Friday, June 30, 2006
I want to be as close to ready as humanly possible. God only knows the big three publishers and their composers will be ready with their heavy artillery. But I also want it to be good. I have no intention on rushing. I will either submit to CanticaNOVA or go on my own at the proper time.
I'm working on the Gloria as I write this. Title: Mass of the Heavenly Hosts.
with the ORTHODOX and the LUTHERANS
Full story at Renew America.
Two of my favorite locals, once again, get featured - Fr. Thomas Kocik (St. Thomas More Church, Somerset, MA, and author of The Reform of the Reform?), and Fr. Joseph Santos (current pastor of my favorite parish of all those that I am a former employee of, Holy Name of Jesus in Providence, RI).
The Novus Ordo didn't hit it off to well with the Orthodox OR the Lutherans.
Thursday, June 29, 2006

This is the whereabouts of the brand spankin' new Wyoming Catholic College.
Imagine the addition of a basilica-sized chapel on this campus? Would be sweet!
Here is what Kevin Knight at New Advent says:
It's going to be really Catholic. With Benedictine spiritual formation, Confession and moral formation, Eucharistic adoration, Marian devotion and "a culture of daily Mass attendance."
The curriculum is Great Books.
Most intriguingly, outdoor education will be a mandatory part of the experience. Freshman orientation consists of a three-week backpacking trip in the nearby mountains. (And yes, they realize that most incoming freshmen will be Twinkie-weaned city mice. Guides will teach them everything they need to know while they're out there.)
But here's what the college's liturgical choir will be singing, according to the college's website:
The choir will sing both contemporary and longstanding traditional sacred music including Gregorian chant. (emphasis mine)
The fact that they've remembered to include those two styles I emphasized above is a great plus. In terms of contemporary, however, will that be the folk/pop styles, or just contemporary in age (a la Peloquin, Proulx, Rutter, etc.)? I'd be curious. I'd have no problem with the latter.

Again, emphasis mine. Hmmmmm! Lots of nice basilica-style-ediface-friendly space. Doesn't have to be now. After all, the college is just starting out. But in later years, maybe?
Looks like they're heading in the right direction anyways.

Peter Paul is introducing the Special Limited Patron Saint Edition for Dioceses whose Cathedrals are named after both Saint Peter and Saint Paul (simultaneously - or as I heard one guy once say on Hollywood Squares, "simultaneously, and at the same time").
This would include Providence, Philadelphia, and Indianapolis (so far). Any others, please let me know.
Cardinal George: LA in LA (Liturgiam Authenticam in Los Angeles)
(link is to the whole story)
(I will print snips here in italics, with my own commentary, snarky or otherwise, in regular type)
At the center of the bishops’ concerns during our meeting was the approval of a partial translation of the latest edition of the Roman Missal. The Roman Missal was revised after the Council and published under the authority of Pope Paul VI. That first edition of the Pauline Missal was translated into English and is still being used. Since the late 1960s, however, the Holy See has published a second edition of the post-Vatican II Missal and then, a couple of years ago, a third edition. The third edition has several more canons and prefaces and a number of new feast days to mark the celebrations of saints recently canonized. Because there is a new edition of the Missal in Latin, there has to be a new translation in the vernacular languages of the Catholic world. Some people have asked why we are bothering with new translations of the Mass. The reason is because we’re still using the first edition of the revised Roman Missal when we should be using the third edition.
Wow - we've really slacked here. So, we never even saw a second edition. OOF! The big question... WHY?
Let's scroll down to the explanation of And with Your Spirit.
A case in point is the much-discussed translation of “et cum spiritu tuo” as “and with your spirit” rather than the current “and also with you.” Our current translation might seem more personal and friendly, but that’s the problem. The spirit referred to in the Latin is the spirit of Christ that comes to a priest when he is ordained, as St. Paul explained to St. Timothy. In other words, the people are saying in their response that Christ as head of the Church is the head of the liturgical assembly, no matter who the particular priest celebrant might be. That is a statement of faith, a statement distorted by transforming it into an exchange of personal greetings.
Distorted to the point where many celebrants still begin Mass with those two dreaded words: Good morning, and the people reply with those dreaded three words: Good morning, Father. This exchange should take place in the narthex.
The texts of the Order of Mass approved by the U.S. bishops last week are both beautiful and interesting. It will take some time and personal investment to pray them well. The full Missal will not be in use for two or three years, and this will give us time to become more instructed in the matter.
Cool. Now, as we await Rome to give the green light, let's compose some settings shall we? I should get to work on these. Then if anything changes, I can do a rework of some sort. ;)
Cathedral Renovations

The top picture is a photograph of the current Cathedral layout. As part of the renovations and repainting, the Bishop is moving the tabernacle back to the apse, and moving the cathedra to its former location (which is where the tabernacle is located in this photograph.)

The bottom photograph is an architectural rendering of the apse after the tabernacle is moved, the ornamentation in arches is added (well, restored, actually), the frieze of the four Evangelists is painted, and columns at the edge of the apse are painted to look like marble. (The altar is not being moved, but is omitted in the rendering to show the tabernacle more clearly.)
A New Parody!!!
Ashtrays (after Tom Conry, Ashes)
We gather round the ashtray and smoke our fine cigars,
And sip from strong libations we created at the bar.
If all the world is ashes, then we probably got nuked,
But since that hasn't happened, come join our little group.
We'll offer you our brandy, and afterwards a mint.
I'd love to smoke one with you, but I gave them up for Lent.
So the ashtray I'll be cleaning, and restock the humidor,
For that glorious Easter morning, when I'll smoke cigars once more.
They come from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Ecuador,
But we can't get them from Cuba 'til Castro's in the morgue.
From luxurious, dark maduros to a candela's lighter hue,
And my awful-looking ashtray are waiting there for you.
Thanks be to Columbus, who brought us the cigar,
And thanks be for the Cubans I had smuggled in my car,
And thanks be for the websites where we can all afford to buy
An off'ring for my ashtray, and an offering for you.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Anyhoo, we got into today's blog watch at the Register for this post. Didn't know until I read the comment from Domini Sumus. BTW, Domini Sumus, come to find out, is a neighboring organist and music director in the Fall River area. So, hi neighbor, and thanks for the tip! ;)

OFF-TOPIC: BIRD FLU (Not the "Eagle's Wings" Bird Flu this time)
One Way for Bird Flu to enter the country is on international flights. Don't get on an airplane that looks like this.
(Note: got this from Nick via e-mail; had to figure out the best way to post this. -BMP)

Sent to me by a fraternity brother, here is the first "official" picture of Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger after his accident. It remains to be seen if The Truffle Shuffle will make its way into the Steelers play book for next season.
Rocky Road, anyone?
POPE Benedict wants only "authentic" sacred music in church services, which includes traditional choirs and Gregorian chant but not guitars or folk/popular-style choruses.
Speaking after a concert in his honour in the Sistine Chapel at the weekend, the Pope said sacred music must take into account the tradition of the church, especially "sacred polyphony".
Leading Melbourne Catholic singer and songwriter Juliette Hughes sympathised with the Pope. "There's lots of dreadful guitar music that is a stumbling block to people who want to come back to church — that dreadful 'I want to have a beer with Jesus' music," she said.
I like that description. I'll have to remember that next time I get a call for sacro-pop. "So, would you like to have a beer with Jesus today?" Kinda like the Crescat's post about "Christ our Buddy" (still funny to this day).
Hat tip to Ignatius Insight Scoop, who gives us the above, as well as this from Zenit:
"Sacred polyphony," the Holy Father said Saturday after a concert held in his honor by the Domenico Bartolucci Foundation, "especially the so-called 'Roman school,' is a legacy that must be carefully conserved, maintained alive and made known." (emphasis mine)
Finally, we suspect that the way forward will also include accommodating those who simply refuse to go along and will stand in place and continue to use the same language they’ve been using for decades. Our suspicion is that God will not be terribly upset by a little show of resistance.
This doesn't surprise me. These are among the folk that whine about undoing the last thirty-some years but won't think twice about undoing several centuries of Church tradition.
Hat tip to the Curt Jester.
Following a similar decision by U.S. Bishops, the Bishops of Australia have voted, in principle, to accept a new English translation of the Roman Catholic Mass, which the Vatican favors as being more faithful to the original Latin text, reported the Sydney Morning Herald.
Bishops in England and Wales have also voted to accept the new English translation, drafted as a result of a Vatican directive issued in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. On June 15, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops also conditionally approved the changes by a mail-in ballot. It is a process that the whole English-speaking Catholic world is undertaking.
Most of the changes to the Mass are minor and generally look similar to the translations approved in the U.S. and U.K.
Hat tip to Gerald.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Cardinal Carlo Furno, grand master of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, said it was “better to have guitars on the altar and rock and roll Masses than empty churches”. The use of modern music was a “sign of the vitality of the faith”.
I'll go to that empty church and invite all my friends to come fill it up rather than go to a "rock and roll Mass". Thank God, the Anchoress is on the side of Catholicism - prefacing Cdl. Furno by writing, Meanwhile, some in this article have their noses out of joint. I'll "afterword" him by saying, To h-e-double-hockey-sticks with this "grand master of the Equestrian Order" and the horse he rode on!
Here's the entire Anchoress article. Speaking of which, The Anchoress has made it to the Definitive Christus Vincit Blogosphere, as has the New Advent blog.
More Housecleaning in Saginaw
Read on........
This Just In....
An article from Chiesa about the new direction of music in the church, beginning with the firing of Msgr. Bartolucci in 1997, and the subsequent corrections under the current papacy.
For the users of Worship III, that leaves only one concern - what about musical settings of the Ordinary? The hymns, which on the most part are very good (except for the crappy inclusive language binge they went on), would stay intact.
In the meantime, they should get going on a Worship IV. Use the best of Worship I, II, and III, add the better pieces from RitualSong, lose the inclusive language, (for once and for all) lose that A Living Faith ditty and bring back the real Faith of Our Fathers, and include the new Mass translation (along with the parallel Latin). Keep the Grail/Gelineau Psalm settings, too (though a good chunk of the Guimont collection isn't bad either). Though the Psalm translations may change too, as the ICEL, BCL, and USCCB still have to bash heads on the Proper of the Mass, now that the Ordinary is done and awaits approval from Rome.
OT 14 at the Cathedral
Entrance: God Has Spoken by His Prophets / RUSTINGTON
Gloria: Andrews
Psalm: Respond and Acclaim
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: God, Whose Purpose is to Kindle / HYMN TO JOY
Sanctus, etc: Creation
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: Psalm 34 - "Taste and See" - Guimont
Recessional: Go to the World / SINE NOMINE
Postlude: Prelude in E Minor (Eight Little)
We are learning the hymntune RUSTINGTON this summer, as the text "God Has Spoken by His Prophets" is very appropriate for the next several weeks in a row. This tune is also paired with the text "God Whose Giving Knows No Ending". RUSTINGTON is by C. Hubert H. Parry, and will be a lovely addition to the Cathedral's repertoire.
OT 13 at the Cathedral
Entrance: Now Thank We All Our God / NUN DANKET
Gloria: Andrews
Psalm: Michel Guimont
Celtic Alleluia
Offertory: You Are Mine
Sanctus, etc.: Creation
Agnus Dei: Isele in D
Communion: At That First Eucharist / UNDE ET MEMORES
Recessional: Faith of Our Fathers / ST. CATHERINE
Postlude: Nun danket alle Gott -- Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Monday, June 26, 2006

You can listen below, or save the file by clicking here. (47:20/21.6 MB)
Today we'll be exploring the options available for funeral Masses, and why the "request line" is not always a good thing. Here's my request list.
Intro done by Chris Vincent, and Ordinary Time
Music List: Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time
I Sing the Mighty Power of God (tune: Ellacombe); Our Blessing Cup (written by moi);
Joy, performed by Charlie Crowe (by popular demand), courtesy Podsafe
Christus Vincit Sports: Shamus crowns the BISHOPS IN SPORTS (NBA/NHL) playoff champions. Blogs mentioned: Argent by the Tiber and The Crescat
Catholic Mormon Podcast, iPadre (he's got a new show up - check it out!)
Disciples with Microphones
Closing notes, and Canis the Catholic Watchdog (pictured above) boards the Women's Ordination Sea Cruise to do some damage.
Vote at Podcast Alley / Message Board / Subscribe at iTunes
“My big concern is people are going to feel like they’re being jerked around. They finally got used to the English translation and now they have to get used to another translation,” said Rev. Thomas Reese, a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University and a Jesuit priest. “It’s going to cause chaos and real problems and the people who are going to be at the brunt end of it are the poor priests in the parishes who don’t need any more problems.”
Fr. Zuhlsdorf rightfully sums that up in one word: COWARD!
The good Father Zuhlsdorf continues:
Will this be hard? Of course! Will priests face some people who are irritated or confused? When don’t they? Are priests are going to bear the main burden of this challenge in a parish. When have they not? And if that isn’t enough, when did the role of the Catholic lay faithful in the Church become easy? Catholics trying to live their lives well in this world as it is today are often faced with challenges that would make most priests curl up in a ball and suck their thumbs. Do parents of children simply flop down and whine about how hard it is going to be to educate their children, feed them, shelter them, see to their needs? "sniff… It’s soooooo harrrrrrrrrd!" I am tempted to put this in terms more suited to Tony Soprano, but “Boo hoo!” You want a real challenge? How about the state of life of a mother in a military family with several children and her Marine husband in Iraq? Can we please get some perspective here?
We could start making our jobs easier by telling people “Hey, this is going to be GREAT!” rather than constantly sniveling about hard it is going to be. When you want junior to eat those Brussels sprouts does it strike you as particularly bright to introduce them with the phrase, “You’re gonna hate these!"
You know what's funny? I used to hear the same sort of flack from people who were used to throwaway missalettes and music issues picking up their first Worship hymnal - in a couple of different parishes. Oh, these books are heavy. That's good! Means that they're chocked full of good music. They get over it, and realize that the material in these hymnals were well worth the weight they carry and it wasn't such a bad cross after all.
Same goes with the new translation. It's the translation we probably should have had nearly forty years ago, but was agenda-driven and rushed. So now we've gone back to try to do it right. The dissidents will (as one of the Rhode Island Lottery's latest scratch tickets is titled) get over it!
In its most recent Newsletter, the USCCB Committee for the Liturgy announced that a 9 October consultation is to be held in Chicago to seek "the advice of organizations and groups dealing with questions of music and the liturgy."
I hope they're selective as to which "organizations and groups" these guys will be seeking advice from than certain agenda-driven organizations themselves or the big publishers they support.
Within five years of Liturgiam authenticam, the document stipulated that each episcopal conference was to prepare an official Directory "or repertory of texts intended for liturgical singing" within its jurisdiction. The USCCB will likely be the first conference to vote on a proposed Directory at its November meeting, to be held this year in Baltimore.
This needs a 2/3 majority vote, just as the Ordinary of the Mass needed, btw. Its intent was to build a "common repertoire" for parishes in the United States.
The Chicago consultation will be held with an eye toward "discuss[ing] the revision" of Music and Catholic Worship and Liturgical Music Today, which are viewed as the "two foundational documents on the subject of the music and the sacred liturgy."
It needs it. I found both of these documents to be agenda-driven at the time they came out.
Sunday, June 25, 2006
For further detail, you MUST check out this Curt Jester exclusive!
Sat. 4:30 / Sun. 7:30, 9, 10:30
Introit: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (Music Issue, 741/Hyfrydol)
Penitential Rite: parrot Father
Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Psalm: I will praise you, Lord, for you have rescued me (Gelineau/Carroll)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: Faith of our fathers, living still (Music Issue, 484/St. Catherine)
Eucharist: People's/Danish combo and English chanted Lord's Prayer (see Corpus Christi list)
Communion: The Lord is Kind and Merciful (Peloquin/Songs of Israel II)
Recessional: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (Missalette, 25/Lobe den Herren)

The Poncho Ladies are at it again. Read Jeff's post here.
Here are two opinions within my family:
Brittany, my eight year old daughter
Princess, the family cat
And Jeff reiterated what I had mentioned here that they also check for lice as part of the "ordination" process.
Let me call my friend over!
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Our own Nick asked me via comment in the Bp. Tobin post:
Nice article. If Fr. Finelli shares the letter Bp. Tobin sent to the pastors, please give us the highlights as well.
I never did get anything from Fr. Finelli on the Bp. Tobin take, but the iPadre has a take of his own, which I now share with you, our readers. In my opinion, this article is excellent, and resembles a similar catechesis used when Father gave the good people of Holy Ghost Church their first tastes of Latin (some for the first time ever, some for the first time since Vatican II). He pointed out the documents just as they are, just as he does here. Nothing gets hosed down for the sake of political correctness.
"The Latin liturgical texts of the Roman Rite, while drawing on centuries of Ecclesial experience in transmitting the faith of the Church received from the Fathers, are themselves the fruit of the liturgical renewal, just recently brought forth. In order that such a rich patrimony may be preserved and passed on through the centuries, it is to be kept in mind from the beginning that the translation of the liturgical texts of the Roman Liturgy is not so much a work of creative innovation as it is of rendering the original texts faithfully and accurately into the vernacular language. While it is permissible to arrange the wording, the syntax and the style in such a way as to prepare a flowing vernacular text suitable to the rythym of popular prayer, the original text, insofar as possible, must be translated integrally and in the most exact manner, without omissions or additions in terms of their content, and without paraphrases or glosses. Any adaptation to the characteristics or the nature of the various Vernacular languages is to be sober and discreet." (Liturgiam Authenticam, #20)
By now, I am sure that you have heard that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has approved the new translation of the Roman Missal. That is the official book of prayers and responses for the celebration of Mass in the English language. The Bishops voted overwhelmingly, 173-29, to approve the changes. The new Sacramentary will now go to Rome for final approval and modifications.
Since the Bishops' approval of the new translation on June 15th, various new agencies have been putting a spin on this story. Some have quoted one Bishop as saying that this will be a very difficult transition since we have been using the current translation almost 30 years. However, this is a very minor update to the prayers we use for the celebration of Holy Mass. Just think back to the years after Vatican II. We changed from Latin to vernacular and the Roman Missal, which was used for some 1500 years, was changed from the ground up. That was a major change!
Indeed, any change is difficult, but as good Roman Catholic Christians, I am sure we will all be more than willing to accept and conform to any change called for by the Holy Father. When the new ritual is approved, we will have time to explain the changes and prepare to celebrate the Mass with the new translation. Until that time, let us open our hearts to the workings of the Holy Spirit in the Church.
God love you,
Fr. Finelli
Father Finelli has many other great Pastor's Corner articles here. Thank you again, Father, for letting me share this with our readers at Christus Vincit.
+In Christ,
Friday, June 23, 2006
It's nine o'clock on a Sunday,
Regular crowd shuffles in,
there's an old man, sitting in the pew
looking at the hymn number board.
He says, "son, can you play me a Haugen tune?
I'm not really sure how it goes.
But its sad and its sweet and I knew it complete,
before we sang all of this chant."
La la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da
Play us a tune you're the organist!
Play us a tune this morn'.
We're all in the mood for some hymnody,
and you've got us singin' alright.
Father John at the front is a friend of mine,
he signs all the cheques for me.
and he's quick with a joke, but the incense doesn't smoke,
so there's someplace that he'd rather be.
He says "Matt, I believe this is silly,"
as the smile ran away from his face."
Well I know I could do solemn liturgy,
If I could get out of this place."
Oh, la la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da
Now Youth Minister Jill is a liberal,
who doesn't know much about the faith.
And she's talking with the Pastoral Associate,
who wants me to play more of Haas.
And the ushers are counting the cash-flow,
as the EMs quickly charge forth,
they're going to pretend to be little-priests,
As I start my Cesar Franck song.
Play us a tune you're the organist!
Play us a tune this morn'.
We're all in the mood for some hymnody,
and you've got us singin' alright.
It's a pretty good crowd for the early Mass,
and the Pastor gives me a smile.
'Cause he knows it's the Lord they've been comin' to see,
and not singin' 'bout themselves anymore.
And the organ sounds like a pipe organ,
Even though Rodgers is it's name.
And they sit in the pews and put cash in the basket,
and say, "And with your spirit" here.
Oh, la la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da
Play us a tune you're the organist!
Play us a tune this morn'.
We're all in the mood for some hymnody,
and you've got us singin' alright.
All your best hymnals have companions (Hymnal 1982, Hymnal 1940, and even Worship III). Now the CHRISTUS VINCIT BLOG has one! The Alpha Index is up right now, but soon there will be indices by category, and author, and a few other cute little things. It'll be like a library catalog created by BALCO! You can go back to the very beginning of our little blog and catch EVERY post. Won't take long to find your favorites.
Never surf alone! ;)
Prayers for Ordinations
who will be ordained to the priesthood of Jesus Christ in a Solemn Mass this evening at 7 pm. The Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades is the Principal Celebrant and Ordaining Prelate. Both of these young men are also fine organists, and bring a thrust for orthodoxy to their ministries. It brings me hope (as does my ministry bring them hope) for the future of music and liturgy in the Catholic Church.
Prelude: Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist -- Dieterich Buxtehude
Entrance: Iubilate Deo -- Jean Lecot/arr. Joshua Brommer
Act of Penitence Form B
Kyrie Orbis Factor
Gloria: Community Mass
Isaiah 12: Owen Alstott
Salisbury Alleluia
Litany of the Saints: chant
Investiture and Kiss of Peace: chant
Offertory: Love is His Word / JULINORMA
Sanctus, etc: Community Mass
Communion Chant: "One of the soldiers..." -- By Flowing Waters
Recessional: To Christ the Prince of Peace / SWABIA
Postlude: Final Variation from "Choral Varie sur le Veni Creator" -- Maurice Durufle
Score Another One for ORTHODOXY!
Read on...
Thursday, June 22, 2006

Congrats to Archbishop John C. Favalora, Archbishop of Miami and the Miami Heat, NBA Champions for the 2005-2006 season. The Heat beat Bishop Grahmann's Dallas Mavericks 4 games to 2, winning four straight after dropping the first two. Here are the scores:
Dallas 90, Miami 80
Dallas 99, Miami 85
Miami 98, Dallas 96
Miami 98, Dallas 74
Miami 101, Dallas 100, OT
Miami 95, Dallas 92
Christus Vincit Music -
Holy Ghost Music Ministry -
Christus Vincit Podcasting -
Christus Vincit Home Companion -
A front page is now up for the Home Companion. The Home Companion is a cool indexing feature that I'm working on for all 550-plus posts on this here blog, so you can find your favorite posts and get p***ed off at me, laugh, cry, re-inform yourself of certain items of note, etc. It's a cute little feature that will either hit or miss. I don't care, but it's there. You might like it when it's done!
Everything above in this post supercedes this paragraph below from yesterday:
We are now up at on a new server. I have two pages to go and it's complete. I've added this cool play button on the new look podcast pages. I'm skipping the subdomain bit. So simply access the master page and you can access from that index Christus Vincit Music, Holy Ghost Music Ministry, Christus Vincit Podcasting, and there's even a link to this here blog. I'm also adding a new companion page. Explanations later! That will be up in about a week or so if I have my way.
More as this develops. In the meantime, check it out. Kick the tires. Rev the motor a bit. Put down a few holeshots. Enjoy yourself.
Oh, here's that play button I was talking about. Go ahead. Press it!


This is, of course, the typical double standard that "Mean Tod Brown" likes to employ. But don't take my word. Read for yourself!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Another Trip into Hymns
Find below the original text of The Church's One Foundation. There are some marked alterations from what we are normally familiar with. Just food for thought...
The Church’s one foundation
Is Jesus Christ her Lord,
She is His new creation
By water and the Word.
From heaven He came and sought her
To be His holy bride;
With His own blood He bought her
And for her life He died.
She is from every nation,
Yet one o’er all the earth;
Her charter of salvation,
One Lord, one faith, one birth;
One holy Name she blesses,
Partakes one holy food,
And to one hope she presses,
With every grace endued.
The Church shall never perish!
Her dear Lord to defend,
To guide, sustain, and cherish,
Is with her to the end:
Though there be those who hate her,
And false sons in her pale,
Against or foe or traitor
She ever shall prevail.
Though with a scornful wonder
Men see her sore oppressed,
By schisms rent asunder,
By heresies distressed:
Yet saints their watch are keeping,
Their cry goes up, “How long?”
And soon the night of weeping
Shall be the morn of song!
’Mid toil and tribulation,
And tumult of her war,
She waits the consummation
Of peace forevermore;
Till, with the vision glorious,
Her longing eyes are blest,
And the great Church victorious
Shall be the Church at rest.
Yet she on earth hath union
With God the Three in One,
And mystic sweet communion
With those whose rest is won,
With all her sons and daughters
Who, by the Master’s hand
Led through the deathly waters,
Repose in Eden land.
O happy ones and holy!
Lord, give us grace that we
Like them, the meek and lowly,
On high may dwell with Thee:
There, past the border mountains,
Where in sweet vales the Bride
With Thee by living fountains
Forever shall abide!
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Wherever you go, I shall go
This song, on occasion, gets requested - often for funerals, sometimes even for weddings. But I ask this question - What if you're going to hell? Do I go too? ;)
Funeral recessional,
Not How Great Thou Art
Alternate version:
In Paradisum,
Funeral recessional,
Not On Eagle's Wings
"To me, ‘precious chalice’ says something gold with diamonds all around it," Bishop Trautman said. "Jesus used a drinking cup at the last supper, not a precious chalice."
Now to me, the precious chalice is named such because it is the Precious Blood of our Lord that makes it precious.
After his election to the chair of the BCL, Bishop Trautman argued in various fora against the norms in LA and suggested resisting them.
Something he would have gotten away with back in the '60's and '70's. But not anymore - thank God!
Archbishop Chaput knows where it's at!
Archbishop Charles Chaput of Denver said he agrees that Vatican II trumps any document that derives from it. “But I would also say the Holy See has a much clearer perspective on how to interpret Vatican II than any individual bishop or any bishops’ conference,” he said in an interview. “We shouldn’t confuse our own reading of the council with its accurate interpretation. That work belongs to the Holy See.”
Can you say that the Fish Person might just be trying to conveniently misinterpet these documents to his individual liking? Oui oui, mon frere!
Check out the Fr. Zuhlsdorf take. He knows where it's at too!
Congratulations to the Carolina Hurricanes, a hockey team in the Diocese of Raleigh, winners of the Stanley Cup for 2006. Why two bishops in the picture? Oh, that's because Bishop Gossman will be retiring, and Bishop Burbidge will be taking the reins as of August 4, 2006. Now, boys, play nicely and share your Stanley Cup while you still can. ;)
Oh, the Hurricanes defeated the Archbishop Collins (Edmonton) Oilers 4 games to 3. Here are the scores:
1. Carolina 5, Edmonton 4
2. Carolina 5, Edmonton 0
3. Edmonton 2, Carolina 1
4. Carolina 2, Edmonton 1
5. Edmonton 4, Carolina 3
6. Edmonton 4, Carolina 0
7. Carolina 3, Edmonton 1

Monday, June 19, 2006
Same thing goes for the terms ad Orientem and versus populum. Of course, ad Orientem (to the East) on one front means facing the Lord with everybody else, while the other front tries to downplay it by saying "the priest has his back to the people". A similar situation with versus populum (facing the people). One front will take it as a positive: the priest's dialog face-to-face with the people, while the other front will say "the altar has become a stage". In the case of the latter, I've known many a priest over my quarter-century as an organist who have done just that - turn the altar into a stage.
Read on. It's an excellent read. Also, check out Diane's Te Deum Laudamus blog. You can usually find a good share of photos of Mass at Assumption Grotto in Detroit - Novus Ordo Missa done ad Orientem, with class!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
SUNDAY XII - JUNE 25, 2006 / 4:30 (Sat); 7:30, 9, 10:30 (Sun)
Introit: Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (565/Lauda Anima)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Psalm: Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting (Tone 8G)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse sung to tone 6F)
Offertory: I heard the voice of Jesus say (470/Kingsfold)
- Sanctus/Anamnesis/Amen/Agnus from Jubilate Deo
- Lord's Prayer: chanted, English
Communion: Our blessing cup (Page)
Recessional: I sing the mighty pow'r of God (438/Ellacombe)
Here's something cool - during our Corpus Christi Procession this morning, one of the neighbors standing by with her dog waiting for us to cross stood and joined in singing with us. I find it way cool that the bystanding neighbors have great respect for the Blessed Sacrament like that.
CORPUS CHRISTI at Fatima, Lafayette

Ordinary: Missa VIII
Prelude: Meditation sur "ubi caritas" et "Iesu Dulcis", Jean Langlais
Procession: Let All Mortal Flesh
Entree sur "asperges me", Jean Langlais
Gradual: Psalm du jour (Basilica Psalter)
Sequence: Ecce panis angelorum
Alleluia versicle: caro mea
Offertory: O Lord with Wondrous Mystery
Schmuecke Dich, J.S. Bach (Leipzig)
Communion: Ave Verum, Marcel Dupre
Shepherd of Souls (St. Agnes)
Recessional: Acclamations Carolingiennes, "Christus Vincit", Jean Langlais
You can probably guess how I voted. But here's the score at the time I am typing this post:
Of 433 votes, 90.1% say YEA, 5.8% are undecided, and 4.2% say NAY.
Second, for you podcast listeners out there, don't forget to make that trip to Podcast Alley if you haven't this month and cast your vote for CHRISTUS VINCIT over there. You can cast it via Podcast Alley or on the sidebar of the podcast site there's a direct link. You will have to confirm an e-mail addy, but rest assured its sole purpose is so that no vote gets cast more than once in a given month. So, please? Pretty please?
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006

Well, folks, here's some real BISHOPS IN SPORTS for ya! In the game of Vote to approve the new Mass translation, the "yeas" smoked the "nays" by a score of 173-29. I'm still dying to see the whole thing. I'm sure it's not perfect. It will never be perfect, but it has to be better than what we have now, I'm sure. I wouldn't mind seeing it anyways, because I've been dying to re-write the four Mass settings I had written from 1991-2000 and lost in the notorious Pawtucket Mill Fire of 2003, which destroyed many neighboring homes.
Why did I blow off re-writing since getting organized again in January 2004? Because I had heard that a new translation of Holy Mass was in the works, and I didn't want to go through the efforts again only to find out soon that it's now obsolete. My four settings were:
1. Mass in Honor of the Precious Blood (Originally written as "Mass for a New Congregation"; Agnus Dei in 1984; Alleluia, Lenten Gospel Acclamation, Christ Has Died, Amen in 1987; rest in 1991)
2. Providence Mass (1996-1997)
3. Acclamations for Advent (Adapted from CREATOR ALME SIDERUM, Mode IV; No Gloria; Alleluia and Dying You Destroyed Our Death in 1991; Sanctus, Amen, and Agnus Dei in 1997; Penitential Rite and Lord's Prayer in 1999)
4. Missa Christus Vincit (Adapted from a setting of CHRISTUS VINCIT that I wrote in 1999; the Mass was written in 2000)
We await one last thing now: approval from the Vatican! Some say it may take years. Others say that the Vatican will make a push. We'll soon see. Watch and pray.
In the meantime, check out this nasty Associated Press take on it. OUCH! But par for the course in secular media. Hat tip to Gerald.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
For those who have been going to for the podcast, you may still access it at at any time.
Things will be back to normal soon. Please bear with me. Until then, we can still blog here at least.

This is a church??? What do they have? Extraordinary waiters of Holy Communion bringing Jesus from his table to yours???
Pathetic. Typical Vosko, but Pathetic.
PS: Please do not leave monetary tip.
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Here is a concept from the early 1800's - the Beer Bottle Organ! This way-cool organ has a flute-like or maybe a bourdon- or stopped diapason-like sound to it.
Go to this site and you'll find a link you can click and it will play Eleanor Rigby for you.
Even better, go to this page and you'll find a slew of way-cool oddball instruments, just waiting to be played at a progressive parish near you.

Two teams…
One Island…
Ten days of dubious liturgy…
But there can be only one survivor of Liturgy Island!
Watch the opening episode, in color on the OX FILES Network!

Christus Vincit team,
Brian, Nick, and Jason, three
wild and snarky guys!
I feel SO honored! (LOL)
The rest of my contributions got this button:

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Meet Duncan G. Stroik. He builds good looking Catholic churches. They look Catholic. They look sacred. I'm awestruck! Check these out!

Now, let's look the other way...

Check out the rest of the Duncan Stroik portfolio. You'll love it! Forget Vosko. Stroik knows where it's at when it comes to building real churches and not just "worship spaces".
The Space Mountain Church, Part II

Argent tells us that this design on the top was passed up in favor of what's below.

Gerald reports that this is Bishop Vigneron's doing, and that this Cathedral is inspired by the Liverpool Cathedral (what Brian has below as the Space Mountain Church.)
Pax Domini,
This translation, far better than what we have today, not 100% perfect, but still a big improvement, has already cleared England and Australia. However, a certain fish-person who heads the BCL will do his darnedest to hold things up. He and other dissenting bishops already tried to pull a fast one on Rome by saying that Oh, the people have been used to what we have now for nearly four decades, with absolutely no regard for the many centuries that they had already thrown away. However, Francis Cardinal Arinze, prefect for the Congregation of Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments knew better and responded No go! I want a translation that conforms to the confines of Liturgiam Authenticam. Plain and simple.
Trautman and pals best watch out. Why? Let me remind you of this clause in Liturgiam Authenticam:
104. For the good of the faithful, the Holy See reserves to itself the right to prepare translations in any language, and to approve them for liturgical use.
So what that means is that if these guys can't come to grips and get a proper translation, Rome can (and will if need be) come up with one.
I'm sure there will be quite a bit of news like this throughout much of the Catholic blogosphere.
UPDATE 6/13/06 1:30 PM: According to a report by the Tablet, Scotland's episcopal conference just voted to approve the new ICEL translation of the Mass. More pressure on the USCCB? Hopefully! (hat tip to Rocco)

(Hat tip to Gerald)
Real answer: the Catholic Cathedral in Liverpool, England, birthplace of the Beatles (and I am a big fan of the Beatles, don't get me wrong).
Gerald and some others via comments on his post say spaceship. I was thinking some big time factory or nuclear power plant (or for the phonetically challenged: nucular power plant). The first time I saw this picture I looked really quick at confused those banners-on-poles with smokestacks. The top of this cathedral reminds me of a grease factory (cooking grease, etc.) not far from me. So, generically, one could say "industrial cathedral", perhaps?
What say ye?
Very shortly, I'll be listening to Fr. Seraphim Beshoner's Catholic: Under the Hood podcast episode #49, called Lessons from the Shamrock. He'll be exploring the hopefully-forthcoming changes in the Liturgy as we know it here in these USA States. Fr. Beshoner, btw, is a Third Order Franciscan.
Both podcasts get two thumbs up. And if I could raise my big toes, I'd raise them too. ;)
Monday, June 12, 2006
Here's the lyric:
Cast your vote for our podcast,
Christus Vincit, by name.
Some may insist that this show's on crack,
But, poor Shamus is totally wacked!
So please get thee to Podcast Alley,
If we don't win, that's ok.
For it's one procedure a month!
Vote for us today!
And the last ending:
For it's one, two, three steps, you're done!
Vote for us today!
PS: I particularly like the "bargain counter lines" description, typical of Lucy Carroll's style. Not a bad thing, mind you. ;)
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Saturday 4:30 / Sunday 7:30, 9, 10:30
Procession concludes 10:30 Mass
Introit: You satisfy the hungry heart (Music Issue, #337/Bicentennial)
Penitential Rite: parrot the celebrant
Gloria: Mass of the Bells (Peloquin)
Psalm: I will take the cup of salvation, and call on the name of the Lord (Page)
Alleluia: Mode VI (verse sung to tone 6F)
- (except 10:30) Panis Angelicus (Music Issue, #354, in Latin/Sacris Solemniis)
- (10:30 only) Panis Angelicus (Franck)
Eucharist: Peoples/Danish combo (People's Sanctus/Agnus; Danish Anamnesis/Amen)
Lord's Prayer: chant, English
- (except 10:30) Eat this Bread (Music Issue, #346/Batastini/Berthier)
- (10:30 only) Ave Verum Corpus (Mozart)
Recessional Hymn (except 10:30): Songs of thankfulness and praise (Missalette, #23/Salzburg)
Corpus Christi Procession (10:30 Mass):
- Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All (Sweet Sacrament)
- O Sacrament Most Holy (Non Dignus)
- O Salutaris Hostia (Werner)
- Tantum Ergo Sacramentum (Mode III)
- Holy God, we praise thy name (Missalette, #34/Grosser Gott)
Choir will go on vaca until September following this Mass. Thanks all for a great year!
Terrible Truth Exposed
Representative Ted Harvey, Colorado State Legislature, sickened by the fact that one of the last resolutions in the legistature's session, carried by the House Majority Leader Alice Madden, would be honoring the 90th anniversary of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains. Representative Harvey was disgusted:
As a strong pro-life legislator I was disgusted by the idea that we would pass a resolution honoring this 90 year legacy of genocide. I drove home that night wondering what I could say that might pierce the darkness during the debate on this heinous resolution.
What he found was Gianna Jessen, an abortion survivor:
She then began to give her testimony. When her biological mother was 17 years old and 7 ½ months pregnant she went to a Planned Parenthood clinic to have an abortion. As God would have it, the abortion failed and a beautiful two-pound baby girl was brought into the world. Unfortunately, she was born with cerebral palsy and the doctors thought that she would never survive. The doctors were wrong. Imagine the timing! A survivor of a Planned Parenthood abortion arrived in town just days before the Colorado House of Representatives was to celebrate Planned Parenthood's "wonderful" work.
He arranged for Gianna to talk at the Legistature, not letting anyone know she was there to talk about her "experience" with Planned Parenthood, but rather on her work as a Cerebral Palsy activist. Then, he sprung the trap during his speach on the floor.
This is a great article and a great moment in the fight against the anti-life movement. Go read it....
Saturday, June 10, 2006
On a liturgical note, Father did let me in on something:
The German Mass, he said, was beautiful, as was the Croatian Mass. The English Mass, on the other hand, musically at least, was horrible, as I'm told. What is it with the English Mass where it seems to get the short end of the stick worldwide???

Thanks to Deacon Jeffrey BeBeau, a commentor on this post from The New Liturgical Movement, we see this beautiful new church under construction.
This is Saint Paul Church in Pensacola, Florida. Quite nice! Let's take a look inside, shall we?

Click on the picture above and get a really cool look at the starred ceiling. It's reminiscent of the church that is pictured below:

This church, btw, I think, is drop-dead gorgeous!
Apparently some activist judges are interpreting this so-called "customary international law" to fit their agenda against homeschooling. Figures. Why, because a public school brainwashes better to their liking? Puh-leese!
I have homeschooling parents in the choir - they're great parents who have brought up great kids. Is that what society is afraid of? Making good kids? Making good Catholics out of kids?
Under Article 14, children are guaranteed "freedom of thought, conscience and religion," which suggests they have a legal right to object to all religious training. Further, under Article 15, the child has a right to "freedom of association."
"If this measure were to be taken seriously, parents could be prevented from forbidding their child to associate with people deemed to be objectionable companions," the HSLDA report explained.
So, if my kid has a friend who's a known bad influence, I have no right as a parent to keep this bad influence away??? BULL $&!^!
Farris argues, according to LifeSiteNews, that "by the same reasoning, parents would be denied the ability to homeschool their children unless the government first talked with their children and the government decided what was best. This committee would even have the right to determine what religious teaching, if any, served the child's best interest."
WHAT??? Since when does the government decide what religious teaching a child is to get? Why do think our forefathers came to this country? So we could choose our religion for ourselves and for our children. This is known as freedom OF religion. That was one of THE basic principles in our country. What these activist judges and other similar types that creep me out are trying to push is freedom FROM religion. That's two different things. What next? Abolish Catholic schools, too?
As for the homeschooling parents I work with as choir members, and their children, and all Catholic homeschooling families, keep up your great work! I'll be praying for you.
Friday, June 9, 2006
Ite, Missa EstWait, that's only two-thirds Latin. Let's try this again.
(That's the "hymn of sending forth")
Deo gratias! (OOPS! Thank you Chris!)
What are the hymns we sing? Not necessarily in order now...
et Cantus Introitus,
et Communio.
Inspired by this Sunday's Introit Verse (not the antiphon):
in universa terra
nomen tuum est!
(Admirable in all the earth is your name!)
Best I can do for now!
Now, anyone dare me to hop on a crane, while not used to bi-focals yet? Don't answer that! (LMAO)
Corpus Christi at the Cathedral
Prelude: Le Banquet Celeste -- Olivier Messiaen
Entrance: Alleluia! Sing to Jesus / HYFRYDOL
Gloria: Melodic Gloria (Peter Jones at 9:30)
Psalm 116: Michel Guimont
Salisbury Alleluia
Offertory: Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All / SWEET SACRAMENT
Anthem (9:30): Thee We Adore -- T. Frederick H. Candlyn
Sanctus, etc: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Take and Eat
Anthem (9:30): Ave Verum Corpus -- W. A. Mozart
Recessional: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name / GROSSER GOTT
Postlude: tba
All things bright and...hairy???
"Strangers with Candy" Clip
Thursday, June 8, 2006

Just a few months ago, Holy Ghost Church, where I am music director, started a new group dedicated to the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - The Saint Tarcisius Adoration Society. I had never heard of Saint Tarcisius. The illustration in the poster (pictured left) for the Adoration Society led me to believe he was a kid.
Tarcisius was a boy of third-century Rome. His virtue and devotion were so strong that the clergy trusted him to bring the Blessed Sacrament to the sick. Once, while carrying a pyx, he was recognized and set upon by a pagan mob. They flung themselves upon him, trying to pry the pyx from his hands. They wanted more than anything to profane the Sacrament. Tarcisius’ biographer, the fourth-century Pope Damasus, compared them to a pack of rabid dogs. Tarcisius “preferred to give up his life rather than yield up the Body of Christ.”
Even at such an early age, Tarcisius was aware of the stakes. Jesus had died for love of Tarcisius. Tarcisius did not hesitate to die for love of Jesus.
A young man very devoted to Christ!
Passage in italics from Youth When the Church Was Young, from The Way of the Fathers. Photo courtesy of Holy Ghost Church.
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
"Trapped in Brooklyn", via comment to Ironic Catholic wrote this one that I thought was funny:
Haugen Joncas Haas
When I think of their music
I always pass gas
Here are three of my own:
1. Trautman can't endure
an "authentic liturgy",
Mahony neither.
2. LA Cathedral:
In my eyes it passes for
Subsidized housing.
3. Hootenanny Mass:
I will walk out of this church
if I see guitars.
Those are my submissions to the Ironic Catholic, via comment. ;)
Someone who really can write a killer haiku is Jack Bennett at Idle Mendacity. Check his blog out!
Here we have the so-called "sending forth song" or sometimes simply called the "sending hymn". Many confuse this for the recessional hymn, which is not part of the Mass but many of us sing it anyways. I can't say there is no such thing as a "sending rite". There is. It's actually called the "Dismissal rite". But here are the choices given for the REAL sending forth song (Celebrant's part in regular print, people's part in bold):

So, there you have it, folks. These ARE the OFFICIAL "sending forth" songs. This is the OFFICIAL end of Holy Mass. Don't let the "music issues" dope slap you on the way out the door (ha ha ha).

To me, this building is very reminscent of those cartoon scenes where a solid building would blow up, then the pieces of it would fall from the sky and form a structure, just like this one. Is it really sturdy? I'd be afraid to go in. However, it has stood up for over 30 years.
This could also be something from the Monty Python and the Holy Grail days. Nee! Nee!
Trinity Sunday at the Cathedral
Entrance: Holy, Holy, Holy / NICAEA
Kyrie: chant
Gloria: Melodic Gloria (Peter Jones at 9:30)
Psalm 33: Gelineau
Salisbury Alleluia
Offertory: Come, Now, Almighty King / ITALIAN HYMN
Anthem: Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence -- Holst
Sanctus, etc.: Community Mass
Agnus Dei: Proulx in F
Communion: Lord, You Give the Great Commission / HYFRYDOL
Recessional: O God, Almighty Father / GOTT VATER, SEI GEPRIESEN
Postlude: Menuet-gothique (SUITE GOTHIQUE) -- Boellmann
1. The number of doctors in the U.S. is 700,000.
2. Accidental deaths caused by physicians per year number 120,000.
3. Accidental deaths per physician is 17.14%.
(Statistics courtesy of the U.S. Dept. of Health &
Human Services)
1. The number of gun owners in the US is 80,000,000(yes that's 80 million).
2. The number of accidental gun deaths per year, all age groups, is 1,500.
3. The number of accidental deaths per gun owner is 0.001875%.
(Statistics courtesy of the FBI)
So statistically, doctors are approximately 9,000 times more dangerous than gun owners.
Remember, guns don't kill people, doctors do.
Please alert your friends to this alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand!!! Out of concern for the public at large, I have withheld statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention!
Rocco writes:
Arguably, it is the most important vote the US bishops have ever taken as a conference. And in light of that, you may be asking "Where are we at?" Or, more accurately, "Where are they at?"
Well, if they can't get far enough, there's always the "Imposition Right" (not "rite" in this case). For paragraph 104 of Liturgiam Authenticam, the document given by the Vatican as THE guideline to use for translating the Mass, says:
"For the good of the faithful, the Holy See reserves to itself the right to prepare translations in any language, and to approve them for liturgical use."
So Rome is saying "if you can't, we will!" That means Bishop Trautman and his ilk is being endured by Rome no longer. The USCCB already got their lovely letter from the Good Cardinal (Arinze, that is, oh, and Gerald at the Closed Cafeteria has it custom framed just for you).
The US Bishops will try to adapt Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again, as one of its Memorial Acclamations. The Latin options do not include Christ has died... Its first choice is roughly Dying you destroyed our death, rising you restored our life; Lord Jesus, come in glory.
Anyhoo, here's some of it, as provided by Rocco:
The Confiteor:
Priest: Brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins,
that we may be ready to celebrate the sacred mysteries.
All: I confess to almighty God,
and to you my brothers and sisters,
that I have sinned greatly
in my thoughts and in my words,
in what I have done and what I have failed to do,
(striking their breast, they say)
through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault.
(Then they continue)
Therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-virgin,
all the Angels and Saints,
and you, my brothers and sisters,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.
Priest: May almighty God have mercy on us
and lead us, with our sins forgiven,
into eternal life.
The Gloria:
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will.
We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, heavenly King,
O God almighty Father.
Lord, Jesus Christ, Only-begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
The Nicene Creed:
I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only-begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
(At the following words, up to and including and became man, all bow.)
and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
Crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead.
His kingdom will have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
And one holy, catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins.
I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come. Amen.
A snip from the Roman Canon, in the original:
Look with favor on these offerings
and accept them as once you accepted the gifts of your servant Abel,
the sacrifice of Abraham, our father in faith,
and the bread and wine offered by your priest Melchizedek.
The revised text says:
Be pleased to look upon them with a serene and kindly gaze
and to accept them, as you were pleased to accept the gifts of your just servant Abel,
the sacrifice of Abraham, our father in faith,
and the offering of your high priest Melchizedek,
a holy sacrifice, a spotless victim.
And, of course:
Celebrant: Behold the Lamb of God,
behold him who takes away the sins of the world.
Blessed are they who have been called to the banquet of the Lamb.
ALL: Lord, I am not worthy that you should come under my roof,
but only say the word, and my soul shall be healed.
Mark your calendars - June 15-17, 2006! The days of voting are coming soon!