, the journey of the pilgrim people of God towards the future. It's worth discussing whether our present orientation contributes to a loss of the congregation's self-awareness as God's people on pilgrimage, through history, toward God's promises.
- The office of the priest, not his personality, is what counts - or what should count. Thus, the priest facing the same direction as the faithful when he stands at the altar, leads the people of God in a common movement toward the Lord, who is the rising sun of history. Practically, what does this mean? That consideration should be given to celebrating the Liturgy of the Word with priest and people facing each other (an orientation appropriate for listening and for teaching/preaching). Then, for the Liturgy of the Eucharist in the strict sense, in particular for the canon, it is more fitting that the whole congregation, including the celebrant, be directed toward the Lord, and that is expressed by turning toward the altar, with the priest leading the congregation in the eucharistic prayer as all face together toward Christ, whose coming is foreshadowed in his eucharistic presence.
Can't be done? Each summer, during the Tertio Millennio Seminar on the Free Society, that's precisely how we do it in the St. Hyacinth Chapel of the Dominican basilica in Krakow. There, for reasons of space, a free-standing altar is impossible. Yet no one thinks that the celebrant is turning his back to the people; everyone instinctively understands that, together, we are turning toward Christ.
The liturgy can be reverently celebrated with priest and people facing each other; that, too, happens in Krakow every summer - and in many other times and places, of course. The question is whether recovering the church's ancient practice of a common orientation of priest and people during the eucharistic liturgy wouldn't make such reverent celebrations more likely, while helping the church recover the kingdom aspect of its eucharistic life. That's worth a serious discussion.

A clip from episode 27 of Christus Vincit Podcasting (yes, the old feed) will be played on

Clicking on the little banners above will lead you to their respective websites. You can listen online as well. It will be on Saturday, February 10. Live at 9 AM their time (4 AM here in southern New England), but can be played anytime on demand. Once it's up, I'll give you the link.
She has a brand spankin' new Church history test (I got 90 late last night, but I forgot to post it - well, it was, well, late last night), and a new Tridentine survey, one of the answers reminding me of this old gum (Red Sox cap tip to the Catholic Caveman on the old post)...

Wednesday, February 7, 2007
That's based on just my first and last name. My son (Brian Robert Page) and myself (Brian Michael Page) are two of them, but that still leaves 374. Funny thing happened about 16 years ago when another Brian Page (about eight years older than me but in the same state) was arrested on (if I remember correctly) assault charges of some sort.
1,105,384 people have my first name. 101,989 people have my last name. And that's just in these USA states.
Congratulations! You are more knowlegeable than most modern theologians! You have achieved mastery over the most important doctrines of the Catholic Faith! You should share your incredible understanding with others!
Do You Know Your Baltimore Catechism?
Make Your Own Quiz
Too bad these quizzes don't tell you where you screwed up. But then, that gives one a chance to re-take the test and post the less-than-real 100. Several bloggers I read did get real 100's (honestly, that is). Kudos to them! :)
Red Sox cap tip to Domini Sumus, who was one of those who got a real 100.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
Then, the Ironic Catholic (yes, she's the one that gave us the notable mention award for the Catholic Haiku Contest) gives us her list of liturgical things to avoid. See the Curt Jester (to whom I tip my Red Sox cap for pointing these posts out) and Un-Muted Mumblings for addendums. I'd add some myself, but I'd have to give it deep thought, as all of these are really good (hehehe!).
My top three - a favorite from all three lists:
From Un-Muted Mumblings: Going into a coughing fit BEFORE the priest adds the incense confirms your problem is NOT asthma.
From the Curt Jester: Do not bring the music issue of the missal home to use as toilet paper, no matter how appropriate.
From the Ironic Catholic: If you have your cell phone on, changing the ring tone to "Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee" for Mass time doesn't cut it.
Oh, OK --- here are three from yours truly:

Remember when casting lots for Jesus' garment was once modernized to throwing dice? Well, it should not be modernized to playing Russian roulette either.
Finally, When one tries to grab your hand for the Lord's Prayer, don't give them your glove in its place. Instead, give them the Our Father Holding Hand (remember that little gadget?).
UPDATE 2/8/07: At least three more blogs have now included their little lists of things to avoid at Mass. Here they are, followed by my favorite from each:
The Propaganda Machine: If you aren't going to sing, please don't stare at the people who are.
Causa Nostra Laetitiae: To our elderly congregants who take up guard posts at either ends of the back pew: please have mercy on us parents of obnoxious toddlers! We have no crying room in our church, and the vestibule is cold and seatless, therefore please allow us the back pew for a few minutes of peace before we need a quick getaway! (Leticia also quips: This is getting to be a Meme of pet peeves in Church!)
Happy Catholic: If you are kneeling in prayer avoid breathing down the neck of the person in the pew in front of you (discreet throat clearing is allowed so the person knows you're there and might lean forward slightly.)

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (55:34/50.8 MB)

Intro: Smoke Free for a Year
St. Agatha; St. Paul Miki and Companions; St. Jerome Emiliani;
St. Josephine Bakhita; St. Scholastica.
For more information, see the New Advent Website.
All People that on Earth Do Dwell (tune: Old Hundredth);
Jesus, the Very Thought of You (tune: St. Agnes);
Be Thou My Vision, (tune: Slane), performed by Fugli, courtesy of Podsafe.
Hymnody in Inflationary Language (inspired by the late Victor Borge), brought to you by The Motu Proprio Date Generator. Featured hymn text: Be Thou My Vision
Don't forget to go to our message forum and check out our poll from Episode #66. Also, the Christus Vincit BLOG is seeking nominations for the Catholic Blog Awards.
CVA Interactive Corner
Catholic Carnival 105 up and running at Kicking Over My Traces. This time we do have an article submitted.
Monday, February 5, 2007
LA Religious Ed Conference... now available. Gerald has the goods. You'll need a strong stomach to endure the events. Plenty of dancing, and plenty of Haugen-d'Haas to go around as well.
And in light of it all, Paul Nichols has the cartoon:

Sunday, February 4, 2007
Sunday VI - February 12, 2007
Penitential Rite: parrot Father
Gloria VIII
Psalm: Blessed are they who hope in the Lord (Alstott)
Alleluia: Twynham
Sanctus and Agnus Dei: People's Mass (Vermulst)
Memorial Acclamation A and Amen: Danish
Lord's Prayer: chant, in English
Hymns, etc.:
O God, our help in ages past - ST. ANNE
You satisfy the hungry heart - BICENTENNIAL
Remember, Lord, thy servants (Page)
Now thank we all our God - NUN DANKET
For quite some time now, we've been awaiting the Motu Proprio from Pope Benedict XVI that will grant a universal Indult for the Traditional Latin Mass. Dates such as 11/22/06 (St. Cecilia Day) and 2/22/07 (Chair of St. Peter) have been given as release dates, but no release. So now, pretty much anything and everything about this Indult is being taken for rumor.
But wait!!!
Thanks to the Curt Jester, the date has been technologically generated. We have that date on the sidebar, and you can have it on your blog or website as well. Just click here for the code, and tell'em Jeff sent ya! WARNING! Just like the real release date of the Motu Proprio, you won't get the same date twice (it's a random date generator - hehehehe!). Yeah - hit "Refresh" or "Reload" and you'll get a DIFFERENT date. Enjoy the laugh, folks!
UPDATE: Paul Nichols found this milk carton... (funny stuff, like always, Paul!)

The 2007 Catholic Blog Awards have begun. They're in the nomination phases right now. If you like what you've been reading over here at Christus Vincit, please consider nominating us for the running, in any of the categories listed.
The link to go to is .
The blog name is Christus Vincit.
The blog URL is .
You will need to register - ONE TIME, but it's absolutely FREE! Oh, and if you can add two single-digit numbers together on the fly, you'll need those skills too. You'll be asked a basic math question like "What is 7 + 7?" just to make sure you're not one of those "bot" thingies.
Your support and nomination will be greatly appreciated. This could be an exposure booster for this blog as well.
Thanks much!
Your Christus Vincit Snark Team
Brian Michael Page
Nick Basehore
Jason Pennington
Friday, February 2, 2007
Play Bach
Two of my greatest loves: Bach and Jazz. Enjoy.
Mass at Our Lady of Refuge, Brooklyn, NY
This Saturday (tomorrow) the University of Notre Dame’s Women’s Choir, directed by Andy McShane, will sing at the 5 pm Mass at Our Lady of Refuge in Brooklyn as a benefit for the church’s organ restoration fund. This historic 74-year-old, 24-rank
Kilgen pipe organ is in need of a full restoration, and the Mass will be the start of fundraising to achieve this goal.
Jim Konzelman and I have worked for the past year releathering windchests and reinstalling bellows to put it back into playing condition after over a decade of disuse, and Jim has now made it ready for the benefit Mass. Bob Schopp has assisted me with repairs to the reeds and the full rebuilding of 2 bellows. Jenn Pascual, Andy McShane, Stephen Tharp, Craig Whitney, Father Patrick Maloney, CSC, from the Notre Dame campus, and members of the Notre Dame Club of New York will all participate in the 5 pm Mass this Saturday.
The Mass setting for the liturgy is the Messe Basse of Gabriel Fauré. Preceding the Mass, there will be a short organ recital given by Stephen Tharp and Jennifer Pascual. Bach’s Passacaglia and Fugue will be among the works in the recital. The Ave Maris Stella will be sung at the Offertory, with organ versets by Marcel Dupré
in alternatim with the choir. Fr. Maloney will be the concelebrant with the Pastor, Fr. Michael Perry, and will deliver the homily. Craig Whitney, an Assistant Managing Editor of the New York Times and author of the book “All the Stops,” will speak briefly about the parish’s pipe organ at the end of the Mass. A reception will follow in the School Hall. At that time an organ CD will be offered at a premium of $50, all proceeds going to the organ fund. Contributions can be made by check or cash at the reception. If you cannot make the event but still wish to make a contribution, you can do so through the Notre Dame Club of New York’s website
(, with all donations, less credit card fees, going to the parish.
Would you please help?
Joe Vitacco
Saturday, February 3, 2007 – 5 pm Mass
Our Lady of Refuge Church – Fr. Michael Perry, Pastor
2020 Foster Avenue at Ocean and Foster Avenue.
5 blocks from the Newkirk Avenue Q Station
Rectory phone number 718 434 2090
Click here for full details on the organ
mp3 of Stephen Tharp playing a hymn on OLR Kilgen
mp3 of Stephen Tharp playing the Toccata from Widor 5 on OLR Kilgen

I will be on an assignment next week, and my assignment is to make like Jason and see if I can sample each and every one of the depicted cocktails. Lexie and I will be leaving Monday morning for Sandals Ocho Rios in Jamaica, and will be enjoying a week of all-inclusive pampering. We will be sitting around in the sun doing nothing but reading and eating, and I might sneak in some scuba diving. No phones, no e-mails, no choir rehearsal, no funerals, no brides, no nothing. Just a week of relaxing escape before the onslaught of Lent and Easter for me, the spring legislative session for her, and the arrival of the baby for us both. We will be back late Friday night.
Brian, don't wreck the place while I'm gone.
For the Record....
RIP Gian Carlo Menotti
operas and founded the Spoleto arts festivals in the United States and
Italy, died Thursday at a hospital in Monaco, his son said. He was 95.
"He died pretty peacefully and without any pain. He died in my arms," said
Francis Menotti by telephone from Monte Carlo.
The Italian composer won Pulitzers for a pair of the 20th century's more
successful operas: "The Consul," which premiered in 1950 in Philadelphia,
and "The Saint of Bleecker Street," which opened at New York's Broadway
Theater in 1954. "The Consul" also earned him the New York Drama Critics
Circle award as the best musical play of the year in 1954.
He also wrote the Christmas classic "Amahl and the Night Visitors" for NBC,
which was broadcast in 1951 and may have been the first opera written for
television. Menotti also authored the libretto for "Vanessa," which was
composed by Samuel Barber, and revised the libretto for Barber's "Antony and
Cleopatra." In addition to working together, Barner and Menotti shared a
house in Westchester, a New York suburb, for many years.
By 1976, The New York Times called Menotti the most-performed opera composer
in the United States.
His Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Italy, and Spoleto Festival USA, of
Charleston, S.C., sought to bring together fresh creative forces in U.S. and
European culture. The tradition launched young artists into impressive
careers. Shirley Verrett sang her first performance of Bizet's "Carmen" in
Spoleto in 1962; in 1959, Patrice Chereau launched his opera career with a
much-praised production of Rossini's "L'Italiana in Algeri"; and Tennessee
Williams' "The Milk Train Doesn't Stop Here Anymore" premiered in 1962. From
Spoleto's stages, dancers such as Paul Taylor and Twyla Tharp went on to
shape the direction of contemporary dance.
Menotti said he was on the verge of giving up his direction of the cultural
festivals several times ‹ in 1990, he said he wanted to quit the South Carolina event because he was being "treated like the clerk."
He eventually did leave the U.S. festival, in October 1993, after a series
of bitter disagreements with the festival's board about financial and
artistic control.
But despite his frequent urges to leave, Menotti seemed always as engaged as
ever ‹ even more. "I feel like the sorcerer's apprentice ‹ I've started
something and I don't know how to stop it," Menotti said in 1981 in Spoleto.
For three weeks each summer, Spoleto, population 35,000, is visited by
nearly a half-million people. The festival also surrounded Menotti with the
"affection and warmth" that is "so important for our creative life," as he
put it.
"Many composers live in an ivory tower, composing for a small group of
aficionados. Here, I'm surrounded by the life of the festival," he said.
He once compared his work at the festival to making bread ‹ a hands-on
process requiring time and attention.
Despite the care, Menotti delighted in improvisation. Festival programs were
rarely set more than a year in advance and often saw last-minute changes,
giving the artistic programs freshness.
"Fate has blessed me," he told The New York Times in 2001. "But if there's
one thing I regret, it's this accursed festival. It's robbed too much of my
time from composition and from the chance to just be curious about life, art
and philosophy. Suddenly there's no time left, and it makes me feel
Born July 7, 1911, in Cadegliano near Lake Maggiore and the Swiss border, he
was the sixth child of Alfonso and Ines Menotti.
A boy wonder who began composing songs at age 7 and wrote his first opera at
11, Menotti was for a time the most decorated and sought-after composer of
his generation.
Encouraged by his mother, he received formal musical training in Italy and
the United States, studying at the Verdi Conservatory in Milan and later at
the Curtis Institute in Philadelphia.
His first mature opera, "Amelia Goes to the Ball," in 1937, earned
international recognition.
Many of his works written in the TV age lent themselves well to the medium.
Among his later operas were "The Old Maid and the Thief," "The Medium" and
"The Telephone.
Menotti also wrote music for ballet, orchestra and other productions, as
well as the librettos for all his operas. He also directed operas ‹ his own
and works of other composers.
Among his achievements in his later years was an ambitious staging of
"Parsifal" for the 1987 Spoleto program. He was also commissioned to write
an opera for the 1988 Seoul Olympics.
Reflecting about Spoleto's meaning during the 30th anniversary of the
festival's founding, Menotti said in 1987: "I needed to feel that I was
needed. Thirty years ago, Spoleto was on the verge of bankruptcy. Now it's a
flourishing town that owes its life to the festival."
Menotti, who lived in both Monaco and Scotland, returned to the Spoleto
festival every year to celebrate his birthday, including this past July.
Although he held Italian citizenship, Menotti called himself an
Said Menotti in 1981: "I started Spoleto because I did not want to be the
marginal person, the entertainer. I wanted to have a community, to be part
of a community."
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Nancy, you are fooling yourself and I fear fooling many good Catholics. You are simply not in sync with the Catholic Church. Until you change your non-Catholic positions, you should stop calling yourself Catholic. Your record shows that you support embryonic stem cell research, Planned Parenthood, contraception, family planning funding, allowing minors to have an abortion without parental consent, and are against making it a crime to harm a fetus, etc. etc.
The fact that you favor married priests and women priests certainly would not classify you as conservative, but your answer to the question are you a conservative Catholic was: “I think so. I was raised in a very strict upbringing in a Catholic home where we respected people, were observant, were practicing Catholics, and that the fundamental belief was that God gave us all a free will, and we were accountable for that, each of us. Each person had that accountability, so it wasn’t for us to make judgments about how people saw their responsibility and that it wasn’t for politicians to make decisions about how people led their personal lives; certainly, to a high moral standards, but when it got into decisions about privacy and all the rest, then that was something that individuals had to answer to God for, and not to politicians.”
That sounds fair and tolerant, but your record belies high moral standards.
The NARL rates you 100% pro-abortion. Your statement: “To me it isn’t even a question. God has given us a free will. We’re all responsible for our actions. If you don’t want an abortion, you don’t believe in it, [then] don’t have one. But don’t tell somebody else what they can do in terms of honoring their responsibilities. My family is very pro-life. They’re not fanatics and they’re not activists. I think they’d like it if I were not so vocally pro-choice.”
Do we not elect politicians to make laws that help people honor their responsibilities, such as protecting life itself? Can politicians not tell someone else not to kill? If you can kill a baby in the womb, Nancy, why not outside of it? Oh wait, you are in favor of partial birth abortion, so-called because the baby sticks out of the “mother” about halfway, while the “doctor” sucks out the baby's brain. That seems comparable to the choice the Nazis made killing six million Jews.
Yes, Nancy, we (together with your pro-life family) would all like it if you were not so vocally pro-choice, i.e. pro-death. Until your choice is in line with Catholic doctrine, please, Nancy, do not receive the Eucharist when you attend Mass.
Rev. John Malloy, SDB
San Francisco, CA
BTW, emphasis in last sentence was added by yours truly. Oh, and the reason I put "pro-choice" in quotes at the top of this post: HOW THE SAM HELL CAN YOU CALL YOURSELF PRO-CHOICE WHEN THE CHILD BEING ABORTED HAS NO CHOICE??? What kind of "choice" is that??? If there is one thing I hate, it's euphamisms. They're nothing but a downplay on words, often resulting in pure bulls**t. Ya wanna play? Ya gotta pay!
Red Sox cap tip to the Roman Catholic Blog. And kudos to Father Malloy!