The liberation of the Mass according to the Roman Missal of 1962 is coming soon, as confirmed by Cardinal Bertone. We have coverage from Rorate Caeli and from Fr. Zuhlsdorf. And these guys have sources. The idea is that it WILL happen. But there is still no definite date, so the Curt Jester Random Motu Proprio Date Generator will remain on our sidebar for the time being. The calendar will not change. Therefore, tomorrow would remain The Second Sunday of The Passion (in addition to Palm Sunday). This will be the Mass in Latin, according to the 1962 Missal, and not the 1965 Vernacular version. It will be the Pope who will officially declare it, and explain his reasoning, motives, etc., to the bishops as well.
With Motu Mania blowing hot and cold, we'll soon see.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Fr. David Barnes is 35 years old, and the youngest pastor in the Archdiocese of Boston. He's also taken his parish out of a $748K debt (Red Sox cap tip to Gerald) parish collections have increased by 50%, the church underwent a $300K renovation while keeping the sacred space sacred, and the parish also has a music program that doesn't mess around. They have a well-educated music director, they use Worship III, and use actual hymns, not hootenanny music. The music lists are in the bulletins at the parish website.
The younger priests are comin' in, and they know their stuff. I can safely include my own boss, Jason's new boss, and Fr. Barnes, amongst those younger priests. Keep up the great work!
The younger priests are comin' in, and they know their stuff. I can safely include my own boss, Jason's new boss, and Fr. Barnes, amongst those younger priests. Keep up the great work!
I got a bunch of these cat pics - 10 of them - from my wife. I'm going to do my best to caption these, but if you think you have a better caption, leave a comment and I might just include it. Or I could do it the Cannonball way and just announce the winner. I'm debating. Anyhoo, without further ado, here are today's cats!
1. Dang liturgical dancers! What do they think this is? Richard Simmons or something???
2. Here I am, Lord,
in a box, Lord,
trying to escape
Los An-ga-leez!
Ship me out, Lord,
and release me
to an Indult Mass,
oh please, please, please!
3. Here are those door prizes for the Christmas bazaar!
4. These cats are reading How to Wreck a Liturgy, A Pictoral Tutorial, and getting a charge out of the MahonyFest Booty Shakers!
5. This little feline friend is simply having a siesta in the old country.
6. WAIT! The Gospel reading for Lent IV, Year C, says "Kill the fattened CALF!" Not "Kill the fattened CAT!"
7. Too much partying with the fattened cat.
8. Wake up, my friends! We must get to Candy Mountain!
9. A new breed of Poncho Ladies has emerged!
10. Hi Mom! Look what I learned at MahonyFest!

in a box, Lord,
trying to escape
Los An-ga-leez!
Ship me out, Lord,
and release me
to an Indult Mass,
oh please, please, please!

Fr. Erik (one of the blogosphere's funniest clerics, IMO), got this from "an insane parishioner". This is hilarious.
1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and Point A Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down. They might just do that in my hometown, as cops like to harass, and they're now playing with new cruisers of assorted colors.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice. Brian Page, please come to the front desk. Brian Page, please come to the front desk for customer assistance.
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with That. My son Chris used to do that, hehehehe!
4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "IN." Yes, and throw all the bills in it!
5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone Has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch To Espresso. I don't drink coffee, but I'd have no problem pouring Jolt in a Pepsi or Coke fountain.
6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Sexual Favors" I once worked with a guy who did that, but using $1.05 in cash instead of a check. It was actually money that he was short for a lunch run. Anyhoo, he asked the girl who made the run if she got the note saying "Thank you for last night". Another co-worker, this burly 6'7" dude with a mild-mannered voice nonchalantly goes, "That explains the nickel. What about the dollar?" - True Story!
7. Finish all Your Sentences With "In Accordance With The Prophecy." This is too funny, in accordance with the Prophecy. (LMAO)
8. dont use any punctuation you mean like in the instant messenger
9 . As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk. (sings) Over the river and through the woods... on second thought...
10. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go." I'd like a copy of All Are Welcome to go... right into the trash can.
11. Sing Along At The Opera. I could get away with that, considering I weigh almost as much as the stereotypical "fat lady" (my physical consequence for quitting smoking).
12. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme? Why waste the gas going to a poetry recital when you can open up a Gather or Glory and Puke book and ask the same questions?
13. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play Tropical Sounds All Day. A sign saying "Jimmy Buffet Was Here" works well with that scenario (with all due respect to Jimmy - I do like a good share of his tunes).
14. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won! I Won!" But what if it says "Exceeds Available Balance" and you get nothing?
15. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking Lot, Yelling "Run For Your Lives, They're Loose!!!" Most people do that leaving Mass.
16. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go. " Where's the family black sheep when you need one, right?
1. At Lunch Time, Sit In Your Parked Car With Sunglasses on and Point A Hair Dryer At Passing Cars. See If They Slow Down. They might just do that in my hometown, as cops like to harass, and they're now playing with new cruisers of assorted colors.
2. Page Yourself Over The Intercom. Don't Disguise Your Voice. Brian Page, please come to the front desk. Brian Page, please come to the front desk for customer assistance.
3. Every Time Someone Asks You To Do Something, Ask If They Want Fries with That. My son Chris used to do that, hehehehe!
4. Put Your Garbage Can On Your Desk And Label It "IN." Yes, and throw all the bills in it!
5. Put Decaf In The Coffee Maker For 3 Weeks. Once Everyone Has Gotten Over Their Caffeine Addictions, Switch To Espresso. I don't drink coffee, but I'd have no problem pouring Jolt in a Pepsi or Coke fountain.
6. In The Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write "For Sexual Favors" I once worked with a guy who did that, but using $1.05 in cash instead of a check. It was actually money that he was short for a lunch run. Anyhoo, he asked the girl who made the run if she got the note saying "Thank you for last night". Another co-worker, this burly 6'7" dude with a mild-mannered voice nonchalantly goes, "That explains the nickel. What about the dollar?" - True Story!
7. Finish all Your Sentences With "In Accordance With The Prophecy." This is too funny, in accordance with the Prophecy. (LMAO)
8. dont use any punctuation you mean like in the instant messenger
9 . As Often As Possible, Skip Rather Than Walk. (sings) Over the river and through the woods... on second thought...
10. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is "To Go." I'd like a copy of All Are Welcome to go... right into the trash can.
11. Sing Along At The Opera. I could get away with that, considering I weigh almost as much as the stereotypical "fat lady" (my physical consequence for quitting smoking).
12. Go To A Poetry Recital And Ask Why The Poems Don't Rhyme? Why waste the gas going to a poetry recital when you can open up a Gather or Glory and Puke book and ask the same questions?
13. Put Mosquito Netting Around Your Work Area And Play Tropical Sounds All Day. A sign saying "Jimmy Buffet Was Here" works well with that scenario (with all due respect to Jimmy - I do like a good share of his tunes).
14. When The Money Comes Out The ATM, Scream "I Won! I Won!" But what if it says "Exceeds Available Balance" and you get nothing?
15. When Leaving The Zoo, Start Running Towards The Parking Lot, Yelling "Run For Your Lives, They're Loose!!!" Most people do that leaving Mass.
16. Tell Your Children Over Dinner. "Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go. " Where's the family black sheep when you need one, right?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
in Tiverton Public Schools, that is!
Can you believe that one??? Yeah!!!
My parish is in Tiverton. Of course, the bright side to working in a Catholic parish is that Easter can NEVER be banned. In fact, it's REQUIRED!
Public schools in Tiverton in the US state of Rhode Island have banned the word "Easter" at all school events and children will now have their photos taken with Peter Rabbit instead of the Easter Bunny. (And what the sam hell makes a produce thief more appropriate than the Easter Bunny?)
The US Catholic League reports that William Rearick, Schools Superintendent of the Tiverton Public Schools in Rhode Island, has banned the Easter Bunny from appearing at a fundraising event tomorrow at the Tiverton Middle School. (So, when the produce thief comes to town, let's switch scripts so he gets the entire student body hyped up for Easter.)
He has also banned the word "Easter" from all school events. He told the Providence Journal that during the last year and a half, he has become "more aware of folks who don't have a Christian background." (You mean Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and even atheists can have their holidays, but Christians can't? But that's dis-I say-that's discrimination, boy!)
Taking the place of the Easter Bunny will be Peter Rabbit, the Catholic League says, and children will be able to get their picture taken with him. (Oh nice! A mug with a thug!)
But League president Bill Donohue described it as "unconscionable that in this day and age Superintendent Rearick would choose to honour a thief".
"As every schoolchild knows, Peter Rabbit stole from Mr McGregor's garden," Donohue said.
"To now hold him up as a role model to impressionable youngsters sends the wrong signal. At the very least, grief counsellors should be dispatched to tomorrow's event." (Someone, I say, someone, put the fear of God in that rabbit, will ya?!)
"There is also a more serious matter going on. The event smacks of sexism: Peter Rabbit had three sisters - Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail - and there is no historical record of them ever having committed a crime. So why were they passed over? Looks like the glass ceiling is still in place." (More discrimination - and the three sisters were clean, at least to common knowledge.)
Commenting on School Superintendent Rearick's concern not to offend other religions, Donhue said he was "astonished" that Rearick "only recently discovered Jews and Muslims".
"But better late than never. However, it was not a Jew or a Muslim who complained about the Easter Bunny - it was an ex-Catholic, Michael Burk; he is vice chairman of the school committee. No matter, I have news for Superintendent Rearick: he has not resolved the problem. (An "ex-Catholic". And what did the Easter Bunny do to piss him off? Or, even better, what did Holy Mother Church do to piss him off? Preach the truth? Ah, but can he handle the truth?)
Red Sox cap tip to Fr. Gonzales
On my way back from the rectory Thursday, I think I'll rent a megaphone, drive by the Tiverton School Administration building or whatever they call the head-honcho-quarters at about two miles an hour and yell out:
Can you believe that one??? Yeah!!!
My parish is in Tiverton. Of course, the bright side to working in a Catholic parish is that Easter can NEVER be banned. In fact, it's REQUIRED!
Public schools in Tiverton in the US state of Rhode Island have banned the word "Easter" at all school events and children will now have their photos taken with Peter Rabbit instead of the Easter Bunny. (And what the sam hell makes a produce thief more appropriate than the Easter Bunny?)
The US Catholic League reports that William Rearick, Schools Superintendent of the Tiverton Public Schools in Rhode Island, has banned the Easter Bunny from appearing at a fundraising event tomorrow at the Tiverton Middle School. (So, when the produce thief comes to town, let's switch scripts so he gets the entire student body hyped up for Easter.)
He has also banned the word "Easter" from all school events. He told the Providence Journal that during the last year and a half, he has become "more aware of folks who don't have a Christian background." (You mean Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, and even atheists can have their holidays, but Christians can't? But that's dis-I say-that's discrimination, boy!)
Taking the place of the Easter Bunny will be Peter Rabbit, the Catholic League says, and children will be able to get their picture taken with him. (Oh nice! A mug with a thug!)
But League president Bill Donohue described it as "unconscionable that in this day and age Superintendent Rearick would choose to honour a thief".
"As every schoolchild knows, Peter Rabbit stole from Mr McGregor's garden," Donohue said.
"To now hold him up as a role model to impressionable youngsters sends the wrong signal. At the very least, grief counsellors should be dispatched to tomorrow's event." (Someone, I say, someone, put the fear of God in that rabbit, will ya?!)
"There is also a more serious matter going on. The event smacks of sexism: Peter Rabbit had three sisters - Flopsy, Mopsy and Cottontail - and there is no historical record of them ever having committed a crime. So why were they passed over? Looks like the glass ceiling is still in place." (More discrimination - and the three sisters were clean, at least to common knowledge.)
Commenting on School Superintendent Rearick's concern not to offend other religions, Donhue said he was "astonished" that Rearick "only recently discovered Jews and Muslims".
"But better late than never. However, it was not a Jew or a Muslim who complained about the Easter Bunny - it was an ex-Catholic, Michael Burk; he is vice chairman of the school committee. No matter, I have news for Superintendent Rearick: he has not resolved the problem. (An "ex-Catholic". And what did the Easter Bunny do to piss him off? Or, even better, what did Holy Mother Church do to piss him off? Preach the truth? Ah, but can he handle the truth?)
Red Sox cap tip to Fr. Gonzales
On my way back from the rectory Thursday, I think I'll rent a megaphone, drive by the Tiverton School Administration building or whatever they call the head-honcho-quarters at about two miles an hour and yell out:
Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton, RI
Palm Sunday - April 1, 2007
A little of everything that day - Palm Sunday, April Fools' Day, and my son Brian's 14th birthday. WOW!
Saturday 4:30 and Sunday 10:30: Procession
Sunday 7:30 and 9:00: Solemn Entrance
(except 10:30) Hosanna to the Son of David
(10:30 only) Hosanna Filio David
All glory, laud, and honor (St. Theodulph)
My God, My God, why have you abandoned me? (Page)
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm Tone 2D)
O Sacred Head surrounded (Passion Chorale)
Jubilate Deo Sanctus, Memorial, Amen, Agnus
Chant Lord's Prayer/English
Were you there (Spiritual)
Sing, my tongue, the Savior's glory (Fortunatus text/Mode III)
Palm Sunday - April 1, 2007
A little of everything that day - Palm Sunday, April Fools' Day, and my son Brian's 14th birthday. WOW!
Saturday 4:30 and Sunday 10:30: Procession
Sunday 7:30 and 9:00: Solemn Entrance
(except 10:30) Hosanna to the Son of David
(10:30 only) Hosanna Filio David
All glory, laud, and honor (St. Theodulph)
My God, My God, why have you abandoned me? (Page)
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm Tone 2D)
O Sacred Head surrounded (Passion Chorale)
Jubilate Deo Sanctus, Memorial, Amen, Agnus
Chant Lord's Prayer/English
Were you there (Spiritual)
Sing, my tongue, the Savior's glory (Fortunatus text/Mode III)

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (37:04/33.9 MB)
Sorry I'm late. Computer acted up on me all night last night trying to get my podcast up. For some reason, it would not let me mix the show I had prepared as an .mp3 file. But I had no problem mixing it as a .wav. This morning, it loaded as an .mp3 with no problem, which ticked me off because everything I had recorded was aimed around yesterday - the Annunciation, even with the praying of the Angelus Prayer.
Anyhoo, today it's all up - the Angelus Prayer, and the first of a three-part series on Pope Benedict XVI's Apostolic Exhortation, Sacramentum Caritatis. Today we cover some of the introductory sections of this very important document.
We've got two miscellaneous outbursts today as well.
Feasts for the week: Annunciation. For more information, see the New Advent Website.
Christus Vincit Semi-Live on the High Trail with the Bitmap: Bitmap and Snarky run through the music list for the Fifth Sunday of Lent. They even run into Shamus. The muddy trails will never be the same again!

We've got two miscellaneous outbursts today as well.
Feasts for the week: Annunciation. For more information, see the New Advent Website.
Christus Vincit Semi-Live on the High Trail with the Bitmap: Bitmap and Snarky run through the music list for the Fifth Sunday of Lent. They even run into Shamus. The muddy trails will never be the same again!
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (tune: Lobe den Herren)
The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came (Basque Carol), variations performed/arranged by yours truly
Hail Mary, by Johnny Proctor, brought to you by Podsafe. Johnny's Soundclick Site
The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came (Basque Carol), variations performed/arranged by yours truly
Hail Mary, by Johnny Proctor, brought to you by Podsafe. Johnny's Soundclick Site
Catholic: Under the Hood,
iPadre Podcasting Network (with congrats on his 50th podcast!),
Disciples with Microphones
Inflationary Language: There's a Wideness in God's Mercy, courtesy of Save the Liturgy, Save the World.
Additional Link: Fr. Martin Fox's Latin/Chant Survey
Additional Link: Fr. Martin Fox's Latin/Chant Survey
CVA Interactive Corner
Monday, March 26, 2007
"Simply avoid liturgical abuse", says the Pontifical Office of Liturgy Police.

Save the liturgy, save a bunny, save a kitten, SAVE THE WORLD!
Red Sox cap tip to Alive and Young.

Save the liturgy, save a bunny, save a kitten, SAVE THE WORLD!
Red Sox cap tip to Alive and Young.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
New Pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Church

Father Michael J. Russo who is currently serving at Assumption Church, Franklin, Louisiana, has been selected by Bishop Jarrell to become the new Pastor of Fatima Church, Lafayette. This is indeed excellent news for us, and we anticipate that under his leadership, the music programs of Fatima Church will continue to prosper and grow. Fr. Russo was my "first pick" for a pastor when news came that Monsignor Provost had been named Bishop of Lake Charles. Prayers for the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, to whom I have had a particular devotion since my high school days, and to whose prayers I credit much, I believe directly influenced the calling of Fr. Russo to Lafayette. Interesting still is that Assumption Church in Franklin offers novena prayers regularly to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The match is perfect! The top picture is a shot of the the new chest added to the Assumption Church Wicks organ, aptly placed beneath the St. Cecilia Window. I played one of the dedicatory recitals at the church several years ago. We definately do not discount the intercessions of St. Cecilia and especially those of Our Lady of Fatima in Fr. Russo's calling to Lafayette. Deo Gratias!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Yup - clown Stations of the Cross, live from Albany. Argent has the story. Read 'em and weep.
Now, when I think clowns, I think:
1. Krusty (on The Simpsons: Every time you watch my show, I'll give you $40!)
2. Pee Wee Herman (after his movie theater antics, he's done)
3. "Junior" (from Problem Child: Clowns??? I HATE clowns!!!)
4. Robin Williams' portrayal of Patch Adams, which, I must say, served all the right purposes.
5. The possibility that all of these clowns (numerical value undisclosed at the moment) could be travelling from church to church in ONE punch buggy, and they all fit comfortably.
Something about clowns doing the Via Dolorosa tells me to "be afraid. Be very afraid."
UPDATE at 6:55 PM EDT: Fr. Erik's comment is about as good as it gets. I feel this HAS to be published.
"Of course, the real clowns are the dipsticks who came up with Clown Stations of the Cross to begin with."
Domini Sumus, in a post of her own writes:
"What is more horrific than clowns? Clown Stations of the Cross!"
Even more horrific... I'd hate to imagine who the hell is singing the Stabat Mater, or reasonable translation thereof? Or, maybe the question is, "What the hell are they singing INSTEAD of the Stabat Mater?" Real Catholic minds may dread to imagine.
Now, when I think clowns, I think:
1. Krusty (on The Simpsons: Every time you watch my show, I'll give you $40!)
2. Pee Wee Herman (after his movie theater antics, he's done)
3. "Junior" (from Problem Child: Clowns??? I HATE clowns!!!)
4. Robin Williams' portrayal of Patch Adams, which, I must say, served all the right purposes.
5. The possibility that all of these clowns (numerical value undisclosed at the moment) could be travelling from church to church in ONE punch buggy, and they all fit comfortably.
Something about clowns doing the Via Dolorosa tells me to "be afraid. Be very afraid."
UPDATE at 6:55 PM EDT: Fr. Erik's comment is about as good as it gets. I feel this HAS to be published.
"Of course, the real clowns are the dipsticks who came up with Clown Stations of the Cross to begin with."
Domini Sumus, in a post of her own writes:
"What is more horrific than clowns? Clown Stations of the Cross!"
Even more horrific... I'd hate to imagine who the hell is singing the Stabat Mater, or reasonable translation thereof? Or, maybe the question is, "What the hell are they singing INSTEAD of the Stabat Mater?" Real Catholic minds may dread to imagine.
Friday, March 23, 2007
George Cardinal Pell, Archbishop of Sydney (and best thing going in Catholicism Down Under these days), says in an interview in today's Catholic Herald that he is "most pleased" with the new translation of the Mass, and the first draft is "dangerously close" to completion.
Hey, if Cardinal Pell thinks it's good, it's most likely good. :-)
Read the whole article.
Red Sox cap tip to Shawn Tribe at NLM.
George Cardinal Pell, Archbishop of Sydney (and best thing going in Catholicism Down Under these days), says in an interview in today's Catholic Herald that he is "most pleased" with the new translation of the Mass, and the first draft is "dangerously close" to completion.
Hey, if Cardinal Pell thinks it's good, it's most likely good. :-)
Read the whole article.
Red Sox cap tip to Shawn Tribe at NLM.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
A Pre-Holy Week Charge
Getting ready for Holy Week at Fatima, I included this little article in the parish bulletin for Judica Sunday:
Next Sunday, Palm Sunday, we enter into the living memory of our Lord’s triumphal entry into the Holy City. On Holy Thursday we are present at the Last Supper and witness the institution of the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the institution of the Holy Priesthood. On Good Friday, we stand with the Beloved Disciple and the Blessed Virgin at the foot of the cross as her Son, our Redeemer, breathes his last, bowing his bloody and wounded head in bitter death. We depart the Skull Place to accompany Joseph of Arimathaea, placing Christ into the freshly hewn tomb. On Saturday, we witness the glorious miracle of the resurrection, the first light of Salvation, as the Easter fire is lit. We recall the necessary sin of Adam, by which is won for us a Savior. On Sunday morning, we encounter with the Magdalene the empty tomb and rejoice in our Lord’s rising from the dead.
The music of the Holy Week and Easter liturgies recalls these events and heightens our real participation in them. These are no dramatic re-creations, no quaint, nostalgic reminiscences of the past! We are drawn into living memory to witness our salvation with our own living senses. We ourselves are present at and participate in the actual events, which themselves transcend time. At the washing of the feet, we hear the words of Christ as he instructs us, his disciples, regarding the new commandment to love one another. We are reproached by our Lord on Good Friday as we adore the faithful cross, “O my People, what have I done to you? Answer me! I opened up the Red Sea for you, and you opened up my side with a lance. I have given you a royal scepter, and you have given me a crown of thorns.” On Saturday, the Easter light appears and spreads throughout the Church, as news of the risen Lord spreads among the faithful. The Church on earth and in heaven rejoice in our triumphant Lord. The names of the saints are invoked, and we renew our baptismal promises, casting off Old Adam and rising anew as children of the Light. On Sunday, we sing the glorious Easter sequence in which we learn from Mary Magdalene what she saw in the garden, “Tell us, Mary what did you see? ‘The tomb of the living Christ, and rising glory. I saw the angelic witnesses, our Lord’s burial cloth and shroud. Christ my hope has arisen and goes before his people into Galilee.’ ” We respond to her witness, “We know that Christ truly has risen from the dead, He is our victor King! Amen! Alleluia!”
Next Sunday, Palm Sunday, we enter into the living memory of our Lord’s triumphal entry into the Holy City. On Holy Thursday we are present at the Last Supper and witness the institution of the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the institution of the Holy Priesthood. On Good Friday, we stand with the Beloved Disciple and the Blessed Virgin at the foot of the cross as her Son, our Redeemer, breathes his last, bowing his bloody and wounded head in bitter death. We depart the Skull Place to accompany Joseph of Arimathaea, placing Christ into the freshly hewn tomb. On Saturday, we witness the glorious miracle of the resurrection, the first light of Salvation, as the Easter fire is lit. We recall the necessary sin of Adam, by which is won for us a Savior. On Sunday morning, we encounter with the Magdalene the empty tomb and rejoice in our Lord’s rising from the dead.
The music of the Holy Week and Easter liturgies recalls these events and heightens our real participation in them. These are no dramatic re-creations, no quaint, nostalgic reminiscences of the past! We are drawn into living memory to witness our salvation with our own living senses. We ourselves are present at and participate in the actual events, which themselves transcend time. At the washing of the feet, we hear the words of Christ as he instructs us, his disciples, regarding the new commandment to love one another. We are reproached by our Lord on Good Friday as we adore the faithful cross, “O my People, what have I done to you? Answer me! I opened up the Red Sea for you, and you opened up my side with a lance. I have given you a royal scepter, and you have given me a crown of thorns.” On Saturday, the Easter light appears and spreads throughout the Church, as news of the risen Lord spreads among the faithful. The Church on earth and in heaven rejoice in our triumphant Lord. The names of the saints are invoked, and we renew our baptismal promises, casting off Old Adam and rising anew as children of the Light. On Sunday, we sing the glorious Easter sequence in which we learn from Mary Magdalene what she saw in the garden, “Tell us, Mary what did you see? ‘The tomb of the living Christ, and rising glory. I saw the angelic witnesses, our Lord’s burial cloth and shroud. Christ my hope has arisen and goes before his people into Galilee.’ ” We respond to her witness, “We know that Christ truly has risen from the dead, He is our victor King! Amen! Alleluia!”
Father Martin Fox has a survey going, resulting in one really busy comments box (180 comments just after I put in my two cents): Who else is using Latin/chant in the Mass?
Note: only Novus Ordo Masses count in this survey.
At my parish, we sing the Sanctus, Memorial (Mortem tuam annuntiamus...), and Agnus from Jubilate Deo at all Masses throughout Lent, throughout Advent (except for the Memorial, which we do in English to my own adaptation of Conditor Alme Siderum), and the last Sunday of the month the rest of the year.
This year, we've been doing the Gloria VIII (also in Jubilate Deo) as well.
It's still a slow process, but we're getting there. Right now they're still getting used to the fact that we don't do happy-clappy greatest hits at Mass. That stopped once my predecessor left. I also pride myself in the fact that we DO NOT use Mass of Creation at my parish at any time.
Finally, the Hosanna Filio David on Palm Sunday and the Easter/Pentecost Sequences are sung in Latin at the choir Mass, in English at the non-choir Masses.
Red Sox cap tips to Jeffrey Tucker at NLM, and our good friend Joe at the RPInet boards.
Note: only Novus Ordo Masses count in this survey.
At my parish, we sing the Sanctus, Memorial (Mortem tuam annuntiamus...), and Agnus from Jubilate Deo at all Masses throughout Lent, throughout Advent (except for the Memorial, which we do in English to my own adaptation of Conditor Alme Siderum), and the last Sunday of the month the rest of the year.
This year, we've been doing the Gloria VIII (also in Jubilate Deo) as well.
It's still a slow process, but we're getting there. Right now they're still getting used to the fact that we don't do happy-clappy greatest hits at Mass. That stopped once my predecessor left. I also pride myself in the fact that we DO NOT use Mass of Creation at my parish at any time.
Finally, the Hosanna Filio David on Palm Sunday and the Easter/Pentecost Sequences are sung in Latin at the choir Mass, in English at the non-choir Masses.
Red Sox cap tips to Jeffrey Tucker at NLM, and our good friend Joe at the RPInet boards.
...till I found out I was he.
Which Twentieth Century Pope Are You?
Which Twentieth Century Pope Are You?
Red Sox cap tip to Sister Allie.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Not necessarily Amazing Grace, either. In fact, I will admit to using Amazing Grace last weekend. After all, it was the prodigal son gospel reading that was read (at least at Holy Ghost - I know some parishes, like Nick's cathedral, had RCIA/Year A readings for at least one Mass). He was lost, but has been found.
Now, had this been the blind man gospel, I'd be longing for a hymnal that had Thou, Whose Almighty Word. The second verse sings out, Thou who didst come to bring on thy redeeming wing healing and sight, health to the sick in mind, sight to the inly blind, now unto all mankind, let there be light.
Truthfully, there could be a lot worse fare sung. One that comes to mind is the Wreck of the Haugen-Fitzgerald, which goes, Gather us in, the lost and forsaken, gather us in, the blind and the lame. The melody itself is lame. And just to prove how bad it is, even in parishes that I have worked that prefer the contemporary fare, the congregation response to Gather Us In was the pits. And at least Amazing Grace mentions or addresses the Lord at least once (Gather Us In does not, ever).
Back to Amazing Grace... even a traditionalist like my own boss has no problem with the hymn, citing the same reasoning I have. Some say it's a Protestant hymn. But I have to admit it does go good with that Lent IV gospel reading.
One of my parishioners, a former Catholic organist, once asked me, "Hey Brian, what's with the Protestant music?" And she goes to mention Faith of our Fathers. Her face dropped to the ground when I mentioned that the text of Faith of our Fathers was written by a Catholic priest (Fr. Frederick W. Faber). I could name a bunch of hymns whose Catholicity could be questioned (at best) THAT ARE STILL used at Holy Mass. Many appear in such hymnals as Glory and Praise and Gather. Text wouldn't be the sole issue here. In the case of many, the music itself would be an issue.
Red Sox cap tip to Domini Sumus, who got it from Salve Regina (who has been added to our definitive blogroll).
At the same time, in many cases, a good solid Low Mass, without music, can be just as good, if not better, and far more prayerful, than enduring sixty minutes of entertainment. Sure, I'd rather have music at Mass - if it's done right, and the selections are good, and well-presented. But in the case of the banal dominating the Mass schedule, a good serene Low Mass is far better for a prayerful environment.
Remember the days of choices in the '70's? I remember one parish that had the following for a schedule?
Saturday 5:00 (organ music only) and 7:00 PM (folk Mass)
Sunday 8:00 (in French), 10:00 (choir), 11:30 AM (hymns)
Nowadays it seems to be the organ/traditional choir gets one Mass while the other three are done by three different folk groups. What happened to "pride of place?" I don't think that meant "last place".
Red Sox cap tip to Jeffrey Tucker at NLM.
Now, had this been the blind man gospel, I'd be longing for a hymnal that had Thou, Whose Almighty Word. The second verse sings out, Thou who didst come to bring on thy redeeming wing healing and sight, health to the sick in mind, sight to the inly blind, now unto all mankind, let there be light.
Truthfully, there could be a lot worse fare sung. One that comes to mind is the Wreck of the Haugen-Fitzgerald, which goes, Gather us in, the lost and forsaken, gather us in, the blind and the lame. The melody itself is lame. And just to prove how bad it is, even in parishes that I have worked that prefer the contemporary fare, the congregation response to Gather Us In was the pits. And at least Amazing Grace mentions or addresses the Lord at least once (Gather Us In does not, ever).
Back to Amazing Grace... even a traditionalist like my own boss has no problem with the hymn, citing the same reasoning I have. Some say it's a Protestant hymn. But I have to admit it does go good with that Lent IV gospel reading.
One of my parishioners, a former Catholic organist, once asked me, "Hey Brian, what's with the Protestant music?" And she goes to mention Faith of our Fathers. Her face dropped to the ground when I mentioned that the text of Faith of our Fathers was written by a Catholic priest (Fr. Frederick W. Faber). I could name a bunch of hymns whose Catholicity could be questioned (at best) THAT ARE STILL used at Holy Mass. Many appear in such hymnals as Glory and Praise and Gather. Text wouldn't be the sole issue here. In the case of many, the music itself would be an issue.
Red Sox cap tip to Domini Sumus, who got it from Salve Regina (who has been added to our definitive blogroll).
At the same time, in many cases, a good solid Low Mass, without music, can be just as good, if not better, and far more prayerful, than enduring sixty minutes of entertainment. Sure, I'd rather have music at Mass - if it's done right, and the selections are good, and well-presented. But in the case of the banal dominating the Mass schedule, a good serene Low Mass is far better for a prayerful environment.
Remember the days of choices in the '70's? I remember one parish that had the following for a schedule?
Saturday 5:00 (organ music only) and 7:00 PM (folk Mass)
Sunday 8:00 (in French), 10:00 (choir), 11:30 AM (hymns)
Nowadays it seems to be the organ/traditional choir gets one Mass while the other three are done by three different folk groups. What happened to "pride of place?" I don't think that meant "last place".
Red Sox cap tip to Jeffrey Tucker at NLM.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
is up and runnin' at To Jesus Through Mary.
CV contribution: the beach sand sculpture post.
CV contribution: the beach sand sculpture post.
Monday, March 19, 2007

Maybe someone can submit Fr. Rohr's name (and Cdl. Mahony's as well) to Carlos Mencia for a "DE-DA-DEE" award. Even better, here's a perfect "On Notice" board, a la Stephen Colbert:
Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton, RI
March 25, 2007 - V Lent
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Lobe den Herren)
The Lord has done great things for us... (Proulx/Gelineau)
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ... (Psalm Tone 2)
There's a wideness in God's mercy (In Babilone)
Sanctus/Memorial/Amen/Agnus from Jubilate Deo
Chant Lord's Prayer, in English
Eat this Bread (Batastini/Berthier)
Lift high the cross (Crucifer)
March 25, 2007 - V Lent
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Lobe den Herren)
The Lord has done great things for us... (Proulx/Gelineau)
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ... (Psalm Tone 2)
There's a wideness in God's mercy (In Babilone)
Sanctus/Memorial/Amen/Agnus from Jubilate Deo
Chant Lord's Prayer, in English
Eat this Bread (Batastini/Berthier)
Lift high the cross (Crucifer)

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (45:20/41.5 MB)

Also, we briefly touch base on Laetare, Shamus is only "1/3 crocked", and we have five zany brand spankin' new miscellaneous outbursts.
Feasts for the week:
St. Joseph, Husband of Mary; St. Tobio of Mogrovejo.
For more information, check out the New Advent Website.
Christus Vincit Semi-Live on the High Trail with the Bitmap: Bitmap and Snarky review the music for the Fourth Sunday of Lent.
Organ solos on The Flight of the Earls (traditional Irish), Lorica of St. Patrick (traditional Irish), and Dohmnach Trionoide (traditional Gaelic)
Lord, Who Throughout these Forty Days (tune: St. Flavian)
The King of Love My Shepherd Is (tune: St. Columba); Be Thou My Vision (tune: Slane)
Wild Mountain Thyme (traditional Irish), by the Dust Rhinos, brought to you by Podsafe.
Lord, Who Throughout these Forty Days (tune: St. Flavian)
The King of Love My Shepherd Is (tune: St. Columba); Be Thou My Vision (tune: Slane)
Wild Mountain Thyme (traditional Irish), by the Dust Rhinos, brought to you by Podsafe.
Catholic Music Express/Classical Cafe for Christ,
iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin: Laetare, Jerusalem, courtesy of Microsoft Joke.
Additional Link: GrapeVine News Minute (in conjunction with Catholic Music Express)CVA Interactive Corner
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Laetare Sunday in Double Vision...
Year C Readings on Saturday
Year A Readings on Sunday
(We open our Centennial celebrations tonight with the Bishop, and he had already planned to preach on the Prodigal Son before he heard that we were using the option for A at all Masses. And the Man with the Pointy Hat gets what he wants in his own Cathedral.)
Prelude (Sat): harp solo
Prelude (Sun): Jesus Comforts the Women of Jerusalem (Stations of the Cross) -- Marcel Dupre
Entrance: Rejoice, Jerusalem / TRURO (from "Introit Hymns for the Church Year")
Kyrie: chant
Psalm 34 (Sat.): Michel Guimont
Psalm 23 (Sun.): Gelineau
Verse before Gospel: chant
Anthem (Sat.): The Lord is My Shepherd -- Rutter
Hymn (Sun.): I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light / HOUSTON
Sanctus, etc. (Sat): Community Mass
Sanctus XVIII (Sun)
Agnus Dei (Sat): Proulx in F
Agnus Dei XVIII (Sun)
Motet (Sat): O Taste and See -- Ralph Vaughan Williams
Communion Hymn (Sat): Take and Eat
Communion Hymn (Sun): Amazing Grace / NEW BRITAIN
Hymn (Sat): Be Thou My Vision / SLANE
Chant (Sun): Grant to Us, O Lord -- Deiss
Postlude (Sat): Toccata in Seven -- Rutter
Postlude (Sun): Attende Domine -- Jeanne Demessieux
Year A Readings on Sunday
(We open our Centennial celebrations tonight with the Bishop, and he had already planned to preach on the Prodigal Son before he heard that we were using the option for A at all Masses. And the Man with the Pointy Hat gets what he wants in his own Cathedral.)
Prelude (Sat): harp solo
Prelude (Sun): Jesus Comforts the Women of Jerusalem (Stations of the Cross) -- Marcel Dupre
Entrance: Rejoice, Jerusalem / TRURO (from "Introit Hymns for the Church Year")
Kyrie: chant
Psalm 34 (Sat.): Michel Guimont
Psalm 23 (Sun.): Gelineau
Verse before Gospel: chant
Anthem (Sat.): The Lord is My Shepherd -- Rutter
Hymn (Sun.): I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light / HOUSTON
Sanctus, etc. (Sat): Community Mass
Sanctus XVIII (Sun)
Agnus Dei (Sat): Proulx in F
Agnus Dei XVIII (Sun)
Motet (Sat): O Taste and See -- Ralph Vaughan Williams
Communion Hymn (Sat): Take and Eat
Communion Hymn (Sun): Amazing Grace / NEW BRITAIN
Hymn (Sat): Be Thou My Vision / SLANE
Chant (Sun): Grant to Us, O Lord -- Deiss
Postlude (Sat): Toccata in Seven -- Rutter
Postlude (Sun): Attende Domine -- Jeanne Demessieux
Friday, March 16, 2007
The Installation of the Most Rev. John C. Wester,
Ninth Bishop of Salt Lake City
The installation took place last Wednesday, and I was only able to catch the closing hymn and postlude. Today Intermountain Catholic has the installation Mass available in its entirety. There is so much that differs between MahonyFest and WesterFest, all in favor of WesterFest. For all that, I offer my kudos:
* for NOT having a slew of liturgical dancers (actually, there were none at all in Salt Lake City)
* for lining up a slew of CHALICES - yes, metal chalices - on the altar and not cheap restaurant or KoolAid quality glass jugs
* to Gregory Glenn and the choirs and orchestra for EXCELLENT sacred music throughout. Even the Psalm in Spanish had class. The offertory anthem by Nestor was beautiful, and fitting, given the new Bishop's coat of arms. The Ave Verum setting they did by Colin Mawby is downright gorgeous.
* Although Bishop Wester did have a share of "thank yous" after the Post-Communion prayer (which would be the proper place, btw, for any such announcements), he ensured that Holy Mass was Holy Mass, about the Holy Sacrifice, and not about himself despite that being his big day.
The only downside is that there are no Sanctus bells at the Eucharistic Prayer. There is, however, a starting bell, that signals the congregation to stand for the entrance hymn.
Kudos all around to the folks at the Madeleine! They really set an example for their diocese, and a standard of excellence in liturgy and music in the United States.
Ninth Bishop of Salt Lake City
The installation took place last Wednesday, and I was only able to catch the closing hymn and postlude. Today Intermountain Catholic has the installation Mass available in its entirety. There is so much that differs between MahonyFest and WesterFest, all in favor of WesterFest. For all that, I offer my kudos:
* for NOT having a slew of liturgical dancers (actually, there were none at all in Salt Lake City)
* for lining up a slew of CHALICES - yes, metal chalices - on the altar and not cheap restaurant or KoolAid quality glass jugs
* to Gregory Glenn and the choirs and orchestra for EXCELLENT sacred music throughout. Even the Psalm in Spanish had class. The offertory anthem by Nestor was beautiful, and fitting, given the new Bishop's coat of arms. The Ave Verum setting they did by Colin Mawby is downright gorgeous.
* Although Bishop Wester did have a share of "thank yous" after the Post-Communion prayer (which would be the proper place, btw, for any such announcements), he ensured that Holy Mass was Holy Mass, about the Holy Sacrifice, and not about himself despite that being his big day.
The only downside is that there are no Sanctus bells at the Eucharistic Prayer. There is, however, a starting bell, that signals the congregation to stand for the entrance hymn.
Kudos all around to the folks at the Madeleine! They really set an example for their diocese, and a standard of excellence in liturgy and music in the United States.
Hat tip to Bear-i-tone.
OK, this may date back to 1933, but a lot (of not all) of this holds true still today. This was written by Fr. Carlo Rossini, then-Organist/Choirmaster at St. Paul's Cathedral in Pittsburgh. Some may recognize Fr. Rossini's name with the Liturgical Organist multi-volume series of short preludes, postludes, and such. I have his first volume, by a very happy accident.
But anyhoo, here's the Decalogue (emphasis mine):
1. Since music in church becomes part of the liturgy it is in itself Worship. Church music, therefore, must be offered in the best possible way. (Does Haugen/Haas/St. Louis Jesuits ditties constitute the "best possible way"? Doubtful.)
2. The first requirement for a good rendition of church music is that the the singers be permeated with the Spirit which prompts Holy Mother Church during the different Seasons of the Ecclesiastical Year (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost). (Of course, in 1933 there was no such thing as Ordinary Time. We could easily make an adaptation for that by letting the readings of the day from Holy Scripture set the tone.)
3. Choir members, in order to sing with the proper expression and to give God intelligent praise, should become familiar with the meaning of the phrases of the liturgical text through the English translation of the Missal.
4. Church singing must retain the character of choral music. Consequently, no individual voice in the choir should be heard above the others; no personal ambition or desire to "show off" should be tolerated. (Ah yes, this reminds me of two people - a cantor from an outside parish that a former pastor of mine once hired for Saturday Masses who acted like a diva and left disappointed because she didn't get to do her brand of music - DE-DA-DEE! - and Thomas Day's depicting of "Mr. Caruso" in his book Why Catholics Can't Sing.)
5. The singing should always proceed smoothly(legato). The tedious defect of producing a separate impulse of the voice for each note and syllable should be carefully avoided. The contrary defect of "sliding", "slurring", and "scooping" should also be avoided. (This holds especially true for chant and polyphony. Not always the case for traditional metrical hymnody.)
6. In chanting the Proper of the Mass the tempo to be observed is that of a solemn, oratorical declamation of the text. A short pause will be made after the middle cadence of the psalm -tone and whenever the breathing mark () is found. The recitation on the "long note" (Dominant) of the psalm tone must be done evenly as if each syllable of the text carried an eighth-note.
7. The correct accentuation of the words is an important factor in good singing. In fact, talking and singing follow similar rules, the accented syllable always receiving the greater emphasis.
8. The Italian pronunciation of the Latin is prescribed by the Church. Singers, therefore, should carefully enunciate both vowels and consonants according to the Italian system. (I may post these rules, from 1933 later.) (Is Latin even taught these days anymore? My niece goes to a CATHOLIC high school that doesn't even offer Latin. In fact, the ONLY foreign language they offer is Spanish. I took two years of it in a PUBLIC high school, albeit Classical Latin, over 25 years ago. Even with that, Ecclesiastical Latin isn't hard to adapt. Some pronuciations are different, but the translation is the same.)
9. The organist should never forget that the organ accompaniment must serve only to "support" the singing, and should never overpower the voices. (It should also excite. Not show off, but excite. Let the hymn itself decide registration. Use that registration. Don't drown everyone out with it, if you can help it, though. Most hymns do well with 8'4'2' registration, perhaps a good four-rank mixture, and finish off the last verse with a nice, yet blending, chorus reed.)
10. Liturgical chant in early Christian centuries belonged exclusively to the Choir of Levites, and our church singers today, although laymen, are taking their place. Members of church choirs, therefore, should consider their office as a "privilege" and should show themselves worthy of the same by a dignified, modest and devout bearing. (With this last rule, I direct the readers back to rules 1 and 4.)
OK, this may date back to 1933, but a lot (of not all) of this holds true still today. This was written by Fr. Carlo Rossini, then-Organist/Choirmaster at St. Paul's Cathedral in Pittsburgh. Some may recognize Fr. Rossini's name with the Liturgical Organist multi-volume series of short preludes, postludes, and such. I have his first volume, by a very happy accident.
But anyhoo, here's the Decalogue (emphasis mine):
1. Since music in church becomes part of the liturgy it is in itself Worship. Church music, therefore, must be offered in the best possible way. (Does Haugen/Haas/St. Louis Jesuits ditties constitute the "best possible way"? Doubtful.)
2. The first requirement for a good rendition of church music is that the the singers be permeated with the Spirit which prompts Holy Mother Church during the different Seasons of the Ecclesiastical Year (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter and Pentecost). (Of course, in 1933 there was no such thing as Ordinary Time. We could easily make an adaptation for that by letting the readings of the day from Holy Scripture set the tone.)
3. Choir members, in order to sing with the proper expression and to give God intelligent praise, should become familiar with the meaning of the phrases of the liturgical text through the English translation of the Missal.
4. Church singing must retain the character of choral music. Consequently, no individual voice in the choir should be heard above the others; no personal ambition or desire to "show off" should be tolerated. (Ah yes, this reminds me of two people - a cantor from an outside parish that a former pastor of mine once hired for Saturday Masses who acted like a diva and left disappointed because she didn't get to do her brand of music - DE-DA-DEE! - and Thomas Day's depicting of "Mr. Caruso" in his book Why Catholics Can't Sing.)
5. The singing should always proceed smoothly(legato). The tedious defect of producing a separate impulse of the voice for each note and syllable should be carefully avoided. The contrary defect of "sliding", "slurring", and "scooping" should also be avoided. (This holds especially true for chant and polyphony. Not always the case for traditional metrical hymnody.)
6. In chanting the Proper of the Mass the tempo to be observed is that of a solemn, oratorical declamation of the text. A short pause will be made after the middle cadence of the psalm -tone and whenever the breathing mark () is found. The recitation on the "long note" (Dominant) of the psalm tone must be done evenly as if each syllable of the text carried an eighth-note.
7. The correct accentuation of the words is an important factor in good singing. In fact, talking and singing follow similar rules, the accented syllable always receiving the greater emphasis.
8. The Italian pronunciation of the Latin is prescribed by the Church. Singers, therefore, should carefully enunciate both vowels and consonants according to the Italian system. (I may post these rules, from 1933 later.) (Is Latin even taught these days anymore? My niece goes to a CATHOLIC high school that doesn't even offer Latin. In fact, the ONLY foreign language they offer is Spanish. I took two years of it in a PUBLIC high school, albeit Classical Latin, over 25 years ago. Even with that, Ecclesiastical Latin isn't hard to adapt. Some pronuciations are different, but the translation is the same.)
9. The organist should never forget that the organ accompaniment must serve only to "support" the singing, and should never overpower the voices. (It should also excite. Not show off, but excite. Let the hymn itself decide registration. Use that registration. Don't drown everyone out with it, if you can help it, though. Most hymns do well with 8'4'2' registration, perhaps a good four-rank mixture, and finish off the last verse with a nice, yet blending, chorus reed.)
10. Liturgical chant in early Christian centuries belonged exclusively to the Choir of Levites, and our church singers today, although laymen, are taking their place. Members of church choirs, therefore, should consider their office as a "privilege" and should show themselves worthy of the same by a dignified, modest and devout bearing. (With this last rule, I direct the readers back to rules 1 and 4.)
Or am I just b*tchy?
Either way, I'm gonna ask that Peter Griffin (from the Family Guy, for all you TV-challenged out there LOL) classic question, D'YOU KNOW WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS?
So.... d'you know what grinds my gears? People making a mockery of the liturgy. Like this Father Richard Rohr did at MahonyFest '07. This in from the California Catholic Daily (with a hat tip to Gerald, who's trying his damnedest to keep his promise not to curse, and my commentary in Lenten purple):
At the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress on Saturday evening, March 3, Franciscan Father Richard Rohr celebrated a “general liturgy” in a ballroom at the Anaheim Convention Center. Father Rohr is a founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico and a Congress presenter. (Now, let me explain something here. There are two types of Franciscans. We have the ones who really take the liturgy seriously, and we've had those guys fill in at my parish. Then you have the nutcases, like the one that drove my best friend out of his parish, and this guy. Read on.)
The processional hymn was “Christ Be Our Light,” accompanied by bongo drums. Liturgical dancers carried large, flowing banners down each of the aisles in the ballroom. Reaching the front of the ballroom, the dancers stood along either side of the podium, twirling the giant banners. (The hymn in itself isn't bad, even for a contemporary piece. I've heard a lot worse. The liturgical dance, however, is bad. Cardinal Arinze himself, in his current position with the Church, has decried liturgical dance.)
Rohr, making no sign of the cross as he began the liturgy, said to the assembly, “as a fellow member of the Body of Christ, I thank you for allowing me to speak in your name. The Eucharist is always set in the form of a dialogue. First of all, I recognize the presence in you, and you return the compliment, and then the body is born.” (NO sign of the cross? Talk about blatant ignorance for our reminder as to why we celebrate Holy Mass to begin with. Further, the priest doesn't speak in the name of the "gathered faithful", but acts "in persona Christi". The last sentence here is about as self-centered as they come.)
While the intercessions were read, several people, standing on each aisle of the ballroom, were making choreographed hand movements. Several audience members joined in mimicking the movements. (I can remember as a teen growing up having hand gestures forced down our throats as well, but during the Lord's Prayer. Just as bad if you ask me.)
The offertory procession began with two women waving banners, followed by two liturgical dancers, carrying a white tablecloth, sashaying up to the podium where Rohr sat waiting. They were followed by others who carried the hosts in large wicker breadbaskets and the wine in glass and plastic pitchers. (The infamous KoolAid jugs, ah yes!)
Rohr prayed over the gifts, “...make sure this people is hungry and ready to eat. Make sure we are not so filled with ourselves that there is not room for another person within us. Loving God, make sure this people is very hungry.” (What the sam hell kind of crap is this????)
Rohr changed some of the prayers of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Opening the preface, he prayed, “Father and Mother God....” Before the consecration of the host, he said, “before he was given up to death, a death he said ‘Yes’ to....” And before the consecration of the wine, Rohr prayed, “when supper was ended, he gave you thanks and praise, gave the cup to his beloved....” Following the consecration, Rohr said the Christ's bloood “will be poured out for you, and for all, so you will know your sins are forgiven.” In praying for the departed, he referred to them as “especially your own beloved who are already with the Lord.” (Now, he does know that changing the words of Holy Mass is strictly forbidden by the Church, right?)
Rohr prefaced the Our Father, by saying, “and now, knowing we are more one than we are many, though we come from different places and races, we all share the same Father-Mother God. We call upon our God, together, in the words that Jesus gave us: Our Father, Who art in Heaven...” (At least the last six words here are correct - but that's it.)
Apparently SAY THE BLACK AND DO THE RED just wasn't enough for this guy. The Church GIVES US the liturgy to celebrate. We don't give our stage act to the Church.
Either way, I'm gonna ask that Peter Griffin (from the Family Guy, for all you TV-challenged out there LOL) classic question, D'YOU KNOW WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS?
So.... d'you know what grinds my gears? People making a mockery of the liturgy. Like this Father Richard Rohr did at MahonyFest '07. This in from the California Catholic Daily (with a hat tip to Gerald, who's trying his damnedest to keep his promise not to curse, and my commentary in Lenten purple):
At the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress on Saturday evening, March 3, Franciscan Father Richard Rohr celebrated a “general liturgy” in a ballroom at the Anaheim Convention Center. Father Rohr is a founder of the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico and a Congress presenter. (Now, let me explain something here. There are two types of Franciscans. We have the ones who really take the liturgy seriously, and we've had those guys fill in at my parish. Then you have the nutcases, like the one that drove my best friend out of his parish, and this guy. Read on.)
The processional hymn was “Christ Be Our Light,” accompanied by bongo drums. Liturgical dancers carried large, flowing banners down each of the aisles in the ballroom. Reaching the front of the ballroom, the dancers stood along either side of the podium, twirling the giant banners. (The hymn in itself isn't bad, even for a contemporary piece. I've heard a lot worse. The liturgical dance, however, is bad. Cardinal Arinze himself, in his current position with the Church, has decried liturgical dance.)
Rohr, making no sign of the cross as he began the liturgy, said to the assembly, “as a fellow member of the Body of Christ, I thank you for allowing me to speak in your name. The Eucharist is always set in the form of a dialogue. First of all, I recognize the presence in you, and you return the compliment, and then the body is born.” (NO sign of the cross? Talk about blatant ignorance for our reminder as to why we celebrate Holy Mass to begin with. Further, the priest doesn't speak in the name of the "gathered faithful", but acts "in persona Christi". The last sentence here is about as self-centered as they come.)
While the intercessions were read, several people, standing on each aisle of the ballroom, were making choreographed hand movements. Several audience members joined in mimicking the movements. (I can remember as a teen growing up having hand gestures forced down our throats as well, but during the Lord's Prayer. Just as bad if you ask me.)
The offertory procession began with two women waving banners, followed by two liturgical dancers, carrying a white tablecloth, sashaying up to the podium where Rohr sat waiting. They were followed by others who carried the hosts in large wicker breadbaskets and the wine in glass and plastic pitchers. (The infamous KoolAid jugs, ah yes!)
Rohr prayed over the gifts, “...make sure this people is hungry and ready to eat. Make sure we are not so filled with ourselves that there is not room for another person within us. Loving God, make sure this people is very hungry.” (What the sam hell kind of crap is this????)
Rohr changed some of the prayers of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Opening the preface, he prayed, “Father and Mother God....” Before the consecration of the host, he said, “before he was given up to death, a death he said ‘Yes’ to....” And before the consecration of the wine, Rohr prayed, “when supper was ended, he gave you thanks and praise, gave the cup to his beloved....” Following the consecration, Rohr said the Christ's bloood “will be poured out for you, and for all, so you will know your sins are forgiven.” In praying for the departed, he referred to them as “especially your own beloved who are already with the Lord.” (Now, he does know that changing the words of Holy Mass is strictly forbidden by the Church, right?)
Rohr prefaced the Our Father, by saying, “and now, knowing we are more one than we are many, though we come from different places and races, we all share the same Father-Mother God. We call upon our God, together, in the words that Jesus gave us: Our Father, Who art in Heaven...” (At least the last six words here are correct - but that's it.)
Apparently SAY THE BLACK AND DO THE RED just wasn't enough for this guy. The Church GIVES US the liturgy to celebrate. We don't give our stage act to the Church.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
MahonyFest vs. WesterFest
Liturgy-wise, Bishop Wester's diocese is the much better example, at least in Cathedral worship.
Gerald got hold of some MahonyFest '07 pics. This pics depict what is really an insult to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I won't go any further. Those who read enough of my rants know of the disgust I feel about the Mis-edumacation Congress.
On the other hand, I got to watch the tail end of the installation of Bishop John Wester in Salt Lake City's Cathedral of the Madeleine yesterday on their Intermountain Catholic station. Needless to say, the music was in typical Madeleine fashion - very impressive. I can't wait till it goes up as an "on demand" webcast (you can watch the latest Sunday Mass that way or even subscribe to them at iTunes) and I can watch the whole thing. Unfortunately last night, I only got to hear the closing hymn (Lord, whose love in humble service set to an impressive arrangement of IN BABILONE with brass fanfares a-plenty).
Now, I put it to ya - who's got the better "Fest"? Who would be the better example how to celebrate Holy Mass? Who would be the better example how to lead his flock?
I rest my case.
Liturgy-wise, Bishop Wester's diocese is the much better example, at least in Cathedral worship.
Gerald got hold of some MahonyFest '07 pics. This pics depict what is really an insult to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. I won't go any further. Those who read enough of my rants know of the disgust I feel about the Mis-edumacation Congress.
On the other hand, I got to watch the tail end of the installation of Bishop John Wester in Salt Lake City's Cathedral of the Madeleine yesterday on their Intermountain Catholic station. Needless to say, the music was in typical Madeleine fashion - very impressive. I can't wait till it goes up as an "on demand" webcast (you can watch the latest Sunday Mass that way or even subscribe to them at iTunes) and I can watch the whole thing. Unfortunately last night, I only got to hear the closing hymn (Lord, whose love in humble service set to an impressive arrangement of IN BABILONE with brass fanfares a-plenty).
Now, I put it to ya - who's got the better "Fest"? Who would be the better example how to celebrate Holy Mass? Who would be the better example how to lead his flock?
I rest my case.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Just like at Holy Mass,
English translation gets the (s-bomb) end of the stick.
Fr. Z has the goods. Of course, where's the translation issue exposed? The paragraph about the use of Latin. Possibly the work of a pre-Vox Clara ICEL? (LOL)
English translation gets the (s-bomb) end of the stick.
Fr. Z has the goods. Of course, where's the translation issue exposed? The paragraph about the use of Latin. Possibly the work of a pre-Vox Clara ICEL? (LOL)
My wife sent these to me. This is real sand art as done at a beach in Ocean City, Maryland. Click the pictures to enlarge them if you want a closer look into detail.
The "All Are Welcome" message drives me absolutely insane (probably because of that insipid Haugen song), but the sculpture itself is quite good.

This Crucifixion sculpture has some really good detail - The rocks, corpus, and the cross are almost realistic here.

This is a really cool "headshot". He's really saying, "Come after me, and I'll make you fishers of men!" :-) (If you have a better caption for this one, drop a line in the comments box and/or post it on your own blog!)

The "All Are Welcome" message drives me absolutely insane (probably because of that insipid Haugen song), but the sculpture itself is quite good.

This Crucifixion sculpture has some really good detail - The rocks, corpus, and the cross are almost realistic here.

This is a really cool "headshot". He's really saying, "Come after me, and I'll make you fishers of men!" :-) (If you have a better caption for this one, drop a line in the comments box and/or post it on your own blog!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
is up at Just Another Day of Catholic Pondering.
Amongst the stories contributed is our shameless plug about Jason's music, mixed in with his pastor becoming Bishop of Lake Charles.
Amongst the stories contributed is our shameless plug about Jason's music, mixed in with his pastor becoming Bishop of Lake Charles.
OK, it's not the Motu Proprio that many (myself included) have hoped for, but Pope Benedict XVI has released his Post-Synodial Apostolic Exhortation, Sacramentum Caritatis (The Sacrament of Charity). Here are some excerpts:
1. The sacrament of charity (1), the Holy Eucharist is the gift that Jesus Christ makes of himself, thus revealing to us God's infinite love for every man and woman. This wondrous sacrament makes manifest that "greater" love which led him to "lay down his life for his friends" (Jn 15:13). Jesus did indeed love them "to the end" (Jn 13:1). In those words the Evangelist introduces Christ's act of immense humility: before dying for us on the Cross, he tied a towel around himself and washed the feet of his disciples. In the same way, Jesus continues, in the sacrament of the Eucharist, to love us "to the end," even to offering us his body and his blood. What amazement must the Apostles have felt in witnessing what the Lord did and said during that Supper! What wonder must the eucharistic mystery also awaken in our own hearts!
Respect for the liturgical books and the richness of signs
40. Emphasizing the importance of the ars celebrandi also leads to an appreciation of the value of the liturgical norms. (121) The ars celebrandi should foster a sense of the sacred and the use of outward signs which help to cultivate this sense, such as, for example, the harmony of the rite, the liturgical vestments, the furnishings and the sacred space. The eucharistic celebration is enhanced when priests and liturgical leaders are committed to making known the current liturgical texts and norms, making available the great riches found in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and the Order of Readings for Mass. Perhaps we take it for granted that our ecclesial communities already know and appreciate these resources, but this is not always the case. These texts contain riches which have preserved and expressed the faith and experience of the People of God over its two-thousand-year history. Equally important for a correct ars celebrandi is an attentiveness to the various kinds of language that the liturgy employs: words and music, gestures and silence, movement, the liturgical colours of the vestments. By its very nature the liturgy operates on different levels of communication which enable it to engage the whole human person. The simplicity of its gestures and the sobriety of its orderly sequence of signs communicate and inspire more than any contrived and inappropriate additions. Attentiveness and fidelity to the specific structure of the rite express both a recognition of the nature of Eucharist as a gift and, on the part of the minister, a docile openness to receiving this ineffable gift.
Liturgical song (emphasis mine)
42. In the ars celebrandi, liturgical song has a pre-eminent place. (126) Saint Augustine rightly says in a famous sermon that "the new man sings a new song. Singing is an expression of joy and, if we consider the matter, an expression of love" (127). The People of God assembled for the liturgy sings the praises of God. In the course of her two-thousand-year history, the Church has created, and still creates, music and songs which represent a rich patrimony of faith and love. This heritage must not be lost. Certainly as far as the liturgy is concerned, we cannot say that one song is as good as another. Generic improvisation or the introduction of musical genres which fail to respect the meaning of the liturgy should be avoided. As an element of the liturgy, song should be well integrated into the overall celebration (128). Consequently everything – texts, music, execution – ought to correspond to the meaning of the mystery being celebrated, the structure of the rite and the liturgical seasons (129). Finally, while respecting various styles and different and highly praiseworthy traditions, I desire, in accordance with the request advanced by the Synod Fathers, that Gregorian chant be suitably esteemed and employed (130) as the chant proper to the Roman liturgy (131).
The Latin Language
62. None of the above observations should cast doubt upon the importance of such large-scale liturgies. I am thinking here particularly of celebrations at international gatherings, which nowadays are held with greater frequency. The most should be made of these occasions. In order to express more clearly the unity and universality of the Church, I wish to endorse the proposal made by the Synod of Bishops, in harmony with the directives of the Second Vatican Council, (182) that, with the exception of the readings, the homily and the prayer of the faithful, such liturgies could be celebrated in Latin. Similarly, the better-known prayers (183) of the Church's tradition should be recited in Latin and, if possible, selections of Gregorian chant should be sung. Speaking more generally, I ask that future priests, from their time in the seminary, receive the preparation needed to understand and to celebrate Mass in Latin, and also to use Latin texts and execute Gregorian chant; nor should we forget that the faithful can be taught to recite the more common prayers in Latin, and also to sing parts of the liturgy to Gregorian chant. (184)
Here's the whole thing, straight from the horse's mouth, and in plain English.
Hat tip: Domini Sumus
1. The sacrament of charity (1), the Holy Eucharist is the gift that Jesus Christ makes of himself, thus revealing to us God's infinite love for every man and woman. This wondrous sacrament makes manifest that "greater" love which led him to "lay down his life for his friends" (Jn 15:13). Jesus did indeed love them "to the end" (Jn 13:1). In those words the Evangelist introduces Christ's act of immense humility: before dying for us on the Cross, he tied a towel around himself and washed the feet of his disciples. In the same way, Jesus continues, in the sacrament of the Eucharist, to love us "to the end," even to offering us his body and his blood. What amazement must the Apostles have felt in witnessing what the Lord did and said during that Supper! What wonder must the eucharistic mystery also awaken in our own hearts!
Respect for the liturgical books and the richness of signs
40. Emphasizing the importance of the ars celebrandi also leads to an appreciation of the value of the liturgical norms. (121) The ars celebrandi should foster a sense of the sacred and the use of outward signs which help to cultivate this sense, such as, for example, the harmony of the rite, the liturgical vestments, the furnishings and the sacred space. The eucharistic celebration is enhanced when priests and liturgical leaders are committed to making known the current liturgical texts and norms, making available the great riches found in the General Instruction of the Roman Missal and the Order of Readings for Mass. Perhaps we take it for granted that our ecclesial communities already know and appreciate these resources, but this is not always the case. These texts contain riches which have preserved and expressed the faith and experience of the People of God over its two-thousand-year history. Equally important for a correct ars celebrandi is an attentiveness to the various kinds of language that the liturgy employs: words and music, gestures and silence, movement, the liturgical colours of the vestments. By its very nature the liturgy operates on different levels of communication which enable it to engage the whole human person. The simplicity of its gestures and the sobriety of its orderly sequence of signs communicate and inspire more than any contrived and inappropriate additions. Attentiveness and fidelity to the specific structure of the rite express both a recognition of the nature of Eucharist as a gift and, on the part of the minister, a docile openness to receiving this ineffable gift.
Liturgical song (emphasis mine)
42. In the ars celebrandi, liturgical song has a pre-eminent place. (126) Saint Augustine rightly says in a famous sermon that "the new man sings a new song. Singing is an expression of joy and, if we consider the matter, an expression of love" (127). The People of God assembled for the liturgy sings the praises of God. In the course of her two-thousand-year history, the Church has created, and still creates, music and songs which represent a rich patrimony of faith and love. This heritage must not be lost. Certainly as far as the liturgy is concerned, we cannot say that one song is as good as another. Generic improvisation or the introduction of musical genres which fail to respect the meaning of the liturgy should be avoided. As an element of the liturgy, song should be well integrated into the overall celebration (128). Consequently everything – texts, music, execution – ought to correspond to the meaning of the mystery being celebrated, the structure of the rite and the liturgical seasons (129). Finally, while respecting various styles and different and highly praiseworthy traditions, I desire, in accordance with the request advanced by the Synod Fathers, that Gregorian chant be suitably esteemed and employed (130) as the chant proper to the Roman liturgy (131).
The Latin Language
62. None of the above observations should cast doubt upon the importance of such large-scale liturgies. I am thinking here particularly of celebrations at international gatherings, which nowadays are held with greater frequency. The most should be made of these occasions. In order to express more clearly the unity and universality of the Church, I wish to endorse the proposal made by the Synod of Bishops, in harmony with the directives of the Second Vatican Council, (182) that, with the exception of the readings, the homily and the prayer of the faithful, such liturgies could be celebrated in Latin. Similarly, the better-known prayers (183) of the Church's tradition should be recited in Latin and, if possible, selections of Gregorian chant should be sung. Speaking more generally, I ask that future priests, from their time in the seminary, receive the preparation needed to understand and to celebrate Mass in Latin, and also to use Latin texts and execute Gregorian chant; nor should we forget that the faithful can be taught to recite the more common prayers in Latin, and also to sing parts of the liturgy to Gregorian chant. (184)
Here's the whole thing, straight from the horse's mouth, and in plain English.
Hat tip: Domini Sumus
Monday, March 12, 2007
These make a great pair!
This Wednesday marks the second anniversary of St. Raphael Cathedral in Madison, WI, destroyed by fire. I'm happy to learn that Bishop Morlino has called on Duncan Stroik as his advisor for the building of a new cathedral. Now, learning that a final decision by Bp. Morlino won't be made until just after Easter, one can hope and pray that it's Professor Stroik who gets the job, as he has a reputation for building beautiful new churches.
Stroik, whom Bishop Robert Morlino introduced as a trusted friend and adviser, invited an audience Thursday to imagine the fire-gutted St. Raphael's Cathedral, a historic church off the Capitol Square, replaced by something more grand.
"With the Cathedral of St. Raphael you have the opportunity, maybe even the obligation, to build something that speaks with, and politely debates, the Capitol and university," Stroik told area Catholics at the O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center as part of a lecture series.
- Newspaper Article from the Capital Times (Madison, WI)
Hat tip to Dad29
This Wednesday marks the second anniversary of St. Raphael Cathedral in Madison, WI, destroyed by fire. I'm happy to learn that Bishop Morlino has called on Duncan Stroik as his advisor for the building of a new cathedral. Now, learning that a final decision by Bp. Morlino won't be made until just after Easter, one can hope and pray that it's Professor Stroik who gets the job, as he has a reputation for building beautiful new churches.
Stroik, whom Bishop Robert Morlino introduced as a trusted friend and adviser, invited an audience Thursday to imagine the fire-gutted St. Raphael's Cathedral, a historic church off the Capitol Square, replaced by something more grand.
"With the Cathedral of St. Raphael you have the opportunity, maybe even the obligation, to build something that speaks with, and politely debates, the Capitol and university," Stroik told area Catholics at the O'Connor Catholic Pastoral Center as part of a lecture series.
- Newspaper Article from the Capital Times (Madison, WI)
Hat tip to Dad29
with this great new album of contemporary Christian hits from K-Tel:
Album cover courtesy of The Crescat.
All the greatest hits, compiled onto one big album - 3 CD's of the most banal ditties you can imagine. And you can sing along with these for just $29.95. It even comes along with dance steps so your liturgical dance troupe can join in the fun too.
Order now and make your parish look like a pack of idiots by rocking the house, while the parish next door with the Gregorian Chant, polyphony, traditional hymns, and a good organist and choir, sings a reverent and beautiful Holy Mass.
Dancewear sold separately. (Link courtesy of our friend Andrew at the RPInet boards)

All the greatest hits, compiled onto one big album - 3 CD's of the most banal ditties you can imagine. And you can sing along with these for just $29.95. It even comes along with dance steps so your liturgical dance troupe can join in the fun too.
Order now and make your parish look like a pack of idiots by rocking the house, while the parish next door with the Gregorian Chant, polyphony, traditional hymns, and a good organist and choir, sings a reverent and beautiful Holy Mass.
Dancewear sold separately. (Link courtesy of our friend Andrew at the RPInet boards)

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (36:04/33.0 MB)

Feasts for the week: St. Patrick. For more information: New Advent Website.
Christus Vincit Semi-Live on the High Trail with the Bitmap: A new mysterious cowboy has come to town - the Bitmap, who reads the music list for the Third Sunday of Lent.
Christus Vincit Semi-Live on the High Trail with the Bitmap: A new mysterious cowboy has come to town - the Bitmap, who reads the music list for the Third Sunday of Lent.
Attende, Domine (Chant, Mode V); I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (tune: Kingsfold)
The Glory of these Forty Days (tune: Erhalt Uns, Herr)
There's a Wideness in God's Mercy (tune: In Babilone)
As Long as There Were Water, by Greg Willits (yes, THE Greg Willits of Rosary Army fame!), brought to you by the Podsafe Music Network.
Commercials: Catholic Rockers, iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Living Waters Edition, brought to you by the Liturgical Experimenter's Guide to Lent.
Additional Link: Holy Ghost Church
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Living Waters Edition, brought to you by the Liturgical Experimenter's Guide to Lent.
Additional Link: Holy Ghost Church
CVA Interactive Corner
Vox Cantor's arrangement of Orlando Gibbons' This is the Record of John is published by CanticaNOVA Publications. Woohoo!
(PS: Welcome to our blogroll!)
(PS: Welcome to our blogroll!)
I had the pleasure of stumbling onto this video. Who says the old BWV 565 can't be done on a squeeze box? :-)
Sunday, March 11, 2007

You be the judge.
Cartoon from Paul Nichols.
It's a boy!
Just got word from Dave Pawlak via e-mail that he and his wife Amy (both from the blog Modern Commentaries) just became proud parents of a baby boy yesterday - Charles John Pawlak!
Congrats and best of luck Dave and Amy with the new little bundle of joy!
The Snarks of Christus Vincit
Just got word from Dave Pawlak via e-mail that he and his wife Amy (both from the blog Modern Commentaries) just became proud parents of a baby boy yesterday - Charles John Pawlak!
Congrats and best of luck Dave and Amy with the new little bundle of joy!
The Snarks of Christus Vincit
Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton, RI
Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare) - March 18, 2007
TM-98 Lord, who throughout these forty days (St. Flavian)
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Gelineau/Proulx)
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm Tone 2D)
MI-440 Amazing grace! how sweet the sound (New Britain)
Sanctus, Memorial, Amen, and Agnus Dei from Jubilate Deo
Lord's Prayer: chant/English
I will go to the altar of God (Gelineau)
MI-723 Take up your cross, the Savior said (Erhalt uns, Herr)
Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare) - March 18, 2007
TM-98 Lord, who throughout these forty days (St. Flavian)
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Gelineau/Proulx)
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm Tone 2D)
MI-440 Amazing grace! how sweet the sound (New Britain)
Sanctus, Memorial, Amen, and Agnus Dei from Jubilate Deo
Lord's Prayer: chant/English
I will go to the altar of God (Gelineau)
MI-723 Take up your cross, the Savior said (Erhalt uns, Herr)
Friday, March 9, 2007

Picture courtesy of Mark at Dominican Idaho.
Pope Chart
Received a Mass Email from the Diocesan Education Office about the Pope Chart: a poster that contains information on all the Popes from St. Peter to Benedict XVI.
GO HERE to order one.
GO HERE to order one.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
in the Diocese of Phoenix
Fr. Gonzales has the goods. Novus Ordo Latin. Tridentine Latin. Novus Ordo celebrated ad orientem. You name it, Phoenix has it! Kudos!
Fr. Gonzales has the goods. Novus Ordo Latin. Tridentine Latin. Novus Ordo celebrated ad orientem. You name it, Phoenix has it! Kudos!
The Bitmap Cuts In
Excerpts from real chatting posted by Gerald at The Cafeteria Is Closed, with a little color from the Bitmap!
James: I've read that Pope Benedict is concerned about the liturgy and is about to issue a decree that encourages a more generous use of Latin in the liturgy including the use of the Tridentine rite. Do you support this and will you encourage the use of more traditional forms of worship in the archdiocese if he issues the decree?
CardinalMahony: James: of our 5 million Catholics, only a handful are interested in the Latin Mass. I must focus upon the 99% who need a vibrant Mass that includes them in its celebration.
TheBitmap: James, what the Cardinal is trying to claim here is that 99% of his ecclesiastical constituants prefer a Mass that answers the magical WIFM question, What's In-it For Me? You see, receiving Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament - body and blood, soul and divinity - just ain't enough. They like to be entertained, so he says, with insipid guitar/folk/pop styles of music and liturgical dance. Ya can't have it too churchy, dontcha know. In all reality, James, I have a gut feeling that 99% might just be a severe over-estimation, though some may just want the current rites done with a lot more reverence than that expressed in the Religious Edumacation (de-de-deeeee) Congress year after year.
steve25: Who are your most favorite Saints?
CardinalMahony: Steve: St. Joseph is my patron saint. In our new Cathedral, we have a tapestry which depicts him as the young man he really was.
The Bitmap: Mine is St. Peter, the rock upon whom our Holy Mother Church was founded. Though St. Joseph was a really cool saint, too. He heeded the Lord's call to take Mary as his wife as she conceived the Holy Infant Jesus. Now, I haven't seen the tapestry in the LA Cathedral, but if it's as hideous as the statue of who they passed off as Mary at the entrance, we might be in a bit of trouble.
Arleen: My daughter asks, why do we need to go to church on Sunday? I attend faithfully, but my daughter is of this younger generation that doesn't see the importance of going to church. She says it's boring and all they do is ask for money. How can we make church and the mass more appealing to this younger generation? I try to set an example, but feel like I can't persuade them. What can I do
CardinalMahony: Mass should involve the full, active, conscious participation of everyone. If we are involved, we love meeting God in this form. There are great Masses for teens, such as parishes with Life Teen. Find her a group of active Catholic teens who love Mass, and she will too.
The Bitmap: Yes, Mass should involve the full, active, conscious participation of everyone. By attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, you're fulfilling that third Commandment (I hope they teach these in Religious Ed down there), Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath Day. Personally, I'd steer away from the LifeTeen Masses. Don't let such misconceptions as stage band style music, teens doing homilies (this actually happened - do some YouTube searching, it's out there), and people gathering around the altar during the Liturgy of the Eucharist persuade you. Up at my east coast parish, none of our four Masses use that stuff. Our music is primarily traditional, and always reverent. Yet we have a very vibrant youth group, which showcases band style music OUTSIDE of Holy Mass (which is perfectly fine), at vibrant youth group meetings and such.
Moderator: From Denny: Why can only men become priests, and not women?
CardinalMahony: The moderator has better answers than I do to that question!!!
CardinalMahony: Denny: we are following the tradition of the early Church and Jesus' actions. That has become our Tradition for a long time.
The Bitmap: Is the Cardinal saying that if he had his way "Tradition" would be broken? He doesn't sound too keen on this one.
Moderator: From Fran at Congress: I've been asked this and I don't know -- Can Catholics' burial ashes be scattered?
CardinalMahony: Fran: normally, we encourage that all of the ashes be in one place for the sake of the family and future generations, but if someone wants to spread their ashes over the sea or forest, well, they do return to their origins. Just don't spread them over Disneyland.
The Bitmap: I will defer to the Curt Jester, who directly quotes the Order of Christian Funerals - The practice of scattering cremated remains on the sea, from the air, or on the ground, or keeping cremated remains in the home of a relative or friend of the deceased are not the reverent disposition that the Church requires. (416) That especially goes for Disneyland.
The Bitmap has signed off.
Excerpts from real chatting posted by Gerald at The Cafeteria Is Closed, with a little color from the Bitmap!
James: I've read that Pope Benedict is concerned about the liturgy and is about to issue a decree that encourages a more generous use of Latin in the liturgy including the use of the Tridentine rite. Do you support this and will you encourage the use of more traditional forms of worship in the archdiocese if he issues the decree?
CardinalMahony: James: of our 5 million Catholics, only a handful are interested in the Latin Mass. I must focus upon the 99% who need a vibrant Mass that includes them in its celebration.
TheBitmap: James, what the Cardinal is trying to claim here is that 99% of his ecclesiastical constituants prefer a Mass that answers the magical WIFM question, What's In-it For Me? You see, receiving Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament - body and blood, soul and divinity - just ain't enough. They like to be entertained, so he says, with insipid guitar/folk/pop styles of music and liturgical dance. Ya can't have it too churchy, dontcha know. In all reality, James, I have a gut feeling that 99% might just be a severe over-estimation, though some may just want the current rites done with a lot more reverence than that expressed in the Religious Edumacation (de-de-deeeee) Congress year after year.
steve25: Who are your most favorite Saints?
CardinalMahony: Steve: St. Joseph is my patron saint. In our new Cathedral, we have a tapestry which depicts him as the young man he really was.
The Bitmap: Mine is St. Peter, the rock upon whom our Holy Mother Church was founded. Though St. Joseph was a really cool saint, too. He heeded the Lord's call to take Mary as his wife as she conceived the Holy Infant Jesus. Now, I haven't seen the tapestry in the LA Cathedral, but if it's as hideous as the statue of who they passed off as Mary at the entrance, we might be in a bit of trouble.
Arleen: My daughter asks, why do we need to go to church on Sunday? I attend faithfully, but my daughter is of this younger generation that doesn't see the importance of going to church. She says it's boring and all they do is ask for money. How can we make church and the mass more appealing to this younger generation? I try to set an example, but feel like I can't persuade them. What can I do
CardinalMahony: Mass should involve the full, active, conscious participation of everyone. If we are involved, we love meeting God in this form. There are great Masses for teens, such as parishes with Life Teen. Find her a group of active Catholic teens who love Mass, and she will too.
The Bitmap: Yes, Mass should involve the full, active, conscious participation of everyone. By attending the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, you're fulfilling that third Commandment (I hope they teach these in Religious Ed down there), Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath Day. Personally, I'd steer away from the LifeTeen Masses. Don't let such misconceptions as stage band style music, teens doing homilies (this actually happened - do some YouTube searching, it's out there), and people gathering around the altar during the Liturgy of the Eucharist persuade you. Up at my east coast parish, none of our four Masses use that stuff. Our music is primarily traditional, and always reverent. Yet we have a very vibrant youth group, which showcases band style music OUTSIDE of Holy Mass (which is perfectly fine), at vibrant youth group meetings and such.
Moderator: From Denny: Why can only men become priests, and not women?
CardinalMahony: The moderator has better answers than I do to that question!!!
CardinalMahony: Denny: we are following the tradition of the early Church and Jesus' actions. That has become our Tradition for a long time.
The Bitmap: Is the Cardinal saying that if he had his way "Tradition" would be broken? He doesn't sound too keen on this one.
Moderator: From Fran at Congress: I've been asked this and I don't know -- Can Catholics' burial ashes be scattered?
CardinalMahony: Fran: normally, we encourage that all of the ashes be in one place for the sake of the family and future generations, but if someone wants to spread their ashes over the sea or forest, well, they do return to their origins. Just don't spread them over Disneyland.
The Bitmap: I will defer to the Curt Jester, who directly quotes the Order of Christian Funerals - The practice of scattering cremated remains on the sea, from the air, or on the ground, or keeping cremated remains in the home of a relative or friend of the deceased are not the reverent disposition that the Church requires. (416) That especially goes for Disneyland.
The Bitmap has signed off.
Sequel to two earlier rants
A couple of weeks ago, I ranted here, then here, on those ecclesiastically misinformed souls who insist that the holy water be removed from fonts during lent to be replaced with such stuff as rocks, sticks, twigs, sand, kitty litter, etc.
Anita at V for Victory has this take which I think is quite good (and quite funny):
First this, from an English astronomer:
Put three grains of sand inside a vast cathedral, and the cathedral will be more closely packed with sand than space is with stars.
- Sir James Jeans, English astronomer
Now this appropriate twist from Anita:
Put three grains of sand inside a vast cathedral's holy water font, and the cathedral will be more closely packed with sand than the parish life director's head is with brains.
So true!
A couple of weeks ago, I ranted here, then here, on those ecclesiastically misinformed souls who insist that the holy water be removed from fonts during lent to be replaced with such stuff as rocks, sticks, twigs, sand, kitty litter, etc.
Anita at V for Victory has this take which I think is quite good (and quite funny):
First this, from an English astronomer:
Put three grains of sand inside a vast cathedral, and the cathedral will be more closely packed with sand than space is with stars.
- Sir James Jeans, English astronomer
Now this appropriate twist from Anita:
Put three grains of sand inside a vast cathedral's holy water font, and the cathedral will be more closely packed with sand than the parish life director's head is with brains.
So true!
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
I was going to wait for Jason on this one, since his boss is involved in this story, but since it's becoming news around the blogosphere (click here and here and here), with people even posting links exposing the great music at Jason's parish, I felt it's high time Christus Vincit jumps on the bandwagon on this one.
Anyways, Msgr. Glen Provost, pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Church in Lafayette, LA (Jason's parish), is now Bishop-elect Glen Provost, as he will become the next bishop of Lake Charles, LA. And the posts I linked all put Jason's great work on display, obviously supported by Bishop-elect Provost. So, yeah - the move by Pope Benedict XVI now made public was a perfect excuse to make a shameless plug of one of our own snarks!
BTW - wanna get blown away? Listen to Jason at the Hoffman Organ playing Rutter's Toccata in Seven.
Kudos to Jason, and to Bishop-elect Provost. Let's pray that Jason's next pastor doesn't try to undo the great work that's gone on at Fatima over the last few years.
Anyways, Msgr. Glen Provost, pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Church in Lafayette, LA (Jason's parish), is now Bishop-elect Glen Provost, as he will become the next bishop of Lake Charles, LA. And the posts I linked all put Jason's great work on display, obviously supported by Bishop-elect Provost. So, yeah - the move by Pope Benedict XVI now made public was a perfect excuse to make a shameless plug of one of our own snarks!
BTW - wanna get blown away? Listen to Jason at the Hoffman Organ playing Rutter's Toccata in Seven.
Kudos to Jason, and to Bishop-elect Provost. Let's pray that Jason's next pastor doesn't try to undo the great work that's gone on at Fatima over the last few years.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
I've Been Slacking....
Here is the Cathedral Music for Lent I, Lent II, and Lent III.
Entrance: Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days / ST. FLAVIAN
Kyrie: chant
Psalm 91: Guimont
Verse: chant
Offertory: The Glory of These Forty Days / ERHALT UNS HERR
Anthem (9:30): Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God - Carl Mueller
Sanctus XVIII
Acclamation B/Amen: chant
Pater Noster: chant
Agnus Dei XVIII
Anthem (9:30): Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts -- Henry Purcell
Communion: OEW
Recessional: Grant to Us, O Lord -- Deiss (refrain only. Taize style.)
Entrance: 'Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here / SWABIA (alt. harm. BMP)
Kyrie: Chant
Psalm 27: Guimont
Verse: chant
Offertory: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light / HOUSTON
Anthems (9:30): Hide Not Thou Thy Face from Us, O Lord; Call to Remembrance -- Richard Farrant
Anthem (9:30): Prayer -- Robert Lau
Chant: Grant to Us, O Lord -- Deiss
Entrance: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say / KINGSFOLD (alt. harm. Rawsthorne)
Kyrie: chant
Psalm 95: Guimont
Verse: chant
Anthem (9:30): Like as the Hart -- Healey Willan
Offertory: Forty Days and Forty Night / HEINLEIN
Anthem (9:30): Lead Me, Lord, in Thy Righteousness -- Samuel Sebastian Wesley
Communion: Psalm 63 -- Gelineau
Chant: Grant to Us, O Lord -- Deiss
Entrance: Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days / ST. FLAVIAN
Kyrie: chant
Psalm 91: Guimont
Verse: chant
Offertory: The Glory of These Forty Days / ERHALT UNS HERR
Anthem (9:30): Create in Me a Clean Heart, O God - Carl Mueller
Sanctus XVIII
Acclamation B/Amen: chant
Pater Noster: chant
Agnus Dei XVIII
Anthem (9:30): Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts -- Henry Purcell
Communion: OEW
Recessional: Grant to Us, O Lord -- Deiss (refrain only. Taize style.)
Entrance: 'Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here / SWABIA (alt. harm. BMP)
Kyrie: Chant
Psalm 27: Guimont
Verse: chant
Offertory: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light / HOUSTON
Anthems (9:30): Hide Not Thou Thy Face from Us, O Lord; Call to Remembrance -- Richard Farrant
Anthem (9:30): Prayer -- Robert Lau
Chant: Grant to Us, O Lord -- Deiss
Entrance: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say / KINGSFOLD (alt. harm. Rawsthorne)
Kyrie: chant
Psalm 95: Guimont
Verse: chant
Anthem (9:30): Like as the Hart -- Healey Willan
Offertory: Forty Days and Forty Night / HEINLEIN
Anthem (9:30): Lead Me, Lord, in Thy Righteousness -- Samuel Sebastian Wesley
Communion: Psalm 63 -- Gelineau
Chant: Grant to Us, O Lord -- Deiss
Don't forget that Daylight Saving Time begins this weekend! Congress expanded DST in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and we now "spring forward" on the second Sunday of March and "fall back" on the first Sunday of November. Of course if you live in Arizona or Hawaii, it doesn't affect you.
If you need to download an update for your computer (mine seems to have downloaded and installed the update automatically), here are some links.
More information on DST in general.
DST around the world.
If you need to download an update for your computer (mine seems to have downloaded and installed the update automatically), here are some links.
More information on DST in general.
DST around the world.
helpful hints,
Miscellaneous BS,
Monday, March 5, 2007
Red Sox cap tip to Rhapsody.
Your Brain is Blue |
![]() Of all the brain types, yours is the most mellow. You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don't try to think away your troubles. Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life. |
In fact, he's coming to our parish. It's been in the works for a while, but I deliberately blew off posting anything until it became official. It's now official: Dr. Scott Hahn will be at our parish for an event called A Day with Dr. Scott Hahn (nice title LOL), from 10 AM to 4 PM on September 8, 2007 (the Birth of Mary). This is a ticket-required event. Click here for all the goods!
Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton, RI
Lent III - March 11, 2007
MI-474 I heard the voice of Jesus say (Kingsfold)
Kyrie: parrot Father
The Lord is kind and merciful (Psalm Tone 8G)
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm Tone 2D)
TM-97 Attende, Domine (Mode V / in Latin)
Sanctus, Memorial, Amen, Agnus: Jubilate Deo
Lord's Prayer: chant/English
The Lord is my light (Gelineau/Proulx)
MI-421 There's a wideness in God's mercy (In Babilone)
Lent III - March 11, 2007
MI-474 I heard the voice of Jesus say (Kingsfold)
Kyrie: parrot Father
The Lord is kind and merciful (Psalm Tone 8G)
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm Tone 2D)
TM-97 Attende, Domine (Mode V / in Latin)
Sanctus, Memorial, Amen, Agnus: Jubilate Deo
Lord's Prayer: chant/English
The Lord is my light (Gelineau/Proulx)
MI-421 There's a wideness in God's mercy (In Babilone)

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (32:47/30.0 MB)

We've also added an explanation on The Bitmap, and more miscellaneous outbursts.
Feasts for the week:
SS Perpetua and Felicity; St. John of God; St. Frances of Rome.
For more information, see the New Advent Website.
Christus Vincit Semi-Live on I-195 is back to normal at 70 MPH. We discuss the music we did for the Second Sunday of Lent, but Shamus is not only laid up, but ran into some trouble with the law!
Parce Domine (Chant, Mode I); 'Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here (tune: Swabia)
The Glory of these Forty Days (tune: Erhalt Uns, Herr); Beautiful Savior (tune: St. Elizabeth)
Temptation, sung by Bree Noble, brought to you by Podsafe.
Commercials: Deus Caritas Est Podcast, iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin: Attende, Domine, brought to you by the Los Angeles Religious Education Conference.
Additional Link: Holy Ghost Church
Parce Domine (Chant, Mode I); 'Tis Good, Lord, to Be Here (tune: Swabia)
The Glory of these Forty Days (tune: Erhalt Uns, Herr); Beautiful Savior (tune: St. Elizabeth)
Temptation, sung by Bree Noble, brought to you by Podsafe.
Commercials: Deus Caritas Est Podcast, iPadre Podcasting Network, Disciples with Microphones
Shamus' Adventures in Classical Latin: Attende, Domine, brought to you by the Los Angeles Religious Education Conference.
Additional Link: Holy Ghost Church
CVA Interactive Corner
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