(Hat tip to Gerald)
Real answer: the Catholic Cathedral in Liverpool, England, birthplace of the Beatles (and I am a big fan of the Beatles, don't get me wrong).
Gerald and some others via comments on his post say spaceship. I was thinking some big time factory or nuclear power plant (or for the phonetically challenged: nucular power plant). The first time I saw this picture I looked really quick at confused those banners-on-poles with smokestacks. The top of this cathedral reminds me of a grease factory (cooking grease, etc.) not far from me. So, generically, one could say "industrial cathedral", perhaps?
What say ye?
Gee, I thought it was Space Mountain at Disney....
Now that I think of it, brother snark, Space Mountain did come up in Gerald's post comments as well. Although I can't remember whether it was for this or the Oakland cathedral-in-the-works (both were mentioned in his post).
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