Hat tip to
Duncan G. Stroik. He builds good looking Catholic churches. They look Catholic. They look sacred. I'm awestruck! Check these out!

This is All Saints Church, just near Covington, Kentucky. This exterior is kind of reminiscent to me of, let's say, Old Saint Joseph's in Boston. Wait! You think that looks nice, get a load of this...

WOW! Already looks like it might be a historic church that just got restored to its full original beauty. You can click on these, btw, for the BIG picture.
Now, let's look the other way...

This is another impressive view, this time from the Baldacchino. Hey, did I just say
Baldacchino??? Hey, yeah, like, I did! What's really cool about this Baldacchino is the dove at the top. That tells me that the Holy Spirit is watching and guiding. Oh, and is that a choir loft I see??? And organ pipes??? OOH! BRIAN LIKES!!!
Check out the rest of the Duncan Stroik
portfolio. You'll love it! Forget Vosko. Stroik knows where it's at when it comes to building real churches and not just "worship spaces".
Can Christendom stand any more proof that we actually agree on more than disagree?
Our parish brought out Dr. Stroik when interviewing prospective architects (which he actually professes not to be.) I had done some internet snooping and was already pre-disposed to his predilecitons. His interview was quite impressive. However, he's not everyone's cup of "realistic tea" and we've retained another firm for the design and oversee of the construction of our town's third parish, tentatively envisioned a basillica by our bishop. But Stroik is a "man for all seasons" by all means.
NICE!!! But I can't tell, is the inside shaped like a cross? Still beautiful. Wish we had one like that down here in Alabama.
And are you going to start doing this once a week? Posting good and bad pictures of Catholic churches? If so, let me know so I can cross post to your site. ;-)
Enh.....is that a piano, or organ console in front of the people, and not in the choir loft where it should be? Grr...
But yeah, otherwise, definitely a cut or three above the drudgery I have seen.
Cantor, looks like it could be a pulpit.
Alabama, I haven't promoted a good or bad looking church in quite some time. But then, it's been that long since I've come across one either way. But feel free to cross link anytime.
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