Saturday, March 4, 2006

Lent II at the Cathedral

Entrance: 'Tis Good, Lord, to be Here / SWABIA

Kyrie: chant

Psalm 116: Gelineau

Acclamation: chant, arr. NFB

Offertory: I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light / HOUSTON

Offertory Anthem: God So Loved the World -- Sir John Stainer

Sanctus XVIII

Mem. Acc. B (adapted by NFB)

Simple Amen

Pater Noster: chant

Agnus Dei XVIII

Communion Hymn: TBA

Communion Anthem: Lord, for Thy Tender Mercy's Sake -- Richard Farrant

Recessional: The Glory of These Forty Days / ERHALT UNS HERR

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love your Communion Anthem. It's funny, whenever I think of that piece, I immediately think of the choir director's instructions to us: "Don't even think of singing any R's in this piece - it's an impure thought, and ruins all the vowels!" Or his classic: "Your vowels are flatter than the wall!" It's generally well-received and the choir loves to sing it.