Sunday, July 30, 2006


...and good friend, Fr. Thomas Kocik.

First of all, watch soon enough for another episode from the iPadre, and very likely Catholic: Under the Hood. Both priests are in Steubenville, Ohio, for the Defending the Faith Conference. You KNOW there will be reports from there.

Meanwhile, the author of The Reform of the Reform, Fr. Kocik, came to Holy Ghost to celebrate the 7:30 and 9:00 Masses this morning. Like Fr. Finelli, the homilies are very good. Today, Fr. Kocik gave some good reasons to believe in miracles. Think of today's "loaves and fishes" Gospel reading: five loaves, two fish, FIVE THOUSAND people! WOW! A popular belief there is not so much the miracle to happen, but the idea of Jesus teaching about sharing. But think of this - the leftovers filled TWELVE BASKETS! That, to me, says miracle!

Anyways, after Mass, Fr. Kocik came up with a really cool idea - someone coming up with a blog where those parishes with really good liturgy and music can post their Mass schedules. And I'm thinking on my way home this afternoon - has anyone ever heard of a site called the Mystery Worshipper? For those who've never seen it, it's a site where people go to churches all around, and give details on the Mass/service, and even recommend/reject that church. The Mystery Worshipper site includes churches of many denominations. I was thinking a strictly Catholic version of that site, and giving the worshipper questions in a far more Catholic context, as opposed to a general/ecumenical type thing. Think of it as on steroids!



Dad29 said...

It has also been speculated that the "5,000" number did NOT include womenfolk and chilluns...

Brian Michael Page said...

That, sir, is correct! ;)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know of that website. I've submitted some reports myself. Cool site. Haven't submitted any reports within the last few years, though. Haven't really been travelling around.

Anonymous said...

I, too, frequent this site, BMP. Very, very insightful stuff to be considered there.