Easter Sunday - March 23, 2008

Back to my usual stomping grounds when I'm not at the console. On the most part, a very good hymn selection.
Jesus Christ is ris'n today..."Easter Hymn"
This is the day the Lord has made...Alstott
(Somehow the sequence got skipped.)
Celtic Alleluia...O'Carroll/Walker
Join in the dance...Schutte (Not the greatest piece, but Paul did a good job of making it sound like a hymn)
Sanctus/Memorial/Amen...Haugen/Creation (Paul busted my chops after Mass, saying "I was thinking of you when I played the Holy. I know how you just LOVE Mass of Cremation." I then corrected him and said, "No, Paul. It's MASSIVE Creamation." Both of us had a good laugh.)
Agnus XVIII (a cappella) - I was pleasantly surprised to hear this there.
Three Days..."Thaxted"
Jesus is risen..."Lasst uns Erfreuen"
Join in the Dance? On the organ? Wow, I'm impressed. I successfully lobbied to not use it this year because even on piano it always sounded too hokey and no one would sing. And that was our entrance hymn, too. Not a great way to start off Easter Sunday.
Yeah, periodically Paul's gotta throw one in like that, but he does very well in doing it some justice.
Usually the closest I'll get to contemporary on Easter Day would be Hillert's "Festival Canticle".
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